77 research outputs found

    Late Vinča culture settlement at Crkvine in Stubline: Household organization and urbanization in the Late Vinča culture period

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    Poznovinčansko naselje na lokalitetu Crkvine nalazi se oko 40 km jugozapadno od Beograda (Srbija), u blizini sela Stubline, opština Obrenovac. Situirano je na blagom uzvišenju, sa severa i juga omeđenom potocima koji se spajaju ispod njegovog jugoistočnog kraja, i zauzima površinu od oko 16 ha (sl. 1). Tokom 2007. i 2008. godine obavljena su geomagnetna istraživa na površini od 32400 m2 (25% ukupne površine poznovinčanskog naselja), na samoj zapadnoj periferiji naselja. Analiza dobijenih rezultati ukazuje na postojanje oko 100 kuća izgrađenih u redovima oko većih praznih površina, a konstatovani su i rovovi koji su sa severne i južne strane okruživali naselje (sl. 3). U jesen 2008. godine Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture grada Beograda i Muzej grada Beograda, preduzeli su arheološka iskopavanja sa ciljem provere značenja određenih vrednosti geomagnetnih anomalija. Sonda 06/2008, dimenzija 8 h 1 m postavljena je na mestu gde je geomagnetnom prospekcijom konstatovana anomalija čije vrednosti su iznosile 10 nT. Iskopom vršenim samo do površine obrušenog zidnog lepa konstatovano je postojanje objekta (kuća 2/2008) koji nije goreo visokim intenzitetom. U sondi 05/2008, 9 h 9 m, pozicioniranoj iznad anomalije sa vrednostima između 10 nT i 25 nT, otkriven je stambeni objekat (kuća 1/2008), čija je osnova bila skoro u celosti očuvana. Orijentacija istraženog objekta, sever-severoistok - jugjugoistok (sl. 4), podudara se sa orijentacijama većine ostalih objekata konstatovanih geomagnetnim snimanjem. Sam način gradnje, kao i prostorna organizacija kuće, u okvirima su očekivanog za ovaj period. Ukupna istražena dužina kuće iznosi 9.15 m, dok širina varira između 4.70 i 4.85 m (sl. 5). Osim pokretnih nalaza uobičajenih za ovaj period (Vinča D) pronađeni si i fiksini delovi pokućstva: peć sa kaltotom u severoistočnom uglu kuće (sl. 8) i podnica uništene peći u jugozapadnom delu, koje takođe pripadaju uobičajenim nalazima Novinu donose konstrukcija žrvnja, izgrađenog od gline u obliku korita sa izdignutom platformom na sredini na čijem vrhu je bio utisnut ravan kamen (sl. 14) i glineni recipijent (žrtvenik?) koji je otkriven u severozapadnom uglu kuće, pored koga su se nalazili 'pogača' od gline prečnika 20 cm, posuda sa izlivnikom i tzv. 'omfalos' (sl. 12 i 15). Posebno treba istaći nalaz kompozicije od ukupno 46 figurina (38 pronađenih ispred samog otvora peći, kraj njenog jugozapadnog ugla, i još osam identičnih u neposrednoj blizini), kao i njima pripadajućih 11 minijaturnih modela alatki od gline (sl. 10 i 11). Ovaj izuzetni nalaz ukazuje barem na dve stvari: transponovanje određenog sistema razmišljanja ili verovanja, sa nivoa zajednice na nivo kultne radnje ili igre, prethodio je izradi kompozicije; postojanje 45 oblikom identičnih figurina i jedne veće i razuđenije (nalazila se u sredini grupe od 9 manjih figurina) ukazuje na mogućnost postojanja jasne hijerarhije u zajednici ili religijskom sistemu. Dosadašnja geomagnetna istraživanja dozvoljavaju pretpostavku o izvesnoj urbanizaciji ovoga naselja. Na ovome lokalitetu uočeno je da postoji više grupa kuća koje su skoncentrisane oko većih slobodnih površina (trgova?). Evidentno ponavljanje ovakvih struktura ukazuje na jasno planiranje, koje može, ali i ne mora, da bude uslovljeno određenim socijalnim faktorima. Upravo te slobodne površine možda ukazuju i na postojanje prostora na kojima su mogle biti obavljane neke zajedničke aktivnosti (profanog ili sakralnog karaktera), ali i koje su mogle služiti kao mesta svakodnevnog okupljanja, budući da je prostor između samih kuća isuviše mali. Na rastojanju od 15 km od poznovinčanskog naselja Crkvine kod Stublina nalazi se još 10 lokaliteta sa poznovinčanskim horizontom kao poslednjom fazom življenja na njima (sl. 17). Stepen njihove istraženosti ne dozvoljava precizno hronološko opredeljenje prekida življenja na svim lokalitetima, ali je neosporno da se na više njih u određenim periodima istovremeno živelo. Imajući u vidu dosadašnja razmatranja o gustini naseljenosti u vreme poznog neolita, prisustvo više velikih naselja u međurečju Save, Tamnave i Kolubare, na relativno maloj površini, otvara i niz pitanja o ustrojstvu koje je omogućavalo njihovu koegzistenciju.The site Crkvine is situated in the vicinity of the village Stubline in the borough of Obrenovac around 40 km to the southwest of Belgrade (Serbia). In the first section of this work we present the comprehensive report about the investigations carried out so far. The geomagnetic prospection undertaken from 2006 to 2008 covered an area of 32,400 square meters and the obtained results indicate the existence of around 100 houses built in rows around the rather large open areas as well as the trenches surrounding the settlement. The investigations of the house 1/2008 dating from the Vinča culture D-2 period yielded in addition to the data concerning its interior organization also a unique find of the group of 46 figurines with 11 models of miniature tools. In the second section of this work we discuss the prospects, which future investigations of this site and its environment could provide concerning the study of the social organization in the very end of the Vinča culture

