26 research outputs found

    Ablabesmyia separata Neubern 2013, sp. n.

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    Ablabesmyia separata Neubern sp. n. (Figs 66, 67) Type material. Holotype: ♂, Brazil, Bahia, Correntina, Correntina river, 44°38`13``W – 13°20`34``S, 01.xi.2008, L.M. Fusari — LEIA. Diagnostic characters. the species differs from other by dorsal lobe absent and aedeagal blades are small and separated from each other. Etymology. From Latin, separatum, meaning separate, referring to the distance between the aedeagal blades. Male (n = 1): Dimensions: Abdomen length 2.33 mm. Wing length 1.68 mm. Wing length/length of profemur 2.28. Coloration (Figs 66A–F, 67A): wings, thorax and abdomen follow figures 66A, 66B and 66F, respectively. Legs: P I —femur with 4 bands, tibia with 5 bands, third band small and incomplete; P II, P III —femora with 4 bands, tibiae with 4 bands. Ratio of bands, related tibiae and tarsomeres 1 follow table 50. Hypopygium yellow. Head: antenna with 14 flagellomeres; AR 1.76; apical flagellomere 106 µm long and subapical seta 37 µm long; temporals 92; postoculars 16; coronal triangle 169 µm long and base 117 µm; clypeus bearing 30 setae, 103 µm long and 106 µm wide; labrum with 4 setae, 109 µm long and 80 µm wide; tentorium 180 µm long; cibarial pump 329 µm long and orifice 74 µm from apex; palpomeres 1–5 lengths (µm): 46; 105; 149; 185; 245; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 57 µm from base. Wing (Fig. 66A): width/lenght 0.34; VR 0.89; C 1.50 mm long; Sc 0.66 mm long; m-cu 46 µm long and 481 µm from arculus; fr 544 µm from arculus; R 3 apex close to C; brachiolum with 3 setae; squama with 45 setae. Thorax (Fig. 66B): humerals 4; prealars 13; supraalar 1; scutelars 33. Legs (Fig. 66C–E): P I —apex of tibia 65 µm wide and with apical pectinated spur 55 µm long, spur ratio 0.58; tarsomeres 1-2 with 2 pseudospurs 54–63 µm long. P II —apex of tibia 63 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 45 and 55 µm long, spur ratio 0.72 and 0.50 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 1 or 2 pseudospurs 44–55 µm long. P III —apex of tibia 65 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 66 and 46 µm long, spurs ratio 0.47 and 0.57 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 2 pseudospurs 62–74 µm long. Lengths and proportions of leg segments table 51. Hypopygium (Fig. 67A–D): tergite IX with 2–3 central setae; anal point absent; phallapodeme 65 µm long; sternapodeme 100 µm long; gonocoxite 146 µm µm long and 108 µm wide; gonostylus 142 µm long, with 5 apical teeth; tapered megaseta; HR 1. Aedeagal complex: smooth aedeagal blade 22 µm long, base 12 µm, 9/10 3 µm; dorsal lobe absent; lateral lobe and basidorsal lobe present. Female and immatures: unknown.Published as part of Oliveira, Caroline Silva Neubern De, Silva, Mário Antonio Navarro Da & Gessner, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca, 2013, Neotropical Ablabesmyia Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae, Tanypodinae) – Part I , pp. 1-123 in Zootaxa 3733 (1) on pages 109-110, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3733.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/526865

    Ablabesmyia gigas Neubern 2013, sp. n.

