36 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKBawang Hutan (Eleutherine americana) digunakan oleh masyarakat setempat terutama bagian umbinya untuk mengobati penyakit kanker. Pinang Yaki (Areca vestiaria) digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai bahan obat tradisional, biasanya untuk menyembuhkan penyakit seperti diare dan diabetes. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran makroskopis kombinasi ekstrak bawang hutan (E. americana) dan pinang yaki (A. vestiaria) terhadap organ hati dan perubahan berat badan yang terjadi pada tikus putih jantan galur wistar (Rattus norvegicus). Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan hewan percobaan tikus putih berjumlah 15 ekor, ekstrasi dilakukan dengan maserasi menggunakan etanol 70%, perlakuan dilakukan selama 14 hari, kemudian dilakukan pembedahan.Gambaran makroskopis dari organ hati tikus putih berwarna merah kecoklatan, pada berat badan ditimbang sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan.Peneltian menunjukan bahwa dengan pemberian kombinasi ekstrak bawang hutan dan pinang yaki tidak memberikan perubahan yang signifikan terhadap gambaran makroskopis organ hati dan mengalami penurunan berat badan pada tikus putih.Kata Kunci: Bawang Hutan (Eleutherine americana), Pinang Yaki (Areca vestiaria), makroskopis hati, tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus)ABSTRACTForest Onion (Eleutherine americana) is used by local people especially the tuber to treat cancer. Crownshaft Palm Nut (Areca vestiaria) is used by the community as an ingredient in traditional medicine, usually to cure diseases such as diarrhea and diabetes. The purpose of this study was to determine the macroscopic description of the combination of extract of onion forest (E. americana) and Crownshaft Palm Nut (A. vestiaria) on the liver and change in body weight that occurred in male white rats wistar strain (Rattus norvegicus). This research was conducted using 15 white rats, extraction was carried out by maceration using 70% ethanol, treatment was carried out for 14 days, then surgery. Macroscopic Image of the liver of white rats brownish red, the body weight was weighed before and after treatment. Research shows that the combination of forest onion and crownshaft palm nut extracts did not give a significant change to the macroscopic appearance of the liver and decreased body weight in white rats.Keyword: Forest Onion (Eleutherine americana), Crownshaft Palm Nut (Areca vestiaria), macroscopic liver, white rat (Rattus norvegicus

    Non-Specific Standardization Test for Areca Yaki Fruit Extract (Areca Vestiaria)

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    The chemical substances contained in the extracts of natural ingredients must be maintained in quality, so standardization is required. This study aims to prove that ethanol extract of Areca yaki Fruit (Areca Vestiaria) meets the non- specific parameters on the standardization of natural ingredients extract. Ethanol extract of Areca Yaki Fruit  is extracted using maceration method. The extracts obtained were tested for several non-specific parameters including desiccant shrinkage, moisture content, total ash content and acid insoluble ash content. The test results are compared with the standard parameters. Areca Yaki Fruit ethanol extract has a drying shrinkage of 0.027%, moisture content of 0.5242%, total ash content of 0.712% and 0.883%, and insoluble acid ash content of 0.048% and 0.056%. Areca Yaki Fruit ethanol extract meets the standard parameters, desiccant shrinkage, moisture content, total ash content, and insoluble acid ash content


