16 research outputs found

    Awareness of Parents about the Disease of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    This article is concerned with the issue of parental awareness of the illness of children with autism spectrum disorders. Lack of awareness of treatment options and its limitations, rehabilitation issues can cause psychological problems in the child’s parents, such as anxiety and stress from the diagnosis. The aim of the pilot study is to determine the parents' awareness of the disease of children with autism spectrum disorders in the early stages of consulting a doctor. To achieve this goal, a specially designed questionnaire was used to determine the level of awareness of the disease, treatment methods, parents` own role, etc. The study showed that most parents of children with autism spectrum disorders evaluate their knowledge as not satisfactory enough. A quarter of parents reported a lack of objective knowledge about the problem of autism in children, the second quarter of parents noted that they have sufficient knowledge about the illness of children and do not need additional information. At the same time, regardless of the level of awareness of the child’s illness, 80% of parents say that they need additional information about the child’s illness, ways and forms of helping him, as well as attending specially organized psycho-educational meetings. The results of this study allow develop effective individualized psycho-educational programs for parents (raising awareness of the problem) aimed at reducing anxiety and stabilizing the emotional background in a family raising a child with autism spectrum disorders

    Multidisciplinary clinical and psychological aspects of diagnosis

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    The article discusses the current state of the problem a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis of infantile autism and early-onset schizophrenia, differentiation of these diseases. The purpose of this study, which has been conducted at the Mental Health Research Center, is to determine the biological (immunological and physiological), pathopsychological markers of infantile autism and early-onset schizophrenia for potential use as an additional differential diagnostic tool in the clinical evaluation of patients. Allocated to types of cognitive dizontogenezis, which are different and specific for infantile autism and early-onset schizophrenia. Timely early diagnosis of autism in childhood is important for follow-up habilitation. Habilitation of children can be built on the basis of the identification of the zone of proximal development, allowing adequately and correctly pick the individual correction programs for each sick child. In turn, the identification of the zone of proximal development can be performed using multidisciplinario approach


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    The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between altered metal-ligand homeostasis in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and clinical picture of the disease. The content of the elements in hair and serum of 76 children with ASD and 76 control subjects was assessed by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry using NexION 300D (PerkinElmer Inc., USA). A significant increase by 33% (p = 0.001) in the level of Co in the hair, as well as a decrease in the level of calcium and selenium by 23% (p = 0.014) and 15% (p = 0.005), respectively, were detected in children with ASD. A significant increase in the concentration of Co, Mg, and V by 17 (p = 0.001), 4% (p = 0.002) and 29% (p <0.001) was observed in the serum of children with ASD, while the concentration of manganese and selenium decreased by 16% (p = 0.033) and 8% (p = 0.008), respectively. Multiple regression analysis (after adjustment for sex, age, phase and form of the disease) allowed to reveal the relationship between the presence of psychopath-like syndrome and iron levels in serum (β = -0.393) and hair (β = -0.320), speech development delay with hair copper (β = 0.281) and serum cobalt (β = 0.391), infantile psychosis and zinc level in the hair (β = -0.332). At the same time, 33% (p = 0.005), 17% (p = 0.089), and 31% (p = 0.007) of the variability of these characteristics were responsible for the overall models. Thus, the obtained data indicate that the disruption of the metabolism of essential metals and trace elements is associated not only with the presence of ASD but also the clinical picture of the disease, which indicates the importance of monitoring of the metal ligand homeostasis in children with autism.Целью настоящего исследования явилось изучение взаимосвязи между нарушением обмена металлов и микроэлементов в организме детей с расстройствами аутистического спектра (РАС) и клинической картиной. Содержание элементов в волосах и сыворотке крови 76 детей с РАС и 76 контрольных обследуемых оценивалось методом масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой с использованием NexION 300D (Perkin Elmer Inc., США). У детей с РАС выявлено достоверное повышение уровня Co в волосах на 33% (p = = 0,001), а также снижение уровня кальция и селена на 23% (p = 0,014) и 15% (p = 0,005) соответственно. В сыворотке детей с РАС отмечалось достоверное увеличение концентрации кобальта, магния и ванадия на 17% (p = = 0,001), 4% (p = 0,002) и 29% (p < 0,001), тогда как концентрация марганца и селена снижалась на 16% (p = 0,033) и 8% (p = 0,008) соответственно. Множественный регрессионный анализ (после поправки на пол, возраст, фазу и форму заболевания) позволил выявить взаимосвязь между наличием психопатоподобного синдрома и уровнем железа в сыворотке (β = -0,393) и волосах (β = -0,320), задержки речевого развития с уровнем меди в волосах (β = 0,281) и кобальта в сыворотке (β = 0,391), инфантильного психоза и уровнем цинка в волосах (β = -0,332). При этом общие модели обусловливали 33% (p = 0,005), 17% (p = 0,089) и 31% (p = 0,007) вариабельности данных признаков. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что нарушение обмена эссенциальных металлов и микроэлементов связано не только с наличием расстройств аутистического спектра, но и клинической картиной заболевания, что обусловливает необходимость мониторинга металлолигандного гомеостаза у детей с аутизмом

