163 research outputs found

    Listening in the Language Classroom: The Case for Extensive Listening

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    この論文は、多聴(Extensive Listening) をリスニング力を向上させるだけでなく、言語学習の全体的な向上のためのアプローチとすることを考察したものである。多聴は、聞き取りのための豊富な学習材料を学習者に提供するものである。多聴は、現状では、使用も研究も十分になされておらず、学習教材も十分に提供されていない。この論文では、リスニングそれ自体も考察し、また関係するリスニングアプローチにも言及する。そして多聴を取り上げ、説明する。最初に多読と比較し、多聴を使うことの利点を挙げ、三つの多聴の学習法を説明する。最後に、多聴が将来的に関心が高まる調査分野であることを述べる。This paper considers Extensive Listening (EL) as an approach not just for discretely improving listening skills, but to improve overall language ability. Extensive listening is the provision to learners of abundant aural texts. EL is currently under-used and under-researched, and there is a relative paucity of materials available to be used. Within this paper, the nature listening itself is considered, and the current prevalent approaches to listening noted. Extensive Listening is then introduced and explained, firstly in comparison with Extensive Reading (ER). Reasons are posited for using EL, and three methods for doing so are introduced. The authorconcludes noting that this is a research area that is likely to see considerably increased interest in the coming years

    Introducing an Extensive Reading Program: Theory and Practice

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    神戸松蔭女子大学では、2016 年度の一年生全員に対し、多読授業が導入された。多読アプローチは、学生自身により選定されたグレーデッド・リーダーズを通して、学習レベルに合った大量の第二言語インプットを指す。本稿では、多読の基礎理論及び多読プログラムの実践的課題を詳細に取り上げ、まず多読の理論的枠組みに焦点を当てながら、その歴史的背景と発展について述べ、提言されている多読アプローチの利点をまとめる。次に、先行研究において提唱されている多読の言語的利点等を踏まえ、多読アプローチが普及していない理由を考察する。さらに、本学におけるMReader といった多読学習支援ソフトを用いた多読の実践について報告し、新しいプログラムの導入の諸相を示す。最後に、実践を通して明らかとなったMReader のこれまでの問題点について述べ、当該プログラムを改善していく上での課題について著者の見解を提示する。Extensive Reading (ER) has been introduced at Kobe Shoin for all first year students for the 2016-17 Academic Year. The ER approach is a means of delivering massed second language input at the appropriate level, via graded language texts that are chosen by students. The present paper offers detailed consideration of underpinning theory accompanied by discussion of practical implementation and management issues. The paper firstly situates ER in a detailed theoretical discussion to underpin consideration of the practical, noting the historical origins and growth, and indicates the multiple suggested benefits of ER. Noting the multiple language benefits posited in the available literature, the paper then notes reasons for why this pedagogical approach has not seen wider adoption. The third part of the paper describes the current implementation, via online reading checking software MReader, noting the multiple aspects of putting the new program in place. In the final section of this paper the author, who is the system administrator, briefly notes early challenges that have arisen, offers responses and thoughts for improving the system, and suggests further research areas

    Extensive Reading and Effects on Reading, Writing and Vocabulary : A Literature Review

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    この論文は多読の最新の調査をまとめ、考察したものである。最初にこの教授方法の一般的な理解を探求し、多読の特徴について考察し、さらに多読の理解のために必要な要素を提言する。次に、文学に関係した多読の評価について、生徒がより多く読むことになることを明らかにしながら詳述する。次に多読の有効性について三つの読み,書き、語彙の具体的な分野に絞って探求する。そして、結論として、様々な文献や概要についてのいくつかの問題点を指摘し、多読の価値に関する最終的な考えを述べる。This paper reviews recent research into Extensive Reading (ER). Firstly, in seeking a common understanding of the approach, differing characterizations of ER are discussed, and the need for a common understanding of ER is asserted. Literature relating to assessment of ER follows, revealing that students read more when assessed. Next to be explored is the effectiveness of ER in relation to the three specific skill areas of reading, writing and vocabulary. The paper concludes in noting certain issues in the literature, and with final thoughts as to the suggested value of ER

