11 research outputs found

    DAMPening COVID-19 Severity by Attenuating Danger Signals

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    COVID-19 might lead to multi-organ failure and, in some cases, to death. The COVID-19 severity is associated with a “cytokine storm.” Danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are proinflammatory molecules that can activate pattern recognition receptors, such as toll-like receptors (TLRs). DAMPs and TLRs have not received much attention in COVID-19 but can explain some of the gender-, weight- and age-dependent effects. In females and males, TLRs are differentially expressed, likely contributing to higher COVID-19 severity in males. DAMPs and cytokines associated with COVID-19 mortality are elevated in obese and elderly individuals, which might explain the higher risk for severer COVID-19 in these groups. Adenosine signaling inhibits the TLR/NF-κB pathway and, through this, decreases inflammation and DAMPs’ effects. As vaccines will not be effective in all susceptible individuals and as new vaccine-resistant SARS-CoV-2 mutants might develop, it remains mandatory to find means to dampen COVID-19 disease severity, especially in high-risk groups. We propose that the regulation of DAMPs via adenosine signaling enhancement might be an effective way to lower the severity of COVID-19 and prevent multiple organ failure in the absence of severe side effects

    Inclusion of extracellular matrix molecules and necrostatin-1 in the intracapsular environment of alginate-based microcapsules synergistically protects pancreatic β cells against cytokine-induced inflammatory stress

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    Immunoisolation of pancreatic islets in alginate-based microcapsules is a promising approach for grafting of islets in absence of immunosuppression. However, loss and damage to the extracellular matrix (ECM) during islet isolation enhance susceptibility of islets for inflammatory stress. In this study, a combined strategy was applied to reduce this stress by incorporating ECM components (collagen type IV/RGD) and necroptosis inhibitor, necrostatin-1 (Nec-1) in alginate-based microcapsules in vitro. To demonstrate efficacy, viability and function of MIN6 β-cells and human islets in capsules with collagen type IV/RGD and/or Nec-1 was investigated in presence and absence of IL-1β, IFN-γ and TNF-α. The combination of collagen type IV/RGD and Nec-1 had higher protective effects than the molecules alone. Presence of collagen type IV/RGD and Nec-1 in the intracapsular environment reduced cytokine-induced overproduction of free radical species and unfavorable shifts in mitochondrial dynamics. In addition, the ECM components collagen type IV/RGD prevented a cytokine induced suppression of the FAK/Akt pathway. Our data indicate that the inclusion of collagen type IV/RGD and Nec-1 in the intracapsular environment prevents islet-cell loss when exposed to inflammatory stress, which might contribute to higher survival of β-cells in the immediate period after transplantation. This approach of inclusion of stress reducing agents in the intracapsular environment of immunoisolating devices may be an effective way to enhance the longevity of encapsulated islet grafts. Statement of significance: Islet-cells in immunoisolated alginate-based microcapsules are very susceptible to inflammatory stress which impacts long-term survival of islet grafts. Here we show that incorporation of ECM components (collagen type IV/RGD) and necrostatin-1 (Nec-1) in the intracapsular environment of alginate-based capsules attenuates this susceptibility and promotes islet-cell survival. This effect induced by collagen type IV/RGD and Nec-1 was probably due to lowering free radical production, preventing mitochondrial dysfunction and by maintaining ECM/integrin/FAK/Akt signaling and Nec-1/RIP1/RIP3 signaling. Our study provides an effective strategy to extend longevity of islet grafts which might be of great potential for future clinical application of immunoisolated cells

    The Effect of Antibiotics Treatment on the Maternal Immune Response and Gut Microbiome in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Mice

