1,208 research outputs found

    Coagulant recovery from water treatment residuals: a review of applicable technologies

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    Conventional water treatment consumes large quantities of coagulant and produces even greater volumes of sludge. Coagulant recovery (CR) presents an opportunity to reduce both the sludge quantities and the costs they incur, by regenerating and purifying coagulant before reuse. Recovery and purification must satisfy stringent potable regulations for harmful contaminants, while remaining competitive with commercial coagulants. These challenges have restricted uptake and lead research towards lower-gain, lower-risk alternatives. This review documents the context in which CR must be considered, before comparing the relative efficacies and bottlenecks of potential technologies, expediting identification of the major knowledge gaps and future research requirements

    Fate and impact of organics in an immersed membrane bioreactor applied to brine denitrification and ion exchange regeneration

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    The application of membrane bioreactors (MBRs) to brine denitrification for ion exchange regeneration has been studied. The developed culture was capable of complete brine denitrification at 50 gNaCl.l−1. Denitrification reduced to c.60% and c.70% when salinity was respectively increased to 75 and 100 g.l−1, presumed to be due to reduced growth rate and the low imposed solids retention time (10 days). Polysaccharide secretion was not induced by stressed cells following salt shocking, implying that cell lysis did not occur. Fouling propensity, monitored by critical flux, was steady at 12–15 l.m−2.h−1 during salinity shocking and after brine recirculation, indicating that the system was stable following perturbation. Low molecular weight polysaccharide physically adsorbed onto the nitrate selective anion exchange resin during regeneration reducing exchange capacity by c.6.5% when operating up to complete exhaustion. However, based on a breakthrough threshold of 10 mgNO3−-N.l−1 the exchange capacity was comparative to that determined when using freshly produced brine for regeneration. It was concluded that a denitrification MBR was an appropriate technology for IEX spent brine reco

    THM and HAA formation from NOM in raw and treated surface waters

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    The disinfection by-product (DBP) formation potential (FP) of natural organic matter (NOM) in surface water sources has been studied with reference to the key water quality determinants (WQDs) of UV absorption (UV254), colour, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration. The data set used encompassed raw and treated water sampled over a 30-month period from 30 water treatment works (WTWs) across Scotland, all employing conventional clarification. Both trihalomethane (THM) and haloacetic acid (HAA) FPs were considered. In addition to the standard bulk WQDs, the DOC content was fractionated and analysed for the hydrophobic (HPO) and hydrophilic (HPI) fractions. Results were quantified in terms of the yield (dDBPFP/dWQD) and the linear regression coefficient R2 of the yield trend. The NOM in the raw waters was found to comprise 30–84% (average 66%) of the more reactive HPO material, with this proportion falling to 18–63% (average 50%) in the treated water. Results suggested UV254 to be as good an indicator of DBPFP as DOC or HPO for the raw waters, with R2 values ranging from 0.79 to 0.82 for THMs and from 0.71 to 0.73 for HAAs for these three determinants. For treated waters the corresponding values were significantly lower at 0.52–0.67 and 0.46–0.47 respectively, reflecting the lower HPO concentration and thus UV254 absorption and commensurately reduced precision due to the limit of detection of the analytical instrument. It is concluded that fractionation offers little benefit in attempting to discern or predict chlorinated carbonaceous DBP yield for the waters across the geographical region studied. UV254 offered an adequate estimate of DBPFP based on a mean yield of ∼2600 and ∼2800 μg per cm−1 absorbance for THMFP for the raw and treated waters respectively and ∼3800 and2900 μg cm−1 for HAAFP, albeit with reduced precision for the treated waters

    The status of industrial and municipal effluent treatment with membrane bioreactor technology

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    The status of MBR technology has been scrutinised with reference to (a) available commercial technologies and their characteristics, (b) key design and performance parameters of existing full-scale installations, and (c) practitioner perception. The key design and operating parameters of flux and COD removal were considered with reference to 100 installations, 40 based on municipal and 60 on industrial wastewater treatment. The perception of practitioners was appraised through a conventional survey, with 186 respondents. A review of the commercial products revealed polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) to be the most prevalent membrane material, accounting for almost half of all products, and provided both in flat sheet (FS) and hollow fibre (HF) configurations. Polyethylsulphone (PES) and polyolefinic membranes (polyethylene, PE and polypropylene, PP) were also found to be available in FS and HF configurations respectively. Almost all products had a nominal membrane pore size between 0.03 and 0.4 μm. Design fluxes in L m−2 h−1 (LMH) for municipal wastewater treatment were predominantly in the 15–25 LMH range, 18.5 ± 4.8 LMH on average, for the average daily flow (ADF), and in the 20–30 LMH range, 26.0 ± 6.6 LMH on average, for peak daily flow (PDF). Fluxes were lower, and dependent on both process configuration and effluent quality, for industrial effluents; the most challenging effluents (landfill leachate) were associated with the lowest fluxes. As expected, treatment capability related roughly to the feedwater BOD/COD ratio, with more than 90% COD removal achieved for food and beverage effluents (for which BOD/COD ratios were largely above 0.5) – comparable with municipal wastewater treatment. Respondents to the survey, around 85% of whom were practitioners, identified pre-treatment (screening) as presenting the greatest technical challenge to MBR operation

