51 research outputs found

    Is a Genome a Codeword of an Error-Correcting Code?

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    Since a genome is a discrete sequence, the elements of which belong to a set of four letters, the question as to whether or not there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences is unavoidable. The most common approach to answering this question is to propose a methodology to verify the existence of such a code. However, none of the methodologies proposed so far, although quite clever, has achieved that goal. In a recent work, we showed that DNA sequences can be identified as codewords in a class of cyclic error-correcting codes known as Hamming codes. In this paper, we show that a complete intron-exon gene, and even a plasmid genome, can be identified as a Hamming code codeword as well. Although this does not constitute a definitive proof that there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences, it is the first evidence in this direction

    Role and task allocation framework for Multi-Robot Collaboration with latent knowledge estimation

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    In this work a novel framework for modeling role and task allocation in Cooperative Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems (CHMRSs) is presented. This framework encodes a CHMRS as a set of multidimensional relational structures (MDRSs). This set of structure defines collaborative tasks through both temporal and spatial relations between processes of heterogeneous robots. These relations are enriched with tensors which allow for geometrical reasoning about collaborative tasks. A learning schema is also proposed in order to derive the components of each MDRS. According to this schema, the components are learnt from data reporting the situated history of the processes executed by the team of robots. Data are organized as a multirobot collaboration treebank (MRCT) in order to support learning. Moreover, a generative approach, based on a probabilistic model, is combined together with nonnegative tensor decomposition (NTD) for both building the tensors and estimating latent knowledge. Preliminary evaluation of the performance of this framework is performed in simulation with three heterogeneous robots, namely, two Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) and one Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)