98 research outputs found

    Researches regarding the evolution, magnitude and complexity of the impact generated by the economic activities on the East Jiu River

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    Ongoing development of modern society, based on consumption of goods and services, leads to the increase of compulsoriness of economic agents to face market requirements by increasing the degree of local and regional industrialization. Establishment of new economic activities generates negative pressures on the environment and surface waters, generating increased pollution, manifested by vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems to stressors. Preliminary studies carried out within the doctoral thesis entitled 'Research on the evolution, magnitude and complexity of the impact of economic activities on the East Jiu' include information on characteristic elements of the East Jiu River basin, in accordance with the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE. The objectives of the field research aimed to identify economic activities in the eastern Jiu Valley generating an impact on the environment (especially the mining industry, but also timber exploitation and processing, local agriculture, animal husbandry and waste storage), establishing a quarterly monitoring program of the river basin, identification of flora and fauna species and identification of areas vulnerable to potential pollution. Based on observations made in situ and on information obtained from the evolution process of the monitoring program, the appropriate methodologies for assessing physical-chemical and ecological quality of the water were selected. Study of the evolution of the impact generated by economic activities on the East Jiu was carried out by mathematical modelling, with finite volumes, of the East Jiu River basin and plotting of pollutant dispersion maps. The magnitude and complexity of impact generated by economic activities was studied by using a complex system based on fuzzy logic, designed based on interactions between natural and artificial systems, between physical-chemical indicators of water and ecosystem. The research carried out substantiates in development of necessary technical measures to reduce the impact generated by economic activities located in eastern Jiu Valley, without significantly changing the hydrodynamics of the river basin. Following research, during different research stages, methods, techniques and tools were designed and accomplished with the help of which, water and aquatic ecosystems’ quality can be assessed, as well as the impact generated by human activity on the Jiu River, at a given moment and/or continuously.:CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SUMMARY LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES ABBREVIATIONS INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF THE THESIS AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY CHAPTER 1 THE EAST JIUL RIVER HYDROGRAPHIC BASIN 1.1. Soil and subsoil of the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 1.2. Climate description of the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 1.3. Geology particularities of the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 1.4. Groundwater features of the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 1.5. Flora and fauna of the Eastern part of Jiu Valley CHAPTER 2 SOURCES OF IMPACT ON THE QUALITY OF WATER, RIPARIAN, TERRESTRIAL AND AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS 2.1. Mining industry 2.2. Wood processing industry in the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 2.3. Urban agriculture and local animal husbandry 2.4. Inappropriate urban household waste storage CHAPTER 3 MONITORING PROGRAM AND METHODS OF EVALUATION OF THE QUALITY OF THE EAST JIUL RIVER 3.1. Establishment of monitoring (control) sections 3.2. Monitoring program of the East Jiu River basin 3.3. Sampling, transport and analysis of water samples 3.4. Methodology used to establish the water quality CHAPTER 4 QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF WATER IN THE EASTERN JIU HYDROGRAPHIC BASIN 4.1. Section 1 - Jieț River - upstream of household settlements (blank assay) 4.2. Section 2 - East Jiu River - in the area of Tirici village 4.3. Section 3 - Răscoala brook - before the confluence with East Jiu River 4.4. Section 4 - East Jiu River - after the confluence with the Răscoala brook 4.5. Section 5 - Taia River - upstream of the confluence with East Jiu River 4.6. Section 6 - East Jiu River - before the confluence with the Taia River 4.7. Section 7 - East Jiu River - after the confluence with the Taia River 4.8. Section 8 - Jiet River downstream of household settlements 4.9. Section 9 - East Jiu River - after the confluence with the Jieț River 4.10. Section 10 - East Jiu River - before the confluence with Banița River 4.11. Section 11 - Roşia River - upstream of household settlements 4.12. Section 12 - Bănița River - after the confluence with the Roșia River 4.13. Section 13 - East Jiu River - after the confluence with the Banița River 4.14. Section 14 - Maleia River - before the confluence with East Jiu River 4.15. Section 15 - Slătioara River - before the confluence with East Jiu River 4.16. Section 16 – East Jiu River - before the confluence with West Jiu River CHAPTER 5 INFLUENCES OF PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL FACTORS ON AQUATIC ICHTHYOFAUNA IN THE EAST JIU RIVER BASIN 5.1. Total suspended solids and aquatic ecosystems 5.2. Acidity or basicity reaction of surface watercourses 5.3. Aquatic ecosystem requirements for gas oversaturation 5.4. Nitrogenous compounds in watercourse 5.5. Phenols, aquatic ecosystems and water quality CHAPTER 6 ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT GENERATED BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN THE EASTERN PART OF JIU VALLEY 6.1. Impact analysis of mining industry in the Eastern Part of Jiu Valley 6.2. The general impact of Eastern Jiu Valley dumps to water quality 6.3. Research on effective infiltration in the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 6.4. Research on groundwater quality in the Eastern part of Jiu Valley 6.5. Analysis of the impact generated by local micro-agriculture 6.6. Analysis of the impact generated by deforestation and wood processing 6.7. Analysis of the impact generated by non-compliant landfilling of waste CHAPTER 7 EVOLUTION OF THE IMPACT GENERATED BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN THE EASTERN JIU VALLEY 7.1. Analysis of the dynamic elements of the watercourse - RMA2 mode 7.2. Analysis of pollutants concentration evolution in the water course - RMA4 module 7.3. Computational field and composition of the energy model of the East Jiu River 7.4. Extension and evolution of the impact generated by economic activities on the East Jiu River 7.5. Extension and evolution of the impact caused by organic pollution of the East Jiu River CHAPTER 8 MAGNITUDE AND COMPLEXITY OF THE IMPACT GENERATED BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN THE EASTERN JIU VALLEY 8.1. Definition of input linguistic variables 8.2. Linguistic outputs of the fuzzy interference system 8.3. Defining the Black Box set of rules 8.4. Proficiency testing of complex systems based on fuzzy logic 8.5. While it is all about the wheel do not forget about the cube CONCLUSIONS AND PERSONAL CONTRIBUTIONS REFERENCE