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    ABSTRACTLime is a type of orange that is often consumed by the public. The content of lime is vitamin C, flavonoids. This study aims to test the effectiveness of lime juice and ethanol extract of lime peel (Citrus aurantifolia) against hypercholesterolemia in male white rats Galur Wistar (Rattus norvegicus). The method used was experimental laboratory. The results were obtained from the stage of measuring blood cholesterol, namely pre and post. The treatment was started by giving high fat feed for 14 days. Furthermore, pretest measurements were carried out. After that, treatment was given to each of the 8 groups, namely CMC in the negative control, simvastatin in the positive control, lime juice and ethanol extract of lime peel. Posttest measurements were carried out after 7 days of administration. The best results with a dose of T3 (0.3) fruit juice and lime peel ethanol extract were PS1 (7.2 mg). Then, the treatment was analyzed using Paired T-test and One Way ANOVA statistical test using SPSS with the results of the sig value. > 0.05 means that it can be concluded that there is no significant difference in the average cholesterol level of rats based on the treatment group.Keywords: Effectiveness test, Lime (Citrus aurantifolia ), Hypercholesterolemia, Male white mouseABSTRAKJeruk nipis merupakan  salah satu jenis  jeruk yang sering dikonsumsi masyarakat. Kandungan  dari  jeruk nipis yaitu vitamin C, flavonoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektifitas sari jeruk nipis dan ekstrak etanol kulit jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) terhadap Hiperkolesterolemia pada tikus putih jantan Galur Wistar (Rattus norvegicus). Metode yang digunakan eksperimental laboratorium. Hasil penelitian diperoleh dari tahap pengukuran kolesterol darah,yaitu pre dan post. Perlakuan dimulai dengan memberi pakan tinggi lemak selama 14 hari Selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran Pretest. Selanjutnya diberikan perlakuan pada tiap 8  kelompok, yaitu CMC pada kontrol negatif, simvastatin pada kontrol positif, Sari buah jeruk nipis dan ekstrak etanol kulit jeruk nipis. Pengukuran Posttest dilakukan setelah 7 hari pemberian. Hasil yang terbaik dengan dosis sari buah T3(0,3) dan Ekstrak etanol kulit jeruk nipis adalah PS1(7,2 mg) . Lalu selanjutnya perlakuan dianalisa dengan uji Paired T-test dan uji statistik One Way ANOVA menggunakan SPSS dengan hasil nilai sig. > 0,05 berati disimpulkan maka tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna rata-rata hasil kadar kolesterol tikus berdasarkan kelompok perlakuan.Kata Kunci: Uji Efektifitas, Jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia), Hiperkolesterolemia, Tikus Putih jantan (Rattus norvegicus

    Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Areca Vestiaria Leaves (Areca vestiaria) against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria

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    WIRANATIKA SANGKOY. Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Areca Vestiaria Leaves (Areca vestiaria) against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. Under the guidance of HERNY EI SIMBALA as a leader and ERLADYS RUMONDOR as a member.One of the native plants of Indonesia that is widespread in several areas in Indonesia that has the potential to be developed in research testing antibacterial activity is the areca yaki leaf plant. This study aimed to determine the antibacterial activity of areca yaki (Areca vestiaria) leaves against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa at concentrations of 20%, 40%, and 60%. This research was conducted using the Kirby-Bauer method. From the results of this study, the data obtained that concentrations of 20%, 40%, and 60% of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria are concentrations that are included in the moderate group, while Pseudomonas aeruginosa at a concentration of 20% is included in the strong group and 40% and 60% are only included in the moderate group


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    Dayak onions (Eleutherine americana Merr.) and Pinang yaki (Areca vestiaria Giseke) have potential as traditional medicinal ingredients. However, the toxic effect of the combination of these extracts is not yet known. This study aimed to determine the effect of the combination of extracts Dayak and pinang yaki on the lungs of male white rats Wistar strain (Rattus norvegicus) in acute toxicity testing. This type of research was conducted using laboratory experimental methods consisting of 18 male white rats of wistar strains. Extraction was made by maceration using 96% Ethanol. The treatment was carried out for 14 days by observing body weight and macroscopic observations of the rat lungs. The results showed that the administration of combination extracts Dayak Onion and Pinang Yaki  for 14 days at dose of 10.8 mg, 14.4 mg, 21.6 mg didn’t cause any changed, on the macroscopic picture the lungs looked normal and didn’t different when compared with the control group. Based on the results of statistical tests in the combination treatment group proved  have a significant weight loss


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    ABSTRAKBawang Hutan (Eleutherine americana Merr) digunakan oleh masyarakat sangihe sebagai obat untuk mengobati kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan skrining fitokimia, parameter spesifik dan non spesifik ekstrak umbi bawang hutan (Eleutherine americana Merr) yang mencakup penetapan parameter spesifik (uji identifikasi ekstrak, uji organoleptik dan senyawa yang larut dalam alkohol), parameter non spesifik (Susut pengeringan, Kadar air dan kadar abu). Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimental laboratorium. Awalnya sampel umbi bawang hutan diekstraksi maserasi dengan pelarut etanol 95% kemudian dievaporasi hingga didapatkan ekstrak kental. Hasil ekstrak umbi bawang hutan menghasilkan kandungan kimia flavonoid, alkaloid, glikosida, saponin, tanin, dan triterpenoid, ekstrak etanol umbi bawang hutan (Eleutherine americana Merr) berbentuk kental, berwarna merah pekat, bau seperti gula aren, kadar senyawa larut etanol 40,7%, Penetapan susut pengeringan 0,79%, kadar air yang diperoleh 0,616%, kadar abu yang diperoleh 0,684%. Kata kunci: Umbi bawang hutan, skrining fitokimia, parameter spesifik dan non spesifik.  ABSTRACTForest onion (Eleutherine americana Merr) used by society of sangihe as a medicine for cancer. This research aimed to determined phytochemical screening, determination of specific and non-specific parameters forest onion extract that encompass determination of specific parameter (extract identificafion test, organoleptic test and compound that dissolve in alcohol test), non-specific parameters (drying shrinkage, concentration of water and ash content). This research methods is experimental laboratorium. Initially, the sample of forest onion bulbs was extracted by maceration with 95% ethanol solvent and then evaporated to obtain a thick extract. The results of the extract of forest onion bulbs produce chemical content of flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, tannins, and triterpenoids, ethanol extract of forest onion bulbs (Eleutherine americana Merr) is thick, dark red in color, smells like palm sugar, the content of ethanol soluble compounds is 40.7%, the determination of drying shrinkage is 0.79%, the water content obtained is 0.616%, and the ash content obtained is 0.684%. Keywords: Forest onion, phytochemical screening, specific and non-specific parameter


