47 research outputs found

    Neurotuberculosis and HIV Infection

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    Intestinal Microbiota as a Host Defense Mechanism to Infectious Threats

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    The intestinal microbiota is a complex microbial community, with diverse and stable populations hosted by the gastrointestinal tract since birth. This ecosystem holds multiple anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, and immune modulating roles decisive for intestinal homeostasis. Among these, colonization resistance refers to the dynamic antagonistic interactions between commensals and pathogenic flora. Hence, gut bacteria compete for the same intestinal niches and substrates, while also releasing antimicrobial substances such as bacteriocines and changing the environmental conditions. Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) generated in anaerobic conditions prompt epigenetic regulatory mechanisms that favor a tolerogenic immune response. In addition, the commensal flora is involved in the synthesis of bactericidal products, namely secondary biliary acids or antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) such as cathellicidin-LL37, an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, and wound healing peptide. Gut microbiota is protected through symbiotic relations with the hosting organism and by quorum sensing, a specific cell-to-cell communication system. Any alterations of these relationships favor the uncontrollable multiplication of the resident pathobionts or external entero-pathogens, prompting systemic translocations, inflammatory reactions, or exacerbations of bacterial virulence mechanisms (T6SS, T3SS) and ultimately lead to gastrointestinal or systemic infections. The article describes the metabolic and immunological mechanisms through which the intestinal microbiota is both an ally of the organism against enteric pathogens and an enemy that favors the development of infections


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    During their high performance sports career, athletes commit themselves to fulfil several roles, being at the same time students, family members or employees, being challenged to meet the requirements of a dual career: an active, sportive and educational/professional one. The timespan of a “dual career” for a sportive is a complex one and requires effort and sacrifices, as well as support from the family, school and sporting environment that should help in the achievement of a balanced development. The present endeavour is a case study which wishes to present a global image of the educational, professional formation route, developed in parallel with the high performance sports activity, all framed within the concept of “dual career”. It is a qualitative research in which the interview method has been used, the analysed case being considered a model of success in high performance sports. The conclusions of this study emphasize the complexity of the phenomenon, as well as the need to responsibly manage the two careers, involving both the sportive and educational/professional formation. “Dual Career”: studiu de caz în sportul de elită. De-a lungul carierei sportive de performanță, sportivii își asumă angajamentul de a îndeplini mai multe roluri, putând fi în același timp elevi/studenți, membri de familie sau angajați, fiind provocați să gestioneze cerințele unei duble cariere: sportivă și educațională/profesională. Perioada “dublei cariere” pentru un sportiv este una complexă care necesită efort și sacrificii, dar și suport al mediului familial, școlar sau sportiv care trebuie să susțină o dezvoltare echilibrată. Prezentul demers este un studiu de caz ce își propune să prezinte o imagine de ansamblu al traseului educațional, de formare profesională, dezvoltat în paralel cu activitatea sportivă de performanță, încadrat sub conceptul de ”dublă carieră”. Este o cercetare calitativă în care s-a folosit metoda interviului, cazul analizat fiind considerat un model de reușită în sportul de înaltă performanță. Concluziile acestui studiu scot în evidență complexitatea fenomenului, dar și nevoia de gestionare cu responsabilitate a celor două cariere – sportivă și educațională/formare profesională.  Cuvinte-cheie: dublă carieră, sport de performanță, sportiv de elită, educație, formare profesional

    Feedback regarding students initial pharmaceutical internship from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca