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    Ablabesmyia gigas Neubern sp. n. (Figs 37, 38) Type material. Holotype: ♂, Brazil, São Paulo, Luís Antônio, Estação Ecológica Jataí, Piaba lake, 47°59`00``W – 21°34`00``S, 30.viii.1994, S. T. Strixino — LEIA. Paratypes: 4 ♂♂, same data, Infernão lake, 47°65`00``W– 21°34`00``S, 26.x.1993, S. T. Strixino — DZUP; 2 ♂♂, São Paulo, Brotas, Dourada lake, 48°07`35``W – 22°17`12``S, 04.iii.2004, L. Correia — LEIA; 3 ♂♂, same previous data,— DZUP; 2 ♂♂, Rio Grande do Sul, Arroio Grande, 53°05`13``W – 32°14`16``S, iii.1953, S.J. Oliveira — LEIA; 2 ♂♂, same previous data—Fiocruz. Diagnostic characters. A. gigas sp. n. differs from other species by combination of the following characters: tapered megaseta, dorsal lobe absent, aedeagal blade with base 20 µm and 9/10 20–32.5 µm, anal point partially covers the aedeagal complex. Etymology. From Latin, gigas, meaning big, referring to the shape of the aedegal blade. Male (n = 5, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: Total length 1.46–5.12 mm. Wing length 2.18–2.59 mm. Total length/wing length 1.38–2.33. Wing length/length of profemur 2.42–2.71. Coloration (Figs 37A–E, 38A): wings and abdomen follow figures 37A and 37E. Legs: P I –femora with 3 bands, tibiae with 3 bands; P II, P III —femora with 2 bands, tibiae with 3 bands. Ratio of bands, related tibiae and tarsomeres 1 follow table 26. Hypopygium: gonocoxite apex and gonostylus base brown. Head: antenna with 14 flagellomeres; AR 2.14–2.43; apical flagellomere 127–141 µm and subapical seta 33– 35 µm long; temporals 48–55; postoculars 16; coronal triangle 148 µm long and base 103–118 µm; clypeus bearing 21–40 setae, 115–130 µm long and 88–115 µm wide; labrum with 3 setae, 118–145 µm long and 60–75 µm wide; tentorium 165–178 µm long; cibarial pump 310–360 µm long and orifice 65–75 µm from apex; palpomeres 1–5: 60– 77.5; 118–150; 153–165; 145–160; 280–320 µm long; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 39–55 µm from base. Wing (Fig. 37A): width/lenght 0.26–0.31; VR 0.80–0.87; C 1.96–2.04 mm long; Sc 1.21–1.34 mm long; m-cu 56 µm long and 650–750 µm from arculus; fr 750–940 µm from arculus; R 3 apex close to C; brachiolum with 4–5 setae; squama with 36–40 setae. Thorax: antepronotals 13–15; humerals 5–8; prealars 13–24; supraalar 1; scutelars 37–43. Legs (Fig. 37B–D): P I –apex of tibia 55–75 µm wide and with apical pectinated spur 67.5–80 µm long, spur ratio 0.50–0.69; tarsomeres 1–2 with 2 pseudospurs 57–69 µm long. P II –apex of tibia 56–82 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 68–75 and 58–68 µm long, spur ratio 0.50–0.75 and 0.40–0.66 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 1, 2 or 3 apical pseudospurs 66–78 µm long. P III –coxa with 6 central microsetae; apex of tibia 58–66 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 65–80 and 60–68 µm long, spurs ratio 0.56–0.71 and 0.53–0.60 respectively, tarsomeres 1–3 with 2 apical pseudospurs 66–75 µm long. Lengths and proportions of leg segments table 27. Hypopygium (Fig. 38A–D): tergite IX with 2–3 central setae; anal point partially covers the aedeagal complex; phallapodeme 60–68 µm long; sternapodeme 140–153 µm long; gonocoxite 165–200 µm long and 130–140 µm wide; gonostylus 188–200 µm long, with 6–7 apical teeth, tapered megaseta; HR 0.85–1.04; HV 1.73–2.67. Aedeagal complex: grooved aedeagal blade 50–57.5 µm long, base 20 µm, 9/10 20–32.5 µm; dorsal lobe absent, lateral lobe and basidorsal lobe present. Female and immatures: unknown.Published as part of Oliveira, Caroline Silva Neubern De, Silva, Mário Antonio Navarro Da & Gessner, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca, 2013, Neotropical Ablabesmyia Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae, Tanypodinae) – Part I , pp. 1-123 in Zootaxa 3733 (1) on pages 64-68, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3733.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/526865

    Ablabesmyia fazzari Neubern 2013, sp. n.

