14 research outputs found


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    Mahasiswa merupakan insan dewasa yang memiliki kesadaran sendiri dalam mengembangkan potensi di perguruan tinggi untuk menjadi intelektual, ilmuwan, praktisi dan/atau professional. Resiliensi merupakan proses adaptasi baik dalam hal menghadapi kesulitan, trauma, tragedi, ancaman, atau bahkan sumber stress yang signifikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui resiliensi akademik pada pembelajaran mahasiswa Keperawatan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan populasi seluruh mahasiswa Keperawatan di Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 193 Mahasiswa dengan tehnik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Stratified Random Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan resiliensi akademik pada mahasiswa keperawatan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 Di Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia dengan kategori tinggi sebanyak 137 orang (71%)

    Edukasi Self Management Penggunaan Gedget Pada Anak Sekolah

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    Jaman sekarang ini telah memanfaatkan teknologi sebagai media dalam komunikasi dan media interaksi antar individu. Teknologi sangat diperlukan saat ini sebagai alat untuk melakukan aktivitas baik dalam berkomunikasi, interaksi bahkan sebagai media pembelajaran. Teknologi tersebut memberikan perubahan besar pada kehidupan manusia terlebih pada masa pandemi Covid 19. Terdapat dampat positif dan negatif dari penggunaan gadget. Dampak negatif menjadi sorotan besar bagi siswa atau remaja karena menyebabkan kecanduan akan gadget. Edukasi self manajement penggunaan gadget memberikan pemahaman baru bagi mereka sehingga mereka dapat mengatur diri dalam menggunakan gadget yang diikuti 35 siswa. Hasil penilaian pemahaman menunjukkan perubahan nilai sebelum edukasi ke sesudah edukasi. Hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya edukasi untuk menggubah pemahaman siswa tentang self management penggunaan gadget. Kegiatan edukasi berjalan dengan lancar dan para peserta mengikuti dengan gembira dan antusias


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    Hypertension is a condition when blood pressure in blood vessels increases chronically. Seeing the complexity of the problem of hypertension and the existence of pharmacological treatment of hypertension barriers due to the declining purchasing power of people and having a price that is quite expensive so that non-pharmacological treatment can be a good and useful alternative choice, both in terms of economical (cheap) and affordable. Non-phamacological therapy is by modifying daily patterns and returning to natural products (back to nature). Referring to the concept of back to nature by using local materials that are widely available in the community because these materials are rich in antioxidants and potassium. Cucumbers have potassium and magnesium while star fruit contains potassium and sodium which have an effect on reducing blood pressure. This study aims to compare the administration of cucumber fruit juice with sweet star fruit to the reduction in blood pressure in hypertensive patients. The type of this research is quasy experiment with pre and post test group design.The sampling technique uses purposive sampling technique. Blood pressure is measured using a sphygmomanometer. The results showed a decrease in blood pressure after being given cucumber juice and star fruit. Based on the Independent T test, the P value of 0.653 (P >0.05) shows that there is no significant difference, meaning that between starfruit juice and cucumber can lower blood pressure, so it can be concluded that cucumber and starfruit are equally good at reducing blood pressure in patients hypertension in Posbindu Mekar Sari Helvetia Meda


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    Hypertension is a silent killer disease which commonly found but not to give symptoms as a trigger for non-communicable disease, when it occurs continuously and uncontrolled it willcause death. Increase blood pressure requires control and important to anticipate the heart's workload. Uncontrolled blood pressure is associated with poor self-care behavior. Changes behavior in patient are needed based on an understanding of knowledge and self efficacy independently or assisted by the family. Achieving changes behavior in patients is requireself efficacy and as a follow-upeducation is important regarding blood pressure control. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of blood pressure control education on self efficacy in hypertensive patients in the hemodialysis unit.This type of research is quasi-experimental with nonequivalent design pre-post test with control group. Sampling uses a purposive sampling technique with 64 respondents consisting of 32 respondents in the intervention group and 32 respondents in the control group. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank test and Mann Whitney test. The results obtained by the average self-efficacy of patients in the intervention group in controlling blood pressure before education mean 42,19 (SD 2,23) and after education the mean value was 46,03 (SD 1,82). The average self efficacy of the control group patients in controlling blood pressure before education was a mean of 41.03 (SD 41.03) and after education the mean value was 43.69 (SD 3.17). There is an effect of self efficacy in controlling blood pressure before and after education in the intervention group (p = 0.00) and controls (p = 0.00). There is an effect of self efficacy in controlling blood pressure after education between the intervention and control groups (p = 0.00). In conclusion, there is an effect of self efficacy in controlling blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the hemodialysis unit. It is recommended for patients and hospitals or health workers to motivate self efficacy in improving their quality of life


