437 research outputs found

    MS-226: Nineteenth Century Pennsylvania Trade Cards

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    This collection contains 80 nineteenth century trade cards from businesses primarily in Philadelphia (six are from other Pennsylvania location) as well as two decorative images and one three- dimensional square map of Central Europe in German. The cards advertise for a variety of goods and services, including clothing, groceries, beauty and health products, printers, plumbers, jewelers, florists, and more. Many of the cards depict cherubic children, fashionable men and women, prudent consumers using the products advertised, fine art, and include poems, promotions, and manufacturer guarantees. These cards may be of interest to anyone studying methods of advertisement and marketing, graphic design, business history, pharmaceutical history, consumer habits, 19th century fashion and customs, as well as other aspects of Pennsylvania or American social and cultural history. Special Collections and College Archives Finding Aids are discovery tools used to describe and provide access to our holdings. Finding aids include historical and biographical information about each collection in addition to inventories of their content. More information about our collections can be found on our website http://www.gettysburg.edu/special_collections/collections/.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/findingaidsall/1194/thumbnail.jp

    MS – 198: Letters of Leonard G. Roberts

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    The letters from Leonard (Mike) Roberts to Geraldine Smith Roberts are very much the correspondence of a young, homesick husband in love. The first series of the collection includes five letters from Mike dated 1937 and two notes presumed to be circa the same time, marking the progress of their teenage courtship. The collection resumes in 1944 when Roberts begins his military service. Drafted late in the war, Roberts was not posted overseas until January, 1945. The letters detail his deployment and military life with a hiatus between February 3rd April 6th as Roberts is taken prisoner by the Germans. His letters continue after his release, detailing his mental, physical, and spiritual condition. With a keen awareness of the censors, Mike reports as much as he is able to on the conditions in camp, traveling through France, his desire for the Germans to surrender and the war to end, his treatment and daily life in a military hospital, and events back home in Coffeyville, Kansas. One letter in the collection, dated February 19th, 1945 was sent from Geraldine to Mike. It is as heartsick as Mike’s letters are to her, full of news from home and fantasies about their life after the war. Series 5 contains 3 newspaper clippings that offer information on Mike’s liberation from prison camp and post-war career. The Roberts’ letters offer an intimate look at one of many long distance relationships between deployed men and their wives during the Second World War. This collection has research potential for anyone interested in correspondence, the daily duties and lives of soldiers in WWII France, German prison camps, or recovery in a military hospital. Special Collections and College Archives Finding Aids are discovery tools used to describe and provide access to our holdings. Finding aids include historical and biographical information about each collection in addition to inventories of their content. More information about our collections can be found on our website https://www.gettysburg.edu/special-collections/collections/.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/findingaidsall/1207/thumbnail.jp

    How Anchor Charts Can Engage Students in Interactive Read-Alouds

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    The research question explored and answered in this project was, can anchor charts make readalouds more interactive and engaging? This project documents the exploration and creation of anchor charts in a read-aloud setting. In conjunction with the Journeys’ (2009) curriculum the researcher created four anchor charts with a goal to create more engagement and increase the interactive quality of read-alouds. The researcher utilizes different types of anchor charts to see student engagement responses. She details the literature surrounding anchor charts as well as giving some background regarding read- alouds and engagement strategies for young learners. The researcher then describes the different successes she found when integrating these charts into a kindergarten classroom and the reasons she finds them to be an essential tool for engagement now