    Teaching second language writing: Purpose, competences, rhetorical modes, genres and structure

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    本稿では、L2 ライティングの本質を分析するという観点からL2 ライティング指導について考えていく。まず最初にL1 におけるライティングの目的を検討し、Canale & Swain (1980) のコミュニケーション能力を構成する4つの要素をL2 ライティングと関連つけて考察する。次に、ライティングの目的に合わせて一般的に活用されている9つのレトリックモードを紹介した上で、L2 ライティング指導によく見られる4 つのジャンル別ライティングを具体的に取り上げる。最後に、テキスト構造について述べ、本稿をまとめる。This paper focuses on ways for the second language writing instructor to deconstruct the nature of L2 writing. The paper commences with an initial consideration of the purpose for why any of us write, in our L1, before moving on to relate Canale and Swain’s (1980) four suggested communicative competences to L2 writing. Regarding the type of writing undertaken, the nine suggested rhetorical modes are then explained in relation to the teaching of L2 writing, before narrowing this down to four typical writing genres which feature heavily in the teaching of L2 writing. The fifth and final aspect noted herein is structure

    The impact of a design management training initiative on project performance

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    Over recent years there has been a significant drive away from traditional procurement routes where contractors find themselves with an increasing responsibility for the control of the design - a process they have had little experience in managing. Yet this is an area of significant opportunity for those contractors who can adapt quickly and effectively to the changing construction market. However, many current processes are insufficient to manage today’s demanding and fast moving projects. The paper reflects on the deployment of a design management training initiative to improve performance in a major UK civil and building design and construction company. It investigates the impact of the training initiative, critical practices and a suite of 25 tools on design management performance across the company. It highlights benefits delivered by the initiative as well as the practices and tools crucial to successful design management. The paper also explores the range, significance and hierarchy of implementation barriers that affect the success of design management practices and reports on strategies that have been used on a case study project to overcome such barriers. The paper is likely to be of interest to those involved in design management and the development of tools and practices to help the industry improve design management performance

    Delivering learning and tools to improve design management in practice

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    Difficulties in managing the construction design process are preventing the UK construction industry from delivering projects on time, to budget and to the specified quality. The paper reports on a research project being undertaken at a major UK civil and building design and construction company to develop and deploy a training initiative capable of making significant improvements to its design management performance and deliver benefits to many project stakeholders. It describes the development, content and deployment of training material and a suite of twenty-five design management tools to drive change throughout the organisation. The paper is likely to be of interest to those involved in design management and the development of tools and practices to help the industry improve design management performance

    Defining an improvement plan to address design management practices within a UK construction company

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    A UK based design and construction civil and building engineering company is trying to improve its design management practices. It has entered into a partnership with Loughborough University and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to develop and deploy design management tools capable of making significant improvements to its design management performance. Before suitable tools could be identified it was necessary to understand current practices within the organisation. This paper describes the methodology, results and conclusions of this initial study. The results and conclusions discuss current design management practices within the company, identify areas where improvement is necessary and suggests a research scope capable of driving change throughout the company. This paper is likely to be of interest to those involved in design management and the development of tools and practices to help the industry improve design management performance

    Designing water supply and sanitation projects to meet demand in rural and peri-urban communities - Book 1: Concept, principles and practice

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    These guidelines are the result of two years collaborative research undertaken by WEDC with partners in Africa and South Asia. They demonstrate how water supply and sanitation projects in rural and peri-urban areas can be designed to meet user demand. The aim is to improve the use and sustainability of the services provided. The guidelines consist of three books: Book 1: Concept, Principles and Practice Book, 2: Additional Notes for Policy Makers and Planners, Book 3: Ensuring the Participation of the Poor. Concepts, Principles and Practice is intended for practitioners - engineers, social facilitators, financial specialists and managers - implementing water supply and sanitation projects in rural and peri-urban areas. This book is divided into two parts. The concept of demand is introduced in Part I, explaining what demand is and how it can be used to guide project design. Part II shows how the concept and principles described in Part I can be translated into practice, ensuring that vulnerable groups are included in the process