52 research outputs found

    How valuable is a firm’s patent? A New approach from Patent Citations Data

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    Intellectual Property Protection serves two purposes. The first is to encourage innovation by granting patent holders monopoly rights to their inventions for fixed periods of time. The second is to speed up innovation by allowing patent holders to license their inventions and obtain royalties. While few doubt the economic benefit of the system and its ability to foster innovation, empirically assessing the value of a patent to a firm has proved exceptionally difficult. Important in its own right, the question is even more important for developing and improving patent policy. This paper uses patent citations as a measure of patent value in an attempt to quantify the impact patents have on a firm’s value. Patent citations both reflect the vast heterogeneity in patent value and capture the breadth of the patent by observing the number of areas in which it is later cited. As such, they provide a more direct measurement of patent value. Results find however, that all these variables are statistically insignificantly different from zero, and a discussion of potential explanations is given. At the very least, the relationship between number of citations received by a particular patent and its impact on firm value is proven far more complex than suggested by the previous literature, suggesting the need for further research

    Hierarchical Pointer Net Parsing

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    Transition-based top-down parsing with pointer networks has achieved state-of-the-art results in multiple parsing tasks, while having a linear time complexity. However, the decoder of these parsers has a sequential structure, which does not yield the most appropriate inductive bias for deriving tree structures. In this paper, we propose hierarchical pointer network parsers, and apply them to dependency and sentence-level discourse parsing tasks. Our results on standard benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, outperforming existing methods and setting a new state-of-the-art.Comment: Accepted by EMNLP 201

    Eliminating Reasoning via Inferring with Planning: A New Framework to Guide LLMs' Non-linear Thinking

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    Chain-of-Thought(CoT) prompting and its variants explore equipping large language models (LLMs) with high-level reasoning abilities by emulating human-like linear cognition and logic. However, the human mind is complicated and mixed with both linear and nonlinear thinking. In this work, we propose \textbf{I}nferential \textbf{E}xclusion \textbf{P}rompting (IEP), a novel prompting that combines the principles of elimination and inference in order to guide LLMs to think non-linearly. IEP guides LLMs to plan and then utilize Natural Language Inference (NLI) to deduce each possible solution's entailment relation with context, commonsense, or facts, therefore yielding a broader perspective by thinking back for inferring. This forward planning and backward eliminating process allows IEP to better simulate the complex human thinking processes compared to other CoT-based methods, which only reflect linear cognitive processes. We conducted a series of empirical studies and have corroborated that IEP consistently outperforms CoT across various tasks. Additionally, we observe that integrating IEP and CoT further improves the LLMs' performance on certain tasks, highlighting the necessity of equipping LLMs with mixed logic processes. Moreover, to better evaluate comprehensive features inherent in human logic, we introduce \textbf{M}ental-\textbf{A}bility \textbf{R}easoning \textbf{B}enchmark (MARB). The benchmark comprises six novel subtasks with a total of 9,115 questions, among which 1,685 are developed with hand-crafted rationale references. We believe both \textsc{IEP} and \textsc{MARB} can serve as a promising direction for unveiling LLMs' logic and verbal reasoning abilities and drive further advancements. \textsc{MARB} will be available at ~\texttt{anonymity link} soon

    Benchmarking Generation and Evaluation Capabilities of Large Language Models for Instruction Controllable Summarization

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    While large language models (LLMs) already achieve strong performance on standard generic summarization benchmarks, their performance on more complex summarization task settings is less studied. Therefore, we benchmark LLMs on instruction controllable text summarization, where the model input consists of both a source article and a natural language requirement for the desired summary characteristics. To this end, we curate an evaluation-only dataset for this task setting and conduct human evaluation on 5 LLM-based summarization systems. We then benchmark LLM-based automatic evaluation for this task with 4 different evaluation protocols and 11 LLMs, resulting in 40 evaluation methods in total. Our study reveals that instruction controllable text summarization remains a challenging task for LLMs, since (1) all LLMs evaluated still make factual and other types of errors in their summaries; (2) all LLM-based evaluation methods cannot achieve a strong alignment with human annotators when judging the quality of candidate summaries; (3) different LLMs show large performance gaps in summary generation and evaluation. We make our collected benchmark, InstruSum, publicly available to facilitate future research in this direction.Comment: GitHub Repo: https://github.com/yale-nlp/InstruSu

    Neuroendocrine pathogenesis of perimenopausal depression

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    With the development of social economics and the increase of working pressure, more and more women are suffering from long-term serious stress and showing symptoms of perimenopausal depression (PMD). The incidence rate of PMD is increasing, and the physical and mental health are seriously affected. However, due to the lack of accurate knowledge of pathophysiology, its diagnosis and treatment cannot be accurately executed. By consulting the relevant literature in recent years, this paper elaborates the neuroendocrine mechanism of perimenopausal depression from the aspects of epigenetic changes, monoamine neurotransmitter and receptor hypothesis, glial cell-induced neuroinflammation, estrogen receptor, interaction between HPA axis and HPG axis, and micro-organism-brain gut axis. The purpose is to probe into new ways of treatment of PMD by providing new knowledge about the neuroendocrine mechanism and treatment of PMD

    Childhood Influenza Vaccination and Its Determinants during 2020-2021 Flu Seasons in China: A Cross-Sectional Survey.

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    Young children aged 6−59 months are recommended as one of the priority groups for seasonal influenza vaccination in China. This study assessed influenza vaccination coverage and the factors associated with vaccination uptake among children in three Chinese provinces. In September 2021, 2081 caregivers with children <5 years completed self-administered questionnaires as part of a cross-sectional survey. Logistic regression was used to assess determinants of childhood influenza vaccination. A total of 43.63% of respondents reported vaccinating their children against influenza during the 2020−2021 flu season. Caregivers who lived in Anhui province, had a bachelor degree or above, and an annual household income <20,000 RMB were more likely to vaccinate their children against influenza. Confidence in the importance (OR: 2.50; 95%CI: 1.77−3.54), safety (OR: 1.60; 95%CI: 1.29−1.99), and effectiveness (OR: 1.54; 95%CI: 1.23−1.93) of influenza vaccine was significantly associated with childhood vaccine acceptance. Respondents who saw that other caregivers were vaccinating their children had significantly higher odds of vaccinating their own children. Caregivers’ receiving positive influence from healthcare workers (OR: 1.33; 95%CI: 1.00−1.77), family members, or friends (OR: 1.30; 95%CI: 1.14−1.49) were also significantly associated with childhood influenza vaccination. Poor access, including conflicts between caregivers’ availability and vaccination service schedules and inconvenient transportation to the vaccination site were negatively associated with childhood flu vaccination. To promote childhood influenza vaccination, public health information campaigns need to target wealthier and less educated caregivers to enhance caregivers’ confidence in influenza vaccination. Targeted interventions are also needed to optimize access to vaccination services, including extending vaccination service hours and increasing the number of vaccination sites close to residential areas. Interventions are also needed to encourage primary care providers to play a greater role in promoting vaccination. Finally, the dissemination of related information and the public response need to be monitored for the timely understanding of public perceptions
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