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    Ablabesmyia fazzari Neubern sp. n. (Figs 25–28) Type material. Holotype: ♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, Brazil, São Paulo, São Carlos, Fazzari reservoir, 47°53`08``W – 21°58`07``S, 09.iv.2007, F.S. Laurindo — LEIA. Paratypes: ♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, same data as holotype— DZUP; ♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, same data as holotype, 20.v.2004, T. Siqueira — LEIA; ♂ with pupal exuvia, same data as holotype, 09.xi.2004, S. T. Strixino — DZUP; ♂, São Paulo, São Carlos, Lobo reservoir, 47°49`22``W – 22°15`10``S, 10.v.2004, S. T. Strixino — DZUP. Diagnostic characters. A. fazzari sp. n. differs from other species by combination of the following characters: Male —antepronotum with 6 lateral setae, R 3 apex close to C, expanded megaseta, aedeagal complex with only one grooved aedeagal blade, dorsal lobe present; Pupa —apex of aeropyle tube club-shaped, thoracic horn with spines lateral outer border, dorsal pore in A IV between setae D 1 and D 3, outer border of anal lobe with spines; Larva —head capsule expanded and with circular brown spot between the scars, ligula teeth in concave arch, dorsal pore present, dorsal seta S 12 present, palpal formula 2+0. Etymology. Named after Fazzari reservoir. Male (n = 5, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: Total length 3.57–3.98 mm. Wing length 1.57–1.75 mm. Total length/wing length 2.26–2.27. Wing length/length of profemur 2.57–2.73. Coloration (Figs 25A–E, 26A): wings and thorax follow figures 25A and 25B. Legs: P I —femora with 2 bands, tibiae with 4 bands; P II, P III —femora without bands, tibiae with 3 bands. Ratio of bands, related tibiae and tarsomeres 1 follow table 20. Hypopygium: gonocoxite apex brown and gonostylus base yellow. Head: antenna with 14 flagellomeres; AR 1.38–1.51; apical flagellomere 68–92 µm long and subapical seta 21–22 µm long; temporals 33–37; postoculars 14; coronal triangle 140–143 µm long and base 90–95 µm; clypeus bearing 30–35 setae, 117–130 µm long and 88 µm wide; labrum with 3 setae, 95–98 µm long and 55–60 µm wide; tentorium 152 µm long; cibarial pump 299–300 µm long and orifice 55–60 µm from apex; palpomeres 1–5: 45–46; 71–98; 119–123; 95–99; 333 µm long; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 31–40 µm from base. Wing (Fig. 25A): width/lenght 0.29–0.30; VR 0.82–0.84; C 1.46–1.61 mm long; Sc 0.73–0.92 mm long; m-cu 31 µm long and 475–513 µm from arculus; fr 581–613 µm from arculus; R 3 apex close to C; brachiolum with 3 setae; squama with 32–37 setae. Thorax (Fig. 25B): antepronotals 6; humerals 7; prealars 25–29; supraalar 1; scutelars 49–50. Legs (Fig. 25C–E): P I —apex of tibia 40–51 µm wide and with apical pectinated spur 70–85 µm long, spur ratio 0.38–0.53; tarsomeres 1–2 with 1 or 2 pseudospurs 55–66 µm long. P II —apex of tibia 37–54 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 50–62 and 26–30 µm long, spur ratio 0.56–0.66 and 0.59–1 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 2 apical pseudospurs 44–62 µm long. P III —coxa with 5 central microsetae; apex of tibia 45–52 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 51–55 and 25–26 µm long, spurs ratio 0.56–0.64 and 0.76–0.81 respectively; tarsomeres 1–2 with 1 or 2 apical pseudospurs 55–65 µm long. Lengths and proportions of leg segments in table 21. Hypopygium (Fig. 26A–D): tergite IX with 2 central setae; anal point completely covers the aedeagal complex; phallapodeme 34 µm long; sternapodeme 108–111 µm long; gonocoxite 122–132 µm long and 79–85 µm wide; gonostylus 139–142 µm long, with 6 apical teeth; expanded megaseta; HR 0.88–0.93; HV 2.59–2.80. Aedeagal complex: grooved aedeagal blade 31 µm long, base 5–7 µm, 9/10 3–4 µm; dorsal lobe with fringe, 14–16 µm long and base 17–19 µm; lateral lobe and basidorsal lobe present. Female: Unknown. Pupa (n = 4, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: male abdomen 2.35–2.79 mm long. Coloration (Fig. 27A–D): exuviae yellow with central spots brown, wing sheath without spots. Cephalothorax (Fig. 27A, B): wing sheath 1.0– 1.14 mm long and with complete veins; thoracic horn 317–408 µm long and 188–195 µm wide, lumen with hexagonal pattern only on the sides, spines present on the base and border, apex of aeropyle tube club-shaped; thoracic comb with 9 conical teeth. Abdomen (Fig. 27C, D): shagreen as small spines in arc, present in A II–VIII; scar in A I 150–175 µm long; A IV chaetotaxy follow figure 27C, dorsal pore between setae D 1, D 3 and D 5; A VII with 4 lateral setae, LS 1 119–144 µm long; A VIII