2,275 research outputs found

    Comparison of solar radio and EUV synoptic limb charts during the present solar maximum

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    The present solar cycle is particular in many aspects: it had a delayed rising phase, it is the weakest of the last 100 years, and it presents two peaks separated by more than one year. To understand the impact of these characteristics on the solar chromosphere and coronal dynamics, images from a wide wavelength range are needed. In this work we use the 17~GHz radio continuum, formed in the upper chromosphere and the EUV lines 304 and 171~{\AA}, that come from the transition region (He II) and the corona (Fe IX, X), respectively. We analyze daily images at 304 and 171~{\AA} obtained by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). The 17~GHz maps were obtained by the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH). To construct synoptic limb charts, we calculated the mean emission of delimited limb areas with 100" wide and angular separation of 55^\circ. At the equatorial region, the results show an hemispheric asymmetry of the solar activity. The northern hemisphere dominance is coincident with the first sunspot number peak, whereas the second peak occurs concurrently with the increase in the activity at the south. The polar emission reflects the presence of coronal holes at both EUV wavelengths, moreover, the 17~GHz polar brightenings can be associated with the coronal holes. Until 2013, both EUV coronal holes and radio polar brightenings were more predominant at the south pole. Since then they have not been apparent in the north, but thus appear in the beginning of 2015 in the south as observed in the synoptic charts. This work strengthens the association between coronal holes and the 17~GHz polar brightenings as it is evident in the synoptic limb charts, in agreement with previous case study papers. The enhancement of the radio brightness in coronal holes is explained by the presence of bright patches closely associated with the presence of intense unipolar magnetic fields.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Acccepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Experimental study of single span railway bridges

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    The main purpose of this paper is to present some results concerning the investigation that has been done by the authors regarding the dynamic response of small to médium span railway bridges using response acceleration data colleted during the measurements carried out on single span bridges on the railway track Linz-Wels, in Austria. Using output-only methods in this experimental program, it was possible to have an estimation of the igenfrequencies, mode shapes and the corresponding viscous damping. Due to the fact that the bridges were of the same type some generalizations concerning their structural behavior was possible and finite element models were calibrated in order to compute responses for real traffic. The numerical model of the bridges takes into account the track and the real boundary conditions of the decks. The measured and the computed acceleration responses of the track/bridge system are compared using two methods: the moving forces method and the interaction vehicle/track/bridge method

    Influência das irregularidades da via na resposta dinâmica de pontes ferroviárias de médio vão

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    As irregularidades na via-férrea influenciam o comportamento dinâmico das pontes ferroviárias e aumentam os efeitos dinâmicos produzidos pela passagem dos eixos do comboio. Neste estudo é analisada a influência das irregularidades da via-férrea na resposta dinâmica de uma ponte, cuja primeira frequência natural de vibração se encontra sobre os limites definidos no Eurocódigo 1. São consideradas diferentes irregularidades, isolada a meio-vão e contínua de amplitude aleatória existente em toda a extensão do carril. As respostas máximas da ponte com as irregularidades são determinadas em termos de deslocamentos e acelerações, e comparadas com as obtidas sem as irregularidades. Recorre-se ao modelo dinâmico de via-férrea balastrada ERRI. São analisadas as acelerações na massa vibrante do balastro via-férrea bem como as forças de contacto entre a roda e o carril

    Uso da tomografia de ressonância magnética para diagnosticar os efeitos das injúrias mecânicas em figos "roxo de valinhos".

