1 research outputs found

    COMPARA\u106\uc3O FOTOINTERPRETATIVA ENTRE AEROFOTO e imagem de sat \ue9lite

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    This study evaluated the result of different methodologies in determining the use and occupancy of land using digital aerial photographs with spatial resolution of 1 m (scenario 01) and satellite imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.5 m ( scenario 02), photo-interpreted screen, on a scale of 1:2.000 mapping, watershed 'Horizonte' stream, in Alegre, ES state. We used the global performance indices and Kappa index for determining the average error between the sets and t test at 5 % probability to assess the degree of significance in the process of image interpretation between scenarios 01 and 02. We identified 27 classes of land use for scenarios 01 and 02. The classes of pasture (599.62 and 442.43 ha) and forest fragmentation (319.45 and 258.07 ha) respectively, occupying the largest areas in the two scenarios, composing 69.80 % for scenario 01 and 53.04 % for scenario 02 of the total area. There was a positive variation of 6.67 % in the DG scenario in scenarios 01 and 02. However, the K shows that the scenario 02 has a lower rate of errors of omission and commission of 2.09 %, but does not present significance by the statistical analysis presented at 5 % level by t test.Este estudo objetivou avaliar o uso de diferentes metodologias na determina\ue7\ue3o do uso e ocupa\ue7\ue3o da terra utilizando aerofotos digitais, com resolu\ue7\ue3o espacial de 1 m (cen\ue1rio 01) e imagens de sat\ue9lite, com resolu\ue7\ue3o espacial de 0,5 m (cen\ue1rio 02), fotointerpretadas em tela, na escala cartogr\ue1fica de 1:2.000, da bacia hidrogr\ue1fica do c\uf3rrego Horizonte, Alegre-ES. Utilizaram-se os \uedndices de desempenho global e \uedndice Kappa para determina\ue7\ue3o do erro m\ue9dio entre os cen\ue1rios e teste t a 5 % de probabilidade para avaliar o grau de signific\ue2ncia no processo de fotointerpreta\ue7\ue3o entre os cen\ue1rios 01 e 02. Foram identificadas 27 classes de uso da terra para os cen\ue1rios 01 e 02. As classes de pastagem (599,62 e 442,43 ha) e fragmento florestal (319,45 e 258,07 ha) respectivamente, ocupando maiores \ue1reas nos dois cen\ue1rios, compondo 69,80 % para o cen\ue1rio 01 e 53,04 % para o cen\ue1rio 02 das \ue1reas totais. Verificou-se uma varia\ue7\ue3o positiva do DG em 6,67 % do cen\ue1rio 01 em rela\ue7\ue3o ao cen\ue1rio 02. Entretanto o K demonstra que o cen\ue1rio 02 possui uma menor taxa entre os erros de omiss\ue3o e comiss\ue3o em 2,09 %, n\ue3o apresentado signific\ue2ncia pela an\ue1lise estat\uedstica em n\uedvel de 5 % pelo teste t