17 research outputs found

    Produtividade e qualidade sensorial da bebida de café arábica em consórcio com espécies madeireiras

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the productivity and beverage sensory quality of arabica coffee under the influence of tree species cultivated at different spacings. The experiment was set in 2012, in the municipality of Santo Antônio do Amparo, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A randomized complete block design was carried out with four replicates and seven treatments, as follows: Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 Coffea arabica in monoculture (3.40x0.65 m); and this cultivar intercropped at two spacings (9.0x13.6 and 18.0x13.6 m) in the coffee row ‒ either with African mahogany (Khaya ivorensis), teak (Tectona grandis), or pink cedar (Acrocarpus fraxinifolius). Three coffee rows were fixed between rows, totaling 13.6 m between the wooded rows. Productivity, sensory analysis (cup test), and content analysis of sensory attributes were evaluated in the 2017 and 2018 crop years. The treatments and years of harvest influenced productivity. The sensory analysis was positive for coffee intercropped with African mahogany and teak, in 2018. Sensory attributes and nuances are modified by the years of harvest. Arabica coffee plants intercropped with African mahogany show a superior productivity, regardless of the spacing between species, as well as a higher sensory quality in the 2018 harvest.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade e a qualidade sensorial da bebida do café arábica sob a influência de espécies arbóreas cultivadas em diferentes espaçamentos. O ensaio foi instalado em 2012, no município do Santo Antônio do Amparo, no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Um delineamento de blocos ao acaso foi realizado, com quatro repetições e sete tratamentos, conforme a seguir: Coffea arabica Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 em monocultivo (3,40x0,65 m); e essa cultivar consorciada em dois espaçamentos (9,0x13,6 e 18,0x13,6 m), na linha dos cafeeiros, com mogno-africano (Khaya ivorensis), teca (Tectona grandis), ou cedro-rosa (Acrocarpus fraxinifolius). Nas entrelinhas, foram fixadas três linhas de café, tendo totalizado 13,6 m entre as fileiras arborizadas. A produtividade, a análise sensorial (prova de xícara) e a análise de conteúdo dos atributos sensoriais foram avaliadas nas safras de 2017 e 2018. Os tratamentos e os anos de colheita influenciaram na produtividade. A análise sensorial foi positiva para o consórcio com o mogno-africano e a teca, em 2018. Os atributos sensoriais e as nuances são modificados pelos anos de colheita. Os cafeeiros arábica consorciados com mogno-africano apresentam produtividade superior, independentemente do espaçamento entre as espécies, bem como qualidade sensorial superior na colheita de 2018

    Anatomia foliar, fisiologia e produtividade de cafeeiros em diferentes níveis de adubação

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    The mineral nutrition is important for the development of the internal structure of coffee leaves, which may favor the physiological characteristics required to optimize the development and productivity of the culture. This study aimed to identify possible changes in anatomy, physiology and productivity in coffee plants at different fertilization levels applied in three consecutive years, from the second year after the implementation of the crop. The Coffea arabica crop cultivar Topazio MG-1190 was formed following the standard recommendation by Guimarães et al. (1999) for fertilization on soil analysis function until the first year after implantation (2010-2011). Thereafter, in the second year after implantation (2011-2012), fertilization levels were: 40, 70, 100, 130 and 160% of the standard fertilization. Treatments were repeated in the years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. The plants were evaluated for gas exchange and leaf anatomy in August 2014. It was also evaluated the productivity of the years 2013 and 2014. The different NPK levels caused differences in coffee leaf anatomy. Productivity and gas exchanges in the coffee trade were not affected by different levels of NPK fertilization.A nutrição mineral é importante para o desenvolvimento da estrutura interna das folhas do cafeeiro, podendo favorecer as características fisiológicas necessárias para otimizar o desenvolvimento e a produtividade da cultura. Objetivou-se identificar as possíveis modificações na anatomia, fisiologia e produtividade em cafeeiros irrigados em diferentes níveis de adubação aplicados em três anos consecutivos, a partir do segundo ano após a implantação da lavoura. A lavoura de Coffea arabica cultivar Topázio MG-1190 foi formada seguindo a recomendação padrão de Guimarães et al. (1999) para adubação em função de análise do solo, até o primeiro ano após implantação (2010-2011). A partir daí, no segundo ano após a implantação (2011-2012), os níveis de adubação utilizados foram: 40, 70, 100, 130 e 160% da adubação padrão. Repetiram-se os tratamentos nos anos de 2012-2013 e 2013-2014. As plantas foram avaliadas quanto às trocas gasosas e anatomia foliar em agosto de 2014. Também foi avaliada a produtividade dos anos de 2013 e 2014. Os diferentes níveis de adubação NPK provocaram diferenças na anatomia foliar do cafeeiro. A produtividade e trocas gasosas do cafeeiro não foram afetadas pelos diferentes níveis de adubação NPK

