18 research outputs found

    Top 25 up-regulated transcripts in low KPY samples.

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    <p><i>E. grandis</i> gene names are used when the predicted genes are mapped to E. grandis gene coordinates otherwise the predicted gene names are used with a prefix “Transcript”.</p

    Differential allelic expression between low and high KPY samples in two populations.

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    <p>Freq – Frequency of Allele-B; DGE - Differential Gene Expression; *Genes also showing DGE.</p

    Gene categories enriched among genes showing signatures of positive selection.

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    <p>Selected genes – Genes having Ka/Ks >1.5; FDR - Fisher’s exact <i>p</i> value corrected for multiple comparisons.</p

    Gene categories enriched among down-regulated and up-regulated genes in low KPY samples.

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    <p>FDR – Fisher’s exact <i>p</i> value corrected for multiple comparisons.</p

    Heatmap of 500 most differentially expressed genes between low and high KPY samples in the Meunna and Florentine trials.

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    <p>Heatmap of 500 most differentially expressed genes between low and high KPY samples in the Meunna and Florentine trials.</p

    Gene categories enriched among genes that had both DGE and DAE.

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    <p>FDR - Fisher’s exact <i>p</i> value corrected for multiple comparisons.</p

    Top 25 down-regulated transcripts in low KPY samples.

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    <p><i>E. grandis</i> gene names are used when the predicted genes are mapped to <i>E. grandis</i> gene coordinates otherwise the predicted gene names are used with a prefix “Transcript”.</p

    Distribution of Kraft Pulp Yield for samples collected from the Meunna and Florentine trials.

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    <p>Distribution of Kraft Pulp Yield for samples collected from the Meunna and Florentine trials.</p

    Genes showing signatures of positive selection and differential expression between low and high KPY samples.

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    <p>Genes showing signatures of positive selection and differential expression between low and high KPY samples.</p

    Distribution of SNPs from different regions of the <i>E. nitens</i> transcriptome.

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    <p>All SNPs – All SNPs identified that are common in both Florentine and Meunna; DAE SNPs – SNPs that showed differential allelic expression (Bonferonni P<0.0001) in both trials; DAE+DGE SNPs – SNPs with differential allelic expression present in genes with differential gene expression (FDR<0.05).</p