    Expertise of thermal environment in metallurgical complexes in Romania

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    Workplace microclimate is determined by temperature and humidity of air, air currents and caloric radiation of work environments. All microclimate factors act combined and simultaneously on the human body. Thermal comfort plays a decisive role in mental and physical abilities of workers, and decisively influences workplace performance of employees. In order to ensure the highest possible yield for workers, employers mustregularly evaluate microclimate parameters by measurements. The paper presents a case study on the thermal environment of several metallurgical complexes in Romania, by calculating the PMV and PPD indices at various workplaces that are found in all studied units. After correlating the PMV and PPD indices for each workplace in particular, in all studied units, results were used to create a regression analysis that is expressed by a regression graph, in order to present as concise and objective as possible differences between the studied workplaces. Importance of the paper is outlined by the need to develop research in the field of Health and Safety at Work, in order to objectively assess working conditions in Romania and to develop new methods to ensure a proper work climate in order to maintain or increase the level of workers’ productivity

    Analysis of total content of petroleum products in water by using FTIR spectroscopy

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    Contamination of aquatic and terrestrial environment with oil products is a major problem in processes of extraction, transport and processing of crude oil. Derived organic compounds, resulting from fractional distillation of crude oil often end up in wastewater and surface water causing irreversible effects on aquatic ecosystems. Thus, it’s necessary to identify and qualitatively determine the total content of petroleum products in water, by classical chemical, chromatographic and infrared spectroscopy methods. Gathering high-resolution spectral data was performed by a modern method, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR), a relatively precise, high accuracy data method. The study’s main purpose is to describe most important steps to be followed to obtain representative results for the use of FTIR spectrometry in determining total content of petroleum products in water. Steps described in the study involve drawing the baseline, calibrating the method with certified reference materials and estimating the uncertainty degree of the analysis method used. The study of total content of petroleum products is addressed especially to researchers in the field of analytical chemistry to update the methods used, environmental engineers to estimate the pollution degree of a body of water and (PhD) students who want to deepen the field of petroleum compounds analysis

    Assessing the Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Romanian Part of the Tisza River Basin

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    Clime change represents a current and important issue; in addition to the disputed global warming, at local or regional levels, floods could also be a consequence of this phenomenon. If the potential effects are assessed in terms of exposure, sensitivity, and vulnerability, a GIS methodology, based on statistical indicators and GIS modelling was used to assess the overall vulnerability of the Tisza river basin and define the flood-prone area. Even though specific indicators exhibited high values in some NUTS III units, the overall vulnerability of the regions appears to be low

