33 research outputs found

    Predicted relationships between changes in immune measures and changes in body condition in Galapagos sea lion pups resident in the human-impacted (A, C, E) and the control (B, D, F) colonies.

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    <p>Dotted lines represent 95% confidence intervals, ‘Δ’ denotes ‘change in’, ‘MLR’ mass per unit length (kg), ‘SFT’ skinfold thickness (cm), ‘ALB’ albumin concentration (relative peak intensity), ‘IgG’ total immunoglobulin G concentration (mg mL<sup>−1</sup>), ‘WBC’ total leukocyte concentration (10<sup>9</sup> L<sup>−1</sup>) and ‘PHA’ response to phytohemagglutinin (mm). Note that the relationship shown in (B) is for females only.</p

    The effects of changes in immune measures on changes in body condition for models of relationships that explained significantly more variation than equivalent null models (Table 1); see Tables S2–3 for full model details.

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    <p>‘Δ’ denotes ‘change in’, ‘MLR’ mass per unit length (kg), ‘SFT’ skinfold thickness (cm), ‘ALB’ albumin concentration (relative peak intensity), ‘IgG’ total immunoglobulin G concentration (mg mL <sup>−1</sup>), ‘WBC’ total leukocyte concentration (10<sup>9</sup> L<sup>−1</sup>) and ‘PHA’ response to phytohemagglutinin (mm). Juvenile sample sizes are shown as the total number of data points followed by the number of individuals.</p

    Comparison of Total TEQs in Caspian seals dying in 2000 with seals in the Netherlands feeding experiment (experimental data from Ross et al., 1995; Caspian data from Kajiwara et al. 2002; Kuiken et al. 2006).

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    <p>Comparison of Total TEQs in Caspian seals dying in 2000 with seals in the Netherlands feeding experiment (experimental data from Ross et al., 1995; Caspian data from Kajiwara et al. 2002; Kuiken et al. 2006).</p

    Histogram of age structure among Caspian seal carcases stranded 1999–2002.

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    <p>Histogram of age structure among Caspian seal carcases stranded 1999–2002.</p

    Relative frequency histograms showing distribution of ∑PCB and ∑DDT levels for necropsied seals (n = 67).

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    <p>Relative frequency histograms showing distribution of ∑PCB and ∑DDT levels for necropsied seals (n = 67).</p

    Boxplot of blubber thickness (cm) for Caspian seal carcases stranded 1997–2009, showing seasonal variation in body condition.

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    <p>Boxplot of blubber thickness (cm) for Caspian seal carcases stranded 1997–2009, showing seasonal variation in body condition.</p

    Time series histogram for annual Caspian seal mortality 1971–2008, along the 10 km Apsheron monitoring zone (40.523 N, 50.119 E and 40.501 N, 50.226 E).

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    <p>Time series histogram for annual Caspian seal mortality 1971–2008, along the 10 km Apsheron monitoring zone (40.523 N, 50.119 E and 40.501 N, 50.226 E).</p

    Boxplots of contaminant burdens by sex-age class (top) and CDV status (bottom).

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    <p>Red dashed line indicates proposed threshold for potential toxic effects for ∑TEQ levels (196−220 pg/g lipid weight) derived from experimental studies in harbour seals (De Swart et al. 1994, 1995a, 1995b, 1996, Ross et al. 1995). y axis is plotted on log10 scale.</p