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    Introduction/Aims: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the perception of the organization, the development and the evaluation of the initial stage in the internship of students, in order to improve these activities and to establish the adequate objectives in accordance with the changes concerning the concept of modern pharmacy. Materials and methods: An online survey was made using Google Docs ® -Create Form extension. All results were accumulated and computed using Microsoft Excel ®. The questionnaire consisted of 11 questions, structured on several levels: the objectives and how they can be achieved, internship organization, the internship training (effective participation in specific activities and integration in the pharmaceutical activity), the assessment, the profile of tutor / pharmacy. The questionnaire was completed by students from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Haţieganu" Cluj Napoca, Romania. Results and discussions. The study was conducted on 308 students (60% of all students from the study years II-IV. 90% of the respondents had actually participated in the internship, whilst 10% only formally participated in this activity. The main responsibilities of the students were: storage and reception of pharmaceutical products (94%, respectively 79%) and working with the receipts (57%). Most of the students appreciate that they were integrated into the work in the pharmacy, this being due largely pharmacist tutor, who expressed interest and ability in mentoring activities. They appreciated that the role of tutor requires 3-5 years of professional experience. In terms of the internship objectives, these should aim at applying the knowledge gained until the graduation year, but also familiarization with activities which might turn into applications for the coming years. 43% of students believe that only 25% of the theoretical knowledge was useful during the internship. 90 % of the total questioned considered useful to develop a practice guideline adapted to the year of study. Conclusions. The professional training of the future pharmacist’s students depends largely on experience gained by students during the internship activity. Feed-back from the students’ shows that they are aware of the usefulness of the internship, but believe the objectives must be updated and a better correlation between work in pharmacy and theoretical knowledge has to be made. A first step is to develop a practical guide adapted to each year of study. The involvement of the tutor pharmacist is also essential to the success of this activityIntroduction/Aims: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the perception of the organization, the development and the evaluation of the initial stage in the internship of students, in order to improve these activities and to establish the adequate objectives in accordance with the changes concerning the concept of modern pharmacy. Materials and methods: An online survey was made using Google Docs ® - Create Form extension. All results were accumulated and computed using Microsoft Excel ®. The questionnaire consisted of 11 questions, structured on several levels: the objectives and how they can be achieved, internship organization, the internship training (effective participation in specific activities and integration in the pharmaceutical activity), the assessment, the profile of tutor / pharmacy. The questionnaire was completed by students from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Haţieganu" Cluj Napoca, Romania. Results and discussions. The study was conducted on 308 students (60% of all students from the study years II - IV. 90% of the respondents had actually participated in the internship, whilst 10% only formally participated in this activity. The main responsibilities of the students were: storage and reception of pharmaceutical products (94%, respectively 79%) and working with the receipts (57%). Most of the students appreciate that they were integrated into the work in the pharmacy, this being due largely pharmacist tutor, who expressed interest and ability in mentoring activities. They appreciated that the role of tutor requires 3-5 years of professional experience. In terms of the internship objectives, these should aim at applying the knowledge gained until the graduation year, but also familiarization with activities which might turn into applications for the coming years. 43% of students believe that only 25% of the theoretical knowledge was useful during the internship. 90 % of the total questioned considered useful to develop a practice guideline adapted to the year of study. Conclusions. The professional training of the future pharmacist’s students depends largely on experience gained by students during the internship activity. Feed-back from the students’ shows that they are aware of the usefulness of the internship, but believe the objectives must be updated and a better correlation between work in pharmacy and theoretical knowledge has to be made. A first step is to develop a practical guide adapted to each year of study. The involvement of the tutor pharmacist is also essential to the success of this activity

    The value of fine needle aspiration cytology in the clinical management of rare salivary gland tumors

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    Salivary gland tumors are relatively rare neoplasms, mostly located in the parotid gland, and few are malignant. Preoperative evaluation of salivary gland tumors includes fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). Objective The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of FNAC in the evaluation of rare salivary gland neoplasms. Material and Methods Four cases of rare salivary gland tumors were included, which were preoperatively assessed by clinical investigation, computed tomography, and FNAC. Results The presented cases include myoepithelial carcinoma, oncocytic carcinoma, undifferentiated lymphoepithelial carcinoma, and marginal zone lymphoma. Conclusion FNAC is a reliable diagnostic tool for common salivary gland neoplasms; however, rare tumors often represent diagnostic challenges. Clinical relevance In such rare tumors, the role of aspiration cytology may be limited to establishing the dignity of the lesion (benign/malignant). This knowledge enables the surgeon to choose the most appropriate therapeutic procedure. A definitive diagnosis of rare tumors (either epithelial or nonepithelial) is obtained by histological examination; cytology is limited in this regard due to overlapping features

    Liquid biopsy for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a highly prevalent and lethal cancer globally. Over 90% of HCC cases arise in the context of liver cirrhosis, and the severity of the underlying liver disease or advanced tumor stage at diagnosis significantly limits treatment options. Early diagnosis is crucial, and all guidelines stress the importance of screening protocols for HCC early detection as a public health objective. As serum biomarkers are not optimal for early diagnosis, liquid biopsy has emerged as a promising tool for diagnosis, prognostication, and patients’ stratification for personalized therapy in various solid tumors, including HCC. While circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are better suited for personalized therapy and prognosis, cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and extracellular vesicle-based technologies show potential for early diagnosis, HCC screening, and surveillance protocols. Evaluating the added value of liquid biopsy genetic and epigenetic biomarkers for HCC screening is a key goal in translational research. Somatic mutations commonly found in HCC can be investigated in cfDNA and plasma exosomes as genetic biomarkers. Unique methylation patterns in cfDNA or cfDNA fragmentome features have been suggested as innovative tools for early HCC detection. Likewise, extracellular vesicle cargo biomarkers such as miRNAs and long non-coding RNAs may serve as potential biomarkers for early HCC detection. This review will explore recent findings on the utility of liquid biopsy for early HCC diagnosis. Combining liquid biopsy methods with traditional serological biomarkers could improve the overall diagnostic accuracy for early HCC detection