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    A produção de frutas de qualidade visando atender o crescente consumo de produtos frescos para mercados cada vez exigentes, tem sido o grande desafio para a fruticultura brasileira. Os impactos mecânicos a que as frutas estão submetidas durante as operações de manejo na colheita e pós-colheita são responsáveis por perdas fignificativas na produção, distribuição e comercialização. E importante ressaltar que a aparência externa também é um atributo de qualidade do fruto, sendo considerado como o principal fator de rejeição por parte do consumidor. Frutos murchos, amassados, e sem a cor característica, aparentando fruto de baixa qualidade sobram nas prateleiras dos supermercados. A busca de qualidade requer técnicas rápidas e não-destrutivas para a medida de algumas propriedades físicas dos frutos.bitstream/CNPDIA/8721/1/CT52_2003.pd

    Thermal performance of lightweight steel framed wall: the importance of flanking thermal losses

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    "First Published August 21, 2013"The thermal performance of a modular lightweight steel framed wall was measured and calculated with three-dimensional finite element method model. The focus of this article is on the effect of flanking thermal losses. The calculated heat flux values varied from ?22% (external surface) to +50% (internal surface) when flanking loss was set to 0 as a reference case, thermal transmittance equal to 0.30 W/(m2·K). Other critical parameters were the existence of fixing ?L?-shaped steel elements and the perimeter thermal insulation (10 cm XPS).The authors would like to thank the European Union for funding in the form of the QREN SI I&DT N. 5527 – ‘CoolHaven – Development of residential modular and eco-sustainable houses, with structural light steel frames’ grant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dynamic critical exponents of the Ising model with multispin interactions

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    We revisit the short-time dynamics of 2D Ising model with three spin interactions in one direction and estimate the critical exponents z,z, θ,\theta, β\beta and ν\nu. Taking properly into account the symmetry of the Hamiltonian we obtain results completely different from those obtained by Wang et al.. For the dynamic exponent zz our result coincides with that of the 4-state Potts model in two dimensions. In addition, results for the static exponents ν\nu and β\beta agree with previous estimates obtained from finite size scaling combined with conformal invariance. Finally, for the new dynamic exponent θ\theta we find a negative and close to zero value, a result also expected for the 4-state Potts model according to Okano et al.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, corrected Abstract mistypes, corrected equation on page 4 (Parameter Q

    Comparison of Biomass and Nutrient Dynamics Between an Invasive and a Native Species in a Mediterranean Saltmarsh

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    Two saltmarsh species, the native Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (AM) and the invasive Spartina densiflora (SD), were compared in terms of monthly variation of above and belowground biomass, and nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn) concentrations, over 1 year, in Castro Marim saltmarsh, Portugal. Net aboveground primary productivity was also estimated by two different methods. Above and belowground biomass were higher in SD than in AM and there were distinct monthly variations in the two species. Maximum relative growth rate was observed in the October/January period for SD (4.92±0.36 mg g-1 day-1) and in April/July for AM (3.37±1.26 mg g-1 day-1). Whatever the method used, net aboveground primary productivity was higher in SD (2,603 and 2,923 g m-2 yr-1, respectively by the Smalley and the Wiegert and Evans method) than in AM (692 and 1,012 g m-2 yr-1, respectively). The turnover rate for aboveground live biomass of AM was half the value of SD (0.8 yr-1 and 1.7 yr-1, respectively). The N/P ratio in photosynthetic active components and belowground biomass of AM (11 and 13) was higher than in those of SD (7 and 10). Concentrations of K, Ca and Mg in photosynthetic tissues of SD were lower than in AM. Differences observed between study species suggest that S. densiflora has better ability to use resources and to compete with native species

    Using a glass-fibre reinforced polymer composite in the production of sustainable water storage vessels

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    The quest for sustainability by rethinking materials, products and production strategies is an enormous challenge currently laid upon the economic sector. Materials selection plays a critical role in this challenge. The present work describes a technological, environmental and economic study of the production of a water storage glass-fibre reinforced composite vessel. The vessel was evaluated via a Life Cycle Assessment/Life Cycle Costing (LCA/LCC) integrated model. The most significant life cycle phase was found to be the raw materials production, in which the Fossil fuels, Respiratory inorganics and Climate change were the relevant impact categories. The vessel environmental and economic performances could be improved if an end of life (EoL) option different from landfill had been chosen. The present work describes a new integrated way of analysing the environmental and economic performances of a structural product full life cycle. It also highlights the role and importance of fibre reinforced polymer composites in the quest for sustainable products.FCT projeto SFRH/BD/60852/2009 e IPC projeto UID/CTM/50025/201