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    ABSTRACTForest onion bulbs (Eleutherine americana Merr.), Including the Iridaceae family, have been used for generations by the Dayak people as medicinal plants for various types of diseases such as breast and colon cancer, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia and stroke. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect and side effects of extracts of forest onion bulbs to the macroscopic description of cardiac organ in rats. Thirty male white rats Wistar strain was used as research object, which is divided into three groups of dose that applied with the ethanol extract of Forest onion bulbs orally (5mg/ml, 10mg/ml, 15mg/ml)  and one group as controls for comparison. The tests were carried out for 15 days, with observations made against the body weight of rats, macroscopic observation of cardiac organ and observation of cardiac organ weights. The results showed that the provision of forest onion bulbs extract did not cause significant changes based on the graph of observations made on the macroscopic image of the heart organ and the weight of the rats. Keywords : Forest onion bulbs (Eleutherine Americana Merr.), cardiac macroscopic, white rat (Rattus norvegicus)  ABSTRAKUmbi bawang hutan (Eleutherine americana Merr.) termasuk familia Iridaceae, secara turun temurun telah dipergunakan oleh masyarakat dayak sebagai tumbuhan obat untuk berbagai jenis penyakit seperti kanker payudara dan kolon, hipertensi, diabetes mellitus, hiperkolesterol dan strok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  melihat pengaruh yang ditimbulkan dari konsumsi ekstrak  Umbi bawang hutan terhadap gambaran makroskopis organ jantung pada tikus putih. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan hewan percobaan  tikus putih jantan galur wistar berjumlah 30 ekor, yang dibagi dalam empat kelompok dosis yang diberi ekstrak etanol umbi bawang hutan secara oral yaitu (5mg/ml, 10mg/ml, 15mg/ml) dan satu kelompok kontrol sebagai pembanding. Masa pengujian dilakukan selama 15 hari, dengan pengamatan yang dilakukan berupa pengamatan berat badan tikus, pengamatan makroskopis organ jantung dan pengamatan berat organ. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ektrak umbi bawang hutan tidak menimbulkan perubahan yang signifikan berdasarkan grafik pengamatan yang dilakukan pada gambaran makroskopis organ jantung serta penimbangan berat badan tikus. Kata kunci : Umbi bawang hutan (Eleutherine americana Merr.), makroskopis jantung, tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus


