108 research outputs found

    Bismuth Oxide Thin Films for Optoelectronic and Humidity Sensing Applications

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    Bismuth oxide thin films still prove attractive to both scientists and engineers due to their semiconducting behavior, large energy bandgap and high refractive index, despite their often complex structure, both polymorphic and polycrystalline. We present here a summary and a comparison of the morpho-structural and optical properties of such films prepared through three physical vapor deposition (PVD) techniques on several types of substrates kept at different temperatures. Thermal vapor deposition, thermal oxidation in air and pulsed laser deposition are discussed as largely used PVD methods. It is proved that the physical properties of the bismuth oxide thin films can be tailored by changing the substrate nature and its temperature during the deposition process in a way even more relevant than even the chosen deposition method. Thus, bismuth oxide thin films with energy bandgaps ranging from the infrared up to near-ultraviolet can be obtained, depending on their structure and morphology. High refractive index of the films can be also attained for specific spectral ranges. When deposited on certain conductive substrates, the films have much lower electrical resistance and even became sensitive to water vapor. Therefore, humidity sensing and optoelectronic applications of the analyzed bismuth oxide thin films can be easily found and used in both science and technology


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    Solar energy is the main driver of the climate on Eart, thus the variation of solar activity may affect climate variability via changes in irradiation, energetic particles, cosmic ray flux or solar wind parameters. Solar wind is characterized by speed, magnetic and electric fields, flow pressure, particle flux, dynamic pressure, with various effects on atmospheric processes. One of these is the formation and evolution of clouds which play a crucial role in the terrestrial climate, since they induce cooling or warming effects, depending on their heights and composition. Possible relationship between solar activity and cloud cover variability are lately the subject of various studies, but no clear conclusion exists due to contradictory results obtained so far. This article studies the possible relationship between mean cloud cover and the interplanetary magnetic field at global scale, as well as geographical/regional characteristics for the 1984 – 2009 period, i. e. for solar cycles 22-23, when satellite observations are available at global scale and on a continuous basis. The study also shows the seasonal dependence and is made for different cloud height and composition, i. e. for low/middle/high and liquid/ice types of clouds

    Correlation Studies between Sol Aging Time and Substrate Dipping Time Parameter and Optical Properties of Cobalt Oxide Layers

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    Cobalt oxide films represent an important class of materials which are characterized with good electrochemical, catalytic and optical properties [1]. Many articles proved that so


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    Learning to read, write and calculate are proving to be some of the most significant cognitive processes in early education. The objective of this systematic review is to explore the associations between the psychomotor component and the academic achievement in writing, reading, and mathematics. An organized and methodical research of electronic databases was completed in order to determine significant studies. Twenty eligible articles were strictly evaluated, with extracted and summarized keywords. The two components of the psychomotor activity that influence reading were primarily the orientation ability and the fine motor skill, which is the one responsible for the correct spelling of “mirror-writing”. Differences in motor function were observed after intervention programmes. The results of all researchers have shown that there is a link between dysgraphia, dyslexia and the orientation ability or visual perception. Meanwhile, the role of cognitive and motor skills that underpinned mathematical performance was highlighted, and children who had a high capacity for spatial and visual orientation benefited from a better understanding and perception of geometric figures. However, the importance of students' spatial reasoning in relation to mathematics was identified, but only in terms of geometry. Poor quality of spatial notions has been found to be one of the causes of delay in the acquisition of reading, writing and mathematical calculation. The role of fine motor skills in the writing process was also noted, being of real importance in times when the child manipulates the writing tool and puts a word or a sentence on the page. REZUMAT. Corectarea tulburărilor de învățare prin optimizarea dezvoltării spațiale și temporale: analiză de tip review. Învățarea scrierii, citirii și calculului se dovedesc a fi unele dintre cele mai semnificative procese cognitive în educația timpurie. Scopul acestei revizuiri sistematice este de a examina asocierile dintre componenta psihomotrică și performanța academică în scriere, citire și matematică. A fost efectuată o căutare sistematică a bazelor de date electronice pentru identificarea studiilor relevante. Douăzeci de articole eligibile au fost evaluate critic, cuvintele cheie fiind extrase și sintetizate. Cele 2 componente ale psihomotricității care influențează lectura au fost cu precădere capacitatea de orientare și abilitatea motorie fină, cea responsabilă de ortografia corectă a literelor și de evitarea scrierii tip ,,oglindă’’. După programele de intervenție, s-au observat diferențe la nivel motor. Astfel, rezultatele tuturor cercetărilor au arătat că există o legătură între disgrafie, dislexie și capacitatea de orientare sau de percepție vizuală. În paralel, s-a evidențiat rolul abilităților cognitive (spațiale) și motorii care au stat la baza performanței matematice, iar copiii care au avut o capacitate de orientare spațială și vizuală ridicată, au beneficiat de o mai bună înțelegere și percepție a figurilor geometrice. Totuși, s-a identificat importanța raționamentului spațial al elevilor în raport cu matematica, dar doar în ceea ce privește geometria. S-a constatat că slaba însușire a noțiunilor spațiale poate fi una dintre cauzele întârzierii în însușirea cititului, scrisului și calculului matematic. De asemenea, s-a remarcat rolul abilităților motorii fine în procesul de scriere, fiind de o reală importanță atunci când copilul manipulează instrumentul de scris și așază în pagină un cuvânt sau o propoziție. Cuvinte cheie: dislexie, discalculie, orientare spațio-temporală, psihomotricitat


