8 research outputs found

    Mexico: Protecting informed consent

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    The objective of this three-month project in Mexico was to disseminate information among key audiences about: 1) the right of women to choose contraceptive methods in a free and informed manner; and 2) the laws and institutions available to help redress any violations of this right. Four publications on these topics, developed by a previous project funded by Population Council/INOPAL III, were reproduced and distributed to 2,750 people in the following target audiences: women of reproductive age; reproductive health service providers; national and state commissions of human rights, complaints offices in public hospitals, feminist and human rights organizations; and legal professionals, such as judges, lawyers, and ministry officials. The project illustrates the value of making research findings available in different formats, including print, interpersonal and electronic, tailored to key audiences. The report recommends that projects allow sufficient time after research completion to produce and distribute summaries of the research findings, respond to information requests, and assess the impact and extent of dissemination activities

    Emergency contraception as an element in the care of rape victims

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    In most states in Mexico, abortion is excluded as a crime in pregnancies resulting from rape. However, legislation does not specify the norms by which women can obtain a legal abortion, which makes it difficult to choose this alternative. A partial solution to unwanted pregnancies from rape would be to provide emergency contraception (EC). Psychologists were trained to provide information on EC to women who reported a rape at four public ministry agencies specialized in sexual crime. In addition, 11 medical backup referral centers were established. To scale up the strategy, workshops were provided to representatives from State Attorney General Offices and NGOs. The project’s main objective was to test the use of EC as an element in the care of rape victims in Mexico City. As noted in this report, objectives included testing the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of providing information on EC to rape victims, and scaling up the strategy for providing EC as an element in the care of rape victims among Attorney General Offices of the different states of Mexico

    Proceedings of the 14th International Newborn Brain Conference: Neonatal Neurocritical Care, seizures, and continuous aEEG and /or EEG monitoring

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    Análisis de la cobertura del tema de tabaco en medios impresos mexicanos Analysis of coverage of the tobacco issue in Mexican print media

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    Se estima la frecuencia y la forma en que los medios de comunicación presentan el tema de tabaco y las políticas públicas para su control. Se recopilaron y analizaron 660 notas sobre tabaco publicadas en 2007 en seis diarios mexicanos. Se observó un gran incremento de notas en el último semestre del año, debido a la discusión de la legislación local y federal. La mayoría de las notas fue a favor del control de tabaco (49%) o neutra al respecto (41%). Los temas más presentes fueron: legislación (36%), el humo de tabaco (28%), economía (24%) y empaquetado (17%). Los actores mencionados fueron: instituciones gubernamentales (24%), legisladores (21%), tabacaleras (18%), y organizaciones no gubernamentales nacionales (7%) e internacionales (8%). Se debe aprovechar la disposición de los medios de comunicación, generalmente a favor, o con una postura neutra, para reallizar actividades de abogacía de las políticas públicas para el control del tabaco.<br>Estimate the frequency and manner in which mass media represent tobacco and tobacco control policies. 660 stories published in six Mexican newspapers during 2007 were content analyzed. The majority of the news stories were published in the last quarter of the year, due to discussion of pending local and federal legislation. The vast majority of the stories were in favor of tobacco control policies (49%) or neutral (41%). The most frequently occurring themes in the stories were: legislation (36%), tobacco smoke (28%), economy (24%), and packaging (17%). Actors mentioned were: governmental institutions (24%), legislators (21%), tobacco industry (18%), and national and international non-governmental organizations (7 and 8%, respectively). Advocacy efforts should take advantage of mass media, which appears generally neutral or in favor of tobacco control policies in Mexico

    Métodos de innovación docente aplicados a los estudios de Ciencias de la Comunicación

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    Se analiza el fenómeno de la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) a los estudios de Ciencias de la Comunicación, desde el punto de vista del profesorado. En este sentido se analizan experiencias educativas como: cuadernos de visionado para la iniciación de los alumnos en el comentario fílmico; la utilización didáctica de recursos audiovisuales; el uso de películas como herramientas en la educación de estudiantes; el uso de la televisión informativa; y la aplicación de técnicas de aprendizaje colaborativo entre otras propuestas. Asimismo, se estudia el estado de implantación del EEES en España y se describen propuestas de aplicación del mismo a diferentes áreas de los estudios de Ciencias de la Comunicación. También se dedican estudios a la descripción de nuevas estrategias docentes en el marco del EEES y se proponen fórmulas de evaluación de los aprendizajes. Por último se presta atención a la aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación a los citados estudios y se definen nuevas herramientas para apoyar a los estudiantes en su labor.MadridBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]