    Tolerância ao déficit hídrico por cafeeiros produzidos por estaquia e embriogênese somática

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    The irrigation in coffee plantations is the focus of research for many years, but the new seedling production technologies (somatic embryogenesis and cuttings) have demanded new behavioral studies of these in the field and their water needs. An experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at the Federal University of Lavras, Lavras - MG, Brazil, aiming at to evaluate the tolerance to drought of coffee coming from seedlings produced by somatic embryogenesis and cutting, the culture of the deployment phase. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with five replicates, factorial 2 x 5 with two types of seedlings produced by somatic embryogenesis and cuttings, and five levels of irrigation, based on the maintenance of soil field capacity 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. At 153 days after beginning of the experiment were evaluated foliar contents proline, leaf water potential, plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, dry weight of roots and shoots. It was found that coffee originated from cuttings and somatic embryogenesis positively and increasingly respond to irrigation. It was also found that the field capacity maintained below 74.6% to 100% coffee derived somatic embryogenesis of seedlings and cuttings, respectively, harm the growth and initials development of plants.A irrigação em lavouras cafeeiras é foco de pesquisas há muitos anos, porém as novas tecnologias de produção de mudas (embriogênese somática e estaquia) têm demandado novos estudos de comportamento dessas em campo e suas necessidades hídricas. Um experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, na Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras – MG, com objetivo de avaliar a tolerância ao déficit hídrico de cafeeiros oriundos de mudas obtidas por embriogênese somática e estaquia, na fase de implantação da cultura. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições, esquema fatorial 2 x 5 sendo dois tipos de mudas, produzidas por embriogênese somática e estaquia, além de cinco níveis de irrigação, baseados na manutenção da capacidade de campo do solo a 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% e 100%. Aos 153 dias após início do experimento foram avaliados os teores foliares de prolina, potencial hídrico foliar, altura de plantas, diâmetro de caule, área foliar, peso seca de raízes e parte aérea. Constatou-se que a umidade ideal do solo para o período de implantação é de 74,6 a 100% da sua capacidade de campo, o que poderá nortear o manejo da irrigação das lavouras formadas com esses tipos de mudas

    Características morfológicas, fisiológicas e agronômicas de cruzamentos de cafeeiro 'Icatu' x 'Catimor' submetidos a deficit hídrico