    Liver fibrosis progression in a cohort of young HIV and HIV/ HBV co-infected patients: A longitudinal study using non-invasive APRI and Fib-4 scores

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    BackgroundThe risk of liver fibrosis increases over time in HIV and HIV-HBV individuals even under antiretroviral treatment (ART), warranting a rigorous and periodic monitorization. Given the lower availability of transient elastography, we aimed to assess the longitudinal variation of two non-invasive liver fibrosis scores, APRI and Fib-4, in cases with HIV monoinfection, HIV-HBV co-infection and individuals with HBsAg-seroclearance.MethodsWe performed an observational retrospective study between 2013 and 2019 on 212 HIV patients including 111 individuals with HIV mono-infection, 62 individuals with HIV-HBV co-infection and positive HBsAg and 39 cases with HIV-HBV infection and HBsAg-loss. The groups were followed at 36, 48, and 60 months. Liver fibrosis was indicated by an APRI >0.5 or Fib-4≥1.45 score and advanced fibrosis by an APRI score >1.5 or Fib-4 >3.25. Logistic regression with generalized estimating equations (GEE) was used to assess the predictors for the presence of liver fibrosis over time.ResultsDuring a median follow-up of 58.5 months the prevalence of liver fibrosis in all patients increased with 0.5% reaching 11.3% using an APRI score and with 0.9% reaching 10.8% using the Fib-4 score. At the visit corresponding to 60 months the prevalence of liver fibrosis was higher in all HIV-HBV patients compared with individuals with HIV mono-infection, namely: 16.1% on APRI and 12.9% on the Fib-4 score in HIV-HBV/HBsAg-positive individuals, 12.8% on both APRI and Fib-4 scores in HIV-HBV/HBsAg-negative individuals vs. 8.1 and 9%, respectively in HIV mono-infection. The presence of liver fibrosis over the study period was independently associated with plasma HIV RNA, CD4+T cell counts, HIV-HBV co-infection (for APRI >0.5) and ART non-adherence (for Fib-4 >1.45). At the final visit, non-adherence to ART and CD4+T cell counts remained associated with liver fibrosis.ConclusionsThe study found a slow progression of APRI and Fib-4 scores over time in young PLWH with extensive ART. Liver fibrosis scores continued to increase in patients with HIV mono-infection yet remained lower than in HIV-HBV patients irrespective on the presence of HBsAg. The periodic follow-up using non-invasive scores on the long-term could help improve the surveillance in low-income settings and high scores should be followed by additional diagnostic methods

    The prevalence of giardiosis in animals and humans in Iași county with the establishment of zoonotic risk

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    The study on the prevalence of Giardia sp. in bovines was performed by analysing the cases recorded at Dancu Research Station, the results showing that this is a protozoan, commonly found in bovine farms, being one of the main causes of diarrhoea in calves. The source of contamination with Giardia sp. is represented by drinking water, breast milk and environment. In the period 2017-2020, the cases of giardiosis diagnosed in pets at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine were analysed; a coinfection was found in dogs in a proportion of 64% with yeast cells, 22% with Cryptosporidium sp., 6% with Isospora sp. and only in 3% of cases Giardia sp. has been reported as the only pathogen involved in the clinical picture. The study on the prevalence of Giardia sp. in humans during 2017-2020 was performed using data provided by the Praxis Laboratory. The conclusions demonstrate the presence of a high rate of giardiosis in pets (dogs, cats), in farm animals (bovine), and in humans, each representing a source of contamination of the environment and of the other categories. The results showed for both humans and animals that drinking water can be a major source of infection with Giardia sp., requiring the much more frequent and rigorous control of drinking water

    Dropout and compliance to physical exercise in menopausal osteopenic women: the European “happy bones” project

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    IntroductionDecline in muscle mass and bone density seem to be two of the most disabling side effects of menopause that negatively affect women's quality of life. Promoting physical activity protocols in the workplace can represent a focal point in the prevention and management of several diseases. The study aims to evaluate the compliance and drop-out of menopausal osteopenic women engaged in combined training performed inside and outside the workplace. Strength and balance were analyzed to evaluate the effect of this protocol on osteoporosis prevention and the risk of falling.Methods73 menopausal women were enrolled in 5 European countries. They performed 72 lessons of a combined training proposed in the working place (IW) or sport center (SC).ResultsOut of the total 39 women enrolled in the IW, 12.8% had to leave the program, while out of the 34 women enrolled in SC, 41.2% did not complete the training. According to the compliance results, 47% of women that completed the trained IW and 85% in the SC recorded high compliance (p = 0.019). Moreover, the strength of the lower limbs (p < 0.001) and static balance (p = 0.001) significantly improved in the whole group.DiscussionIn conclusion, proposing well-structured training in the workplace for menopausal women seems to reduce drop-out. Strength and balance results suggest its positive impact on bone health and risk of falls, despite where it is performed