    Mercury and autism spectrum disorders

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    The authors present a review of literature on the involvement of perinatal and postnatal mercury exposure in the pathogenesis of autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). A number of studies have shown a reliable association between perinatal and postnatal exposure to mercury and ASD development aa well as clinical and laboratory markers of the severity of these disorders. However the association was not confirmed in other studies. Such contradictions may be explained by differences in the composition of study groups, including geographical characteristics, and the influence of the factors related to mercury neurotoxicity. © 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved

    Assessment of gender and age effects on serum and hair trace element levels in children with autism spectrum disorder

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    The primary objective of the present study was to investigate the levels of essential trace elements in hair and serum in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and investigate the age and gender effects. Children with ASD were characterized by significantly higher levels of copper (Cu) (+8%), iron (Fe) (+5%), and selenium (Se) (+13%) levels in hair and only 8% higher serum Cu levels. After stratification for gender, ASD boys were characterized by significantly increased hair Cu (+ 25%), Fe (+ 25%), and Se (+ 9%) levels, whereas in girls only Se content was elevated (+ 15%). Boys and girls suffering from ASD were characterized by significantly higher serum manganese (Mn) (+20%) and Cu (+18%) as compared to the control values, respectively. In the group of younger children (2–5 years), no significant group difference in hair trace element levels was detected, whereas serum Cu levels were significantly higher (+7%). In turn, the serum concentration of Se in ASD children was 11% lower than that in neurotypical children. In the group of older children with ASD (6–10 years), hair Fe and Se levels were 21% and 16% higher, whereas in serum only Cu levels were increased (+12%) as compared to the controls. Correlation analysis also revealed a different relationship between serum and hair trace element levels with respect to gender and age. Therefore, it is highly recommended to assess several bioindicative matrices for critical evaluation of trace element status in patients with ASD in order to develop adequate personalized nutritional correction. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Mercury and autism spectrum disorders

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    The authors present a review of literature on the involvement of perinatal and postnatal mercury exposure in the pathogenesis of autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). A number of studies have shown a reliable association between perinatal and postnatal exposure to mercury and ASD development aa well as clinical and laboratory markers of the severity of these disorders. However the association was not confirmed in other studies. Such contradictions may be explained by differences in the composition of study groups, including geographical characteristics, and the influence of the factors related to mercury neurotoxicity. © 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved

    Analysis of Hair Trace Elements in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Communication Disorders

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    The primary objective of the present study is analysis of hair trace elements content in children with communication disorder (CD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A total of 99 children from control, CD, and ASD groups (n = 33) were examined. All children were additionally divided into two subgroups according to age. Hair levels of trace elements were assessed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The difference was considered significant at p < 0.01. The obtained data demonstrate that children with CD are characterized by significantly increased hair lithium (Li) (96 %; p = 0.008), selenium (Se) (66 %; p < 0.001), arsenic (As) (96 %; p = 0.005), beryllium (Be) (150 %; p < 0.001), and cadmium (Cd) (72 %; p = 0.007) content, being higher than the respective control values. In the ASD group, hair copper (Cu), iodine (I), and Be levels tended to be lower than the control values. In turn, the scalp hair content of Se significantly exceeded the control values (33 %; p = 0.004), whereas the level of iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) tended to increase. After gradation for age, the most prominent differences in children with CD were detected in the elder group (5–8 years), whereas in the case of ASD—in the younger group (3–4 years old). Taking into account the role of hair as excretory mechanism for certain elements including the toxic ones, it can be proposed that children suffering from ASD are characterized by more profound alteration of metal handling and excretion in comparison to CD. © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Assessment of gender and age effects on serum and hair trace element levels in children with autism spectrum disorder