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    The objective of this work was to select genotypes of Coffea arabica with good yield and potential tolerance to water deficit, as well as to try to understand the physiological and anatomical mechanisms involved in the adaptability of these genotypes to water stress. The physiological, anatomical, and agronomic traits of 19 genotypes of C. arabica were evaluated under the two following water conditions: regular irrigation and no irrigation (soil water deficit). The 'IPR 100', 2, 5, and 7 genotypes showed agronomic, physiological, and anatomical traits that contributed to a better water status maintenance in the initial development of coffee plants. Based on these results, these genotypes are potentially tolerant to water deficit. The 4, 10, 11, 14, 15, and 'Bourbon Amarelo IAC J10' genotypes show a lower adaptability of the anatomical structures under soil-water deficit conditions. The coffee tree genotypes display leaf plasticity, such as the thickness of palisade and spongy parenchyma, and the number, position, dimensions, and mobility of stomata under water deficit conditions.O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar genótipos de Coffea arabica com boa produtividade e potencial de tolerância ao deficit hídrico, além de tentar compreender os mecanismos fisiológicos e anatômicos envolvidos na adaptabilidade desses genótipos ao estresse hídrico. Avaliaram-se características fisiológicas, anatômicas e agronômicas de 19 genótipos de C. arabica sob as duas seguintes condições hídricas: irrigação regular e sem irrigação (deficit hídrico no solo). Os genótipos 'IPR 100', 2, 5 e 7 apresentaram características agronômicas, fisiológicas e anatômicas que contribuíram para melhor manutenção do estado hídrico no desenvolvimento inicial do cafeeiro. Com base nesses resultados, esses genótipos são potencialmente tolerantes ao deficit hídrico. Os genótipos 4, 10, 11, 14, 15 e 'Bourbon Amarelo IAC J10' apresentam menor adaptabilidade das estruturas anatômicas em condições de deficit hídrico no solo. Os genótipos de cafeeiro apresentam plasticidade foliar, como a espessura do parênquima paliçádico e esponjoso, e o número, posição, dimensões e mobilidade dos estômatos em condições de deficiência hídrica

    Uso de características fisiológicas na identificação de genótipos de café arábica tolerantes ao Meloidogyne Paranaensis

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    This work aimed to evaluate on use of physiological traits to identify genotypes of arabic coffee tolerant to Meloidogyne paranaensis when cropped in areas subjected to water deficits. The experiment was performed in field conditions with two genotypes: 16(MG 0179-1R1) and 28(0179-3 MGR1) and two cultivars: IPR-100 (resistant control) and Mundo Novo IAC379-19 (susceptible control) in a randomized block design with five replicates. The evaluated characteristics were: nematode population at the root, production, crown diameter, plant height, vegetative vigor, predawn leaf water potential (ψam), net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), leaf temperature (TF), water use efficiency (WUE) and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters. Genotypes 16, 28 and IPR100 showed higher vegetative growth and higher production than cv. Mundo Novo, especially the genotype 28. The leaf water potential was higher in genotypes16, 28 and IPR-100 compared to cv. Mundo Novo. However, the genotypes showed no differences in gas exchanges. According to the chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, genotype 28 showed better photochemical performance and acclimation to water deficit. The physiological characteristics identify tolerant genotypes to Meloidogyne paranaensis when cropped in areas subjected to water deficits, especially for the analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence, since it can be used in large-scale assessments.Objetivou-se avaliar o uso de características fisiológicas, na identificação de genótipos tolerantes ao Meloidogyne paranaensis, em áreas sujeitas ao déficit hídrico.  O experimento foi instalado com dois genótipos de Coffea arabica L.: 16 (MG 0179-1 R1) e 28 (MG 0179-3 R1) e duas cultivares: IPR-100 (testemunha resistente) e Mundo Novo IAC 379-19 (testemunha suscetível), em delineamento de blocos casualizados com cinco repetições. Foram avaliados a população de M. paranaenses, produção, o diâmetro de copa, altura de planta, vigor vegetativo, potencial hídrico antemanhã (ψam), a fotossíntese líquida (A), a condutância estomática (gs), transpiração (E), temperatura foliar (TF) e eficiência do uso da água (EUA) e parâmetros de fluorescência da clorofila a. Os genótipos 16, 28 e IPR100 apresentaram maior desenvolvimento vegetativo e maior produção do que o genótipo Mundo Novo, com destaque para o genótipo 28. Verificou-se maior potencial hídrico nos genótipos 16, 28 e IPR-100 comparados à cv. Mundo Novo. Entretanto, os genótipos não apresentaram diferenças quanto às trocas gasosas. De acordo com os parâmetros de fluorescência da clorofila a, o genótipo 28 apresentou melhor desempenho fotoquímico e capacidade de aclimatação ao déficit hídrico. Pelas características fisiológicas identificam-se genótipos tolerantes ao Meloidogyne paranaensis, em áreas sujeitas ao déficit hídrico, com destaque para a análise de fluorescência da clorofila a que apresenta potencial para avaliações em larga escala