with 5 lateral setae, LS 1 75–83 µm long; anal lobe 355–358 µm long, base 280–294 µm wide, with 2 anal macrosetae LS 1 162–177 µm long, LS 2 203–223 µm long, outer border with spines; genital sac shorter than the anal lobe, 271–282 µm long; GS/AL 0.76–0.79. Larva (n = 3, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: head capsule 563–581 µm long and 475–563 µm wide. Coloration (Fig. 28A–D): head capsule yellow with circular brown spots between the scars; postoccipital margin brown; ligula teeth brown; procercus yellow; posterior parapod with 16 claws, 3 hooked claws brown and 13 simple claws yellow. Head Capsule (Fig. 28A–C): expanded, IC 1.0–1.22, chaetotaxy follow the figure 28A, dorsal setae S 12 present; AR 3.50–3.62, antennomeres 1,2-4: 295–308, 82–88 µm long; ring organ in A 1 166–174 µm from the base; maxillary palp with 2 segments, palpomeres 1-2: 32–34, 26–32 µm long; palpal formula 0+2, P 1 /P 2 1.04–1.29, A 1 /P 1 8.72–9.37, A 2 /P 1 2.13–2.28; mandible 89–105 µm long, with campaniform sensillum 22–26 mm from the base, A 1 /MD 2.94– 3.31; dorsomental tooth 39 mm long and far apart 55–61 mm, pseudoradula slightly granulated and with homogeneous width; ligula 71–83 mm long and 46–52 mm wide, with 5 teeth in concave arch, It/O 0.86–0.94; Mt/ O 0.76–0.79; It/Li 0.17–0.22; muscle attachment of ligula 19–22 µm long and 35–40 mm wide; bifid paraligula 37–48 µm long, pectin hypopharyngis with 17–18 teeth. Abdomen (Fig. 28D): procercus 77–94 µm long and 26–29 µm wide, 7 anal setae 570–581 µm long; supraanal seta simple and 350–377 µm long; supraanal seta lenght/ anal setae lenght 0.61–0.65; posterior parapods with 13 simple claws, with the serrated sides and 3 hooked claws with the smooth sides, claw with truncated base absent, tip of posterior parapods with spines.Published as part of Oliveira, Caroline Silva Neubern De, Silva, Mário Antonio Navarro Da & Gessner, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca, 2013, Neotropical Ablabesmyia Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae, Tanypodinae) – Part I , pp. 1-123 in Zootaxa 3733 (1) on pages 47-53, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3733.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/526865

    Ablabesmyia gessnerae Neubern 2013, sp. n.

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    Ablabesmyia gessnerae Neubern sp. n. (Figs 33–36) Type material. Holotype: ♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, Brazil, São Paulo, São Carlos, Monjolinho river, 47°05`00``W – 22°01`00``S, 30.iii.2004, C.S.N. Oliveira — LEIA. Paratypes: ♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, same data holotype — LEIA; 2 ♂♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, same data holotype — DZUP; ♂ with pupal exuvia, São Paulo, São Carlos, Fazzari river, 47°52`00``W – 21°53`00``S, 10.iii.2005, T. Siqueira — LEIA. Diagnostic characters. A. gessnerae sp. n. differs from other species by combination of the following characters: Male —antepronotum with 24–28 lateral setae, R 3 apex close to C, expanded megaseta, aedeagal complex with only one grooved aedeagal blade, dorsal lobe present; Pupa —apex of aeropyle tube T-shaped, lumen thoracic horn with hexagonal pattern only in the lateral, border anal lobe partially with spines and distal yellow; Larva —head capsule expanded and without spots, ligula teeth in concave arch, dorsal pore present, projections postoccipital margin present, palpal formula 0+2, procercus with 7 anal setae, posterior parapods with 2 claws brown. Etymology. Named after Dra. Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca Gessner, that contributed to the development of this paper and also to the knowledge of Neotropical Chironomidae. Male (n = 5, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: Total length 4.02–4.28 mm. Wing length 1.87–1.93 mm. Total length/wing length 2.15–2.22. Wing length/length of profemur 2.25–2.33. Coloration (Figs 33A–E, 34A): wings and abdomen follow figures 33A and 33E. Legs: P I, P II —femora with 2 bands, tibiae with 4 bands; P III —femora with 1 band, tibiae with 4 bands. Ratio of bands, related tibiae and tarsomeres 1 follow table 24. Hypopygium: gonocoxite apex brown and gonostylus yellow. Head: antenna with 14 flagellomeres; AR 1.77–1.85; apical flagellomere 113–116 µm long and subapical seta 30–35 µm long; temporals 57–59; postoculars 9; coronal triangle 203–204 µm long and base 114–115 µm; clypeus bearing 29–33 setae, 75–95 µm long and 80–87 µm wide; labrum with 3 setae, 92–98 µm long and 45–59 µm wide; tentorium 169–175 µm long; cibarial pump 326–330 µm long and orifice 55 µm from