12 research outputs found

    The Growth Dynamics on Tree Species of Fagaceae Family in a Tropical Montane Rain Forest of West Java, Indonesia

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    A one ha (100 x 100 m ) permanent plot each was established at sub-mountain (1000 m altitude) and mountain forests (1800 m altitude)in Gunung Halimun National Park,West Java in 1996.Both plots were monitored periodically in order to understand the population dynamics of tree species, an important aspect on understanding forest ecology.Number of individuals and total basal areas of Fagaceae species represented about 10 and 20.5% of total species in sub-mountain and 38 and 56.1% of total species in mountain forest.The distribution pattern of tree height(H, in m) of the similar diameter (D in cm) was consistently lower in mountain forest than of sub-mountain forest.The highest mortality index in sub-mountain and mountain forests was occurred on Lithocarpus sp.(ruui) and Castanopsis acuminatissima, respectively.As a whole, in both study sites, number of mortal individuals of all Fagaceae species during 1996-200 was higher than of recruit individuals.The growth and population dynamics of the Fagaceae species in both sites within 1996-2000 study periods were also discussed

    Kehilangan Hara Pada Tanah Miring Hutan Primer Di Taman Nasional Dumoga - Bone, Sulawesi Utara

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    H. SIMBOLON 1988.Soil nutrients loss on a slope in the primary forest of Dumoga-Bone Nationat Park.North Sulawesi. Berita Biologi 3(8): 413 -417.The lost of soil nutriens in the lowland primary forest have beer studied in Lombongo,Dumoga-Bone National Park (North Sulawesi).The forest was dominated by Pometia pinnata with 25.71% of relative basal area.The forest canopy was built up by 368 trees per ha and the soil surface was covered by 353.92 g per m of litterfall (mean of fresh weight).The soil-and litterfall nutrient status of the study plots was less than that of the other primary tropical rain forests.Even though the soils were fully covered by litterfall, the erosion and leaching processes were still occurring.The leaching rate of the soil nutrients was 3.26% on C(the lowest rate) and 14.46% on P2Q5 (the highest rate),but no significant decrease on N was observed

    Rehabilitation of Devastated Peat Lands and Establishment of Sustainable Agro-systems Through Buffer Zone Planning in Central Kalimantan

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    Under the slogan of sustainable development, forests on the peat swamp and wetland area have been destroyed in tropical area.Needless to say, since it is very difficult to develop peat swamp and wetland, those huge areas still remain in natural or sub-natural conditions.Therefore, those areas have been considering as the key ecosystem for not only reserving bio resources and biodiversity, but also reducing carbon efflux owing to degradation of peat,stocking of carbon in forests,or controlling water balance.However, now, the peat swamp and wetland in tropical area face to the crisis of disappearance due to human impact,which isaccelerated by recent abnormal and unusual global climate changes

    Ekologi Hutan Gambut Ditaman Nasional Tanjung Puting, Kalimantan Tengah*[ecological Study of Peat Forest in Tanjung Putting National Park, Central Kalimantan]

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    Ecological studies of peat-swamp forest was conducted in the Tanjung Puting National Park,Central Kalimantan. One-hectare permanent plot has been establishes in order to describe the forest structure and floristic composition. Within 1-ha plot 141 species of tree (dbh >10 cm) and saplings (dbh 5-10 cm) belongs to 84 genera and 43 families recorded. Glutta wallichii, Neoscortechinia philippinensis and Gonystyllus bancanus were dominant tree species, whereas Baccaurea racemosa was very dominant for sapling stage.Tree's density 2 2 was 728 /ha with basal area of 43.01 m /ha whereas density of sapling was 904 /ha with basal area of 3.8 m /ha. Most (30.7 %) of trees with dbh 10 - 30 cm and only 2.23 % of them reach up to dbh > 50 cm. There are three canopy layers that are I-layer was 26.8-33.6 m,II-layer was 17.8-26.8 m and Ill-layer was 9.8-17.6 m high

    Diversity of Aphyllophorales Fungi Isolated From Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan and Its Potentiality for Lignin Decomposition

