33 research outputs found
Apoptotic epitope-specific CD8+ T cells and interferon signaling intersect in chronic hepatitis C virus infection
CD8(+) T cells specific to caspase-cleaved antigens derived from apoptotic T cells represent a principal player in chronic immune activation (CIA). Here, we found that both apoptotic epitope (AE)-specific and hepatitis C virus (HCV)-specific CD8(+) T cells were mostly confined within the effector memory (EM) or terminally differentiated EM CD45RA(+) cell subsets expressing a dysfunctional T-helper-1-like signature program in chronic (c)HCV infection. However, AE-specific CD8(+) T cells produced tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin-2 at the intrahepatic level significantly more than HCV-specific CD8(+) T cells, despite both populations acquiring high levels of programmed death-1 receptor expression. Contextually, only AE-specific CD8(+) T cells correlated with both interferon-stimulated gene levels in T cells and hepatic fibrosis score. Taken together, these data suggest that AE-specific CD8(+) T cells can sustain CIA by their capacity to produce TNF-α and be resistant to inhibitory signals more than HCV-specific CD8(+) T cells in cHCV infection
Comparative in vitro and ex vivo studies on the bactericidal activity of Tetraclean, a new generation endodontic irrigant, and sodium hypochlorite
The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of a new generation endodontic irrigant, Tetraclean, to the widely used sodium hypochlorite. Tetraclean combines a powerful detergent effect with a strong antimicrobial efficacy, whereas sodium hypochlorite has several drawbacks and is sometimes ineffective in preventing microbial-mediated endodontic failure. The bactericidal activity of both irrigants against Enterococcus faecalis, the most commonly isolated species from root canals of teeth with post-treatment disease, was assessed i) in vitro, according to the European Standard lines for the evaluation of the bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants, and ii) with an ex vivo model of extracted and decoronated human teeth, infected with E. faecalis and subsequently irrigated with either of the irrigants. Both irrigants display very similar bactericidal activity against E. faecalis in vitro. However, the ex vivo model shows that only in the teeth irrigated with Tetraclean did the bacterial burden gradually drop until no bacteria were detectable a few days post-irrigation. Vice versa, in the teeth irrigated with sodium hypochlorite, the drop in the bacterial burden was rapid but temporary and most of the teeth were colonized again by 48 hours post-irrigation
Iron capture through CD71 drives perinatal and tumor-associated Treg expansion
: Beside suppressing immune responses, regulatory T cells (Tregs) maintain tissue homeostasis and control systemic metabolism. Whether iron is involved in Treg-mediated tolerance is completely unknown. Here, we showed that the transferrin receptor CD71 was upregulated on activated Tregs infiltrating human liver cancer. Mice with a Treg-restricted CD71 deficiency spontaneously developed a scurfy-like disease, caused by impaired perinatal Treg expansion. CD71-null Tregs displayed decreased proliferation and tissue-Treg signature loss. In perinatal life, CD71 deficiency in Tregs triggered hepatic iron overload response, characterized by increased hepcidin transcription and iron accumulation in macrophages. Lower bacterial diversity, and reduction of beneficial species, were detected in the fecal microbiota of CD71 conditional knock-out neonates. Our findings indicate that CD71-mediated iron absorption is required for Treg perinatal expansion and related to systemic iron homeostasis and bacterial gut colonization. Therefore, we hypothesize that Tregs establish nutritional tolerance through competition for iron during bacterial colonization after birth
Food Intake and Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents with Obesity
Over the last few decades, numerous scientific studies have investigated the possible association between sleep duration and adiposity during childhood, since it has been reported that sleep deprivation causes a related increase in caloric intake. Even though the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms are still under study and not completely known, the effect of dietetic habits and nutrient intake on sleep quality and patterns has been reported. The aim of this study is to explore the intricate interplay between food intake/diet patterns and pediatric sleep disturbances in children and adolescents with obesity, emphasizing the importance of not underestimating this aspect in the prevention and treatment of this complex disease. Recent evidence supports a high correlation between specific diet patterns and foods with sleep disturbances in children at all ages. Diets rich in fiber, fruit, vegetables, and anti-inflammatory nutrients and low in saturated fats seem to promote better sleep quality. Sleep disturbances are, in turn, risk factors for the development of obesity. Therefore, food strategies should be applied to counteract this harmful process. Unraveling the complex links between dietary habits, sleep patterns, and obesity is essential for developing effective strategies to combat this critical public health issue
