810 research outputs found

    Analisis Efisiensi Industri Gula Di Indonesia Dengan Metode Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) Tahun 2001 – 2010

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    This study aims to determine the efficiency of the sugar industry factories inIndonesia. These plants are PG Jatitujuh, PG Karangsuwung, PG Sindanglaut, PG Subang,PG Tersanabaru, PG Gondangbaru, PG Jatibarang, PG mojo, PG Pangka, PG Rendeng. Dataused in this study is secondary data, the source data comes from the Indonesian SugarCouncil with the years of the study was taken from 2001 to 2010. Variables used in this studyconsisted of three input variables and two output variables. Variable input consists of thecane milled, the total area, kapasits rollers, while the output variables consist of sugarproduction and production drops. The results of processing by using the Data EnvelopmentAnalysis (DEA) in the period 2001-2010 shows that there are only three plants in a row isconsistent with maintaining the efficiency of 100%. Three factories are PG Jatitujuh, PGJatibarang and PG Sindanglaut. While the other two factories, namely PG Rendeng and PGGondangbaru showed a decreased efficiency level of performance each year with numbersbelow 100%

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Barium M-heksaferit dengan Doping Ion Mn dan Temperatur Sintering

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    Telah diakukan pembuatan magnet permanen Barium M-Heksaferit yang didoping ion Mn dengan variasi x = 0,1-1,5 (%mol) menggunakan metoda mechanical alloying. Proses preparasi bahan dasar Barium Karbonat (BaCO3), Hematit (Fe2O3) dan Mangan Oksida (MnO) dicampur dengan cara wet milling (ball mill) dengan media aquades selama 20 jam. Selanjutnya dikeringkan pada temperatur 1000C selama 24 jam, dikalsinasi pada temperatur 10000C selama 2 jam, dan dianalisa dengan XRD. Dari hasil analisa XRD menunjukkan bahwa telah terbentuk struktur kristal Barium M-Heksaferit (BaFe12-xMnxO19) dengan parameter kisi a = b =5,865Å , c = 23,099 Å dan V = 794,25 Å3. Serbuk yang telah dikalsinasi kemudian digerus dan diayak hingga lolos ukuran partikel 400 mesh, dicampur bahan perekat Celuna WE-518 sebanyak 3%wt dan dicetak dengan tekanan 1,3tonf /cm2 sehingga membentuk pellet dengan diameter 20 dan tebal 10 mm. Sampel yang telah dicetak kemudian disinter menggunakan tungku listrik Thermolyne dengan heating rate 30C/menit dan variasi temperatur sintering 11000C, 11500C, dan 12000C, masing – masing pada suhu tersebut ditahan selama 2 jam. Karakterisasi yang dilakukan meliputi sifat fisis yaitu densitas dan porositas dengan metode Archimedes, penyusutan dengan menggunakan dilatometer, morfologi dan analisa mikrostruktur dengan menggunakan SEM/EDX dan XRD. Dari hasil pengukuran densitas dan porositas magnet BaFe12-xMnxO19 menunjukkan bahwa nilai densitas cenderung menurun dan porositas meningkat sebanding dengan jumlah doping ion Mn. Kondisi optimum dicapai pada suhu sintering 1100 0C dengan nilai x = 0,1,menghasilkan densitas = 4,77 g/cm3 dan porositas = 15,4%. Dari hasil foto SEM/EDX terlihat adanya cacat berupa retakan berbentuk garis dengan lebar 2,05 μm dan berpori yang memiliki diameter sebesar 2,88 μm. Dari hasil analisis unsur menunjukkan bahwa kandungan Fe =53,11%, Ba = 11,94%, O = 28,97%, A l=3,38dan C =2,6% (wt%)

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Loyalitas Karyawan di Hotel Dyan Graha Pekanbaru

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    This research aimed about employee's loyality at Dyan Graha Hotel Pekanbaru. This research aims to: (1) to know about employee's loyality. (2) to know the multi way to increase employee's motivation at Dyan Graha Hotel Pekanbaru.This research was used descriptive quantitatif method to describe the issues. The sample used in this research was 56 people.The results of this research indicate that based on the research results obtained on the employee's loyality at Dyan Graha Hotel Pekanbaru good. This is evidenced by the acquisition of the overall total score of all factors, which is 3.829points

    Analisis Efisiensi Industri Gula di Indonesia dengan Metode Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) Tahun 2001 – 2010

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    This study aims to determine the efficiency of the sugar industry factories inIndonesia. These plants are PG Jatitujuh, PG Karangsuwung, PG Sindanglaut, PG Subang,PG Tersanabaru, PG Gondangbaru, PG Jatibarang, PG mojo, PG Pangka, PG Rendeng. Data used in this study is secondary data, the source data comes from the Indonesian Sugar Council with the years of the study was taken from 2001 to 2010. Variables used in this study consisted of three input variables and two output variables. Variable input consists of thecane milled, the total area, kapasits rollers, while the output variables consist of sugar production and production drops. The results of processing by using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in the period 2001-2010 shows that there are only three plants in a row is consistent with maintaining the efficiency of 100%. Three factories are PG Jatitujuh, PGJatibarang and PG Sindanglaut. While the other two factories, namely PG Rendeng and PGGondangbaru showed a decreased efficiency level of performance each year with numbers below 100%

    Implementasi Kinerja Bagian Humas dalam Menyebarluaskan Informasi Tentang Program Spirit 99 Hari Kerja Walikota Malang

