69 research outputs found

    Influence of Electrostatic Forces on the Particle Propulsion in the Evanescent Field of Silver Ion-Exchanged Waveguides

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    The effect of electrostatic interaction between carboxylate- and amino-functionalized polystyrene particles and a charged waveguide surface on the propulsion speed in an optical tweezers is considered as a function of pH and ionic strength. It was shown that with the variation of the pH of the aqueous solution, the particles were immersed in, a systematic change of propulsion speed with a maximum speed could be achieved. The appearance of a maximum speed was ascribed to changes in the particle-waveguide separation as a result of the combination of two forces: Coulomb repulsion/attraction and induced dipole forces. The highest maximum speed at low ionic strength was around 12 µm/sec. Changes in the ionic strength of the solution influenced the gradient of the dielectric constant near the involved surfaces and also lead to a slightly reduced hydrodynamic radius of the particles. The combination of these effects subsequently increased the maximum speed to about 23 µm/sec

    Controlling the Hydrophilicity and Cohesion During Deposition of Highly Oriented Type I Collagen Films: an approach for biomedical applications

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    Using the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technology we have pioneered a straightforward and low-cost approach to fabricate highly oriented collagen in thin film format (thickness: ~20 nm, surface areas: 2.5 x ~6.0 cm). An important factor for the use of these films is their cohesion under various conditions. Film formation was studied by coating hydrophilic or hydrophobic glass substrates. The fresh or aged (2 ½ years, -18°C.) collagen solutions used for this purpose either contained collagen network-stabilizing agents (n-propanol or phosphate ions) or were prepared without these stabilizers. Film formation on the air/water interface was analyzed by pressure-area isotherms. Maximum surface pressures were ~ 4-7 mN/m and ~ 10-18 mN/m for isotherms using n-propanol or phosphate buffer saline (PBS), respectively, versus ~ 0.4-0.8 mN/m without using a stabilizer; with higher surface pressures for the combination fresh solution/n-propanol or aged solution/PBS. Deposited films were studied by optical and electron microscopy and fast Fourier transform analysis. Coatings (to both substrate types) exhibit a defined orientation of collagen aggregates within a matrix of oriented collagen when freshly made or aged collagen solutions were used and n-propanol was present during film formation. The higher degree of hydrophilicity of the aged solution does not adversely affect the cohesion and collagen orientation during film formation. Using physiological phosphate ions shows that deposition of defect-free and oriented collagen (on both substrate types) is only possible using fresh collagen solutions. Unlike n-propanol-containing solutions, films were most stable using hydrophilic glass substrates. Film formation failed in the absence of network stabilizers. Controlling the cohesion via (a) the water accessibility of collagen structures, (b) specific network stabilizers and (c) substrate properties enables tunable film characteristics for future biomedical approaches

    Narrowing of Plasmon Resonance Peaks as an Ensemble Effect

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    The frequency of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) displayed by gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) redshifts as a function of their local refractive index, which renders them valuable transducers for sensing applications. An ensemble hypothesis is presented herein, along with spectroscopic evidence, using the biotin-streptavidin system on immobilized AuNPs to interpret the decrease in ensemble linewidth (ELW) consistently observed upon functionalization of plasmonic nanoparticles and the subsequent analyte binding. These results demonstrate that ELW can be used to monitor recognition reactions, providing spectral details and a possible sensitivity enhancement to the conventional wavelength sensing. A novel sensing platform allowing the simultaneous measurement of both LSPR wavelength and ELW is proposed, which not only combines the advantages of both parameters but also permits real-time measurement and miniaturization

    Zr-doped TiO2 as a Thermostabilizer in Plasmon-Enhanced Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

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    Harvesting solar energy is a promising solution toward meeting the world’s evergrowing energy demand. Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are hybrid organic–inorganic solar cells with tremendous potential for commercial application, but they are plagued by in efficiency due to their poor sunlight absorption. Plasmonic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been shown to enhance the absorptive properties of DSSCs, but their plasmonic resonance can cause thermal damage resulting in cell deterioration. Hence, the influence of Zr-doped TiO2 on the efficiency of plasmon-enhanced DSSCs was studied, showing that 5 mol.% Zr-doping of the photoactive TiO2 material can improve the photovoltaic performance of DSSCs by 44%. By examining three different DSSC designs, it became clear that the efficiency enhancing effect of Zr strongly depends on the proximity of the Zr-doped material to the plasmonic AgNPs

    Optimization of Gold Nanoring Arrays for Biosensing in the Fiber-optic Communication Window

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    To improve the limit of detection in a nanoplasmonic sensor system, the optical performance of the metal nanostructures should be optimized according to the best spectral window of the measurement instrument. We propose that the spectral window from 1460 to 1610 nm can potentially provide ultrahigh instrumental resolution for biosensing. We optimized gold nanoring arrays such that the extinction peak position is inside the proposed window, the extinction peak is sharp enough to track the peak shift with high resolution and the figure of merit (sensitivity/linewidth) of the array is optimized at the same time. The peak-sharpening effect of the array caused by coherent interaction plays a central role in the optimization. The optimized array has a lattice constant in the range [1000 nm; 1060 nm], a bulk index sensitivity of around 450 nm=RIU and a figure of merit larger than 4. It is an enabling sensor element for a nearinfrared sensor chip with ultrahigh resolution

    Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensing Properties of a 3D Nanostructure Consisting of Aligned Nanohole and Nanocone Arrays

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    Molecular surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing is one of the most common applications of an array of periodic nanoholes in a metal film. However, metallic nanohole arrays (NHAs) with low-hole count have lower resolution and SPR sensing performance compared to NHAs with high-hole count. In this paper, we present a compact three-dimensional (3D) plasmonic nanostructure with extraordinary optical transmission properties benefiting from surface plasmon matching and enhanced localized surface plasmon coupling. The 3D nanostructure consisted of a gold film containing a NHA with an underlying cavity and a gold nanocone array (NCA) at the bottom of the cavity. Each nanocone was aligned with the nanohole above and the truncated apex of each nanocone was in close proximity (100 nm) to the gold film. The NHA-NCA structures outperformed conventional NHA structures in terms of bulk sensitivity and Figure of Merit (FOM). Furthermore, the NHA-NCA structure with 525-nm periodicity was capable of sensing streptavidin down to 2 nM exhibiting a 10-fold increase in streptavidin sensitivity compared to conventional NHA structures. The sensitivity and performance of the 3D nanostructure can be further improved by exploiting multiplexing methods in combination with stable light sources and detection systems

    A Biosensor based on Periodic Arrays of Gold Nanodisks under Normal Transmission

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    We present a biosensor based on periodic arrays of gold nanodisks patterned on top of a glass substrate. The sensor’s resonance wavelength, peak linewidth and figure of merit were studied both in experiments and in simulations. We analyzed the dependence of the sensor’s resolution on the inherent figure of merit of the sensor structure and the signal to noise ratio of the detection system. The best achieved refractive index resolution is 1.5×10-4 RIU and the detection limit on and antigen-antibody binding is better than 1 ng/mL

    Periodic Arrays of Gold Nano-Disks Coupled with Evanescent Spectroscopy

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    We study and analyze various spectral features of gold nano-disk arrays coupled with the evanescent field of an optical waveguide using finite difference time domain simulations for comparison to our previous work on this topic (Jiang et al, Journal of Lightwave Technology 27, no.13, (2009): 2264-2270). We find that the quadrupolar and dipolar peaks are both heavily dependent on the coherent interactions of the periodic array and show comparable performance for refractive index sensing applications. We also find sharp extinction peaks and dips in the simulated spectra, but they are not sensitive to the index change of the surface-bound layer. A detailed analysis on these sharp features reveals that the sharp extinction peaks are grating-induced quadrupolar modes and the dips represent the suppressed plasmon resonances caused by the photonic band gap

    Orientation Distribution of Highly Oriented Type I Collagen Deposited on Flat Samples with Different Geometries

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    The structural arrangement of type I collagen in vivo is critical for the normal functioning of tissues, such as bone, cornea, tendons and blood vessels. At present, there are no established low-cost techniques for fabricating aligned collagen structures for applications in regenerative medicine. Here, we report on a straightforward approach to fabricate collagen films, with defined orientation distributions of collagen fibrillar aggregates within a matrix of oriented collagen molecules on flat sample surfaces. Langmuir Blodgett (LB) technology was used to deposit thin films of oriented type I collagen onto flat substrates exhibiting various shapes. By varying the shapes of the substrates (e.g. rectangles, squares, circles, parallelograms, and various shaped triangles) as well as their sizes, a systematic study on collagen alignment patterns was conducted. It was found that the orientation and the orientation distribution of collagen along these various shaped substrates is directly depending on the geometry of the substrate and the dipping direction of that sample with respect to the collagen/water subphase. An important factor in tissue engineering is the stability, durability and endurance of the constructed artificial tissue, and thus its functioning in regenerative medicine applications. By testing these criteria we found that the coated films and their alignments were stable for at least three months under different conditions and, moreover, that these films can withstand temperatures of up to 60°C for a short time. Therefore, these constructs may have widespread applicability in the engineering of collagen-rich tissues

    A Mass-Producible and Versatile Sensing System: Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Excited by Individual Waveguide Modes

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    A plasmonic sensing system that allows the excitation of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) by individual waveguide modes is presented conceptually and experimentally. Any change in the local environment of the gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) alters the degree of coupling between LSPR and a polymer slab waveguide, which then modulates the transmission-output signal. In comparison to conventional LSPR sensors, this system is less susceptible to optical noise and positional variation of signals. Moreover, it enables more freedom in the exploitation of plasmonic hot spots with both transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) modes. Through real-time measurement, it is demonstrated that the current sensing system is more sensitive than comparable optical fiber plasmonic sensors. The highest normalized bulk sensitivity (7.744 RIU-1) is found in the TM1 mode. Biosensing with the biotin-streptavidin system shows that the detection limit is on the order of 10-14 M of streptavidin. With further optimization, this sensing system can easily be mass-produced and incorporated into high throughput screening devices, detecting a variety of chemical and biological analytes via immobilization of the appropriate recognition sites
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