apex; palpomeres 1–5: 71–72; 95–99; 134–136; 170–177; 230–240 µm long; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 27–33 µm from base. Wing (Fig. 33A): width/lenght 0.30–0.32; VR 0.78–1.10; C 1.70–1.76 mm long; Sc 0.95–1.00 mm long; m-cu 49 µm long and 492–692 µm from arculus; fr 630–631 µm from arculus; R 3 apex close to C; brachiolum with 4 setae; squama with 44–46 setae. Thorax: antepronotals 24–28; humerals 10; prealars 31–35; supraalar 1; scutelars 30–32. Legs (Fig. 33B–D): P I —apex of tibia 60–61 µm wide and with apical pectinated spur 62–65 µm long, spur ratio 0.57–0.58; tarsomeres 1–3 with 1 or 2 pseudospurs 55–82 µm long. P II —apex of tibia 59–59 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 68–70 and 48–50 µm long, spur ratio 0.45–0.50 and 0.52–0.55 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 1 or 2 apical pseudospurs 65–77 µm long. P III —coxa with 5 central microsetae; apex of tibia 63–67 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 71–72 and 54–55 µm long, spurs ratio 0.50–0.59 and 0.43–0.58 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 1 or 2 apical pseudospurs 65–70 µm long. Lengths and proportions of leg segments table 25. Hypopygium (Fig. 34A–D): tergite IX with 3 central setae; anal point completely covers the aedeagal complex; phallapodeme 45–56 µm long; sternapodeme 124–154 µm long; gonocoxite 157–185 µm long and 87–126 µm wide; gonostylus 166–169 µm long, with 6 apical teeth, expanded megaseta; HR 0.93–1.11; HV 2.38–2.58. Aedeagal complex: grooved aedeagal blade 35–37 µm long, base 20 µm, 9/10 3 µm; dorsal lobe 14–20 µm long and base 15–18 µm; lateral lobe and basidorsal lobe present. Female: unknown. Pupa (n = 5, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: male abdomen 3.35–3.73 mm long. Coloration (Fig. 35A–D): exuviae brown, wing sheath with spots. Cephalothorax (Fig. 35A, B): wing sheath 1.38–1.51 mm long and with complete veins; thoracic horn 438–469 µm long and 180–200 µm wide, lumen with hexagonal pattern only in the lateral, spines present on the base and border, apex of aeropyle tube T-shaped; thoracic comb with 18 conical teeth. Abdomen (Fig. 35C, D): shagreen as small spines in arc, present in A I–VIII; scar in A I 190–200 µm long; A IV chaetotaxy follow figure 35C, dorsal pore between setae D 1 and D 3; A VII with 4 lateral setae, LS 1 200–218 µm long; A VIII with 5 lateral setae, LS 1 94–125 µm long; anal lobe 406–439 µm long, base 382–438 µm wide, with 2 anal macrosetae, LS 1 188–194 µm long, LS 2 225–254 µm long, outer border with spines; genital sac shorter than the anal lobe, 319–346 µm long; GS/AL 0.78–0.79 Larva (n = 4, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: head capsule 745–813 µm long and 575–631 µm wide. Coloration (Fig. 36A–D): head capsule yellow; postoccipital margin brown; ligula teeth brown; procercus brown; posterior parapod with 16 claws, 2 hooked claws brown and 14 simple claws yellow. Head Capsule (Fig. 36A–C): expanded, IC 0.76–0.78, postoccipital margin with central projections, chaetotaxy follow the figure 36A; AR 4.10–4.42, antennomeres 1,2-4: 406–469, 99–106 µm long; ring organ in A 1 248–250 µm from the base; maxillary palp with 2 segments, palpomeres 1-2: 33–40, 43–55 µm long; palpal formula 0+2, P 1 /P 2 0.64–0.77, A 1 /P 1 11.71–12.31, A 2 /P 1 2.38–2.70; mandible 132–154 µm long, with campaniform sensillum 28–31 mm from the base, A 1 /MD 2.64–3.60; dorsomental tooth 51–54 mm long and far apart 73–77 mm, pseudoradula slightly granulated and with homogeneous width; ligula 108–111 mm long and 52–66 mm wide, with 5 teeth in concave arch, It/O 0.86–0.95; Mt/O 0.71–0.79; It/Li 0.17–0.26; muscle attachment of ligula 31–35 µm long and 71–80 mm wide; bifid paraligula 54–60 µm long, pectin hypopharyngis with 18 teeth. Abdomen (Fig. 35D): procercus 100–108 µm long and 37–38 µm wide, 7 anal setae 620–625 µm long; supraanal seta simple and 520–524 µm long; supraanal seta lenght/ anal setae lenght 0.84; posterior parapods with 14 simple claws, with the serrated slightly sides and 2 hooked claws with the smooth sides, claw with truncated base absent, tip of posterior parapods with little spines.Published as part of Oliveira, Caroline Silva Neubern De, Silva, Mário Antonio Navarro Da & Gessner, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca, 2013, Neotropical Ablabesmyia Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae, Tanypodinae) – Part I , pp. 1-123 in Zootaxa 3733 (1) on pages 59-64, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3733.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/526865

    Ablabesmyia cordeiroi Neubern 2013, sp. n.

