592 research outputs found

    Omnidirectionally Bending to the Normal in epsilon-near-Zero Metamaterials

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    Contrary to conventional wisdom that light bends away from the normal at the interface when it passes from high to low refractive index media, here we demonstrate an exotic phenomenon that the direction of electromagnetic power bends towards the normal when light is incident from arbitrary high refractive index medium to \epsilon-near-zero metamaterial. Moreover, the direction of the transmitted beam is close to the normal for all angles of incidence. In other words, the electromagnetic power coming from different directions in air or arbitrary high refractive index medium can be redirected to the direction almost parallel to the normal upon entering the \epsilon-near-zero metamaterial. This phenomenon is counterintuitive to the behavior described by conventional Snell's law and resulted from the interplay between \epsilon-near-zero and material loss. This property has potential applications in communications to increase acceptance angle and energy delivery without using optical lenses and mechanical gimbals

    Resonant Transmission of Electromagnetic Fields through Subwavelength Zero-ϵ\epsilon Slits

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    We theoretically investigate the transmission of electromagnetic radiation through a metal plate with a zero-ϵ\epsilon metamaterial slit, where the permittivity tends towards zero over a given bandwidth. Our analytic results demonstrate that the transmission coefficient can be substantial for a broad range of slit geometries, including subwavelength widths that are many wavelengths long. This novel resonant effect has features quite unlike the Fabry-P\'{e}rot-like resonances that have been observed in conductors with deep channels. We further reveal that these high impedance ultranarrow zero-ϵ\epsilon channels can have significantly {\it greater} transmission compared to slits with no wave impedance difference across them

    A Case of Mistaken Identity: Biomarkers for High Risk Premalignant Breast Lesions

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    Discusses projects to develop biomarkers to predict atypical hyperplasias that may progress to invasive breast cancer. This presentation is part of the retreat mini-symposium entitled: Biomarker Discovery and Targeted Therapeutics in Cancer

    Magnetic field and temperature sensing with atomic-scale spin defects in silicon carbide

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    Quantum systems can provide outstanding performance in various sensing applications, ranging from bioscience to nanotechnology. Atomic-scale defects in silicon carbide are very attractive in this respect because of the technological advantages of this material and favorable optical and radio frequency spectral ranges to control these defects. We identified several, separately addressable spin-3/2 centers in the same silicon carbide crystal, which are immune to nonaxial strain fluctuations. Some of them are characterized by nearly temperature independent axial crystal fields, making these centers very attractive for vector magnetometry. Contrarily, the zero-field splitting of another center exhibits a giant thermal shift of -1.1 MHz/K at room temperature, which can be used for thermometry applications. We also discuss a synchronized composite clock exploiting spin centers with different thermal response.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Perfect Absorption in Ultrathin Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterials Induced by Fast-Wave Non-Radiative Modes

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    Above-light-line surface plasmon polaritons can arise at the interface between a metal and epsilon-near-zero metamaterial. This unique feature induces unusual fast-wave non-radiative modes in a epsilon-near-zero material/metal bilayer. Excitation of this peculiar mode leads to wide-angle perfect absorption in low-loss ultrathin metamaterials. The ratio of the perfect absorption wavelength to the thickness of the epsilon-near-zero metamaterial can be as high as 10^4; the electromagnetic energy can be confined in a layer as thin as {\lambda}/10000. Unlike conventional fast-wave leaky modes, these fast-wave non-radiative modes have quasi-static capacitive features that naturally match with the space-wave field, and thus are easily accessible from free space. The perfect absorption wavelength can be tuned from mid- to far-infrared by tuning the epsilon = 0 wavelength while keeping the thickness of the structure unchanged

    Mode Bifurcation and Fold Points of Complex Dispersion Curves for the Metamaterial Goubau Line

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    In this paper the complex dispersion curves of the four lowest-order transverse magnetic modes of a dielectric Goubau line (ϵ>0,μ>0\epsilon>0, \mu>0) are compared with those of a dispersive metamaterial Goubau line. The vastly different dispersion curve structure for the metamaterial Goubau line is characterized by unusual features such as mode bifurcation, complex fold points, both proper and improper complex modes, and merging of complex and real modes

    Guided Modes of Elliptical Metamaterial Waveguides

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    The propagation of guided electromagnetic waves in open elliptical metamaterial waveguide structures is investigated. The waveguide contains a negative-index media core, where the permittivity, ϵ\epsilon and permeability μ\mu are negative over a given bandwidth. The allowed mode spectrum for these structures is numerically calculated by solving a dispersion relation that is expressed in terms of Mathieu functions. By probing certain regions of parameter space, we find the possibility exists to have extremely localized waves that transmit along the surface of the waveguide