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    The gut microbiota are involved in adaptations of the maternal immune response to pregnancy. We therefore hypothesized that inducing gut dysbiosis during pregnancy alters the maternal immune response. Thus, pregnant mice received antibiotics from day 9 to day 16 to disturb the maternal gut microbiome. Feces were collected before, during and after antibiotic treatment, and microbiota were measured using 16S RNA sequencing. Mice were sacrificed at day 18 of pregnancy and intestinal (Peyer’s patches (PP) and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN)) and peripheral immune responses (blood and spleen) were measured using flow cytometry. Antibiotic treatment decreased fetal and placental weight. The bacterial count and the Shannon index were significantly decreased (Friedman, followed by Dunn’s test, p p < 0.05) following antibiotics treatment as compared with before treatment. Splenic Th1 cells and activated blood monocytes were increased, while Th2, Th17 and FoxP3/RoRgT double-positive cells in the PP and MLNs were decreased in pregnant antibiotics-treated mice as compared with untreated pregnant mice. In addition, intestinal dendritic cell subsets were affected by antibiotics. Correlation of immune cells with bacterial genera showed various correlations between immune cells in the PP, MLN and peripheral circulation (blood and spleen). We conclude the disturbed gut microbiota after antibiotics treatment disturbed the maternal immune response. This disturbed maternal immune response may affect fetal and placental weight

    Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture in Chile

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    The Chilean government is developing a comprehensive climate change policy for fisheries and aquaculture, including institutional, research and capacity building, to reduce vulnerability and improve adaptation in order to make this ecosystem services more resilient to future changes. This is illustrated by several case studies. The occurrence of cold, acidic and hypoxic upwelling seawater and ENSO events along the Chilean coast suggests important impact upon resources targeted by benthic fisheries. The distribution and abundance of calcifiers species such as Concholepas concholepas (loco) and bivalves (scallops, mussels, clams) are threatened by ocean acidification projected for upwelling regions, while macroalgae (kelps) are highly vulnerable to warmer conditions. With A2 and 4×CO2 climate change IPCC scenarios, the estimated sea surface temperature (SST) changes for Engraulis ringens (anchovy), Strangomera bentincki (common sardine) and Trachurus murphyi (jack mackerel) fishing areas showed an increase by 0.58°C–1.59°C and 0.62°C–2.51°C for both fishing areas until 2065, respectively. Based on the A2 climate change and the fishing effort scenarios, anchovy and common sardine landings would decrease, and jack mackerel landings would increase, mildly. In change, the 4×CO2 climate change, and fishing efforts scenarios, showed increases only in jack mackerel landings. The final chapter shows the current state of Chilean aquaculture, analyzes the available information on major climate forcings and establish scenarios of potential impacts on main farmed resources and on productive activities. The adaptations that should be considered to face the future climate scenario along Chilean coast are addressed

    Política global y fútbol : el deporte como preocupación de las ciencias sociales

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    Este libro colectivo enfoca el futbol pero también otros deportes- en la perspectiva de las Ciencias Sociales, en particular las Relaciones Internacionales. Partiendo de la premisa de que ese deporte dejó de tener una naturaleza estato-céntrica para adquirir ciudadanía global, los diferentes capítulos de la obra analizan tópicos tales como la geopolítica y geo-economía del futbol, instrumentalización de este (como mecanismo de poder de los Estados), el problema de los nacionalismos ligados al deporte, el enorme negocio comercial en torno al futbol, la FIFA y los escándalos de corrupción, la importante temática del género y deporte, el asunto de los rituales culturales en las prácticas futbolísticas, la diplomacia deportiva, la psicología del futbolista, entre otros. El libro pretende brindar aristas del futbol tomado como objeto social, poniendo al descubierto aspectos relevantes que el espectador de un partido no está acostumbrado a ver. Es un esfuerzo colectivo e interdisciplinario de visibilizar lo que generalmente no vemos, de llamar la atención al lector y al aficionado acerca del telón de fondo que envuelve el deporte más popular del mundo

    Bird diversity-environment relationships in urban parks and cemeteries of the Neotropics during breeding and non-breeding seasons