    Developing service-oriented application for the educational cloud

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    In this paper we present an application which is used for cloud computing infrastructure management. The application is based on web services and it is integrated with an existing e-learning system. Main users of the applications are teachers and students and the application consists of two main parts which are web application and mobile application. The application is successfully implemented at the e-Business Laboratory of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade

    Analysis of the change in structural parameters of mechanically alloyed Cu composite materials using different milling methods

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    In this study, the Cu-Zr-B ternary system was investigated as it has proven to be a promising composite material used in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, electronics, nuclear and tooling, among others. Owing to its versatility and a combination of desirable properties such as high strength and hardness, corrosion and wear resistance, and thermal stability, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. The effects of mechanical alloying (MA) parameters on the Cu-Zr-B properties, including ball-to-powder ratio, rotation speed, milling time, and milling atmosphere, were examined using the X-ray analysis, scanning electron microscopy, stereological analysis, and the Williamson-Hall analysis. Different mills, namely Atritor Mill and Turbula Shaker, were used in order to determine the effect that the type of mill has on the final structural parameters of the Cu-Zr-B. All results are given after 20 hours of mechanical alloying of the composite material. The rotation speed was around 300 rpm for both devices, and the ball-to-powder ratio was 10:1 for all the cases. It was shown that the ball size also plays a significant role in the final microstructural and morphological properties of the MA powders of the Cu-Zr-B. A comprehensive analysis showed that the powders produced in the Atritor mill (Powder 1, with a uniform ball size), as well as the powders produced in the Turbula where there was a range of different ball sizes used (Powder 2), showed lower values of dislocation density and crystalline size values compared to the powders produced in the Turbula with a uniform ball size (Powder 3). It is important to state that, with time, due to the plastic deformation mechanisms present, crystallite size decreases in all cases, with the lowest value again being powder 3.Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering: Program and the Book of Abstracts; November 29 – December 1, 2023, Belgrade, Serbi

    The Effect of Ball-Powder Ratio on The Mechanical and Structural Properties of CuZrB Composite Materials Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy

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    Copper matrix composites exhibit excellent mechanical and thermal properties. The composite consists of copper (Cu), zirconium (Zr), and boron (B) and is produced using the powder metallurgy technique. The high-energy ball milling was applied for mechanical alloying of the Cu-Zr-B powder mixture to achieve the desired ratio for obtaining a copper matrix reinforced with ZrB2 ceramic particles. The milling times of 10 and 40 hours for two different ball-to-powder ratios are investigated for a powder mixture with a composition of Cu-2.71Zr-2.27B (wt.%). XRD and SEM analyses were employed to determine structural and morphological changes in the mechanically alloyed powder mixture. Investigation of the morphological parameters shows that with prolonged milling, the shape of mixed particles becomes more uniform, while their structural parameters have been drastically changed. It is determined that during high-energy ball milling of the Cu-2.71Zr-2.27B (wt.%), the size of the copper powder decreases as the mechanical alloying increases for both ball-powder ratios. Dislocation densities reach their maximum value at around 30 hours of mechanical alloying for both ball-powder ratios, with dislocation density being higher for the 1:15 ratio, after which they decrease owing to the recrystallization of the copper matrix. XRD analysis shows no presence of ZrB2 reinforcement particles or oxides during milling