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    ABSTRACTAreca yaki leaves (Areca vestiaria) are a source of antioxidants that can prevent free radicals that can damage body cells. Areca yaki leaves contain secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenoids, steroids, and tannins with anticancer, antitumor, antibacterial, and anticancer effects as an anti-fertilizer. This study analyzed the antioxidant activity of areca yaki (Areca vestiaria) leaves obtained from village kinilow . On this research with the maceration method and using the DPPH method (1,1- diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl) with concentrations of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 mg/L to analyze antioxidant activity by spectrophotometer. The results of this study showed that the levels of antioxidants in areca yaki (Areca vestiaria) leaves have antioxidant activity. It also means that the higher the concentration, the higher the levels of antioxidants produced. High levels of antioxidants were obtained at a concentration of 25 with a value of 85.30%. Therefore, the obtained inhibition value is calculated using IC50. The obtained value is 7,8, this matter conclude the antioxidant levels in areca yaki leaves are very strong.Keywords: Areca Yaki Leaves (Areca vestiaria), Antioxidant, DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl)  ABSTRAKDaun pinang yaki (Areca vestiaria) merupakan sumber antioksidan yang dapat mencegah radikal bebas yang dapat merusak sel tubuh, daun pinang yaki memiliki kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti alkaloid, flavonoid, triterpenoid, steroid, dan tanin yang memiliki efek sebagai antikanker, antitumor, antibakteri, dan juga sebagai antifertilisasi. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas antioksidan dari daun pinang yaki (Areca vestiaria) yang di peroleh dari desa kinilow. Penelitian ini di lakukan dengan metode maserasi dan dengan menggunakan metode DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazi) dengan konsentrasi 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 mg/L untuk menganalisa aktivitas antioksidan dengan spektrofotometer . Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan kadar antioksidan pada daun pinang yaki (Areca vestiaria) memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan semakin tinggi konsentrasi semakin tinggi pula kadar antioksidan yang dihasilkan. Kadar antioksidan yang besar di dapatkan pada konsentrasi 25 dengan nilai 85,30%. Pada penelitian ini nilai inhibisi yang telah di dapatkan kemudian di hitung dengan menggunakan IC50 dan nilai yang di dapatkan adalah 7,8, hal ini dapat di simpulkan kadar antioksidan pada daun pinang yaki sangat kuat. Kata kunci: Daun Pinang Yaki (Areca vestiaria),Antioksidan, DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil

    TOXICITY TEST OF THE COMBINATION Eleutherine americana Merr. AND Areca vestiaria EXTRACTS AGAINST THE INTESTINAL ORGANS OF Rattus norvegicus

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    Dayak onions (Eleutherine americana Merr.) and Pinang Yaki (Areca vestiaria) have been used by the community as traditional medicine. The purpose of this study was to determine the safety level of extracts of Dayak onion and Pinang Yaki against the macroscopic appearance of the intestinal organs of Wistar male white rats. This study used an experimental method with 18 male white rats of the Wistar strain who were given ethanol extract of Dayak onion and Pinang Yaki orally at a dose of 10,8mg, 14,4mg, and 21,6mg for 14 days. The results showed that there was a decrease in body weight, in each treatment group but the largest weight loss occurred in the dose group V from 199gram to 182gram while the smallest weight loss occurred in the dose group I from 199gram to 198gram and for the macroscopic picture of the intestinal organs there was no significant difference between the test group with the control group. In conclusion, the administration of extracts of Dayak onion and Pinang Yaki does not affect the macroscopic picture of the intestinal organs


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    ABSTRACT Sponges are a component of coral reef biota. These sea animals are known to contain compounds that have the potential to be developed in the field of medicine, including as an antimicrobial. This study aims to determine the antimicrobial activity of Phyllospongia lamellosa sponge against the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans collected in the waters of Tumbak, Posumaen District, Southeast Minahasa. The antimicrobial activity test was carried out by agar diffusion method. The results showed that the extract and fraction of Phyllospongia lamellose had antimicrobial activity seen in the inhibition zone formed around the paper disk against the test microbes. Ethanol extrack and fraction from Phyllospongia lamellosa sponge showed the greatest antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans with an average value of 13,33 mm was categorized as strong , than in Staphylococcus aureus with an average value of 13 mm is categorized as strong and on Escherichia coli 11 mm categorized as strong. Keywords  :Phyllospongia lamellosa, antimicrobial activity, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans ABSTRAK Spons merupakan salah satu komponen biota penyusun terumbu karang.  Hewan laut ini diketahui mengandung senyawa- senyawa yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan dalam bidang pengobatan, diantaranya sebagai antimikroba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antimikroba spons Phyllospongia Lamellosa terhadap pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli dan Candida albicans yang diambil pada perairan Tumbak Kecamatan Posumaen, Minahasa Tenggara. Uji aktifitas antimikroba dilakukan dengan metode difusi agar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak dan fraksi spons Phyllospongia lamellose memiliki aktifitas antimikroba dilihat zona hambat yang terbentuk disekitar cakram kertas terhadap mikroba uji. Ekstrak etanol dan fraksi dari Spons Phyllospongia lamellosa menunjukkan aktivitas antimikroba paling kuat terhadap candida albicans dengan nilai rata-rata 13,33 mm dikategorikan kuat, kemudian pada Staphylococcus aureus dengan nilai rata-rata 13 mm dikategorikan kuat, dan pada Escherichia coli 11 mm dikategorikan kuat. Kata Kunci :  Phyllospongia lamellosa, aktivitas antimikroba, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albican