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    Background Urbanization will increase in the next decades, causing the loss of green areas and bird diversity within cities. There is a lack of studies at a continental scale analyzing the relationship between urban green areas, such as parks and cemeteries, and bird species richness in the Neotropical region. Bird diversity-environment relationships in urban parks and cemeteries may be influenced by latitudinal gradients or species-area relationships. However, the seasonal variation of species diversity- environment has not been analyzed at a continental scale in the Neotropics. Methods Bird surveys were conducted in 36 cemeteries and 37 parks within 18 Neotropical cities during non-breeding and breeding seasons. Bird diversity was assessed through Hill numbers, focusing on species richness, the effective number of species derived from Shannon index and the Simpson index. Environmental variables included latitude, altitude, and local scale variables such as area size, habitat diversity and pedestrian traffic. Results Species richness and Shannon diversity were higher during the breeding season, whereas Simpson diversity did not vary between seasons. During both seasons, species richness increased with area size, was negatively related to altitude, and was the highest at 20° latitude. Species richness was also positively related to habitat diversity, pedestrian traffic, and was highest in suburban areas during the non-breeding season. Shannon and Simpson diversity showed significant relationships with habitat diversity and area size during the breeding season. Bird diversity was similar between parks and cemeteries. Discussion Our results showed that urban parks and cemeteries have similar roles in conserving urban bird diversity in Neotropical cities. However, species diversity-environment relations at the continental scale varied between seasons, highlighting the importance of conducting annual studies

    Migraciones sur-sur : Paradojas globales y promesas locales

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    Durante la primera década del siglo XX el 90% de los migrantes provenía de Europa y se dirigía a cinco países: EEUU, Argentina, Canadá, Brasil y Australia. Hoy esa misma proporción de migrantes proviene de tres continentes: Asia, África y Latinoamérica y se dirige a cuatro grandes regiones: Europa, Norteamérica, Asia Pacífico y El Golfo Pérsico. Las migraciones se han mundializado no tanto por la magnitud de los flujos, que sigue estando por debajo del 5% de la población mundial, sino por el reducido número de países que hoy permanece al margen de las redes migratorias. Estas realidades crecientes crean las condiciones para que los potenciales migrantes en países empobrecidos y en proceso de empobrecimiento quieran migrar. A esto precisamente apuntó Joaquín Arango cuando definió nuestra época como el tiempo de la inmovilidad involuntaria

    Diet quality index as a predictor of treatment efficacy in overweight and obese adolescents: The EVASYON study

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    The EVASYON Study Group.[Background & aim]: A diet quality index (DQI) is a tool that provides an overall score of an individual's dietary intake when assessing compliance with food-based dietary guidelines. A number of DQIs have emerged, albeit their associations with health-related outcomes are debated. The aim of the present study was to assess whether adherence to dietary intervention, and the overall quality of the diet, can predict body composition changes.[Methods]: To this purpose, overweight/obese adolescents (n = 117, aged: 13–16 years; 51 males, 66 females) were recruited into a multi-component (diet, physical activity and psychological support) family-based group treatment programme. We measured the adolescents' compliance and body composition at baseline and after 2 months (intensive phase) and 13 months (extensive phase) of follow-up. Also, at baseline, after 6 months, and at the end of follow-up we calculated the DQI.[Results]: Global compliance with the dietary intervention was 37.4% during the intensive phase, and 14.3% during the extensive phase. Physical activity compliance was 94.1% at 2-months and 34.7% at 13months and psychological support compliance were growing over the intervention period (10.3% intensive phase and 45.3% during extensive phase). Adolescents complying with the meal frequency criteria at the end of the extensive phase had greater reductions in FMI z-scores than those did not complying (Cohen's d = 0.53). A statistically significant association was observed with the diet quality index. DQI-A variation explained 98.1% of BMI z-score changes and 95.1% of FMI changes.[Conclusions]: We conclude that assessment of changes in diet quality could be a useful tool in predicting body composition changes in obese adolescents involved in a diet and physical activity intervention programme backed-up by psychological and family support.The study was supported by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality via the Carlos III Institute of Health (FIS Grant PI051080, PI051579). The EVASYON study received the award for the best applied research project in 2009 from AESAN (Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition from the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. The study was supported by Aragon's Regional Government (DGA, Diputación General de Aragón) and European Regional Development Fund.Peer reviewe