14 research outputs found

    Farrell’s production possibilities frontier for two inputs and one output (adapted from Coelli [41].

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    <p>Farrell’s production possibilities frontier for two inputs and one output (adapted from Coelli [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0115544#pone.0115544.ref041" target="_blank">41</a>].</p

    Proportion of missing values for key variables in the ketamine sample data.

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    <p>AKPS  =  Australian-modified Karnofsky Performance Status; BPI  =  Brief Pain Inventory; EOLPRO  =  end of life patient reported outcome; MMSE  =  Mini-Mental State Examination; QOL  =  quality of life.</p

    Summary of the correlations between EOLPRO scores and other established scales and clinical measures.

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    1<p>correlations were considered significant when the probability of making a type I error was less than 0.8% to allow for multiple testing;</p>*<p>statistically significant result; AKPS  =  Australian-modified Karnofsky Performance Status; BPI  =  Brief Pain Inventory; CI  =  bootstrap BCa confidence intervals.</p