1 research outputs found

    Control de Sitophilus zeamais con polvos vegetales de tres especies del género Chenopodium

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    Powders of Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Chenopodium album L. and Chenopodium quinoa Willd. were evaluated under laboratory conditions for Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky control. Evaluated parameters were insect mortality and adult emergence, grain weight loss, grain germination and the following effects of powders: ovicide and larvicide, fumigant, repellent and residual. A completely randomized experimental design with factorial arrangement and three replicates was used. The highest levels of insect mortality were obtained with the powders of Chenopodium ambrosioides L. inflorescence and the mixture of leaves and stems at 2% (w/w), with values of 69.4% and 67.9% respectively. Best emergence reductions were obtained with the same treatments. In all treatments with powders of C. ambrosioides seeds weight were reduced in less than 3%. The residual effect lasted for 15 days, obtaining a mortality of 98.3% of adult insects, when powders of C. ambrosioides inflorescence were used at 2% (w/w) concentration. Powders of C. ambrosioides showed a mortality of 100% of eggs and larvae, and a fumigation effect against adult insects with a mortality of 100% in all treatments was evaluated. Powders of C. ambrosioides have a repellent effect for S. zeamais.Powders of Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Chenopodium album L. and Chenopodium quinoa Willd. were evaluated under laboratory conditions for Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky control. Evaluated parameters were insect mortality and adult emergence, grain weight loss, grain germination and the following effects of powders: ovicide and larvicide, fumigant, repellent and residual. A completely randomized experimental design with factorial arrangement and three replicates was used. The highest levels of insect mortality were obtained with the powders of Chenopodium ambrosioides L. inflorescence and the mixture of leaves and stems at 2% (w/w), with values of 69.4% and 67.9% respectively. Best emergence reductions were obtained with the same treatments. In all treatments with powders of C. ambrosioides seeds weight were reduced in less than 3%. The residual effect lasted for 15 days, obtaining a mortality of 98.3% of adult insects, when powders of C. ambrosioides inflorescence were used at 2% (w/w) concentration. Powders of C. ambrosioides showed a mortality of 100% of eggs and larvae, and a fumigation effect against adult insects with a mortality of 100% in all treatments was evaluated. Powders of C. ambrosioides have a repellent effect for S. zeamais.Se evaluaron polvos vegetales de Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Chenopodium album L. y Chenopodium quinoa Willd. para el control de Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, bajo condiciones de laboratorio. Los parámetros evaluados fueron mortalidad y emergencia de insectos adultos, pérdida de peso y germinación de los granos, efecto ovicida y larvicida, fumigación, repelencia y residualidad de los polvos. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar, con un arreglo factorial y tres repeticiones. La mayor mortalidad de insectos se obtuvo con los polvos de la inflorescencia y la mezcla de hojas y tallos de Chenopodium ambrosioides L., al 2% (p/p) con valores de 69,4% y 67,9% respectivamente. La menor emergencia de adultos se obtuvo con los mismos tratamientos. La pérdida de peso de granos, en todos los tratamientos de C. ambrosioides, no superó el 3%. Para el tratamiento inflorescencia de C. ambrosioides al 2% (p/p), la residualidad de los polvos se mantuvo hasta los 15 días, con una mortalidad de 98,3%. Esta misma especie presentó una mortalidad de huevos y larvas de 100%, además de presentar un efecto fumigante con una mortalidad de adultos de 100%, en todos los tratamientos evaluados. El polvo de C. ambrosioides es repelente para S. zeamais