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    This study aimed to find out how the implementation of the Public Relations Officers in disseminating information about the Spirit 99 Days Work Program from the city Mayor of Malang, and to find out what obstacles occured in the implemention. This study used a qualitative method and the determination of respondents used a snowball sampling. The data collection techniques were through interviews, observation, documentation and the data analysis techniques included reduction, presentation, and verification. From the results of the study showed that the implementation of the public relations performance department in disseminating information, seen from the organization was effective and efficient. In the preparation of the public relations department did two approaches, namely based on the quantity and quality of its human resources, but in a communication policy Public Relations Section has not yet applied the basic tasks of government public relations. Directing the Public Relations Section was through formal and informal forms. While the supervision was through the IMM (Intelligence Media Management) software system which can monitor, collect online, printed and TV media content. From the assessment, the public relations department got some big problems with the existence of Spirit 99Work Days programs that have not been implemented. The inhibiting factors were inadequate funding and human resources and also the ineffective communication

    Identifikasi dan Prevalensi Ektoparasit pada Udang Vannamei (Litopenaeus Vannamei) di Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    This research was aimed to find out spesies, intensity and prevalence of ectoparasites on Vannamei which was cultivated in di Lhoong, Seulimeum, and Mesjid Raya. This research was done at karantina Fisheries quality control laboratory safety of the fisheries from 23 october to 16 September 2016. Method used in this research was survey method and descriptive analyticmethod. The result showed three kinds of ectoparasites were found on Vannamei Zoothamnium sp., Epistylis sp. and Vorticella sp. The highest intensity and prevalence of parasite found on Vannamai was Vorticella sp. s with average intensity of 34 ind/fish with prevalence of 90%. The result of parameters quality of waters showed in Aceh besar the temperature were 28.3 – 32.5°C, pH were 5,5 – 6,6 and salinity were 22 – 26 ppt. The highest values for intensity and prevalence of parasite found on vannamei in Lhoong Aceh BesarPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis, intensitas dan prevalensi ektoparasit pada udang Vannamei yang dibudidayakan di Kecamatan Lhong, Seulimeum, dan Kecamatan Mesjid Raya pada Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Stasiun Karantina Ikan Pengendalian Mutu dan Keamanan Hasil Perikanan Kelas 1 Aceh Besar dari tanggal 23 Oktober sampai 16 Desember 2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey dan deskriptif analitik. Hasil penelitian terdapat tiga jenis ektoparasit yang sama pada udang Vannamei yang dibudidayakan di Kabupaten Aceh Besar yaitu Zoothamnium sp., Epistylis sp. dan Vorticella sp. Intensitas dan prevalensi ektoparasit tertinggi ditemukan pada Kecamatan Seulimeum yaitu Vorticella sp. sebesar 34 ind/ekor dengan prevalensi 90%. Hasil parameter kualitas air menunjukkan bahwa suhu pada Kabupaten Aceh Besar berkisar antara 28,3–32,5⁰C, pH berkisar antara 5,5–6,6 dan salinitas di Kabupaten Aceh Besar berkisar antara 22–26 ppt. <w:LsdEx

    Pengelolaan Lembaga Kursus Pelatihan Bordir di Kota Solok (Studi Kasus pada Lembaga Kursus Pelatihan Bordir Muslimah Group)

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    The study purpose describes management of the Institute Training Course (ITC) Muslimah Group in terms of: planning and execution of training, training evaluation. The study used qualitative research with case study appoach. Research location took inITC Muslimah Group Solok City. Data type used primary and secondary data. Data collection used the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Reseach Data were analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Test validation performed by the observation data by extension, increase persistence, triangulation and auditing. The results of the study consisted of management education, students, personnel, finance, marketing, management of distribution / service alumni, and infrastructure include: (1) Training plan determine by setting training objectives, the organizational structure of managers, instructors and participants, teaching materials, training methods, cost / funding sources, the implementation of training, facilities and infrastructure space, tools and materials are provided, (2) Training implementation apllied in: The beginning stage, filling the participants biodata, the implementation stage include: theory and practice learning, the implementation of the embroidery, learning to embroider, and the evaluation stage (monitoring) with a competency test and follow-up plan (RTL), (3) Evaluation includes evaluation training: instructors, and reception of participants, the training process

    Community Structure of Bivalves in the Mangrove Ecosystem in the Teluk Buo, Bungus Sub-district,Teluk Kabung District, Padang, Sumatera Barat Province

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    Teluk Buo mangrove forest is one of tourist destination in the Sumatera BaratProvince. The input of pollutant originated from anthropogenic activities, however,reducing the water quality and as a consequence negatively affects the mangroveecosystem as well as the associated organisms, including bivalves. To understand thecommunity structure of bivalves in the mangrove ecosystem, a research wasconducted on February 2017. The observation of bivalve community is done bymaking line transects. There were 3 transect lines and in each line, 9 sub plots (1x1m)observed. The bivalves present in the plots were collected manually everyday for 2weeks period. Results shown that there were 6 bivalves species present, they wereGeloina erosa, Anadara antiquata, Barbatia sp., Lucinoma galathea, Chameleastriatula and Trychardium sp. with bivalves abundance was ranged from 6,667 to31,481 organisms/ha. The value of diversity index (H') was 0.2650-2.403, thedominance index (C) was 0.210-0.722 and the uniformity Index (E) was 0.059-0.563.The bivalva community structure in Teluk Buo is moderate with the dominant species(Geloina erosa) has been disturbed by the existence of ecological pressure and thedominant species causing unbalanced mangrove area. Abiotic environmental factorsinclude temperature was 29-31 0C; pH of water was 7.3-7.5, soil pH 7.1-7.2 andsalinity was 25-340/00