44 research outputs found

    Genetically engineering milk

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    GARP and EARP are required for efficient BoHV-1 replication as identified by a genome wide CRISPR knockout screen

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    The advances in gene editing bring unprecedented opportunities in high throughput functional genomics to animal research. Here we describe a genome wide CRISPR knockout library, btCRISPRko.v1, targeting all protein coding genes in the cattle genome. Using it, we conducted genome wide screens during Bovine Herpes Virus type 1 (BoHV-1) replication and compiled a list of pro-viral and anti-viral candidates. These candidates might influence multiple aspects of BoHV-1 biology such as viral entry, genome replication and transcription, viral protein trafficking and virion maturation in the cytoplasm. Some of the most intriguing examples are VPS51, VPS52 and VPS53 that code for subunits of two membrane tethering complexes, the endosome-associated recycling protein (EARP) complex and the Golgi-associated retrograde protein (GARP) complex. These complexes mediate endosomal recycling and retrograde trafficking to the trans Golgi Network (TGN). Simultaneous loss of both complexes in MDBKs resulted in greatly reduced production of infectious BoHV-1 virions. We also found that viruses released by these deficient cells severely lack VP8, the most abundant tegument protein of BoHV-1 that are crucial for its virulence. In combination with previous reports, our data suggest vital roles GARP and EARP play during viral protein packaging and capsid re-envelopment in the cytoplasm. It also contributes to evidence that both the TGN and the recycling endosomes are recruited in this process, mediated by these complexes. The btCRISPRko.v1 library generated here has been controlled for quality and shown to be effective in host gene discovery. We hope it will facilitate efforts in the study of other pathogens and various aspects of cell biology in cattle.</p

    Site specific insertion of a transgene into the murine α-casein (CSN1S1) gene results in the predictable expression of a recombinant protein in milk

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    Gene loci of highly expressed genes provide ideal sites for transgene expression. Casein genes are highly expressed in mammals leading to the synthesis of substantial amounts of casein proteins in milk. We have assessed the α-casein (CSN1S1) gene as a site of transgene expression in transgenic mice and a mammary gland cell line. A transgene encoding an antibody light chain gene (A1L) was inserted into the α-casein gene using sequential homologous and site-specific recombination. Expression of the inserted transgene is directed by the α-casein promoter, is responsive to lactogenic hormone activation, leads to the synthesis of a chimeric α-casein/A1L transgene mRNA and secretion of the recombinant A1L protein into milk. Transgene expression is highly consistent in all transgenic lines, but lower than that of the α-casein gene (4%). Recombinant A1L protein accounted for 0.5% and 1.6% of total milk protein in heterozygous and homozygous transgenic mice, respectively. The absence of the α-casein protein in homozygous A1L transgenic mice leads to a reduction of total milk protein and delayed growth of the pups nursed by these mice. Overall, the data demonstrate that the insertion of a transgene into a highly expressed endogenous gene is insufficient to guarantee its abundant expression. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.</p

    Engineering large animal models of human disease:Domesticated Animal Models of Human Disease

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    The recent development of gene editing tools and methodology for use in livestock enables the production of new animal disease models. These tools facilitate site‐specific mutation of the genome, allowing animals carrying known human disease mutations to be produced. In this review, we describe the various gene editing tools and how they can be used for a range of large animal models of diseases. This genomic technology is in its infancy but the expectation is that through the use of gene editing tools we will see a dramatic increase in animal model resources available for both the study of human disease and the translation of this knowledge into the clinic. Comparative pathology will be central to the productive use of these animal models and the successful translation of new therapeutic strategies. © 2015 The Authors. The Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland

    Swine ANP32A supports avian influenza virus polymerase

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    Avian influenza viruses occasionally infect and adapt to mammals, including humans. Swine are often described as 'mixing vessels', being susceptible to both avian and human origin viruses, which allows the emergence of novel reassortants, such as the precursor to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. ANP32 proteins are host factors that act as influenza virus polymerase cofactors. In this study we describe how swine ANP32A, uniquely among the mammalian ANP32 proteins tested, supports activity of avian origin influenza virus polymerases, and avian influenza virus replication. We further show that after the swine-origin influenza virus emerged in humans and caused the 2009 pandemic it evolved polymerase gene mutations that enabled it to more efficiently use human ANP32 proteins. We map the enhanced pro-viral activity of swine ANP32A to a pair of amino acids, 106 and 156, in the leucine-rich repeat and central domains and show these mutations enhance binding to influenza virus trimeric polymerase. These findings help elucidate the molecular basis for the 'mixing vessel' trait of swine and further our understanding of the evolution and ecology of viruses in this host.Importance Avian influenza viruses can jump from wild birds and poultry into mammalian species such as humans or swine, but only continue to transmit if they accumulate mammalian adapting mutations. Pigs appear uniquely susceptible to both avian and human strains of influenza and are often described as virus 'mixing vessels'. In this study, we describe how a host factor responsible for regulating virus replication, ANP32A, is different between swine and humans. Swine ANP32A allows a greater range of influenza viruses, specifically those from birds, to replicate. It does this through binding the virus polymerase more tightly than the human version of the protein. This work helps to explain the unique properties of swine as 'mixing vessels'

    USP18 restricts PRRSV growth through alteration of nuclear translocation of NF-ÎșB p65 and p50 in MARC-145 cells

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    AbstractAlthough the functions of porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus (PRRSV) proteins are increasingly understood, the roles of host factors in modifying infection are less well understood. Growing evidence places deubiquitination at the core of a multitude of regulatory processes, ranging from cell growth to innate immune response and health, such as cancer, degenerative and infectious diseases. This report provides further information on the functional role of the porcine ubiquitin-specific peptidase 18 (USP18) during innate immune responses to PRRSV. We have shown that constitutive overexpression of the porcine USP18 in MARC-145 cells restricts PRRSV growth, at least in part via early activation of NF-ÎșB. Viral growth of PRRSV may be perturbed by increasing and decreasing nuclear translocation of p65 and p50, respectively. Our data highlight USP18 as a host restriction factor during innate immune response to PRRSV