    Pilot-scale spiral wound membrane assessment for THM precursor rejection from upland waters

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    The outcomes of a pilot-scale study of the rejection of trihalomethanes (THMs) precursors by commercial ultrafiltration/nanofiltration (UF/NF) spiral-wound membrane elements are presented based on a single surface water source in Scotland. The study revealed the expected trend of increased flux and permeability with increasing pore size for the UF membranes; the NF membranes provided similar fluxes despite the lower nominal pore size. The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) passage decreased with decreasing molecular weight cut-off, with a less than one-third the passage recorded for the NF membranes than for the UF ones. The yield (weight % total THMs per DOC) varied between 2.5% and 8% across all membranes tested, in reasonable agreement with the literature, with the aromatic polyamide membrane providing both the lowest yield and lowest DOC passage. The proportion of the hydrophobic (HPO) fraction removed was found to increase with decreasing membrane selectivity (increasing pore size), and THM generation correlated closely (R2 = 0.98) with the permeate HPO fractional concentration

    Foraging Preferences of the Introduced Honeybee in Winter Flowering Banksia Woodland : Implications for the Management of Flora and Fauna of Conservation Areas

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    The Honeybee (Apis mellifcra) is arguably Australia\u27s most abundant feral animal, and relatively little is known about its interactions with the Australian biota. A lack of such information makes it difficult for the managers of nature conservation areas to decide whether beekeeping is appropriate and whether attempts should be made to control feral bees. This study made observations of feral honeybees and native pollinating invertebrates for one hundred and twelve hours, at fifteen sites in Banksia woodland, between July 27 and September 10, 1995. Flowering and preflowering invertebrate assemblages of Leucopogon polymorphus, an epacrid shrub which provided the focus of the study, were also documented. Although the number of bees seen was generally low, there is evidence to suggest that activity was concentrated on just eight species of plants. Pollen foraging activity was further concentrated temporally, because not all the species used flowered at the same time. Despite a high degree of floristic uniformity within the study area, honeybee and other invertebrate activity was concentrated at some sites due to a number of site characteristics. The concentration was reinforced by the fact that favourable weather conditions influenced both the numbers of honeybees and native invertebrates seen. This apparent temporal and spatial pattern of concentrated activity was reflected in the numbers of developing seeds of Leucopogon polymorphus. Flowering invertebrate assemblages were, relative to the pre-flowering assemblages, highly variable. However, there were no definitive links between this variability and aspects of the other data. It was concluded that temporal and spatial concentration of invertebrate activity is likely to make resource competition or aggressive displacement of native pollinators more likely. The discussion focuses upon possible consequences of concentrated honeybee activity upon the pollination regimes of heavily utilised plants. The implications for the management of nature conservation areas are highlighted in the light of this discussion

    Terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea) and biogeographical patterns from South-Western Australia

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    This thesis examines terrestrial isopod (Crustacea: Oniscidea) diversity and biogeography from south-western Australia, a region already recognised for the exceptional high biodiversity and concentrations of endemic species. A taxonomic investigation of isopods in the Western Australian Museum and material collected systematically as part of this study revealed seventy taxa, sixty of which were considered native species. The thesis provides a comprehensive review of regional taxonomic history and includes a key, complete with a set of forty characters states and taxa, illustrated by a number of photographic plates that are designed for use by specialists and non-specialists alike. Prior to this study all the region\u27s indigenous terrestrial isopods were poorly described and, while many taxa are still to be resolved at the species level, it appears at least 35 species are new to science. The distributions of indigenous taxa form some clear and consistent biogeographical patterns. Distributions of taxa are influenced by steep rainfall gradients, the seasonality of rainfall and by biophysical characteristics of the landscape including, localised landforms and differing microhabitat utilisation. The region is one of high diversity, with both widely distributed species and highly localised endemics. Two areas, the Perth region of the Swan Coastal Plain and the tall, wet southern forests, are particularly species rich. Beta diversity is also high. This reflects a heterogeneous landscape with profound differences in microhabitat availability, differences often due to recent exogenous disturbance. The construction of a biogeographic model showed a major fauna/ break, which created northern and southern bioregions to which 68% of the taxa were endemic. This biogeographical boundary is significant in that it had not been recognised in any previous biogeographical schemes. Data derived from the analysis of soil, leaf litter and log microhabitat samples show that the existence of terrestrial isopods in south-western Australia is intractably related to organic matter. The geographical range of species is often best explained by the types of microhabitat utilised and their degree of moisture dependency. The wetter forests of the region contain relictual short range endemics reliant upon surface organic matter, particularly leaf litter. Moisture is clearly a limiting factor in the distribution of all species. The five most common genera can be differentiated by their dependence upon different moisture regimes in a range of microhabitat types. The spatial and temporal continuity of different types of organic matter in forested landscapes is considered critical to the conservation of the group in south-Western Australia. Land management practices, such as logging and burning, which influence the nature and distribution of organic matter, are likely to induce profound changes in terrestrial isopod communities. Regular and broadscale prescription burning and the increasing scarcity of large and decayed logs are considered to be a primary threat to their conservation status. Hypotheses involving the historical role of surface organic matter are developed to explain the speciation patterns of the group in the region. In order to test these models, and to provide an urgently needed assessment of the conservation status of relictual forest invertebrates, clear taxonomic priorities are recommended

