4 research outputs found

    Energetski kronometabolizam u novozelandskog bijelog kunića.

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    The temporal organization of some physiological parameters in rabbits by evaluating the circatrigintan rhythms of some haematochemical and haematological parameters, and of rectal temperature, in New Zealand white rabbits was studied. For 30 days before the study the animals all followed the same pattern of daily activity with the natural photoperiod for that season, and were fed on hay ad libitum. Subsequently, the same animals followed another pattern of daily activity for a further 30-day period with a natural photoperiod and were fed on commercial pellets. At the end of each experimental period, blood samples were taken and rectal temperature was measured every 5 days for 30 days. Spectrophotometry in UV was used to calculate the concentration in each sample of: glucose, NEFA, triglycerides, total cholesterol, total proteins, uric acid, urea, albumin, creatinine, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. The following values were measured on samples rendered unclottable: haematocrit, haemoglobin, RBC, MCV, WBC and VES. A periodic statistical model was used to elaborate the data, on average values of the two sets of samples. Intra-group variance was not significant. Glucose, triglycerides, RBC, Hb, PCV and rectal temperature showed a circatrigintan rhythm in both the experimental periods, but with different acrophases; creatinine, magnesium and phosphorus showed periodicity only when the subjects were fed on hay, while total proteins, urea, albumin and calcium were periodic only when they were fed with commercial pellets. The results obtained showed that the type of ration synchronizes the circatrigintan rhythm of some haematochemical and haematological parameters in the rabbit.Istražena je pojavnost određenih fizioloških osobina na osnovi prosudbe mjesečnog ritma nekih biokemijskih i hematoloških pokazatelja i rektalne temperature u novozelandskog bijelog kunića. Trideset dana su životinje bile držane pod jednakim uvjetima trajanja prirodne svjetlosti i hranjene sijenom ad libitum. U drugom tridesetdnevnom razdoblju držane su pod drugim načinom dnevnih aktivnosti s prirodnim trajanjem dnevne svjetlosti te hranjene komercijalnom peletiranom hranom. Na kraju svakog pokusnog razdoblja uzimani su uzorci krvi i mjerena temperatura svakog petog dana u tijeku 30 dana. UV-spektrofotometrijom određena je u svakom uzetom uzorku koncentracija glukoze, NEFA, triglicerida, ukupnog kolesterola, ukupnih bjelančevina, mokraćne kiseline, mokraćevine, albumina, kreatinina, kalcija, fosfora i magnezija. Određivan je hematokrit, hemoglobin, broj eritrocita, leukocita i VES. Podaci su obrađeni periodičkim statističkim modelom na razini prosječnih vrijednosti dvije skupine uzoraka. Varijanca između skupina nije bila značajna. Vrijednosti glukoze, triglicerida, hemoglobina, PVC te broj eritrocita i vrijednost rektalne temperature pokazivale su tridesetdnevni ritam u oba pokusna razdoblja, ali s različitim najvišim fazama. Vrijednosti kreatinina, magnezija i fosfora pokazivale su periodičnost samo kad su životinje bile hranjene sijenom dok su vrijednosti ukupnih bjelančevina, mokraćevine, albumina i kalcija pokazivale periodičnost kad su životinje bile hranjene peletiranom komercijalnom hranom. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da vrst obroka usklađuje tridesetdnevni ritam određenih biokemijskih i hematoloških pokazatelja u kunića

    Molecular characterization of Anaplasma platys strains from dogs in Sicily, Italy

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    BACKGROUND: The genetic diversity of Anaplasma platys (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) strains is currently poorly defined. The present study was designed to characterize A. patys strains in dogs from Palermo, Sicily, Italy, using a combination of PCR and sequence analysis of the 16S rDNA, heat shock operon groESL and citrate synthase (gltA) genes. RESULTS: Blood was collected from 344 dogs (111 pet dogs, 122 pound dogs and 111 hunting dogs) during 2003–2005 in the Province of Palermo, Sicily, Italy. The prevalence of A. platys in dogs in Sicily, as demonstrated by PCR and sequence analysis of the 16S rDNA, groESL and gltA genes, was 4%. None of the samples were positive for A. marginale, A. centrale, A. ovis and A. phagocytophilum DNA. Three different gltA genotypes of A. platys were identified in dogs from Sicily. Two of the gltA sequences of Sicilian A. platys strains were different from sequences reported previously. However, one of the gltA, 16S rDNA and groESL sequences were identical to the sequence of A. platys strains from other regions of the world characterized previously. CONCLUSION: At least three different strains of A. platys were identified in dogs from Sicily by PCR and sequence analyses of the 16S rDNA, groESL and gltA genes. The results reported herein suggested that genetic diversity of A. platys strains may be similar to A. ovis, but lower than the diversity reported for A. marginale and A. phagocytophilum. This lower genetic diversity may have resulted from restricted movement of infected hosts compared to A. marginale-infected cattle and/or the limited host range of A. ovis and A. platys as compared with A. phagocytophilum. These results expand our knowledge about A. platys and encourage further research for analysis of the genetic variation of A. platys strains worldwide

    Observed prevalence of tick-borne pathogens in domestic animals in Sicily, Italy during 2003-2005

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    The objective of this study was to characterize the observed prevalence of tick-borne pathogens (TBP) in domestic animals in Sicily, Italy during 2003–2005. Serological (competitive ELISA and indirect immunofluorescence antibody, n = 3299) and DNA tests (polymerase chain reaction and reverse line blot, n = 2565) were conducted on horse, donkey, cattle, sheep, goat, pig and dog samples. Pathogens analysed included Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Rickettsia, Babesia and Theileria species, and Coxiella burnetii. The most prevalent TBP were Anaplasma and Babesia species. The results reported herein suggested that cattle could serve as the major reservoir for Babesia and Theileria spp. while for Anaplasma spp. cattle, dogs, sheep and goats may be the most important reservoir species. These results expanded our knowledge about the prevalence of TBP in Sicily and provided information to understand the epidemiology of tick-borne diseases and may help to implement measures to diagnose, treat and control transmission to humans and animals in this region.This research was funded by The Ministry of Health, Italy. Dr R. Böse (Institute of Parasitology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany) is acknowledged for providing B. canis antigens for IFA test.Peer reviewe