    Hydrogel efficiency and physiological responses of seedless citrus cultivars seedlings under water deficit

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    Water is a limiting factor in citrus development which makes hydric replacement a common practice in plantations where its distribution is scarce. The hydroretentor gel has been one of the available technologies for water supply to plants and may also be an alternative that contributes to the rational use of water for planting citrus seedlings. This study evaluated the efficiency of hydrogel as an alternative to minimize the effects of water deficit in seedlings of seedless cultivars of tangerines ('Ortanique', 'Okitsu' and 'Clemenules') and oranges ('Navelina', 'Navelate' and 'Lanelate'), all grafted on Poncirus trifoliata. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, in a randomized blocks design, where plants with hydrogel were compared to plants under conventional irrigation and also to plants under water deficit, in a triple factorial arrangement. The rates of carbon liquid assimilation, stomatal conductance and transpiration and the ratio between internal and external CO2 concentrations were evaluated. It was verified that the effect of the hydrogel for maintaining the hydric status of citrus seedlings is variable and dependent on physiological mechanisms of response to water deficit. There was no response of 'Ortanique' and 'Navelate'seedlings to the hydrogel application. The hydrogel promoted the recovering and maintenance of the hydric status of 'Okitsu', 'Clemenules', 'Navelina' and 'Lanelate' seedlings, however, these cultivars were sensitive to changes in the water status, with considerable reduction of gas exchange


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    Irrigation has enhanced coffee production in several regions of Brazil. However, with the increase in irrigated crop areas, problems related to the frequent and poorly planned usage of irrigation may arise. Since there are few studies related to the physiological alterations in coffee plants exposed to water excess, we evaluated the effects of waterlogging on metabolism and partitioning of carbohydrates, levels of photosynthetic pigments and gas exchange in seedlings of two commercial coffee cultivars (Mundo Novo and Catuaí). After acclimation, seedlings with eight pairs of fully expanded leaves were cultivated under three water availability conditions: field capacity, intermittent waterlogging and continuous waterlogging. Gas exchange and the levels of chlorophyll, carotenoids and carbohydrates were evaluated during the five months after the beginning of the treatments. Waterlogging reduced the rates of photosynthesis and transpiration, leading to lower activity of the carboxylative step of photosynthesis and culminating in the reduction of carbohydrate partitioning in coffee seedlings. Although many physiological parameters were affected by waterlogging, the cultivars in our study survived for five months under stressful conditions

    <b>Growth effects of water excess on coffee seedlings (<i>Coffea arabica</i> L.)

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the interference of water excess in soil on the growth of young coffee plants of the Mundo Novo and Catuaí cultivars.Plants were subjected to the following three different substrate water availability conditions: control (well-watered), continuous substrate waterlogged, and intermittent substrate waterlogged. Several growth-related traits were evaluated over the course of 19 weeks. Based on the number and quality of the affected variables from all forms of analyses, the Catuaí cultivar showed greater sensitivity to waterlogging. Both cultivars exhibited growth inhibition in response to substrate waterlogging stress, which was exacerbated by premature leaf dropping


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    The objective of this research was to characterize the nutritional limitations of Jatropha curcas, in addition the effect of the absence of certain nutrients in the growth of the plant. The research was carried in the greenhouse conditions at Agriculture Science Institute of Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The soil was used dystrophic Yellow Oxisol, colleted in the superficial layer (0-20cm), under cerrado vegetation. The experimental design was totally randomized with 13 treatments and three replications. The treatments were based on the missing element technique (with omission of liming and each one of the macro and micronutrients). The plants without the nutrients P, K and liming showed less growth. The nutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg e liming affected the shoot of plants. The roots were more affected by absence N, P, Mg and Ca. The results allowed concluding that the macronutrients were more limiting to growth of plant