    Storage Security in Cloud Computing: Data Auditing Protocols

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    Cloud computing has emerged as a necessity for hosting data on cloud servers so that information can be accessed and shared remotely. It was quickly adopted because it provides quality of service for various remotely available, easy-to-configure, and easy-to- use products, such as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) or PaaS (Platform as a Service). However, this new paradigm of data hosting brings new challenges. Some of the challenges related to the issue of security require independent audit services to verify the integrity of cloud-hosted data. With many end users and companies moving from on-premise to cloud models for their business, cloud data security is a critical concept that needs to be managed. First, we identify security requirements. Second, we look at potential solutions to ensure data integrity in cloud storage. Last, we propose a data auditing solution that can be used to detect corrupt data or file anomalies in the storage system

    Intelligence și globalizare

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    Lucrarea de față urmărește să contribuie la dezvoltarea culturii de securitate a publicului larg prin dezvoltarea unor aspecte generale legate de domeniul Intelligence, în special în condițiile actuale ale evoluției mediului de securitate, marcat decisiv de procesul de globalizare

    Applicability of bone landmarks in marking submandibular and subangulomandibular incision lines toward conservation of the mandibular marginal nerve

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    Rezumat. Datorită localizării sale, nervul marginal mandibular poate fi traumat în timpul diferitor intervenţii chirurgicale din sfera OMF. Rata de afectare a acestuia variază de la 1.7% la 50%, în dependenţă de mai mulţi factori. Au fost studiaţi 25 de pacienţi cu plăgi submandibulare și subangulomandibulare aflaţi la tratament staţionar în secţia Chirurgie oromaxilo-facială, Institutul de Medicină Urgentă. S-a examinat lungimea inciziei și poziţionarea acesteia în relaţie cu reperele anatomice osoase ca unghiul mandibulei și marginea inferioară a mandibulei. Integritatea nervului marginal mandibular a fost apreciată prin verificarea funcţiilor mușchilor buzei inferioare. Din 25 de pacienţi analizaţi în studiu, la 13 dintre ei a fost înregistrată afectarea nervului marginal mandibular. Rata de eșec obţinută la demarcarea liniei de incizie cu 2 cm inferior de marginea inferioară a mandibulei este de 72% la unghiul mandibular și 44% la marginea anterioară a mușchiului maseter. În concluzie, marcarea liniei de incizie submandibulară sau subangulomandibulară nu poate fi efectuată predictibil utilizând reperele anatomice osoase.Summary. Due to its location, the mandibular marginal nerve can be traumatized during various surgeries in the OMF sphere. Its damage rate varies from 1.7% to 50%, depending on several factors. We studied 25 patients with submandibular and subangulomandibular wounds undergoing inpatient treatment in the department of Oro–maxillo–facial Surgery, Institute of Emergency Medicine. The length of the incision and its positioning in relation to the anatomical bone landmarks such as the angle of the mandible and the lower margin of the mandible were examined. The integrity of the mandibular marginal nerve was assessed by checking the functions of the lower lip muscles. Of the 25 patients analyzed in the study, 13 were diagnosed with mandibular marginal nerve damage. The failure rate obtained when demarcating the incision line 2 cm inferior to the lower margin of the mandible is 72% at the mandibular angle and 44% at the anterior margin of the masseter muscle. In conclusion, marking of the submandibular or subangulomandibular incision line cannot be performed predictably using bone anatomical landmarks

    A Comparative Study of Cryptographic Key Distribution Protocols

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    Key distribution protocols deal with generating, exchanging, and storing information (especially shared keys). In this paper, we compare three different types of protocols: classical, quantum key distribution, and blockchain-based protocols, with examples from each category, presenting the particularities and challenges of each one, including solutions and the impact of these protocols

    A Note on Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois/Counter Mode Algorithm Improvements and S-Box Customization

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    Advanced Encryption Standard used with Galois Counter Mode, mode of operation is one of the the most secure modes to use the AES. This paper represents an overview of the AES modes focusing the AES-GCM mode and its particularities. Moreover, after a detailed analysis of the possibility of enhancement for the encryption and authentication phase, a method of generating custom encryption schemes based on GF(282^8) irreducible polynomials different from the standard polynomial used by the AES-GCM mode is provided. Besides the polynomial customization, the solution proposed in this paper offers the possibility to determine, for each polynomial, the constants that can be used in order to keep all the security properties of the algorithm. Using this customization method, allows changing the encryption schemes over a period of time without interfering with the process, bringing a major improvement from the security point of view by avoiding pattern creation. Furthermore, this paper sets the grounds for implementing authentication enhancement using a similar method to determine the polynomials that can be used instead of the default authentication polynomial, without changing the algorithm strength at all