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    A total of fifty-three samples of fungal basidiocarp were collected from peat area in Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. These samples are mostly determined to genus until more studies are available.The fungi were isolated on CMA medium then the isolated strains were purified on PDA medium. The fungi belong to at least 3 families of Aphyllophorales, however there were a wide diversity in the genus with respect to macroscopic examination.An agar plate screening procedures was developed for the rapid selection of fungi and estimation of their capacity for lignin-decomposer. The test is based on the visualization and interpretation of the formation of halo zone or decolourization process in well-defined agar medium containing Poly R-478. The selected isolates were also tested in to rhemazol brilliant blue R salt (RBBR) medium. Five isolates had the ability to decolourize either Poly R-478 or RBBR. These isolates showed a qualitative lignin decomposition although a comparative study of selected fungi revealed the difference potentiality. The highest loss of lignin was 28.18% and attempts have been made to determine the unidentified fungi, which is resupinate type, by direct sequencing of 18s ribosomal DNA (rDNA)

    Distribusi Vertikal Dan Horizontal Asplenium Nidus L. Di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, Jawa Barat [Vertical and Horizontal Distributions of Asplenium Nidus L. in Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java]

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    The study was carried out on August 2000 to July 2001, in 1-ha permanent plot, near Cikaniki Research Station, in Halimun Mountain National Park, West Java.The results shows that, from 1 ha (100 sub plots, each 10x10 m size) studied there were 388 individual numbers of Asplenium nidus L. with some variation on rosette leaves size. The individual numbers of A. nidus were greater at host plant stem with diameter class distribution between 1.3-9.9 cm (45,6%), and than percentages value were decreased in the larger of host plant stem diameter class. Also the individual numbers of A. nidus were greater at under 5 m height position above ground, that is 252 (65,1%).There were no correlation between host plant height (tree trunk height) and A. nidus height position above ground.However there were little linear correlation between rosette leaves size with stem diameter of host plant(Y=1.5586x+317.37 and R =0.0211), and little linear correlation between rosette leaves size with host plant height(Y=2.8241x+304.63, and R =0.0226), but there were no significant increased for both. It was assumed the effects of microclimate(temperature, humidity, light, and rainfall) to distribution of A. nidus as well as horizontal or vertical distribution

    Impacts of Dry Season and Forest Fire 1997-1998 Episodes on Mixed Dipterocarp Forest at Bukit Bangkirai, East Kalimantan*[pengaruh Musim Kering Dan Kebakaran Hutan Episode 1997-1998 Terhadap Hutan Dipterocarp Campuran Di Bukit Bangkirai, Kalimantan Timur]

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    Kawasan Kalimantan Timur mengalami musim kemarau panjang yang merangsang terjadinya kebakaran hutan yang luas pada 1982-1983 dan 1997-1998.Naskah ini mengemukakan hasil penelitian di Bukit Bangkirai, Kalimantan Tengah mengenai dampak dari kemarau panjang dan kebakaran hutan 1997-1998 terhadap diversitas tumbuhan pohon hutan dipterokarp campuran.Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara memperbandinkan hasil pencacahan tumbuhan pohon berlingkar batang setinggi dada lebih daripada 15cm yang terdapat dalam tiga petak penelitian, masing-masing: lha di hutan alam yang tidak terbakar (K-plot), 0,3 ha di hutan yang terbakar ringan (LD) dan lha di hutan yang terbakar berat (HD).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa musim kemarau panjang 1997-1998 menyebabkan 12,02% mortalitas individual pohon di hutan alam yang tidak terbakar, yang terlihat dari pohon mati berdiri tegak akibat kekeringan, atau kehilangan 21,67% dari total basal area. Secara keseluruhan terlihat bahwa kebakaran hutan menyebabkan kerusakan berat terhadap struktur dan komposisi hutan. Secara kumulatif, kemarau panjang dan kebakaran hutan menyebabkan mortalitas individual pohon berkisar 36-70% dan kehilangan total basal area antara 45-85% dan menyebabkan lantai hutan terbuka terhadap penyinaran matahari langsung karena menurunnya penutupan tajuk sebesar 23-79%.Kebakaran hutan juga berdampak terhadap penurunan biodiversitas tumbuhan pohon sebesar 23-79% pada tingkat jenis, 53-66% pada tingkat marga dan 18-21% pada tingkat suku.Tercatat Perubahan komposisi jenis pada hutan yang terbakar; dominasi jenis Dipterocarpaceae dipetak hutan tak terbakar (K) menjadi dominasi pionir sekunder Macaranga gigantea-Vernonia arborea di petak terbakar berat (HD) dan dominasi Macaranga gigantea-Shorea smilhiana di petak terbakar ringan (LD).Beberapa jenis seperti Durio acutifolius dan Syzygium incarnaium mungkin dapat digolongkan sebagai jenis yang relative lebih tahan terhadap api