    The dietary quality of food pantry users from a socio-ecological perspective

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    In Germany, around 1.5 Mio people with a low income receive food for a small fee from one of around 940 so-called Tafel. In high-income countries like Germany, users of food pantries are a particularly vulnerable population group, as they are characterized by cumulative health risks. They often suffer from food insecurity and from chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2 or obesity. Given that these diseases as well as food insecurity both relate to diet, the dietary quality plays a critical role in the health status of food pantry users. To illustrate the dietary quality and the different levels of factors influencing the dietary quality among food pantry users, this thesis has the following aims: 1. to provide a summary of the scientific evidence about the dietary quality of food pantry users in high-income countries; 2. to provide a summary of the scientific evidence about the nutritional quality of food provided by food pantries in high-income countries; 3. to examine the distribution of Tafel food pantries and food banks and to provide a representative picture of their resources (e.g. food, volunteers etc.), activities (e.g. provided programs) and users in Germany; 4. to examine the distribution of Tafel food pantries and to identify compositional and physical environmental correlates of food pantry use in Berlin. To reach these aims, two systematic reviews were conducted (first and second publication). In addition, an explorative cross-sectional study consisting of an analysis of secondary data and a comprehensive survey among all Tafel belonging to the federal association Tafel Deutschland was performed (third publication). Finally, an ecological study was conducted by analyzing and mapping food pantry use and compositional and physical characteristics of areas in Berlin (fourth publication). The first review revealed that the dietary quality among the reviewed food pantry users tended to be low as reflected by an inadequate intake of energy, fruit and vegetables, dairy products and calcium compared to national recommendations. The reviewed food pantry users had, in particular, a lower consumption of dairy products compared to the general populations. The second review demonstrated that the nutritional quality of reviewed pre-packed food bags provided by food pantries was highly variable within and between included studies. It also showed that the nutritional quality of most of the food bags was low, reflected, in particular, by a low provision of dairy products, vitamins A and C and calcium compared to national recommendations. None of the studies included in the reviews were nationally representative. The third publication showed that the German food bank system Tafel Deutschland provided a comprehensive net of food pantries, social supermarkets, food banks and other services. However, the number of Tafel per 10,000 welfare recipients was lower in eastern Germany (M = 1.37) compared to western Germany ((M = 2.12), t(162.54) = 4.2424, p < 0.0001). In contrast to the results of the studies included in the second review, the Tafel mainly provided perishable food such as fruits and vegetables (41.42% of the amount of food distributed), bakery products (19.85%) and dairy products (13.39%). However, due to the dependence on donors such as retailers, the amount of food distributed varied widely. The assistance of most local Tafel is based on volunteer labor as 89.97% of Tafels staff were volunteers. In 79 districts, in which all Tafel participated in the survey, there was an average of 179 Tafel beneficiaries per 1000 welfare recipients and 17 Tafel beneficiaries per 1000 residents overall. An even lower usage was found by the fourth publication which revealed that only two out of 1000 adult inhabitants and six out of 1000 children received assistance from one of the 44 investigated Tafel food pantries in Berlin. Tafel use by adults (A) or by children (B) was related to the percentage of welfare recipients (A, &#946; = 0.17, p < 0.001 und B, &#946; = 0.16, p = 0.002), the percentage of inhabitants with migration background (A, &#946; = - 0.08, p = 0.002), the number of discount grocery percentage stores per 1000 children (B, &#946; = 5.65, p = 0.010), and the number of stops of the public transport within a radius of 500 meters (A, &#946; = - 0.24, p = 0.020). The most important limitation of both studies was the unknown reliability of the data collected from the Tafel. The dietary quality of food pantry users in high-income countries was seen to be low. Although food pantries did not provide a full meal plan for a healthy diet, they may have a positive impact on the dietary quality of its users. However, to better understand the role of food pantries in the complex interplay of individual, social and environmental influences on the diet of food pantry users, multi-level approaches should be used in the future. Moreover, researchers are strongly recommended to investigate the mechanisms by which using a food pantry might impact users dietary quality. In addition to these implications for researchers, this thesis makes several recommendations to practitioners at food pantries in Germany and other high-income countries. Following these recommendations could make the position of food pantries in civil society into an important entry point for health promotion among a part of the food insecure population in the future.Allein in Deutschland erhalten regelmäßig etwa 1,5 Mio. Menschen mit einem niedrigen Einkommen gegen einen geringen Beitrag Lebensmittel von einer der rund 940 Tafeln. Nutzer/innen solcher Lebensmittelausgabestellen (NLMA) stellen eine besonders vulnerable Bevölkerungsgruppe dar, da sie von kumulativen Gesundheitsrisiken betroffen sind. So haben sie im Vergleich zu anderen Bevölkerungsgruppen mit einem niedrigen Einkommen