    Membrane technology costs and me

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    A reflection of the place cost analysis holds in membrane process technology research and development is provided. The review encompassed two membrane processes and applications: (a) reverse osmosis (RO) for seawater desalination, and (b) membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology for wastewater treatment. The cost analysis undertaken extended to (i) the determination of operating expenditure (OPEX) trends using simple analytical expressions, (ii) the subsequent estimation of the sensitivity of OPEX to individual system parameters, and (iii) published data on CAPEX for individual full-scale installations or from cost analyses. An appraisal of the peer-reviewed literature through a survey of a leading scientific database was also carried out. This bibliometric analysis was based on authors’ keywords; it aimed to establish the profile of process cost for each of the two applications when compared with other popular research topics. The OPEX analysis, ostensibly through a consideration of specific energy demand in kWh per m3 permeate, revealed it to relate primarily to hydrodynamics in the case of RO, and to both membrane fouling and air scouring for MBRs. The bibliometric analysis of research trends revealed a marked difference in emphasis on cost aspects between the two research areas, with the focus on cost specifically being 16 times greater for RO desalination of seawater than MBR treatment of wastewater. MBR research appears to be dominated by fouling and foulant characterisation, making up almost a quarter of all studies, notwithstanding evidence from practitioners that other process parameters are as important in determining MBR process OPEX and operability

    Investigating the significance of coagulation kinetics on maintaining membrane permeability in an MBR following reactive coagulant dosing

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    In this study, the impact of kinetically controlled floc growth on sustaining membrane permeability following reactive coagulant dosing was determined using a model particle system. Floc formation was indicated to comprise of two stages following coagulant addition: (i) an initial destabilisation phase which encouraged complexation of protein and polysaccharide; and (ii) entrapment of the coarse model particles (3 µm Firefli™ microspheres) in the polymeric complex during the floc growth phase. Floc growth was characterised by an expected time lag as with conventional flocculation systems and biopolymer aggregation was kinetically favoured. When coagulant was dosed during the filtration cycle, the intermediate biopolymer aggregates (comprised of protein and polysaccharide) were preferentially transported toward the membrane increasing fouling. However, when coagulant was dosed at the onset of filtration, membrane fouling was constrained. It is asserted that by dosing at the onset of filtration: (i) early development of biopolymer aggregation is initiated which inhibits transport of the individual biopolymers to the membrane; and (ii) by dosing coagulant in the absence of a developed polarised layer, formation of biopolymer complexes local to the membrane is obviated. However, when dosing coagulant at the onset of filtration, only limited floc growth occurred which can be explained by the low applied wall shear rate and the absence of a ‘polarised’ region which ostensibly promoted floc growth when coagulant was dosed mid-filtration. Based on results from the model particle system studied, it is proposed that reactive coagulant dosing is best undertaken when: (i) filtration is stopped; (ii) modest shear is applied within the bioreactor to promote coagulant dispersion; and (iii) sufficient contact time is allowed to promote floc growth before commencement of filtration

    Reuse of recovered coagulants in water treatment: An investigation on the effect coagulant purity has on treatment performance

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    Coagulant recovery offers many potential benefits to water treatment, by reducing chemical demand and waste production. The key obstacle to successful implementation is achieving the same levels of treatment quality and process economics as commercial coagulants. This study has evaluated the selectivity of pressure-filtration in the role of a low-cost coagulant recovery technology from waterworks sludge. The treatment performance of the purified recovered coagulant was directly compared to fresh and raw recovered coagulants. DOC and turbidity removal by recovered coagulants was close to that of commercial coagulants, indicating that coagulant can be successfully recovered and regenerated by acidifying waterworks sludge. However, performance was less consistent, with a much narrower optimum charge neutralisation window and 10–30% worse removal performance under optimum conditions. This inferior performance was particularly evident for recovered ferric coagulants. The impact of this was confirmed by measuring THM formation potential and residual metals concentrations, showing 30–300% higher THMFPs when recovered coagulants were used. This study confirms that pressure-filtration can be operated on an economically viable basis, in terms of mass flux and fouling. However, the selectivity currently falls short of the purity required for potable treatment, due to incomplete rejection of sludge contaminants
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