Food Intake and Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents with Obesity
Over the last few decades, numerous scientific studies have investigated the possible association between sleep duration and adiposity during childhood, since it has been reported that sleep deprivation causes a related increase in caloric intake. Even though the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms are still under study and not completely known, the effect of dietetic habits and nutrient intake on sleep quality and patterns has been reported. The aim of this study is to explore the intricate interplay between food intake/diet patterns and pediatric sleep disturbances in children and adolescents with obesity, emphasizing the importance of not underestimating this aspect in the prevention and treatment of this complex disease. Recent evidence supports a high correlation between specific diet patterns and foods with sleep disturbances in children at all ages. Diets rich in fiber, fruit, vegetables, and anti-inflammatory nutrients and low in saturated fats seem to promote better sleep quality. Sleep disturbances are, in turn, risk factors for the development of obesity. Therefore, food strategies should be applied to counteract this harmful process. Unraveling the complex links between dietary habits, sleep patterns, and obesity is essential for developing effective strategies to combat this critical public health issue
COMPARAZIONE DELLA EFFICACIA ANTIBATTERICA DI TETRACLEAN, UN IRRIGANTE ENDODONTICO DI NUOVA GENERAZIONE, CON IPOCLORITO DI SODIO.A. Ardizzoni1, R. Neglia1, L. Giardino2, E. Ambu3, S. Grazi1, S. Calignano1, C. Rimoldi1, S. Peppoloni1, E. Blasi1.1Dipartimento di Scienze di Sanità Pubblica, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia; 2Dipartimento di Periodontologia, Università di Brescia; 3Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Testa, Collo e Riabilitazione, Unità Operativa di Odontoiatria e Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.L’efficacia di un irrigante endodontico consiste nella sua capacità di penetrare in aree difficili da raggiungere, come i canalicoli dentinali, e di uccidere i microrganismi ivi residenti, causando un danno minimo ai tessuti dell’ospite. Pertanto, la scelta di un irrigante endodontico dovrebbe assicurare un adeguato effetto detergente ed una completa disinfezione dei canali endodontici e dei tubuli dentinali. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di confrontare l’efficacia antibatterica di un irrigante endodontico di nuova generazione, Tetraclean®, con quella di ipoclorito di sodio al 5,25%. Quest’ultimo, nonostante oggi venga ampiamente utilizzato nella pratica clinica endodontica, presenta molti svantaggi e a volte risulta inefficace nel prevenire fallimenti endodontici associati a colonizzazione microbica dei canali endodontici e dei tubuli dentinali. Esperimenti condotti in vitro hanno mostrato come entrambi gli irriganti testati esercitino attività battericida simile nei confronti di Enterococcus faecalis, il patogeno più frequentemente causa di infezioni a carico del sistema radicolo-canalicolare. Tuttavia, test condotti ex vivo su denti estratti, sterilizzati e re-infettati con E. faecalis e successivamente irrigati con l’uno o l’altro degli irriganti, hanno messo in luce come solo nei denti trattati con Tetraclean® la carica batterica diminuisce gradualmente, finchè a partire da alcuni giorni dopo l’irrigazione non sono più determinabili cellule batteriche vitali. Al contrario, nei denti irrigati con sodio ipoclorito, l’abbattimento della carica batterica è più rapido, ma solo transitorio e la maggior parte dei denti viene ricolonizzata a partire da 48 ore dopo l’irrigazione. Questi risultati indicano come Tetraclean® abbia tutte le potenzialità per l’impiego, come irrigante di nuova generazione, nella pratica clinica quotidiana
Poor Motor Competence Affects Functional Capacities and Healthcare in Children and Adolescents with Obesity
Background: From a young age, children learn different motor skills known as fundamental motor skills. The acquisition of these skills is crucial for the future development of context-tailored actions that could improve adherence to physical activity (PA) practice. Motor competence and function deficits have been associated with pediatric obesity. We reviewed the literature data regarding motor competence in pediatrics and impaired motor performance in children and adolescents with obesity. Methods: We assessed the abstracts of the available literature (n = 110) and reviewed the full texts of potentially relevant articles (n = 65) that were analyzed to provide a critical discussion. Results: Children and adolescents with obesity show impaired motor performance, executive functions, postural control, and motor coordination. Children’s age represents a crucial point in the development of motor skills. Early interventions are crucial to preventing declines in motor proficiency and impacting children’s PA and overall fitness levels. Conclusions: To involve children, the PA protocol must be fun and tailored in consideration of several aspects, such as clinical picture, level of physical fitness, and motor skills. A supervised adapted exercise program is useful to personalized PA programs from an early pediatric age