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    Ablabesmyia cordeiroi Neubern sp. n. (Figs 14, 15) Type material. Holotype: ♂, Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, Cueiras park ZF02, 60°06`55``W – 02°35`22``S, 14.vii.2008, C.S.N. Oliveira — LEIA. Paratypes: 2 ♂♂, same data as holotype— LEIA; 4 ♂♂, same data as holotype— DZUP. Diagnostic characters. Ablabesmyia cordeiroi sp. n. differs from other species by the combination of the following characters: femora with 2 bands, middle tibia with 3 bands, m-cu towards to f-cu, R 3 apex close to C, gonostylus with 6 apical teeth, tapered megaseta, grooved aedeagal blade, dorsal lobe club-shaped with fringe, anal point absent. Etymology. Named after Dr. Danilo Pacheco Cordeiro, in recognition for his friendship and continuous support. Male (n = 5, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: Total length 3.37–3.76 mm. Wing length 1.40–1.56 mm. Total length/wing length 2.34–2.41. Wing length/length of profemur 2.19–2.23. Coloration (Figs 14A–F, 15A): wings, thorax and abdomen follow figures 14A, 14B and 14F, respectively. Legs (Fig.): P I, P III —femora with 2 bands, tibiae with 3 bands; P II —femur with 3 bands, tibia with 3 bands. Ratio of bands, related tibiae and tarsomeres 1 follow table 12. Hypopygium: gonocoxite apex and gonostylus base brown. Head: antenna with 14 flagellomeres; AR 1.66–1.73; apical flagellomere 106–118 µm and subapical seta 28– 31 µm long; temporals 40–44; postoculars 12; coronal triangle 277–308 µm long and base 91–101 µm; clypeus bearing 27–31 setae, 86–96 µm long and 100–111 µm wide; labrum with 3 setae, 87–97 µm long and 41–48 µm wide; tentorium 157–175 µm long; cibarial pump 292–305 µm long and orifice 80–83 µm from apex; palpomeres 1–5: 40–46; 68–75; 119–134; 149–166; 239–266 µm long; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 29–33 µm from base. Wing (Fig. 14A): width/lenght 0.28–0.29; VR 0.73; C 1.23–1.38 mm long; Sc 0.46–0.52 mm long; m-cu 25–28 µm long and 370–412 µm from arculus; fr 504–563 µm from arculus; R 3 apex close to C; brachiolum with 3 setae; squama with 40–42 setae. Thorax (Fig. 14B): antepronotals 7–8; humerals 5; prealars 17–23; supraalar 1; scutelars 33–35. Legs (Fig. 14C–E): P I –apex of tibia 43–44 µm wide and with apical pectinated spur 57–62 µm long, spur ratio 0.61–0.65; tarsomeres 1–2 with 1 or 2 pseudospurs 55–66 µm long. P II –apex of tibia 47–50 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 33–38 and 23–29 µm long, spurs ratio 0.57–0.60 and 0.56–0.64 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 1 or 2 pseudospurs 55–67 µm long. P III –apex of tibia 46–47 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 61–68 and 38–45 µm long, spurs ratio 0.63–0.70 and 0.66–0.80 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 2 pseudospurs 65–75 µm long. Lengths and proportions of leg segments table 13. Hypopygium (Fig. 15A–D): tergite IX with 2 central setae; anal point absent; phallapodeme 47–51 µm long; sternapodeme 143–146 µm long; gonocoxite 130–145 µm long and 104–115 µm wide; gonostylus 122–135 µm long, with 6 apical teeth; tapered megaseta; HR 1.07–1.08; HV 2.68–2.79. Aedeagal complex: grooved aedeagal blade 43–48 µm long and base 11–12 µm, 9/106 µm; dorsal lobe club-shaped with fringe, 19–22 µm long and base 7–8 µm, lateral lobe and basidorsal lobe present. Female and immatures. Unknown.Published as part of Oliveira, Caroline Silva Neubern De, Silva, Mário Antonio Navarro Da & Gessner, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca, 2013, Neotropical Ablabesmyia Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae, Tanypodinae) – Part I , pp. 1-123 in Zootaxa 3733 (1) on pages 30-33, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3733.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/526865

    Ablabesmyia parareissi Neubern 2013, sp. n.

