2 research outputs found

    Avaliação da assistência pré-natal realizada na atenção primária: estudo transversal aninhado a uma coorte gestativa

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    Objetivos: avaliar a adequação da assistência pré-natal na atenção primária, classificar o pré-natal com os parâmetros de adequabilidade e determinar os fatores associados à assistência pré-natal das gestantes estudadas. Método: estudo analítico transversal realizado com 205 gestantes em dez unidades básicas de saúde, em São Luís- MA. As variáveis qualitativas foram apresentadas por meio de frequências absolutas e percentuais. Resultados: Na variável idade, houve predomínio da faixa etária entre 21-30 anos (49,44%).  A variável raça/cor, a maior prevalência foi para as gestantes que se auto declararam pardas/outros 99 (55,62%), com prevalência menor  para 6 consultas realizadas. Na variável benefícios pagos pelo governo, a maior prevalência, 110  (61,80%) deu-se para gestantes que os recebiam. Em relação ao estado civil, (76,97%) eram gestantes que possuíam companheiro, com prevalência menor para 6 consultas realizadas, 137 (76,97%). Quanto à escolaridade, houve predomínio de gestantes com ensino médio (68,18%). Em relação ao início do pré-natal, (66,85%) iniciaram o pré- natal. À prescrição do ferro após início do pré-natal houve maior prevalência em gestantes que faziam uso 124 (69,66%). Maior prevalência também se apresentou para as gestantes que realizaram os seguintes exames: exame preventivo do câncer de colo uterino, 147 (82,58%), sistema ABO-RH 129 (72,47%), Hemograma completo 121 (68,75%), e glicemia em jejum no primeiro trimestre, 107 (60,11%). Quanto ao exame anti-HIV, a maior prevalência foi para as gestantes que não realizaram o exame 103 (57,87 %). Ao exame veneral disease research laboratory, a maior prevalência foi para as gestantes que o realizaram 120 (67,42%). Ao exame dos elementos anormais de sedimento, maior prevalência foi observada em gestantes que o realizaram 122 (68,54%). Quanto à vacinação de influenza nas gestantes, maior prevalência foi para as que não foram vacinadas 104 (58,43%). Para a vacina antitetânica prévia, a maior prevalência foi para as gestantes que não receberam o imunizante 108 (60.67%). Vacina contra hepatite B, apresentou maior prevalência para as gestantes que receberam o imunizante 95 (53,37%). Foi mais prevalente as gestantes que não apresentaram sintomas, com diagnóstico e sem diagnóstico negativo para covid-19, 117 (65,73%). Conclusão: O estudo permitiu analisar que a qualidade da assistência pré-natal nas unidades de saúde onde foram realizadas o estudo, foi insatisfatória para alguns indicadores, visto que a prevalência foi menor que 6 consultas realizadas.Objectives: to assess the adequacy of prenatal care in primary care, to classify prenatal care according to the parameters of adequacy and to determine the factors associated with prenatal care in the pregnant women studied. Method: an analytical cross-sectional study of 205 pregnant women in ten basic health units in São Luís, MA. The qualitative variables were presented using absolute and percentage frequencies. Results: In the age variable, there was a predominance of the 21-30 age group (49.44%).  In the race/color variable, the highest prevalence was for pregnant women who declared themselves brown/other 99 (55.62%), with a lower prevalence for 6 consultations performed. With regard to the government benefits variable, the highest prevalence, 110 (61.80%), was for pregnant women who received them. Regarding marital status, 76.97% were pregnant women who had a partner, with a lower prevalence for 6 consultations, 137 (76.97%). As for schooling, there was a predominance of pregnant women with a high school education (68.18%). With regard to the start of prenatal care, 66.85% started prenatal care. With regard to the prescription of iron after starting prenatal care, there was a higher prevalence of pregnant women who used it (69.66%). Prevalence was also higher among pregnant women who underwent the following tests: cervical cancer screening, 147 (82.58%), ABO-RH system 129 (72.47%), complete blood count 121 (68.75%), and fasting blood glucose in the first trimester, 107 (60.11%). As for the anti-HIV test, the highest prevalence was for pregnant women who had not undergone the test, 103 (57.87%). With regard to the venereal disease research laboratory, the highest prevalence was among pregnant women who had undergone the test, 120 (67.42%). The highest prevalence of abnormal sediment elements was observed in pregnant women who underwent the test, 122 (68.54%). As for influenza vaccination among pregnant women, the highest prevalence was among those who had not been vaccinated 104 (58.43%). The highest prevalence of previous tetanus vaccination was among pregnant women who had not received the vaccine, 108 (60.67%). Hepatitis B vaccination was more prevalent among pregnant women who had received the vaccine 95 (53.37%). Pregnant women with no symptoms, with a diagnosis and without a negative diagnosis for Covid-19 were more prevalent, 117 (65.73%). Conclusion: The study allowed us to analyze that the quality of prenatal care in the health units where the study was carried out was unsatisfactory for some indicators, since the prevalence was less than 6 consultations

    Unplanned Pregnancy and Depressive Symptoms during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This is a cross-sectional study conducted with pregnant women who underwent prenatal care at basic health units in São Luís City, Maranhão State, Brazil. The authors used a semistructured questionnaire to assess the socioeconomic, demographic, and clinical characteristics of pregnant women as well as the Edinburgh Scale to investigate depressive symptoms. In order to assess the association between the explanatory variable and the outcome variable, Poisson logistic regression was performed with statistical significance at p < 0.05. A total of 205 women were interviewed, most aged between 18 and 29 years (66.83%). Of this total, 74.63% had not planned their pregnancy and 26.67% had depressive symptoms. The variables unplanned pregnancy (PR = 1.41; CI = 0.99–2.00; p = 0.05) and not undergoing psychological counseling (PR = 1.42; CI = 0.51–0.83; p ≤ 0.01) correlated with depressive symptoms during pregnancy. It is thus possible to link the variables unplanned pregnancy (p > 0.05) and not undergoing psychological counseling (p = 0.001) to depression. Therefore, it is important to monitor the mental health of pregnant women, especially in situations of vulnerability