    Innovative processing routes in manufacturing of metal matrix composite materials

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    Metal matrix composites (MMCs) belong to a group of modern materials owing to their excellent technological, mechanical, and physical properties such as excellent wear and corrosion resistance, high electrical and thermal conductivity, improved strength and hardness. Final properties of MMCs are affected equally by all steps of its manufacturing process. It is shown that by using adequate process parameters to obtain starting materials (reaching the specific size, shape, and reactivity) the control of volume fraction and distribution of reinforcements within the matrix can be achieved. For this purpose, mechanical alloying has been appointed as a good approach. MMCs can be produced using powder metallurgy, ingot metallurgy, and additive manufacturing techniques. Combining high-energy ball milling with these techniques enables the design of an innovative processing route for MMCs manufacturing. Mechanochemical process (achieved using high-energy ball milling) was employed in three manufacturing procedures: hot pressing, compocasting, and laser melting/sintering for obtaining of the suitable powder. These production routes for MMCs manufacturing were the subject of this work. The aim of MMCs design is to establish an optimal combination of production techniques merged into the cost-effective fabrication route for obtaining MMCs with required properties

    The impact of forced social comparison on adolescents' self-esteem and appearance satisfaction

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    The impact of forced social comparison on adolescents' self-esteem and appearance satisfaction research, conducted on a sample of 133 high school seniors, consisted of two phases. In phase one, participants were given the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory, Appearance Satisfaction Scale and Appearance Relevance Scale, and in phase two, one month later, they were exposed to photographs of attractive and unattractive individuals. Two groups of boys and girls each assessed attractive or unattractive individuals of their own gender, while two control groups (of both genders) were not exposed to any photographs. Immediately after assessing the photographs, the participants were again given the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory and Appearance Satisfaction Scale. We found that forced social comparison had an impact on self-esteem and a marginally significant effect on appearance satisfaction in the group of participants (of both genders) assessing the photographs of unattractive individuals, while no effects were found in the either the control group or the group assessing the photographs of attractive individuals. We also examined the impact of self-esteem, appearance satisfaction and appearance relevance as moderating variables on the effect size of social comparison and showed that higher pretest self-esteem and appearance relevance and lower appearance satisfaction predict higher posttest self-esteem scores, regardless of the participants' group membership. The group of participants exposed to photographs of unattractive people, however, showed the opposite pattern - those participants who had initially lower self-esteem have increased it more as a result of the experimental exposure

    Integralno brašno od kukuruza različite boje zrna kao izvor makro- i mikro- nutrijenata

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    Four commercial wholegrain flours made from differently colored kernels of maize genotypes produced in Maize Research Institute "Zemun Polje" were used as the subject of this study. Values of major chemical components as well as mineral nutrients, antioxidants and some vitamins of wholegrain flours obtained from white dent hybrid, yellow popping maize hybrid, red dent variety and blue popping maize landrace are presented. All flours had high fiber content (6.9-10.4%), while total protein ranged from 8.5% to 12.2%. A high level of anthocyanins was determined in blue popping maize wholegrain flour (910.0 mg CGE/kg), whereas yellow popping maize flour had a high content of total carotenoids (26.5 mg βCE/kg). Total antioxidant capacity was the lowest in white (15.50 mmol Trolox Eq/kg) and the highest in blue popping maize flour (37.6 mmol Trolox Eq/kg). All investigated wholegrain flours contained high levels of potassium and magnesium, as well as high content of trace elements, namely iron, zinc, copper and manganese. The maize flour is naturally gluten-free, which makes it highly suitable for persons susceptible to a gluten allergy and those with celiac disease. These results indicate that the wholegrain ZP maize flours can be used as functional food ingredients.Kao predmet ovog istraživanja korišćena su četiri komercijalna integralna brašna dobijena od genotipova kukuruza različite boje zrna proizvedenih u Institutu za kukuruz „Zemun Polje“. Prikazane su vrednosti glavnih nutritivnih parametara kao i mineralnih materija, antioksidanata i pojedinih vitamina integralnog brašna dobijenog od hibrida belog zubana, hibrida kukuruza žutog kokičara, sorte crvenog zubana i populacije kukuruza plavog kokičara. Sva brašna su imala visok sadržaj vlakana (6,9-10,4%), dok se sadržaj proteina kretao od 8,5% do 12,2%. Visok nivo antocijana utvrđen je u integralnom brašnu kukuruza plavog zrna (910,00 mg CGE/kg, pri čemu je u žutom kukuruznom brašnu utvrđen visok sadržaj karotenoida (26,5 mg βCE/kg). Ukupni antioksidativni kapacitet bio je najniži u belom (15,50 mmol Trolox Ek/kg), a najviši u plavom kukuruznom brašnu (37,60 mmol Trolox Eq/kg). Sva ispitivana integralna brašna sadržala su visok nivo kalijuma i magnezijuma, kao i visok sadržaj mikroelemenata, odnosno gvožđa, cinka, bakra i mangana. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da se integralna ZP kukuruzna brašna mogu koristiti kao funkcionalni sastojci hrane

