33 research outputs found

    Toward accurate radial velocities with the fiber-fed GIRAFFE multi-object VLT spectrograph.

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    International audienceWe describe briefly the Data-Reduction of the VLT fiber-fed multi-object GIRAFFE spectrograph - part of the VLT FLAMES facility. We focus on specific features of GIRAFFE - the simultaneous wavelength calibration - and their impact on the data-reduction strategy. We describe the implementation of the global physical model and we compare the results obtained with the simulated, laboratory and preliminary data. We discuss the influence of critical parameters, the overall accuracy of the wavelength solution, and the stability and the robustness of the global model approach. We address the accuracy of radial velocity measurements illustrated by solar spectra obtained during the Preliminary Acceptance in Europe

    Installation and commissioning of FLAMES, the VLT Multifibre Facility

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    International audienceFLAMES (Fibre Large Array Multi Element Spectrograph) is the VLT Fibre Facility, installed and commissioned at the Nasmyth A focus of UT2 (Kueyen Telescope). FLAMES was built and assembled in about four years through an international collaboration between ten institutes in six countries and three continents. It had first light with the fibre link to the red arm of UVES on April 1, and with the GIRAFFE spectrograph on July 3. We report here on the complex process of integration and commissioning, and we compare the expected and observed astronomical requirements

    The ESPRI project: astrometric exoplanet search with PRIMA

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    PRIMA, the instrument for Phase-Referenced Imaging and Micro-arcsecond Astrometry at the VLTI, is currently being developed at ESO. PRIMA will implement the dual-feed capability, at first for two UTs or ATs, to enable simultaneous interferometric observations of two objects that are separated by up to 1 arcmin. PRIMA is designed to perform narrow-angle astrometry in K-band with two ATs as well as phase-referenced aperture synthesis imaging with instruments like Amber and Midi. In order to speed up the full implementation of the 10 microarcsec astrometric capability of the VLTI and to carry out a large astrometric planet search program, a consortium lead by the Observatoire de Genève, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, and Landessternwarte Heidelberg, has built Differential Delay Lines for PRIMA and is developing the astrometric observation preparation and data reduction software. When the facility becomes fully operational in 2009, we will use PRIMA to carry out a systematic astrometric Exoplanet Search program, called ESPRI. In this paper, we describe the narrow-angle astrometry measurement principle, give an overview of the ongoing hardand software developments, and outline our anticipated astrometric exoplanet search program