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    Ablabesmyia parareissi Neubern sp. n. (Figs 59, 60) Type material. Holotype: ♂, Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Jaquirana, Passo da Ilha, Tainha river, 50°21`28``W – 28°53`06``S, 05.xi.2007, L.M. Fusari — LEIA. Paratypes: ♂, same data as holotype— DZUP; ♂, Minas Gerais, Catas Altas Santuário, Caraça river, 43°24`28``W – 20°04`30``S, 29.vii.2008, light trap, L.C. Pinho — LEIA. Diagnostic characters. A. parareissi sp. n. differs from other species by the combination of the following characters: labrum with 3 setae, antepronotal lobe with 12–14 setae, fr 750–806 µm from arculus, m-cu towards fcu, R 3 apex close to C, pigmentation of front and middle femur and front tibia, expanded megaseta, aedeagal complex with only 1 grooved aedeagal blade, dorsal lobe present, sternapodeme 109–112 µm long. Etymology. Named due resemblance to the species Ablabesmyia reissi Paggi & Suarez, 2000. Male (n = 3, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: Total length 3.76–4.12 mm. Wing length 2.10–2.29 mm. Total length/wing length 1.77–1.79. Wing length/length of profemur 2.36–2.57. Coloration (Figs 59A–F, 60A): wings, thorax and abdomen follow figures 59A, 59B and 59F, respectively. Legs: P I, P II —femora with 2 bands, tibiae with 3 bands; P III —femora with 1 band, tibiae with 3 bands. Ratio of bands, related tibiae and tarsomeres 1 follow table 44. Hypopygium: gonocoxite apex and gonostylus brown. Head: antenna with 14 flagellomeres; AR 1.40–1.42; apical flagellomere 119–122 µm and subapical seta 36– 40 µm long; temporals 44–47; postoculars 12; coronal triangle 160 µm long and base 88 µm; clypeus bearing 36– 38 setae, 94–95 µm long and 97–98 µm wide; labrum with 3 setae, 93–97 µm long and 36–38 µm wide; tentorium 185–186 µm long; cibarial pump 298–302 µm long and orifice 62–62 µm from apex; palpomeres 1–5: 60–69; 115; 169–215; 185–200; 331–338 µm long; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 51–68 µm from base. Wing (Fig. 59A): width/lenght 0.30–0.31; VR 0.78–0.82; C 1.96–2.12 mm long; Sc 1.06–1.15 mm long; m-cu 42–51 µm long and 613–625 µm from arculus; fr 750–806 µm from arculus; R 3 apex close to C; brachiolum with 4 setae; squama with 44–49 setae. Thorax (Fig. 59B): antepronotals 12–14; humerals 5; prealars 33; supraalar 1; scutelars 45. Legs (Fig. 59C–E): P I –apex of tibia 55–62 µm wide and with 1 apical pectinated spur 59–66 µm long, spur ratio 0.52–0.55; tarsomeres 1–3 with 2 pseudospurs 55–59 µm long. P II –apex of tibia 52–60 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 62–69 and 47–48 µm long, spurs ratio 0.52–0.59 and 0.54–0.68 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 2 pseudospurs 45–61 µm long. P III –apex of tibia 40–57 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 54–62 and 31–55 µm long, spurs ratio 0.60–0.63 and 0.47–0.50 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 2 pseudospurs 51–63 µm long. Lengths and proportions of leg segments table 45. Hypopygium (Fig. 60A, B): tergite IX with 3–4 central setae; anal point covers the aedeagal complex; phallapodeme 51–55 µm long; sternapodeme 109–112 µm long; gonocoxite 176–191 µm long and 115–119 µm wide; gonostylus 167–172 µm long, with 6 apical teeth; expanded megaseta; HR 1.05–1.11; HV 2.25–2.40. Aedeagal complex: grooved aedeagal blade with curved apex 24–26 µm long and base 9 µm, 9/10 4–5 µm; dorsal lobe with fringe, 9 µm long and base 10–11 µm, lateral lobe and basidorsal lobe present. Female and immatures: unknown.Published as part of Oliveira, Caroline Silva Neubern De, Silva, Mário Antonio Navarro Da & Gessner, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca, 2013, Neotropical Ablabesmyia Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae, Tanypodinae) – Part I , pp. 1-123 in Zootaxa 3733 (1) on pages 99-102, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3733.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/526865

    Ablabesmyia depaulai Neubern 2013, sp. n.