    Changes in techno-functional properties of maize flours induced by dry-heat treatment

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    of the flours by reducing the enzyme activity and moisture content. Besides the biological effects, the dry-heat process has a significant impact on the techno-functional and nutritional properties of flours. Hence, the effects of the dry heat treatment at different temperatures: 100, 125, 135, 150, and 165°C, on the technological and functional properties, as well as antioxidant capacity of maize flours were investigated. The experimental material consisted of two maize hybrids with different colors and kernel types (white-standard and blue-popping). Maize samples were ground on a lab mill to a fine powder (<500μm) and flour samples evenly spread on a glass plate and thermally treated for 1 h in a ventilation oven Memmert UF55. Results showed that dry heat treatment increased the insoluble dietary fibre and free phenolic compounds of the investigated maize flours, while the bound phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, and pasting properties decreased with the rising of the applied temperature. The antioxidant capacity ranged from 10.05 to 13.32 mmol Trolox Eq/kg and 20.51 to 24.03 mmol Trolox Eq/kg in white and blue maize flour, respectively. The water absorption index showed an increase to a temperature of 135°C after which it began to decrease and reached a minimum at a temperature of 165°C. Meanwhile, the solubility index increased with an increase of temperature, and doubled its value after a temperature of 135°C. The dry-heat treatments largely modulated pasting properties of maize flours. The untreated maize flour samples showed a higher peak viscosity than the treated samples. Especially, white and blue maize flour samples at 165oC reached the lowest viscosity value of all samples and the result was attributed to the structural changes in flour. Dry-heat treatment had a significant effect on the maize flour color parameters and the results of the parameters L*, a* and b* indicated that the flour showed darkening and browning effect as the dry heat treatment temperature increased. Browning also indicates the formation of melanoidins as the end-product of the Maillard reaction, which confirms the maximum value of antioxidant capacity at a temperature of 165°C. All results showed that a temperature of 135°C had favorable impact on the techno-functionality of maize flours. However, due to the different kernel structures of the used maize genotypes and inter-relations between chemical compounds within the food matrix, the overall impact of dry-heat treatments was not completely elucidated

    Recycling refractories for steelmaking processes

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    The objectives and effects of refractory materials recycling, as well as the potential industries from which waste refractories suitable for recycling can be collected, will be discussed in this paper. After the end of its service life, the refractory material is usually disposed of at industrial landfills or recycled. The main motive for the reuse of refractories is the sustainable conservation of natural resources and environmental protection by reducing CO2 emissions and industrial landfills, reducing landfill costs and users’ costs. The effects achieved by refractory materials recycling are the cost savings of raw materials and disposal, the improvement of the environment, the product line expansion, and consequently the opportunities for products' placement in hitherto unknown and inaccessible markets, as well as closer cooperation between users and suppliers. Respecting recycling policies brings us closer to the concept of zero waste

    Implementation of image analysis for cavitation erosion determination of refractory samples based on talc and domestic zeolite from Igroš

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    Domestic zeolite from Igroš as raw material for ceramic samples for application in condition of cavitation erosion was used. Samples based on talc with 15% of zeolite, from Igroš sintered at 1200ºC, were used in this investigation. The ultrasonic vibratory cavitation set up with stationery specimen was used. Mass loss was measured as well as the degradation level of the samples using image analysis. Image analysis was used for the level of damage determinations, as well for number and area of the formed pits. Analysis of the pits formation and growing will be used for description of the mechanism of degradation during cavitation erosion testing. Obtained results showed good resistance of the sample to cavitation erosion, which gives the possibility for future application of ceramic samples based on talc and zeolite in conditions where cavitation erosion is expected