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    Hypertension is a silent killer disease which commonly found but not to give symptoms as a trigger for non-communicable disease, when it occurs continuously and uncontrolled it willcause death. Increase blood pressure requires control and important to anticipate the heart's workload. Uncontrolled blood pressure is associated with poor self-care behavior. Changes behavior in patient are needed based on an understanding of knowledge and self efficacy independently or assisted by the family. Achieving changes behavior in patients is requireself efficacy and as a follow-upeducation is important regarding blood pressure control. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of blood pressure control education on self efficacy in hypertensive patients in the hemodialysis unit.This type of research is quasi-experimental with nonequivalent design pre-post test with control group. Sampling uses a purposive sampling technique with 64 respondents consisting of 32 respondents in the intervention group and 32 respondents in the control group. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank test and Mann Whitney test. The results obtained by the average self-efficacy of patients in the intervention group in controlling blood pressure before education mean 42,19 (SD 2,23) and after education the mean value was 46,03 (SD 1,82). The average self efficacy of the control group patients in controlling blood pressure before education was a mean of 41.03 (SD 41.03) and after education the mean value was 43.69 (SD 3.17). There is an effect of self efficacy in controlling blood pressure before and after education in the intervention group (p = 0.00) and controls (p = 0.00). There is an effect of self efficacy in controlling blood pressure after education between the intervention and control groups (p = 0.00). In conclusion, there is an effect of self efficacy in controlling blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the hemodialysis unit. It is recommended for patients and hospitals or health workers to motivate self efficacy in improving their quality of life


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    The health problem in the world as a massive killer of which was chronic kidney failure, progressive and difficult to cure, caused an imbalance of metabolism, fluid and electrolytes. In dealing with patients with chronic kidney failure, one of the ways was to increase the ability in self-mangement to be effective in order to improve the quality of life of patients. This study aims was determine the relationship of self management with quality of life in patients with chronic renal failure in the hemodialysis unit. This research is a quantitative research with correlation analytic design using a cross sectional approach. The population is all patients with chronic kidney failure who undergoing hemodialysis in the hemodialysis unit with a sampling technique using purposive sampling method with a total sample of 164 people. The method of collecting data using a questionnaire using the spearman test. The results was show that the majority of self management was not good (53.9%), the quality of life of the majority (not good) was 51.5% and the relationship of self management with quality of life showed p value 0,000 <α 0,05 r = 0,880 indicating that there were self management relationships with quality of life with close relations are very strong. The conclusion was that the lower the self management, the lower the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis. It was recommended that health workers in the hemodialysis unit always teach the importance of self management and motivate patients to continue to improve their quality of life


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    The health problem in the world as a massive killer of which was chronic kidney failure, progressive and difficult to cure, caused an imbalance of metabolism, fluid and electrolytes. In dealing with patients with chronic kidney failure, one of the ways was to increase the ability in self-mangement to be effective in order to improve the quality of life of patients. This study aims was determine the relationship of self management with quality of life in patients with chronic renal failure in the hemodialysis unit. This research is a quantitative research with correlation analytic design using a cross sectional approach. The population is all patients with chronic kidney failure who undergoing hemodialysis in the hemodialysis unit with a sampling technique using purposive sampling method with a total sample of 164 people. The method of collecting data using a questionnaire using the spearman test. The results was show that the majority of self management was not good (53.9%), the quality of life of the majority (not good) was 51.5% and the relationship of self management with quality of life showed p value 0,000 <α 0,05 r = 0,880 indicating that there were self management relationships with quality of life with close relations are very strong. The conclusion was that the lower the self management, the lower the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis. It was recommended that health workers in the hemodialysis unit always teach the importance of self management and motivate patients to continue to improve their quality of life


