17 research outputs found
Representative images of thrombi in carotid artery preparations (en face).
<p>LC: left carotid artery; RC: right carotid artery.</p
Representative images of plaque extensions in artery sections.
<p>LC: left carotid artery; RC: right carotid artery, Thor A: thoracic aorta, Abd A: abdominal aorta.</p
Representative immuno-histological images of macrophage and T lymphocyte stains of carotid artery sections.
<p>Representative immuno-histological images of macrophage and T lymphocyte stains of carotid artery sections.</p
Endothelial dysfunction and arterial wall thickness was assessed in rabbits after 8 weeks of high cholesterol diet.
<p>(a) Vascular ultrasound of the right common artery: The bars show increases of luminal diameter of the right common carotid artery [%] compared to baseline after infusion of three doses of acetylcholine in the Revacept and control groups. (b) Wall thickness of the right common carotid artery [mm] in rabbits. The mean ± SEM of 8 animals are shown. * indicates significant difference of p<0.05 versus cholesterol-fed, atherosclerotic control rabbits, and ** p<0.01 versus healthy rabbits (ANOVA).</p
Macroscopic and histological assessment of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits.
<p>(a) Plaque size [%] was determined in macroscopic en face preparations after sudan red staining of the common carotid arteries. The relative lesion area was expressed as percentage of the total vessel area of the common carotid artery. (b) Vessel wet weight to body weight ratio was determined. The mean ± SEM of 8 animals are shown. * indicates significant difference of p<0.05 versus cholesterol-fed atherosclerotic control rabbits.</p
Pharmacokinetic profile of Revacept in rabbits (A) on the first day of dosing (after 4 weeks of high cholesterol feeding), (B) after the last dosing of the twice weekly dosing period four weeks later.
<p>The graphs show single animal and mean values of the Revacept group.</p
Effect of systemic delivery of increasing doses of Revacept in rabbits.
<p>Thrombus formation was induced by balloon vascular injury. The thrombus size was evaluated histologically post mortem and is expressed as % of the total vascular lesion area. The mean ± SD of n = 8 experiments per group are shown. * indicates significant difference of p<0.05, and ** of p<0.01, versus controls (as determined by ANOVA).</p
Serum cholesterol levels of the Revacept group and the control group before, 4 and 8 weeks after feeding a high-cholesterol diet (means ± SEM).
<p>Serum cholesterol levels of the Revacept group and the control group before, 4 and 8 weeks after feeding a high-cholesterol diet (means ± SEM).</p
Study protocols of thrombus size detection after carotis artery lesion (upper panel), and of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits after eight weeks of drug administration (lower panel).
<p>Study protocols of thrombus size detection after carotis artery lesion (upper panel), and of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits after eight weeks of drug administration (lower panel).</p
The inflammation in the arterial wall was assessed by immune-histology in carotid artery sections of cholesterol fed rabbits.
<p>(a) The density of macrophages was determined using specific anti-RAM antibodies.(b) The density of T-lymphatic cells was determined with specific anti CD 4 antibodies. The mean ± SEM of 8 animals are shown.</p