4 research outputs found

    Motivation program in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises based on the preference for needs

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    Motivation and meeting the employee needs as a part of human resource management fundamentally affect the improvement of job performance and corporate culture. The research fills in the research gap in the field of the definition of the level of motivation factors in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises following the preferences for their motivation needs in terms of the selected socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, age, completed education, and job position. A questionnaire was used to determine the level of motivation needs. The proposal of motivation factors as a part of the motivation programme is defined according to selected sociodemographic factors. Findings that a significant increase in motivation needs relating to finance, and work conditions occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic can be considered a result of the study. The level of motivation does not vary in terms of gender and age. The differences are determined in terms of job position and education. The proposed motivation programme is tailored to the preferences of employees

    Strategic Management of Business Performance Based on Innovations and Information Support in Specific Conditions of Slovakia

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    Business performance management and measurement is a relatively complex and difficult process, which is currently undergoing significant changes in terms of both theory and practice. Previously used indicators, methods and models, largely based on financial indicators and methods of financial management, have been gradually modified and improved to provide owners and managers with a sufficient true and fair view of business performance. Despite the efforts for continuous improvement, it appears that the traditional management of enterprise performance based primarily on financial management hits its limits and companies around the world are beginning to promote new non-traditional indicators, methods and models, based primarily on non-financial, strategic and often qualitative indicators. We recommend that enterprises apply the selected methods and models of strategic business performance management in different industries of the Slovak Republic. By applying the selected strategic methods and models such as BSC, BI, strategic planning and controlling, innovations and others, a higher performance of companies can be achieved

    Motivation Level and its Comparison Between Senior Managers and Blue-Collar Workers in Small and Medium-Sized Transport Enterprises

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    The aim of the article is to compare the motivation level of senior managers and blue-collar workers in Slovak small and medium-sized enterprises providing transport for forestry sector with the focus on the creation of motivation programs. The analysis included 340 senior managers and 262 blue-collar workers. A total of 30 motivation factors were examined. The most important motivation factors were defined. We identified the significant differences between the needs of senior managers and blue-collar workers by using the Student two-sample t-test. Based on the results of our testing we may conclude that in the field of motivation factors in Slovakia it is not possible to establish a uniform motivation program for the analyzed groups of employees. In the future, after meeting the needs of employees, it is possible that motivation may change with the change of requirements

    Managing Employee Motivation in Slovak Universities from the Perspectives of Time and Age

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    Human resources refer to a special and unique field as they are the most valuable but also the most costly factor of production. The aim of the research is to analyze the level of motivation of university teachers in Slovakia in terms of time and age, and to define the motivational needs of university teachers. The method of sociological questioning is used. The collected data from 2016 university teachers from Slovak technical universities are analyzed using the Tukey HSD test. Based on the research results, it can be stated that university teachers are the most motivated by relational and financial motivational factors. There is a significant change in the level of average importance of motivational factors across time (years), but there is no change in their structure. In terms of the age factor, significant differences over time are identified. Finally, Slovak teachers display the need for a more respected social status and a better image of their profession. The research findings will help university managers in raising the level of teachers’ motivation and in designing motivation programs