58 research outputs found

    Classic Book Review - Forensic Odontology

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    Deep neck infection after third molar extraction: A case report

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    Deep neck infections are associated with high morbidity rates in dentistry. Early diagnosis and intervention play an essential part in decreasing morbidity rates. The present study aims to report a case of odontogenic deep neck infection after third molar extraction. A 51-year-old male patient underwent extraction of the mandibular right third molar. Seven days later, the patient developed symptoms and signs of progressive infection. Laboratorial and radiologic examinations in association with clinical investigations confirmed deep neck infection. Extraoral drainage was performed under orotracheal intubation. Postoperative laboratory tests and clinical examinations revealed signs of complete remission within a follow-up period of 10 days. Considering the invasive nature of pathogens related to deep neck infections, it is possible to infer that a combination of accurate diagnosis and early intervention plays an essential role in the field of maxillofacial surgery and pathology

    Is The Late Mandibular Fracture From Third Molar Extraction a Risk Towards Malpractice?:Case Report with the Analysis of Ethical and Legal Aspects

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    Objectives: The present study reports a case of late mandibular fracture due to third molar extraction and highlights the inherent clinical, ethical and legal aspects related to this surgical complication. Material and Methods: A female patient underwent surgical procedure for the extraction of the mandibular right third molar. Two days after the surgery the patient reported pain and altered occlusion in the right side of the mandible. After clinical and radiographic re-examination, the diagnosis of late mandibular fracture was established. A second surgery, under general anaesthesia, was performed for the fixation of the mandibular bone. Results: The fractured parts were reduced and fixed with locking plate systems and 2 mm screws following load-sharing principles. The masticatory function showed optimal performance within 7 and 21 days after the surgery. Complete bone healing was observed within 1 year of follow-up. Conclusions: For satisfactory surgical outcomes, adequate surgical planning and techniques must be performed. Signed informed consents explaining the risks and benefits of the treatment must be used to avoid ethical and legal disputes in dentistry

    Forensic identification of decomposed human body through comparison between ante-mortem and post-mortem CT images of frontal sinuses:Case report

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    Svrha: Izvijestiti o slučaju pozitivne identifikacije raspadnutog tijela nakon usporedbe prijesmrtnih (ante mortem - AM) i poslijesmtrnih (post mortem - PM) prikaza kompjutorizirane tomografije frontalnih sinusa. Prikaz slučaja: Nepoznato tijelo u visokom stupnju raspadanja, u dobi od 30 do 40 godina, pronađeno je u šumskom području Brazila. Dentalnom autopsijom otkrivena je djelomična proteza te da je neidentificirana osoba ostala bez nekoliko zuba još prije smrti. Potraga za podatcima o prijesmrtnom statusu rezultirala je slijedom od 20 aksijalnih slika paranazalnih sinusa dobivenih kompjutoriziranom tomografijom (MSCT). Provedeno je poslijesmrtno MSCT slikanje kako bi se usporedbom omogućila identifikacija. Neposredna usporedba prijesmrtnih i poslijesmrtnih MSCT podataka pokazala je morfološka poklapanja, posebno za lateralnu ekspanziju lijevog kraka, anteroposteriornu dimenziju i položaj medijalnog i dodatnih septa sinusa. Zaključak: U ovom tekstu istaknuto je koliko je važno čuvati medicinske podatke radi interpretacije radiografskih podataka i njihove primjene u pravosuđu.Objective: The aim of this paper is to report on a case of positive human identification of a decomposed body after the comparison of ante-mortem (AM) and port-mortem (PM) computed tomography images of frontal sinus. Case report: An unknown, highly decomposed human body, aged between 30 and 40 years, was found in a forest region in Brazil. The dental autopsy revealed several teeth missing AM and the presence of removable partial prostheses. The search for AM data resulted in a sequence of 20 axial images of the paranasal sinuses obtained by Multislice Computed Tomography (MSCT). PM reproduction of the MSCT images was performed in order to enable a comparative identification. After a direct confrontation between AM/PM MSCT, the data were collected for morphological findings, specifically for the lateral expansion of the left lobe, the anteroposterior dimension, and the position of median and accessory septa of the sinuses. Conclusion: The importance of storing and interpreting radiographic medical data properly is highlighted in this text, thus pointing out the importance of application of forensic radiology in the field of law