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    Latar belakang: Pemahaman masyarakat tentang stunting pada anak masih sangat minim, sehingga anak merupakan kelompok yang menjadi pusat perhatian pada pencegahan stunting. Tujuan: pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan masyarat dalam inovasi hasil tani menjadi puding jagung dalam upaya pencegahan stunting pada kelompok beresiko tinggi. Metode: pengabdian masyarakat yang di gunakan adalah promosi kesehatan dengan pendekatan edukasi dan demonstrasi pembuatan puding jagung dari sumber tani masyarakat. Hasil: Peserta yang ikut sebanyak 15 orang yang terdiri dari ibu dengan anak balita dan wanita hamil. Seluruh (100 %) peserta berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan demonstrasi dan 80 % peserta mengungkapkan baru mengetahui olahan jagung menjadi makanan bergizi. Seluruh (100 %) peserta mampu melakukan pengolahan jagung menjadi puding jagung yang sehat. Kesimpulan: Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil sumber daya alam di masyarakat harus digunakan secara optimal dengan beberapa inovasi seperti olahan jagung menjadi puding jagung yagn dapat mencegah kejadian stuunting. Hasil kegiatan dapat dilakukan secara regular dan menghasilkan ide inovasi lain di masyarakt untuk mengembangkan hasil tani jagung menjadi makanan yang sehat.&nbsp


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    Latar belakang: Pemahaman masyarakat tentang stunting pada anak masih sangat minim, sehingga anak merupakan kelompok yang menjadi pusat perhatian pada pencegahan stunting. Tujuan: pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan masyarat dalam inovasi hasil tani menjadi puding jagung dalam upaya pencegahan stunting pada kelompok beresiko tinggi. Metode: pengabdian masyarakat yang di gunakan adalah promosi kesehatan dengan pendekatan edukasi dan demonstrasi pembuatan puding jagung dari sumber tani masyarakat. Hasil: Peserta yang ikut sebanyak 15 orang yang terdiri dari ibu dengan anak balita dan wanita hamil. Seluruh (100 %) peserta berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan demonstrasi dan 80 % peserta mengungkapkan baru mengetahui olahan jagung menjadi makanan bergizi. Seluruh (100 %) peserta mampu melakukan pengolahan jagung menjadi puding jagung yang sehat. Kesimpulan: Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil sumber daya alam di masyarakat harus digunakan secara optimal dengan beberapa inovasi seperti olahan jagung menjadi puding jagung yagn dapat mencegah kejadian stuunting. Hasil kegiatan dapat dilakukan secara regular dan menghasilkan ide inovasi lain di masyarakt untuk mengembangkan hasil tani jagung menjadi makanan yang sehat.&nbsp

    Pemantauan Tekanan Darah Dan Faktor Resiko Serta Edukasi Penyakit Hipertensi Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia

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    Hipertensi merupakan penyakit yang mengalami peningkatan jumlah penderitanya diseluruh dunia dan menjadi kasus kematian terbanyak. Saat ini angka kejadian hipertensi bergeser ke usia muda disebabkan memiliki gaya hidup yang kurang baik. Mahasiswa Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia cenderung berasal dari daerah di luar Kota Medan dan mereka tinggal di rumah kos. Kehidupan mereka dipenuhi dengan kegiaan kuliah dan aktifitas lainnya sehingga mereka biasanya membeli makanan diwarung atau membeli makanan instan. Pola hidup lain yang tidak sehat seperti tidur larut malam (bergadang), kurang berolah raga dan merokok. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk memantau tekanan darah dan mengidentifikasi faktor resiko hipertensi serta memberikan edukasi tentang faktor-faktor terjadinya hipertensi pada mahasiswa USM Indonesia. Kegiatan  dilakukan di Kampus Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia yang diikuti 113 mahasiswa dengan metode pengukuran tekanan darah dan wawancara gaya hidup serta pemberian edukasi. Diperoleh hasil terdapat 2 orang (1,77%) mengalami hipertensi dan 18 orang (15,93%) mengalami prehipertensi.Karakteristik peserta jenis kelamin laki-laki 22 orang (19,46%) dan perempuan sebanyak  91 orang (80,54%). Usia rentang 17-23 tahun. Gaya hidup menkonsumsi alkohol sebanyak 7 orang (6,19%), merokok 17 orang (15.0%), bergadang malam dengan jam tidur malam mulai jam 00.00 - 03.00 pagi  sebanyak 50 orang (44.2%), memiliki riwayat keluarga dengan hipertensi sebanyak 14 orang (12,3%) dan peserta mengalami stres ringan sebanyak 38 orang (33,6%). Mahasiswa antusias dalam kegiatan ini sehingga mereka dapat menyelesaikan kegiatan ini dengan baik dan mendapat edukasi tentang hipertensi dan pencegahannya