10 research outputs found

    Seasonal streamflow forecast in the Tocantins river basin, Brazil : an evaluation of ecmwf-seas5 with multiple conceptual hydrological models

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    The assessment of seasonal streamflow forecasting is essential for appropriate water resource management. A suitable seasonal forecasting system requires the evaluation of both numerical weather prediction (NWP) and hydrological models to represent the atmospheric and hydrological processes and conditions in a specific region. In this paper, we evaluated the ECMWF-SEAS5 precipitation product with four hydrological models to represent seasonal streamflow forecasts performed at hydropower plants in the Legal Amazon region. The adopted models included GR4J, HYMOD, HBV, and SMAP, which were calibrated on a daily scale for the period from 2014 to 2019 and validated for the period from 2005 to 2013. The seasonal streamflow forecasts were obtained for the period from 2017 to 2019 by considering a daily scale streamflow simulation comprising an ensemble with 51 members of forecasts, starting on the first day of every month up to 7 months ahead. For each forecast, the corresponding monthly streamflow time series was estimated. A post-processing procedure based on the adjustment of an autoregressive model for the residuals was applied to correct the bias of seasonal streamflow forecasts. Hence, for the calibration and validation period, the results show that the HBV model provides better results to represent the hydrological conditions at each hydropower plant, presenting NSE and NSElog values greater than 0.8 and 0.9, respectively, during the calibration stage. However, the SMAP model achieves a better performance with NSE values of up to 0.5 for the raw forecasts. In addition, the bias correction displayed a significant improvement in the forecasts for all hydrological models, specifically for the representation of streamflow during dry periods, significantly reducing the variability of the residuals

    Comparative evaluation of five hydrological models in a large-scale and tropical river basin

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    Hydrological modeling is an important tool for water resources management, providing a feasible solution to represent the main hydrological processes and predict future streamflow regimes. The literature presents a set of hydrological models commonly used to represent the rainfallrunoff process in watersheds with different meteorological and geomorphological characteristics. The response of such models could differ significantly for a single precipitation event, given the uncertainties associated with the input data, parameters, and model structure. In this way, a correct hydrological representation of a watershed should include the evaluation of different hydrological models. This study explores the use and performance of five hydrological models to represent daily streamflow regimes at six hydropower plants located in the Tocantins river basin (Brazil). The adopted models include the GR4J, HYMOD, HBV, SMAP, and MGB-IPH. The evaluation of each model was elaborated considering the calibration (2014–2019) and validation period (2005–2010) using observed data of precipitation and climatological variables. Deterministic metrics and statistical tests were used to measure the performance of each model. For the calibration stage, results show that all models achieved a satisfactory performance with NSE values greater than 0.6. For the validation stage, only the MGB-IPH model present a good performance with NSE values greater than 0.7. A bias correction procedure were applied to correct the simulated data of conceptual models. However, the statistical tests exposed that only the MGB-IPH model could preserve the main statistical properties of the observed data. Thus, this study discusses and presents some limitations of the lumped model to represent daily streamflows in large-scale river basins (>50,000 kmÂČ)

    Advancing medium-range streamflow forecasting for large hydropower reservoirs in brazil by means of continental-scale hydrological modeling

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    Streamflow forecasts from continental to global scale hydrological models have gained attention, but their performance against operational forecasts at local to regional scales must be evaluated. This study assesses the skill of medium-range, weekly streamflow forecasts for 147 large Brazilian hydropower plants (HPPs) and compares their performance with forecasts issued operationally by the National Electric System Operator (ONS). A continental-scale hydrological model was forced with ECMWF medium-range forecasts, and outputs were corrected using quantile mapping (QM) and autoregressive model approaches. By using both corrections, the percentage of HPPs with skillful forecasts against climatology and persistence for 1?7 days ahead increased substantially for low to moderate (9% to 56%) and high (72% to 94%) flows, while using only the QM correction allowed positive skill mainly for low to moderate flows and for 8?15 days ahead (29% to 64%). Compared with the ONS, the corrected continental-scale forecasts issued for the first week exhibited equal or better performance in 60% of the HPPs, especially for the North and Southeast subsystems, the DJF and MAM months, and for HPPs with less installed capacity. The findings suggest that using simple corrections on streamflow forecasts issued by continental-scale models can result in competitive forecasts even for regional-scale applications

    Statistical detection of spurious variations in daily raingauge data caused by changes in observation practices, as applied to records from various parts of the world

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    In the instrumental records of daily precipitation, we often encounter one or more periods in which values below some threshold were not registered. Such periods, besides lacking small values, also have a large number of dry days. Their cumulative distribution function is shifted to the right in relation to that for other portions of the record having more reliable observations. Such problems are examined in this work, based mostly on the two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test, where the portion of the series with more number of dry days is compared with the portion with less number of dry days. Another relatively common problem in daily rainfall data is the prevalence of integers either throughout the period of record or in some part of it, likely resulting from truncation during data compilation prior to archiving or by coarse rounding of daily readings by observers. This problem is identified by simple calculation of the proportion of integers in the series, taking the expected proportion as 10%. The above two procedures were applied to the daily rainfall data sets from the European Climate Assessment (ECA), Southeast Asian Climate Assessment (SACA), and Brazilian Water Resources Agency (BRA). Taking the statistic D of the KS test >0.15 and the corresponding p-value <0.001 as the condition to classify a given series as suspicious, the proportions of the ECA, SACA, and BRA series falling into this category are, respectively, 34.5%, 54.3%, and 62.5%. With relation to coarse rounding problem, the proportions of series exceeding twice the 10% reference level are 3%, 60%, and 43% for the ECA, SACA, and BRA data sets, respectively. A simple way to visualize the two problems addressed here is by plotting the time series of daily rainfall for a limited range, for instance, 0–10 mm day−1

    Spurious shifts in the pattern of diurnal variation of sea level pressure of reanalysis datasets

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    The main purpose of this work is to report the presence of spurious discontinuities in the pattern of diurnal variation of sea level pressure of the three reanalysis datasets from: the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and National Center for Atmospheric Science (R1), the NCEP and Department of Energy (R2), and the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ERA-40). Such discontinuities can be connected to the major changes in the global observing system that have occurred throughout reanalyses years. In the R1, the richest period in discontinuities is 1956-1958, coinciding with the start of modern radiosonde observation network. Rapid increase in the density of surface-based observations from 1967 also had an important impact on both R1 and ERA-40, with larger impact on R1. The reanalyses show discontinuities in the 1970s related to the assimilation of radiances measured by the Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer and TIROS-N Operational Vertical Sounders onboard satellites. In the ERA-40, which additionally assimilated Special Sensor Microwave/Imager data, there are discontinuities in 1987-1989. The R1 also presents further discontinuities, in 1988-1993 likely connected to replacement/introduction of NOAA-series satellites with different biases, and to the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in June 1991, which is known to have severely affected measurements of infrared radiances for several years. The discontinuities in 1996-1998 might be partially connected to change in the type of radiosonde, from VIZ-B to VIZ-B2. The R2, which covers only satellite era (1979-on), shows discontinuities mainly in 1992, 1996-1997, and 2001. The discontinuities in 1992 and 2001 might have been caused by change in the satellite measurements and those in 1996-1997 by some changes in land-based observations network. © 2012 Springer-Verlag