41,853 research outputs found

    Growth of seven perennial plant species adapted to the Brazilian Semi-Arid.

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    Growth of seven perennial plant species adapted to the Brazilian Semi-Arid. Abstract - Measuring plant height (y) and canopy diameter (x) in trees may not be an easy task, but stem diameter (z) can be more easily evaluated. This work's objective was two-fold: evaluate the growth of species adapted to the Brazilian Semi-Arid Region in the first two years of age, and obtain linear equations to estimate y and x from z, in those species. A random block design with four replications was employed. The values for x, z, and y were measured biannually from October/2003 to March/2005. Prosopis juliflora and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia showed the highest stem diameter and plant height values, respectively, and both showed the highest canopy diameter. In the equations to estimate plant height from the stem diameter the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) ranged from 0.76 (Tamarindus indica and Leucaena leucocephala) to 0.92 (Prosopis juliflora and Azadirachta indica). In the equations that allowed to estimate the crown diameter from the stem diameter the R2 value ranged from 0.70 (Leucaena leucocephala) to 0.92 (Azadirachta indica). Crescimento de sete espécies vegetais perenes adaptadas ao Semi-Árido brasileiro. Resumo - A mensuração da altura da planta (y) e do diâmetro da copa (x) em árvores pode não ser tarefa fácil, mas o diâmetro do caule (z) pode ser avaliado mais facilmente. Este trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar o crescimento de espécies adaptadas ao Semi-Árido brasileiro, nos primeiros dois anos de idade, e obter equações lineares para estimar y e x a partir de z, nessas espécies. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os valores de x, z e y foram medidos semestralmente de outubro/2003 a março/2005. Prosopis juliflora e Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia apresentaram os maiores diâmetros do caule e altura da planta, respectivamente, e ambas apresentaram o maior diâmetro da copa. Nas equações para estimar a altura da planta a partir do diâmetro do caule, o valor do coeficiente de determinação (R2) variou de 0,76 (Tamarindus indica and Leucaena leucocephala) a 0,92 (Prosopis juliflora and Azadirachta indica). Nas equações que permitiram estimar o diâmetro da copa a partir do diâmetro do caule, o valor de R2 variou de 0,70 (Leucaena leucocephala) a 0,92 (Azadirachta indica)

    Negative Hopping Magnetoresistance and Dimensional Crossover in Lightly Doped Cuprate Superconductors

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    We show that, due to the weak ferromagnetism of La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4, an external magnetic field leads to a dimensional crossover 2D \to 3D for the in-plane transport. The crossover results in an increase of the hole's localization length and hence in a dramatic negative magnetoresistance in the variable range hopping regime. This mechanism quantitatively explains puzzling experimental data on the negative magnetoresistance in the N\'eel phase of La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; published versio

    Detecting New Physics from CP-violating phase measurements in B decays

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    The standard CKM model can be tested and New Physics detected using only CP-violating phase measurements in B decays. This requires the measurement of a phase factor which is small in the Standard Model, in addition to the usual large phases β\beta and γ\gamma. We also point out that identifying violations of the unitarity of the CKM matrix is rather difficult, and cannot be done with phase measurements alone.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, no figure

    Nambu monopoles in lattice Electroweak theory

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    We considered the lattice electroweak theory at realistic values of α\alpha and θW\theta_W and for large values of the Higgs mass. We investigated numerically the properties of topological objects that are identified with quantum Nambu monopoles. We have found that the action density near the Nambu monopole worldlines exceeds the density averaged over the lattice in the physical region of the phase diagram. Moreover, their percolation probability is found to be an order parameter for the transition between the symmetric and the broken phases. Therefore, these monopoles indeed appear as real physical objects. However, we have found that their density on the lattice increases with increasing ultraviolet cutoff. Thus we conclude, that the conventional lattice electroweak theory is not able to predict the density of Nambu monopoles. This means that the description of Nambu monopole physics based on the lattice Weinberg - Salam model with finite ultraviolet cutoff is incomplete. We expect that the correct description may be obtained only within the lattice theory that involves the description of TeV - scale physics.Comment: LATE


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    Low thrust values obtained with a hybrid rocket motor (HRM) are a consequence of the difficulty in quickly mixing the fuel and oxidizer, which is characterized by a low regression rate of the fuel grain. Therefore, the measurement of this parameter is of great importance in studies that aim at solutions for this deficiency in HRM. Several studies calculate a reliable value of the average regression rate over time by measuring the total mass of fuel before and after each burn. A method to measure instantaneous regression rate is by acquiring the Helmholtz resonance frequency in the combustion chamber. This work uses a piezoelectric pressure transducer to obtain the Helmholtz frequency mode of the combustion chamber in a laboratory scale test bench with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and gaseous oxygen, and is based on the principle that this frequency is inversely proportional to the square-root of the chamber volume. With the chamber volume variation, the port diameter of the grain variation is obtained. In conclusion, the calculated variation of port diameter agreed well with the correlation for average regression rate, determined from mass loss during operation

    Morphogenesis of Marandu Brachiaria Under Different Nitrogen Rates in the Brazilian Savannah

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    Nitrogen fertilization contributes to grass growth and, for this reason, the objective was to evaluate the morphogenic characteristics of Urochloa brizantha cultivar Marandu subjected to different nitrogen rates (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N.ha-1) in the Brazilian savannah through the variables number of leaves.tiller-1, leaf growth, leaf average size, senescent leaf.tiller-1 number and stem+pseudostem average size. The experiment was established in the Forage and Pastures Sector of Jatai Federal University (UFJ) and, after the soil correction and fertilization, the Marandu grass plots were installed in a randomized blocks experimental design, with four treatments and four replications. When the forage canopy reached the cutting height (30 cm) it was homogenized with pruning shears and four tillers per plot were identified with colored tape and a locating stake. Morphogenesis data was collected every two days, measuring the leaves size and stem+pseudostem size, and leaves were classifying according to their physiological state. Marandu cultivar showed increasing response in leaves number and in leaf growth in nitrogen doses from 50 to 100 kg N.ha-1. The number of senescent leaf.tiller-1 decrease when nitrogen fertilization increase from 0 to 100 kg N.ha-1. Marandu showed a morphogenic response to nitrogen fertilization and up to 100 kg N.ha-1 can be used