2 research outputs found

    Co-composting Sampah Popok Sekali Pakai (Diapers) dengan Sampah Sayur Menggunakan Aerob Komposter

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    Popok bayi secara umum berupa kapas dan pulp yang merupakan senyawa polimer berupa selulosa memiliki rasio C/N sebesar 65,468. Popok bayi dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku kompos dengan cara dicampurkan dengan suatu bahan yang memiliki kadar nitrogen tinggi. Hal ini bertujuan guna meningkatkan rasio C/N supaya memenuhi rasio C/N pengomposan. Bahan yang ditambahkan berupa sampah sayur dan pupuk urea. Perlu juga penambahan suatu aktivator guna meningkatkan kadar mikroorganisme. Bioaktivator yang digunakan berupa EM4. Reaktor yang digunakan pada proses pengomposan sebesar 25 L. Perbandingan sampah popok dengan sampah sayur yang dianalisis yaitu 10:0; 7:3; 5:5; 3:7 dan 0:10. Penambahan EM4 tiap reaktor sebesar 10 mL. Penelitian diawali dengan karakterisasi sampel, perhitungan rasio C/N, pengujian analisis volatile solid. Setiap hari dilakukan suhu. Setiap 6 hari dilakukan analisis C-Organik, N-Total, kadar air, pH dan volatile solid. Sistem pengomposan dilakukan secara aerob. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perbandingan komposisi optimum sampah popok dengan sampah sayur dalam pembentukan kompos yaitu 3:7. Selain itu, tidak adanya pengaruh penambahan EM4 terhadap pengomposan. ========================================================================================================= Baby diapers generally made from cotton and pulp which is polymer material in from of cellulose with 65,468 C/N ratios. Baby diapers can be used for the raw material of compost by mixing baby diapers with other material which have high content of nitrogen. It is intended to increase C/N ratio so it can fulfill C/N ratio for composting. Vegetable waste and urea fertilizer are also added. The bio-activator is also needed to add into the compost so it can raise the ratio of microorganism. The bio-activator used is EM4. Reactors which used in composting are 25 L. the comparison of analyzed diaper trash and vegetable waste are 10:0; 7:3; 5:5; 3:7 and 0:10. 10 mL EM4 is added into each reactor. The research starts with sample characterization, C/N ratio counting, and volatile solid analysis testing. Temperature measurement is done every day. The analysis of C-Organic, N-Total, moisture, pH and volatile solid is done once in six days. The system of composting is aerobic. The result of this research shows that the comparison of diaper trash optimum composition with vegetable waste in composting 3:7. Then, there is no effect of adding EM4 to composting

    Changes of Nitrogen and Organic Compound During Co-Composting of Disposable Diaper and Vegetable Wastes on Aerobic Process

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    The use of disposable diapers is increasing every year, increasing generated diaper wastes every year. In Surabaya, diaper wastes have become an important issue when they are not treated properly. These diaper wastes will end up in water bodies and cause pollution. One of the technologies that can be used to treat diaper wastes is composting. Disposable diaper wastes consist of high lignocellulose and C content. It is necessary to mix diaper wastes and other wastes with high N content as a co-substrate, so that the optimum C/N ratio of composting can be achieved. In this research, vegetables wastes were used. The Objective of the research was to determine the effect of vegetable wastes adding as a co-substrate in composting of disposable diapers and volatile solid (VS), C-organic, and Total Nitrogen (TN) content changed during the composting process. The research was carried out with three variables mixtures of diaper wastes and vegetable wastes. Two control consist of 100% diaper wastes and 100% vegetables wastes. The Total weight of raw materials was 10 kg for each reactor. The composting process is carried out aerobically with a composting time of 60 days. The results showed that vegetable wastes have the potential to be used as a co-substrate for diaper wastes. The content of C-organic, VS and total nitrogen decreased. All of the parameters include C/N ratio meet the Indonesian Standard of compost