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    Introduction: The physical education lesson in primary school can make an essential contribution to the psychomotor development of students. The purpose of this study is to highlight the progress made in the development of the Body Schema following the application of a specific intervention plan, progress verifiable in graphic form. Material and method: The target group consisted of 10 pupils (5 boys and 5 girls) aged between 6 and 7 years, pupils in the preparatory class who scored low and medium on the initial test. The experiment lasted 10 weeks, with 2 physical education lessons per week. The intervention plan included exercises and motor tracks focused on the development of the body schema. The “draw-a-person” test was applied. The scores were calculated for the Maturity Scale consisting of: Head Scale, Body Schema Scale and Clothing Scale. These scores underwent a qualitative interpretation of the differences between the initial and the final test. Results: There are visible differences of the “draw-a-person” drawings in the first and final tests of the students included in the study. The Body Schema was better integrated in the Maturity Scale, which means that the intervention program was efficient. Conclusions: Physical education and sports lessons with topics for developing the body schema were effective in recording the progress of this component. Article history: Received 2022 July 18; Revised 2022 August 29; Accepted 2022 August 29; Available online 2022 November 20; Available print 2022 December 20. REZUMAT. Îmbunătățirea rezultatelor testului „omulețul” prin dezvoltarea schemei corporale în timpul lecțiilor de educație fizică și sport pentru elevii cu vârste 6-7 ani. Introducere: Lecția de educației fizică la clasele primare poate avea o contribuție esențială în dezvoltarea psihomotrică a elevilor. Scopul acestui studiu este de a evidenția progresul înregistrat în dezvoltarea Schemei Corporale în urma aplicării unui plan de intervenție specific, progres verificabil sub formă grafică. Material si metoda: Grupul țintă este format din 10 elevi (5 băieți și 5 fete) cu vârsta cuprinsă între 6-7 ani, elevi în clasa pregătitoare care au înregistrat scoruri mici și medii la testarea inițială. Experimentul s-a desfășurat pe parcursul a 10 săptămâni, cu 2 lecții de educație fizică pe săptămână. Planul de intervenție a cuprins exerciții și parcursuri motrice axate pe dezvoltarea schemei corporale. S-a aplicat testul „omulețul”. S-au calculat scoruri pentru Scala Maturității alcătuita din: Scala Capului, Scala Schemei Corporale și Scala Îmbrăcăminte. Aceste scoruri au fost argumentate printr-o interpretare calitativă a diferențelor înregistrate intre testarea inițială și cea finală. Rezultate: Intre desenele efectuate la testarea inițială și cea finală se observă diferențe vizibile în cadrul desenului „omulețul” în cazul elevilor cuprinși în studiu. Schema Corporala este mai bine integrată în Scala Maturității, programul de intervenție fiind eficient. Concluzii: Lecțiile de educație fizică și sport cu teme de dezvoltare a schemei corporale sunt eficiente în înregistrarea progreselor acestei componente. Cuvinte cheie: psihomotricitate, schema corporală, scala maturității, exerciții, desen

    Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse and Supersonic Shear Imaging Versus Transient Elastography for Liver Fibrosis Assessment

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    AbstractOur study compared three elastographic methods—transient elastography (TE), acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging and supersonic shear imaging (SSI)—with respect to the feasibility of their use in liver fibrosis evaluation. We also compared the performance of ARFI imaging and SSI, with TE as the reference method. The study included 332 patients, with or without hepatopathies, in which liver stiffness was evaluated using TE, ARFI and SSI. Reliable measurements were defined as a median value of 10 (TE, ARFI imaging) or 5 (SSI) liver stiffness measurements with a success rate ≥60% and an interquartile range interval <30%. A significantly higher percentage of reliable measurements were obtained using ARFI than by using TE and SSI: 92.1% versus 72.2% (p < 0.0001) and 92.1% versus 71.3% (p < 0.0001). Higher body mass index and older age were significantly associated with inability to obtain reliable measurements of liver stiffness using TE and SSI. In 55.4% of patients, reliable liver stiffness measurements were obtained using all three elastographic methods, and ARFI imaging and TE were similarly accurate in diagnosing significant fibrosis and cirrhosis, with TE as the reference method