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    The primary objective of the present study was to investigate the levels of essential trace elements in hair and serum in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and investigate the age and gender effects. Children with ASD were characterized by significantly higher levels of copper (Cu) (+8%), iron (Fe) (+5%), and selenium (Se) (+13%) levels in hair and only 8% higher serum Cu levels. After stratification for gender, ASD boys were characterized by significantly increased hair Cu (+ 25%), Fe (+ 25%), and Se (+ 9%) levels, whereas in girls only Se content was elevated (+ 15%). Boys and girls suffering from ASD were characterized by significantly higher serum manganese (Mn) (+20%) and Cu (+18%) as compared to the control values, respectively. In the group of younger children (2–5 years), no significant group difference in hair trace element levels was detected, whereas serum Cu levels were significantly higher (+7%). In turn, the serum concentration of Se in ASD children was 11% lower than that in neurotypical children. In the group of older children with ASD (6–10 years), hair Fe and Se levels were 21% and 16% higher, whereas in serum only Cu levels were increased (+12%) as compared to the controls. Correlation analysis also revealed a different relationship between serum and hair trace element levels with respect to gender and age. Therefore, it is highly recommended to assess several bioindicative matrices for critical evaluation of trace element status in patients with ASD in order to develop adequate personalized nutritional correction. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Trace element levels are associated with neuroinflammatory markers in children with autistic spectrum disorder

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    The objective of the present study was to estimate the association between brain inflammatory markers and serum trace element levels as assessed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry at NexION 300D. Leukocyte elastase (LE), α1-proteinase inhibitor (α1-PI) activity, anti-nerve growth factor-antibodies (anti-NGF-Ab), and anti-myelin basic protein-antibodies (anti-MBP-Ab) levels were assessed as inflammatory markers. The obtained data demonstrate that the increase in LE and α1-PI activity is associated with higher serum Cr and Cu levels, respectively. The increase in Anti-NGF-Ab levels was associated with a nearly significant 16% increase in serum Mn levels. Autistic children with high MBP-Ab levels were characterized by 28% higher serum Mn and lower Mg concentration. The results of correlation analysis were generally in agreement with the outcome of group comparisons. Regression analysis demonstrated that serum Mg was significantly negatively associated with LE activity, whereas both serum Fe and V concentrations were characterized by a positive influence on the parameter. In turn, serum Cu was a significant predictor of α1-PI, as well as Cr levels. At the same time, the serum concentrations of Cd and Fe were found to be inversely associated with α1-PI levels. Serum Cd and Mn levels were significant positive predictors of anti-MBP-Ab levels, whereas Mg levels had a negative impact on anti-MBP-Ab values. Generally, the obtained data demonstrate the interrelationship between trace element homeostasis and neuroinflammation in autism. Hypothetically, modulation of trace element status may be used for reduction of neuroinflammatory response, although further studies are required to reveal the underlying mechanisms of the observed associations. © 2018 Elsevier Gmb

    Hair toxic and essential trace elements in children with autism spectrum disorder

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    The objective of the study was to investigate hair trace elements content in children suffering from autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A total of 74 ASD children and 74 sex- and age-matched controls divided into two age groups (2–4 and 5–9 years) were investigated. Hair trace elements content was assessed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. A general cohort of ASD children was characterized by 29 %, 41 %, and 24 % lower hair levels of chromium (Cr), iodine (I), and vanadium (V), respectively, whereas the level of selenium (Se) exceeded the respective control values by 31 %. In ASD children aged 2–4 years hair Cr, I and V content was 68 %, 36 % and 41 % lower than in the controls. Older ASD children were characterized by 45 % increase in hair Se levels. In a general cohort of ASD children hair beryllium (Be) and tin (Sn) levels were 50 % and 34 % lower than the control values. In the first age group (2–4 years) of ASD children 34 %, 42 %, and 73 % lower levels of arsenic (As), boron (B), and Be were detected. In the second age group of ASD children only a nearly significant 25 % decrease in hair lead (Pb) was detected. Surprisingly, no significant group difference in hair mercury (Hg), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) content was detected. Generally, the results of the present study demonstrate that children with ASD are characterized by lower values in hair of not only essential but also toxic trace elements. © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York