2,601 research outputs found

    Low-temperature thermochronology and thermokinematic modeling of deformation, exhumation, and development of topography in the central Southern Alps, New Zealand

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    Apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He and fission track ages were obtained from ridge transects across the central Southern Alps, New Zealand. Interpretation of local profiles is difficult because relationships between ages and topography or local faults are complex and the data contain large uncertainties, with poor reproducibility between sample duplicates. Data do form regional patterns, however, consistent with theoretical systematics and corroborating previous observations: young Neogene ages occur immediately southeast of the Alpine Fault (the main plate boundary structure on which rocks are exhumed); partially reset ages occur in the central Southern Alps; and older Mesozoic ages occur further toward the southeast. Zircon apparent ages are older than apatite apparent ages for the equivalent method. Three-dimensional thermokinematic modeling of plate convergence incorporates advection of the upper Pacific plate along a low-angle detachment then up an Alpine Fault ramp, adopting a generally accepted tectonic scenario for the Southern Alps. The modeling incorporates heat flow, evolving topography, and the detailed kinetics of different thermochronometric systems and explains both complex local variations and regional patterns. Inclusion of the effects of radiation damage on He diffusion in detrital apatite is shown to have dramatic effects on results. Geometric and velocity parameters are tuned to fit model ages to observed data. Best fit is achieved at 9 mm a−1 plate convergence, with Pacific plate delamination on a gentle 10°SE dipping detachment and more rapid uplift on a 45–60° dipping Alpine Fault ramp from 15 km depth. Thermokinematic modeling suggests dip-slip motion on reverse faults within the Southern Alps should be highest ∼22 km from the Alpine Fault and much lower toward the southeast

    Causas relevantes de la situación del sur de Europa y del éxito exportador de las empresas alemanas

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    El debate Europeo sobre los superávits comerciales de la actividad exportadora alemana se ha vuelto a replantear. Por un lado se plantean en este debate el por qué los Países del Sur de Europa no consiguen las tasas de crecimiento y competitividad necesarias para su estabilidad y desarrollo, y, por el otro lado, las causas por las cuales las empresas alemanas logran desde siempre una gran respuesta competitiva. El análisis macroeconómico que se suele ofrecer no permite analizar la realidad, se pierde en las aseveraciones macroeconómicas y no se entra en la realidad económico-societaria, en la realidad de las empresas medianas y pequeñas. Esta es una magnifica reflexión que nos ofrece el\ud Prof. Herman Simon digna de detenida consideración

    Private Enterprise for Public Health: Opportunities for Business to Improve Women's and Children's Health

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    This guide, developed by FSG and published by the Innovation Working Group in support of the global Every Woman, Every Child effort, explores how companies can create shared value in women's and children's health. The document sets out opportunities for multiple different industries to develop new product and services, improve delivery systems and strengthen health systems that can support global efforts to save 16 million women's and children's lives between now and 2015. It particularly notes that companies need not wait for health services to "catch up" with their economic model, but rather they can work proactively to help accelerate change, by partnering with other industries, civil society and the public sector to create collective impact in a specific location. The aim of the guide is to catalyze these transformative partnerships

    Rupture of the arterial wall causes deflection in pressure time course during ex vivo balloon angioplasty

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    A relation between restenosis and arterial lesions resulting from balloon angioplasty has been suggested in literature. Nevertheless, it is unclear to what extent angioplasty-induced arterial wall lesions contribute to the occurrence of restenosis. One problem is that arterial ruptures cannot be detected during balloon inflation. This study describes a method to detect ruptures in the arterial wall, based on deflections observable in the development of the balloonpressure. We performed ex vivo angioplasty with constant strain rate on 28 human femoral artery segments, showing deflections in 21 cases. In 20 cases wall rupture was confirmed histologically. From seven cases not showing deflections, four showed intact wall at microscopy. These figures result in a selectivity of the proposed method of 87 ± 7% and a predictive value of the positive test of 95 ± 5%. We conclude that this method can enhance detection of arterial rupture during ex vivo angioplasty and may become important clinically

    Linear Superiorization for Infeasible Linear Programming

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    Linear superiorization (abbreviated: LinSup) considers linear programming (LP) problems wherein the constraints as well as the objective function are linear. It allows to steer the iterates of a feasibility-seeking iterative process toward feasible points that have lower (not necessarily minimal) values of the objective function than points that would have been reached by the same feasiblity-seeking iterative process without superiorization. Using a feasibility-seeking iterative process that converges even if the linear feasible set is empty, LinSup generates an iterative sequence that converges to a point that minimizes a proximity function which measures the linear constraints violation. In addition, due to LinSup's repeated objective function reduction steps such a point will most probably have a reduced objective function value. We present an exploratory experimental result that illustrates the behavior of LinSup on an infeasible LP problem.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1612.0653