    Dental Identification Through Endodontic Radiographic Records: a Case Report

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    Svrha rada: Željelo se izvijestiti o uspješnoj identifikaciji humanih ostataka na osnovi usporedbe arhivskih, dakle prijesmrtnih (AM) podataka i poslijesmrtnih (PM) endodontskih radiograma. Zbog toga je u tekstu istaknuto koliko je važno spremiti i čuvati dokumente u kliničkim arhivima. Prikaz slučaja: Nakon prometne nesreće dovezeno je neidentificirano tijelo. Odmah je obavljeno forenzično ispitivanje kako bi se ustanovio identitet stradale osobe. Kako u nacionalnoj bazi podataka nije bilo otisaka prstiju, u potrazi za prijesmrtnom (AM) dokumentacijom korišteni su radiogrami privatnih klinika dentalne medicine. Na kraju je poginula osoba identificirana na temelju analize obavljenih endodontskih terapija. Zaključak: Zubni radiogrami važni su kao pravno sredstvo koje podupire zahtjeve forenzičara u svakodnevnoj forenzičnoj praksi. U endodonciji su pak periapikalni radiogrami nezamjenjivi pri odgovarajućoj terapiji. U forenzici su ti radiogrami solidan izvor prijesmrtnih (antemortem – AM) podataka potrebnih za identifikaciju.Objective of work: The present study aims to report a case of successful human identification based on the comparison of ante-mortem and post-mortem records of endodontic treatment. Based on these, the legal value of storing and updating clinical records is highlighted throughout the text. Case report: An unknown body was recovered from a traffic accident site. Forensic examination was conducted in order to establish the identity of the victim. Based on the absence of ante-mortem fingerprint registration in the national database, the search for AM data was performed using periapical radiographic records from private dental clinics. A positive dental identification was achieved analyzing evidence of endodontic treatment. Conclusion: Dental radiographs play a valuable role as legal tools supporting the criminal demands on the daily forensic practice. Specifically in endodontics, periapical radiographs are essential for a proper treatment. In forensics, these radiographs represent a solid source of ante-mortem data for human identifications

    Dental Identification Through Endodontic Radiographic Records: a Case Report

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    Svrha rada: Željelo se izvijestiti o uspješnoj identifikaciji humanih ostataka na osnovi usporedbe arhivskih, dakle prijesmrtnih (AM) podataka i poslijesmrtnih (PM) endodontskih radiograma. Zbog toga je u tekstu istaknuto koliko je važno spremiti i čuvati dokumente u kliničkim arhivima. Prikaz slučaja: Nakon prometne nesreće dovezeno je neidentificirano tijelo. Odmah je obavljeno forenzično ispitivanje kako bi se ustanovio identitet stradale osobe. Kako u nacionalnoj bazi podataka nije bilo otisaka prstiju, u potrazi za prijesmrtnom (AM) dokumentacijom korišteni su radiogrami privatnih klinika dentalne medicine. Na kraju je poginula osoba identificirana na temelju analize obavljenih endodontskih terapija. Zaključak: Zubni radiogrami važni su kao pravno sredstvo koje podupire zahtjeve forenzičara u svakodnevnoj forenzičnoj praksi. U endodonciji su pak periapikalni radiogrami nezamjenjivi pri odgovarajućoj terapiji. U forenzici su ti radiogrami solidan izvor prijesmrtnih (antemortem – AM) podataka potrebnih za identifikaciju.Objective of work: The present study aims to report a case of successful human identification based on the comparison of ante-mortem and post-mortem records of endodontic treatment. Based on these, the legal value of storing and updating clinical records is highlighted throughout the text. Case report: An unknown body was recovered from a traffic accident site. Forensic examination was conducted in order to establish the identity of the victim. Based on the absence of ante-mortem fingerprint registration in the national database, the search for AM data was performed using periapical radiographic records from private dental clinics. A positive dental identification was achieved analyzing evidence of endodontic treatment. Conclusion: Dental radiographs play a valuable role as legal tools supporting the criminal demands on the daily forensic practice. Specifically in endodontics, periapical radiographs are essential for a proper treatment. In forensics, these radiographs represent a solid source of ante-mortem data for human identifications