ein höheres Risiko von Ernährungsunsicherheit betroffen zu sein. Zudem leiden sie häufig an ernährungsassoziierten Erkrankungen wie Adipositas, Diabetes und/oder Hypertonie. Daher kommt dem Ernährungsverhalten eine besondere Bedeutung für die Gesundheit von NLMA zu. Um die Ernährungsqualität von NLMA und die unterschiedlichen Einflussebenen auf die Ernährung der NLMA zu illustrieren, ergaben sich für die vorliegende Arbeit folgende Ziele: 1. Eine Zusammenfassung der wissenschaftlichen Evidenz zu der Ernährungsqualität von NLMA in Hocheinkommensländern zu bieten, 2. Eine Zusammenfassung der wissenschaftlichen Evidenz zu der Nährwertqualität der von LMA in Hocheinkommensländern angebotenen Lebensmittel zu bieten, 3. Die Verteilung der Tafeln in Deutschland zu untersuchen und ein repräsentatives Abbild der Ressourcen (z.B. Lebensmittel, Freiwillige), Aktivitäten (z.B. angebotene Programme) und Nutzer/innen der Tafeln zu bieten 4. Die Verteilung der LMA der Berliner Tafel e.V. zu untersuchen und kompositionelle und strukturelle Korrelate der Nutzung der LMA in Berlin zu identifizieren. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, wurden zwei systematische Reviews (erste und zweite Publikation), eine Querschnittstudie bestehend aus der Analyse sekundärer Daten und einem umfangreichen Survey (dritte Publikation) sowie eine ökologische Querschnittstudie (vierte Publikation) durchgeführt. Gemäß der in dem ersten Review inkludierten Studien ist die Ernährungsqualität von NLMA in Hocheinkommensländern insbesondere durch einen verglichen mit nationalen Empfehlungen unzureichenden Verzehr von Obst und Gemüse, Milchprodukten und Kalzium charakterisiert. Im Vergleich zu der Allgemeinbevölkerung berichteten die untersuchten NLMA insbesondere einen niedrigeren Verzehr von Milchprodukten. Die in dem zweiten Review inkludierten Studien zeigten, dass die in den von LMA in Hocheinkommensländern angebotenen, in der Regel vorsortierten Lebensmittel-Körbe enthaltenen Energie- und Nährstoffmengen sowohl innerhalb einer Stichprobe als auch zwischen den Stichproben starken Schwankungen unterliegen. Die meisten Körbe enthalten im Vergleich zu nationalen Empfehlungen insbesondere unzureichende Mengen an Milchprodukten, Vitamin A und C sowie Kalzium. Allerdings war keine der in einem der beiden Reviews inkludierten Studienstichproben auf nationaler Ebene repräsentativ. Die dritte Publikation zeigte, dass Tafel Deutschland über ein deutschlandweites Netz an Lebensmittelbanken, -ausgabestellen, sozialen Supermärkten und anderen Services verfügt, die Dichte der Tafeln je 10 000 Transferleistungsempfänger/innen (TE) in Ostdeutschland jedoch niedriger (M = 1,37) als in Westdeutschland (M = 2.12) ist (t(162.54) = 4.2424, p < 0.0001). Anders als viele LMA in anderen Hocheinkommensländern (zweite Publikation), verteilen die Tafeln überwiegend frisches Obst und Gemüse (41.42% der verteilten Lebensmittelmenge), Backwaren (19.85%) und Milchprodukte (13.39%). Aufgrund der Abhängigkeit der Tafeln von Spendern ist das Lebensmittelangebot der Tafeln starken Schwankungen unterworfen. Insgesamt sind 89.97% der Tafel-Mitarbeitenden Freiwillige. Basierend auf Daten von 79 Landkreisen, in denen alle Tafeln an dem Survey teilnahmen, ergab die Studie eine durchschnittliche Nutzeranzahl von 179 Nutzer/innen pro 1000 TE bzw. 17 Nutzer/innen je 1000 Einwohner/innen. Eine noch niedrigere Nutzungsrate wurde durch die vierte Publikation aufgedeckt, die aufzeigte, dass lediglich zwei von 1000 Erwachsenen und sechs von 1000 minderjährigen Einwohner/innen Lebensmittel von einer der 44 untersuchten LMA der Berliner Tafel e.V. erhalten. Multiple Regressionsmodelle zeigten, dass die LMA-Nutzung von Erwachsenen (A) bzw. Kindern (B) signifikant mit dem Anteil der TE (A, &#946; = 0.17, p < 0.001 und B, &#946; = 0.16, p = 0.002 ), dem Anteil der Einwohner/innen mit Migrationshintergrund an der Wohnbevölkerung (A, &#946; = - 0.08, p = 0.002), der Anzahl der Discounter je 1000 Kinder (B, &#946; = 5.65, p = 0.010) und der Anzahl an Haltestellen des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs innerhalb eines Radius von 500 Metern um eine LMA (A, &#946; = - 0.24, p = 0.020) zusammenhängt. Die wichtigste Einschränkung beider Originalstudien ist die unbekannte Reliabilität der Daten, die von den Tafeln erhoben wurden. Obgleich LMA keine Vollversorgung im Sinn einer ausreichenden Lebensmittelmenge für eine gesunde Ernährung bieten, könnten sie die Ernährung der NLMA positiv beeinflussen. Um die Rolle der LMA in dem komplexen Wechselspiel zwischen individuellen, sozialen und umweltbezogenen Einflussfaktoren der Ernährung besser zu verstehen, sind Mehrebenen-Ansätze notwendig. Zudem wird eine detailliertere Untersuchung der Mechanismen, über die eine LMA-Nutzung auf die Ernährung einwirkt, empfohlen. Würden die in dieser Arbeit herausgegebenen Empfehlungen für Mitarbeitende in LMA umgesetzt, könnten sich LMA zukünftig als wichtige zivilgesellschaftliche Gesundheitsförderer für einen Teil der ernährungsunsicheren Bevölkerung etablieren

    Wake measurements of a multi-MW wind turbine with long range lidar

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    The 2-µm pulsed Doppler lidar of the DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) was used to carry out wake measurements of a 5 MW wind turbine of the type Multibrid M5000. This prototype offhsore wind turbine is operating in Bremerhaven at a site near the coast line. The maximum range of the lidar is more than ten kilometres and thus we were able to cover the wind field area of inflow, near-wake and far-wake. For data acquisition a range of 2.5 kilometers, which includes more than ten diameters downstream, was used. First results of different scanning techniques, which demonstrate the potential of this type of measurements, will be presented

    Chimeric bovine embryo multiplication with OCT4 knockout host embryos

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