44 research outputs found

    Carcass Quality of Slaughtered Cika and Brown Cattle in Slovenia

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    The aim of the study was to compare carcass traits between Cika and Brown cattle of all slaughter categories. The data used were collected in Slovenian slaughterhouses from 2007 to 2010. After the slaughter carcass weight was recorded and carcass conformation and fatness were scored according to the EUROP system. Net daily gain was calculated. Data were analysed by GLM procedure of statistical package SAS/ STAT considering breed, month of the slaughter and year of the slaughter nested within the breed as fixed effects. Cika bulls (under 24 months old) were two months younger at slaughter (20.2 months) and achieved lower carcass weight (266.7 kg) compared to Brown bulls (22.4 months, 330.0 kg). Also in all other categories except in calves under eight months old, Brown cattle had higher carcass weight. Bulls under 24 months old, steers, cows and calves over eight to 12 months old of Brown cattle were older at slaughter compared to Cika breed. Net daily gain was also higher in all slaughtered categories of Brown cattle. Even if the slaughtered Brown cattle had heavier carcass weight compared to Cika cattle there was almost no significant difference in carcass conformation. Carcasses of Cika bulls under 24 months old had conformation 6.4 while Brown bulls 6.3. Likewise carcasses of Cika calves over eight to 12 months had higher conformation score (5.7) than Brown (4.8) calves. Fatness was higher in Brown bulls, steers and heifers compared to Cika cattle, while Cika cows had higher fatness than Brown cows


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    The aim of the study was to determine fatty acid composition in meat of Cika and Simmental bulls from two different fattening technologies. The herd of 39 young bulls was housed during the winter time and fed the same total mixed ration diet (TMR) based on corn and grass silage with a limited amount of concentrates. In the spring bulls of both breeds were divided into two subgroups. Bulls in the first subgroup (10 Cika, 9 Simmental; S-INT) were fattened indoors with the semi-intensive TMR. Bulls in the second subgroup (10 Cika, 10 Simmental; G+S-INT) were put on all-day grazing in the pasture. After grazing period bulls were housed under the same conditions as the first subgroup. Samples of M. longissimus dorsi were collected from the right carcass side to determine the total fat content and the fatty acid composition. The breed significantly influenced fatty acid composition in meat. The beef of Simmental bulls resulted in higher percentage of PUFA and lower percentage of SFA and MUFA. Higher percentage of n-3 and n-6 PUFA was determined in meat of Simmental bulls but the n-6/n-3 ratio was lower in Cika bulls meat. The fattening technology had less effect on FA composition in meat. The second grazing period produced higher percentage of SFA, beneficially lower values of n-6/n-3 ratio and higher values of long-chain C20-22n-3 PUFA. Higher CLA percentage was determined in beef from S-INT group

    The effect of structural and biochemical changes of muscles during post-mortem process on meat tenderness

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    Cilj ovog rada je opisati glavne strukturne i biokemijske promjene u miÅ”ićima post mortem te postupke koje se direktno povezuje sa mekoćom mesa. S obzirom na kompleksnost, strukturne i biokemijske promjene koje utječu na mekoću mesa mogu se ugrubo podijeliti na one vezane uz sadržaj i svojstva vezivnog tkiva, sadržaj intramuskularne masti, dužinu sarkomere te degradaciju miofibrilarnih proteina. Ukratko, mekanije meso se povezuje sa manjim sadržajem vezivnog tkiva, boljom topljivoŔću kolagena, većim sadržajem intramuskularne masti, dužom sarkomerom i većom degradacijom miofibrilarnih proteina. Njihove interakcije su kompleksne i dodatno ovisne o brojnim post mortem postupcima kao Å”to su hlađenje, električna stimulacija, način vjeÅ”anja polovica, zrenje, mehaničko omekÅ”avanje mesa, različiti tipovi marinada i uvjeti tijekom termičke obrade.The aim of this paper was to describe the main structural and biochemical changes of muscles during post-mortem process implicated with meat tenderness. Taking into account complexity of biochemical and structural changes in muscles, meat tenderness is associated with the amount and quality of connective tissue, intramuscular lipid content (marbling), sarcomere length, and myofibrillar protein degradation. In short, more tender meat is associated with lower connective tissue content, higher collagen solubility, greater intramuscular lipid content, longer sarcomeres and greater myofibrillar protein degradation. However, it must be considered that the interactions among the listed factors are complex and dependent on numerous processes during post-mortem such as chilling regime, electrical stimulation, carcass suspension, aging, mechanical tenderization, different marinades, and thermal processing conditions