13 research outputs found

    Le inondazioni del Tevere a Roma tra il XVI e XVIII secolo nelle fonti bibliotecarie del tempo

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    Questo studio nasce da una ricerca di climatologia storica, svolta nel corso degli ultimi anni dal CNR, finalizzata alla ricostruzione delle lunghe serie di eventi climatici estremi. In tale ambito si sono raccolte, tra gli altri proxy data, le informazioni documentarie relative alle piene eccezionali del Tevere nel tratto urbano di Roma. Dalle narrazioni delle cronache relative agli episodi di inondazioni, sembra emergere che il provvedimento più ricorrente preso dalle autorità competenti fosse quello di decretare pulizie dell’alveo da macerie ed immondizie, lasciando che il fiume seguisse il suo corso, sia in senso letterale sia figurato. L’episodio documentato nel 1571, riguardante l’agnus dei gettato nelle acque del fiume in piena, lascia intravedere una politica, da parte del Papato, certamente molto cauta, compiacente rispetto alla tradizione e alle superstizioni popolari dei Romani. I quali, dalle descrizioni dei vari eventi tramanditeci dalle fonti, sembrano vivere a fianco del fiume e delle sue intemperanze con un atteggiamento quasi rassegnato, come se la paura e i danni causati dalle tracimazioni fossero l’inevitabile prezzo da pagare per la presenza, talvolta distruttrice ma perlopiù vitale e strettamente coesa al tessuto urbano ed alle sue attività, del Tevere. vitale e strettamente coesa al tessuto urbano ed alle sue attività, del Tevere.Enzi Silvia. Le inondazioni del Tevere a Roma tra il XVI e XVIII secolo nelle fonti bibliotecarie del tempo. In: Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée, tome 118, n°1. 2006. Il Tevere : sistema idraulico e asse produttivo (XVe-XIXe siècle) pp. 13-20

    A study on the effects of seismicity on subsidence in foreland basins: An application to the Venice area

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    Foreland basins are flat elongated areas occurring along subduction and collision zones worldwide. We show that, in such basins, subsidence can be induced by earthquakes generated along bordering thrust faults due to coseismic displacement, postseismic displacement and liquefaction-induced compaction. As an example, the potential effects of earthquakes on the subsidence of Venice, which is located in the Po Plain foreland basin, are discussed. It is generally assumed that natural subsidence of Venice is continuous and that subsidence rates are rather constant through time. However, catastrophic pulses of subsidence cannot be ruled out as taught by the sudden disappearance of the island of Malamocco at the beginning of the XII century. The results of numerical models specifically run suggest that the risk of subsidence accelerations in Venice due to coseismic displacements is negligible. Modelling results from literature suggest that postseismic subsidence could be of the order of 1 cm. Although the effects of a single event should be improbably detectable, such a subsidence is not a priori negligible considering the number of seismogenic sources located within 100 km from the town. Historical sources are utilized to discuss the feasibility of liquefaction-induced subsidence in Venice. It is shown that the destruction and sinking of ancient Malamocco is roughly coincident with a strong earthquake cycle that was associated to phenomena that can be explained with liquefaction of sandy layers. Although the historical documents do not permit to establish a clear causal link between the earthquake and land subsidence, it is concluded that liquefaction-induced subsidence cannot be ruled out as a potential source for local subsidence acceleration. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    When the Lagoon was frozen over in Venice from A.D. 604 to 2012: evidence from written documentary sources, visual arts and instrumental readings

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    The paper reconstructs when the Lagoon of Venice, Italy, was frozen over in the last 1400 years. The paper combines various proxies and instrumental readings, i.e.: written documentary sources since the origin of Venice; evidence from visual arts referring to 1709, 1789 and 1791 as well as some pictures taken in 1929 and 2012; finally, instrumental observations since 1716. A critical revision has been made of all sources in order to reject duplications or exaggerations introduced by late compilations. To this aim the various dating styles, the social and historical context of the city of Venice over time and the combined historical, statistical and climatological criteria necessary to validate data have been considered. The physics of ice formation, the influence of tides, the ice bearing capacity have been useful to interpret data. The passage from proxies to index and temperature in modern units is also discussed. The written sources provide basic information before the instrumental period and made possible a classification of winter severity. The visual arts provide a general view of what happened when the Lagoon was frozen over in the 18th century; in addition, they allow an estimate of the ice slab thickness. Visual arts, however, cannot be used for dating purposes. Finally, the instrumental readings are compared with the proxies in order to improve the interpretation of the above proxies. The result is a comprehensive, critically revised list of the harsh winters in Northern Italy and the meteorological situation responsible for their occurrence.Cet article reconstitue l’histoire de l’englacement de la lagune de Venise, en Italie, durant les 1 400 dernières années. La méthodologie utilisée combine plusieurs proxies, en particulier des sources écrites, des représentations visuelles et des observations instrumentales depuis 1716. Une révision critique a été faite de toutes les données afin de rejeter les incertitudes et certaines exagérations introduites dans des compilations tardives. Nous avons soigneusement révisé les datations, les contextes socio-historiques et les critères statistiques et climatologiques, afin de filtrer et de valider les données. Par exemple, la physique et les capacités mécaniques de la glace, ainsi que l'influence des marées, ont été utiles pour interpréter les données. Les sources écrites fournissent des informations de base avant la période instrumentale et rendent possible une classification des rigueurs thermiques hivernales. Les arts visuels offrent une vue générale de ce qui s'est passé lorsque la lagune a été gelée au cours du xviiie siècle. De plus, ils permettent une estimation de l'épaisseur de la plaque de glace. Enfin, les lectures instrumentales améliorent l'interprétation des proxies. Notre travail aboutit à une liste complète et révisée des hivers rigoureux dans le nord de l'Italie et permet d’interpréter cette histoire de l’englacement en fonction de la situation météorologique

