67 research outputs found


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    The management of the electric power process in modern hydroelectric power plants implicate the intense use of the information technology, both for the activities performed in actual time and also for the ones performed outside the actual time. Now, when discussing about the problem concerning the development of hydroelectric potential, in the same time with the optimization of production process, it is necessary to assist the manufacturer�s decision in choosing those production capacities able to cover the electric power consume which has important variations in time. Concerning the production of electric power, its defining particularity that it can not be deposited, also imposes that the prognosis of electric power to be as precise as possible. Using an advanced informational system instrument for parametric modeling and simulation concerning the electric power can also be made scenarios and prognosis having an error of 3% instead of 5%, in the present, being place at the upper limit ofproduction optimization, parametric modeling, production prognosis, web application


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    The implementation of sustainable development in Romania and the abrupt increase of prices for fussil fuels have imposed more serious activies for the examination of the energy consumption in different industrial sectors. Here, the asynchronous electric motors represent the main loads; therefore the energy consumption in electrical drives has to be careffuly watched. The achievement of various procedures to improve energy efficiency, compulsory imposes an energy balance who aims to illustrate the existent profile of energy consumption . The study presents an industry case study about estimation of operating systems functioning that use variable speed motors, highlighting the necessity and appropriateness of using informatic instruments that provide calculations needed to elaborate energy balance and by that, to determine the measures to increase energetic efficiency.energy efficiency, electric drive, energy balance, power factor, informatic instruments


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    The implementation of sustainable development in Romania and the abrupt increase of prices for fussil fuels have imposed more serious activies for the examination of the energy consumption in different industrial sectors. Here, the asynchronous electric menergy efficiency, electric drive, energy balance, power factor, informatic instruments.

    Informatics Solutions Used in Statistical Analysis of The Employees’ Fluctuations

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    The problems concerning the labor resources are actual guidelines in scientific research field and in practical applicability; this domain has major implications on every economical-social structure. Labor force has an important place, together with the capital and the patrimony, in the production activity. Reducing the employment and the growth of the unemployment were declared within the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997) "urgent problems". The paper presents the main statistical methods used in analysis of the employees’ fluctuation, as well as the main informatics solutions used in applying these statistical methods and the obtained results.labor force, employees’ fluctuations, nonparametric test

    Biological therapy in the treatment of melanoma

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    Melanoma is one of the most aggressive tumors and its incidence is on the rise. The low rates of survival in metastatic melanoma has led to the development of new drugs for this type of patient, such as biological therapy which has shown remarkable results. This therapy is based on stimulation of the immune system to fight tumoral cells through: injection of cytokines with immunomodulatory properties (interleukin-2, alpha-interferon), vaccination with tumor antigens or immune cells that process tumor antigens, adoptive immunotherapy, inhibition of immune checkpoints (PD-1, CTLA-4), inhibition or stimulation of immune modulator molecules (OX-40, LAG-3), inhibition of signaling pathways involved in cell proliferation (Raf/MAPK/ERK signaling pathway), or administration of oncolytic viruses. Biological therapy in melanoma has shown promise in laboratory and clinical studies, with more therapeutic targets to be revealed as new molecular and cellular mechanisms of the disease are discovered

    Evaluating the Effects of Employee Recruitment and Selection Practices on the Organizational Change Process

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    The recruitment and selection process can be a valuable tool to enhance organizational adaptability and flexibility. Companies and organizations must quickly adapt to new requirements in a constantly changing business environment. By selecting candidates with relevant skills and experience, companies can increase their ability to cope with environmental changes and adapt to new market demands. In this context, the paper aims to evaluate the effects of practices regarding the recruitment and selection of human resources on the added value of organizational change in the employees' perception of organizations in Romania. These two aspects have a close relationship, and their integrated approach can lead to organizations' continuous development and improvement. Therefore, organizations can achieve success and excellent performance in an ever-evolving environment by recruiting and selecting suitable candidates and developing a changing culture

    Application of Nanotechnology Solutions in Plants Fertilization

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    Post-modern society is viewed nowadays as a technologized society, where the great solutions to human problems can be solved by the progress of technology in economics from classical industry to communications. In the last years, nanotechnology is called to play an important part in the global food production, food security and food safety in the sense that the use of nanoscale micronutrients conduced to suppressing crop disease and the relationship between nutritional status and plant diseases is investigated. Nanomaterials are capable to penetrate into cells of herbs; they can carry DNA and other chemical compounds in the cells extending the possibility in plant biotechnology to target special gene manipulation. It is important to note that the concentration, plant organ or tissue, exposure rate, elemental form, plant species, and exposure dosage (chronic/acute) affect the plant response and in particular the distinct stress response. The complex process of utilization nanoparticles in agriculture has to be monitored to a level that avoids further environmental contamination. The present and future use of nanoparticles as micronutrients is affected by different risks related to nanotoxicity of micronutrients, a problem to be solved by an appropriate and safe circuit of nanoparticles in soil, water, plants and at last in human organism

    Bank Non-Performing Loans – a Panel Data-Based Analysis in European Context. Study Case: Germany

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    Humanity has recently been crossed by periods of great crises, and banks have had a particularly important role in keeping the economy afloat and in relaunching economic activities in these difficult periods. If we refer to the stability, health and efficiency of the banking system, one of the important factors mentioned in the specialized literature is the size of Non-Performing Loans. The present work carries out a time and space analysis of this indicator for the EU member countries, observing its behavior during major crises. Thus, in the distribution of European countries there was a decrease in the median level of the indicator and in its variability, but also an increase in the predominance of countries with low non-performing loans ratio. At the same time, the case of Germany is studied, with the strong and weak points of its banking system and the key determinants of the rate of non-performing loans, for the main commercial banks in Germany are identified, using a panel data regression model. The results revealed that the indicator-level is negatively and significantly correlated with the loan-deposit ratio and the degree of financial profitability and positively and significantly correlated with the total value of assets and the degree of capital adequacy. From this emerges the need to promote policies to stimulate the prudent behavior of banks in granting loans, in order to ensure the stability and health of the banking system in European countries