    When the Lagoon was frozen over in Venice from A.D. 604 to 2012: evidence from written documentary sources, visual arts and instrumental readings

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    The paper reconstructs when the Lagoon of Venice, Italy, was frozen over in the last 1400 years. The paper combines various proxies and instrumental readings, i.e.: written documentary sources since the origin of Venice; evidence from visual arts referring to 1709, 1789 and 1791 as well as some pictures taken in 1929 and 2012; finally, instrumental observations since 1716. A critical revision has been made of all sources in order to reject duplications or exaggerations introduced by late compilations. To this aim the various dating styles, the social and historical context of the city of Venice over time and the combined historical, statistical and climatological criteria necessary to validate data have been considered. The physics of ice formation, the influence of tides, the ice bearing capacity have been useful to interpret data. The passage from proxies to index and temperature in modern units is also discussed. The written sources provide basic information before the instrumental period and made possible a classification of winter severity. The visual arts provide a general view of what happened when the Lagoon was frozen over in the 18th century; in addition, they allow an estimate of the ice slab thickness. Visual arts, however, cannot be used for dating purposes. Finally, the instrumental readings are compared with the proxies in order to improve the interpretation of the above proxies. The result is a comprehensive, critically revised list of the harsh winters in Northern Italy and the meteorological situation responsible for their occurrence.Cet article reconstitue l’histoire de l’englacement de la lagune de Venise, en Italie, durant les 1 400 dernières années. La méthodologie utilisée combine plusieurs proxies, en particulier des sources écrites, des représentations visuelles et des observations instrumentales depuis 1716. Une révision critique a été faite de toutes les données afin de rejeter les incertitudes et certaines exagérations introduites dans des compilations tardives. Nous avons soigneusement révisé les datations, les contextes socio-historiques et les critères statistiques et climatologiques, afin de filtrer et de valider les données. Par exemple, la physique et les capacités mécaniques de la glace, ainsi que l'influence des marées, ont été utiles pour interpréter les données. Les sources écrites fournissent des informations de base avant la période instrumentale et rendent possible une classification des rigueurs thermiques hivernales. Les arts visuels offrent une vue générale de ce qui s'est passé lorsque la lagune a été gelée au cours du xviiie siècle. De plus, ils permettent une estimation de l'épaisseur de la plaque de glace. Enfin, les lectures instrumentales améliorent l'interprétation des proxies. Notre travail aboutit à une liste complète et révisée des hivers rigoureux dans le nord de l'Italie et permet d’interpréter cette histoire de l’englacement en fonction de la situation météorologique

    Body composition and resting energy expenditure in elderly male patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    none10noOur study investigates nutritional status, resting energy expenditure (REE) and physical performance in elderly patients with stable COPD to identify any early conditions of hypermetabolism, malnutrition and sarcopenia. Eighty-six males (40 stable COPD and 46 healthy subjects) over 65 years old were studied. All subjects underwent spirometry, blood gas analysis and a 6-min walking test (6MWT). Fat-free mass (FFM) and appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASMM) were measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). REE was measured by indirect calorimetry. COPD patients had a lower FFM both expressed in kilograms and after correction for height squared. The prevalence of sarcopenia was higher for COPD subjects (38% vs 31%). REE, both in absolute values and adjusted for FFM was significantly higher in COPD patients. Hypermetabolism was found in 60% of COPD cases and 13.7% (P<0.01) of healthy subjects. No relationship was found in COPD patients between the measured/predicted REE ratio (REE(m)/REE(p)) and FEV1. In the hypermetabolic COPD subgroup, the REE(m)/REE(p) ratio correlated with 6MWT. Elderly patients with stable COPD develop an increased REE. This hypermetabolism seems to be independent of the severity of the pulmonary obstruction and to influence the patient's physical performance.nonenoneSergi, Giuseppe; Coin, Alessandra; Marin, Sara; Vianello, Andrea; Manzan, Alessandro; Peruzza, Silvia; Inelmen, Emine Meral; Busetto, Luca; Mulone, Silvana; Enzi, GiulianoSergi, Giuseppe; Coin, Alessandra; Marin, Sara; Vianello, Andrea; Manzan, Alessandro; Peruzza, Silvia; Inelmen, Emine Meral; Busetto, Luca; Mulone, Silvana; Enzi, Giulian