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    Ablabesmyia depaulai Neubern sp. n. (Figs 16–19) Type material. Holotype: ♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, Brazil, Paraná, Ponta Grossa, Vila Velha, 50°00’W – 25°16’00’`S, 06.iii.2008 – C.S.N. Oliveira & G. R. Paula. – LEIA. Paratypes: 2 ♂♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, same data– DZUP. Diagnostic characters. A. depaulai sp. n. differs from other species by the following combination of characters: Male –antepronotum with 10 lateral setae, front and middle femora with 3 bands, middle tibiae with 4 bands, R 3 apex ending in C, gonostylus with 6 apical teeth, tapered megaseta, grooved aedeagal blade, dorsal lobe club-shaped with fringe; Pupa –apex of aeropyle tube club-shaped, thoracic horn with spines on the base, genital sac 337,50–348 µm length; Larva –head capsule expanded and without spots, postoccipital margin with central projections, ligula teeth in concave arch, dorsal pore absent, dorsal setae S 12 present, procercus brown with 112–129 µm length and with 7 anal setae. Etymology. Named after Dr. Gabriel Rezende de Paula, in recognition for his friendship and continuous support. Male (n = 3, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: Total length 4.20 mm (n=1). Wing length 1.92–2.15 mm. Total length/wing length 2.10–2.19. Wing length/length of profemur 2.12–2.54. Coloration (Figs 16A–F, 17A): wings, thorax and abdomen follow figures 16A, 16B and 16F. Legs (Fig.): P I, P II –femora with 3 bands, tibiae with 4 bands; P III –femur with 2 bands, tibia with 3 bands. Ratio of bands, related tibiae and tarsomeres 1 follow table 14. Hypopygium: gonocoxite apex and gonostylus base brown. Head: antenna with 14 flagellomeres; AR 1.89–1.91; apical flagellomere 121–125 µm long and subapical seta 44–46 µm long; temporals 48–50; postoculars 12; coronal triangle 200–205 µm long and base 105–108 µm; clypeus bearing 36–38 setae, 82–83 µm long and 80–85 µm wide; labrum with 3 setae, 103–106 µm long and 47– 51 µm wide; tentorium 211–215 µm long; cibarial pump 327–340 µm long and orifice 71–72 µm from apex; palpomeres 1–5: 63–65; 93–95; 140–143; 138–142; 159–162 µm long; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 47–51 µm from base. Wing (Fig. 16A): width/lenght 0.28–0.35; VR 0.79–0.90; C 1.77–1.98 mm long; Sc 0.93–1.00 mm long; m-cu 46 µm long and 615–719 µm from arculus; fr 769–875 µm from arculus; R 3 apex ending in C, brachiolum with 3 setae; squama with 39 setae. Thorax (Fig. 16B): antepronotals 10; humerals 5; prealars 17; supraalar 1; scutelars 33. Legs (Fig. 16C–E): P I –apex of tibia 63–64 µm wide and with apical pectinated spur 62–72 µm long, spur ratio 0.46–0.52; tarsomeres 1–2 with 1 or 2 pseudospurs 53–67 µm long. P II –apex of tibia 54–62 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 33–38 and 29–32 µm long, spur ratio 0.49–0.58 and 0.58–0.67 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 1, 2 or 3 apical pseudospurs 55–70 µm long. P III –coxa with 5 central microsetae; apex of tibia 62–67 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 72–77 and 52–60 µm long, spurs ratio 0.52–0.65 and 0.55–1.00 respectively; tarsomeres 1– 3 with 2 apical pseudospurs 70–86 µm long. Lengths and proportions of leg segments table 15. Hypopygium (Figs 17A–D): tergite IX with 2 central setae; anal point partly covers the aedeagal complex; phallapodeme 64–66 µm long; sternapodeme 135–172 µm long; gonocoxite 183–185 µm long and 118–138 µm wide; gonostylus 172–175 µm long, with 6 apical teeth; tapered megaseta; HR 1.05–1.07; HV 2.41–2.43. Aedeagal complex: grooved aedeagal blade 46–51 µm long, base 11–15 µm, 9/10 5–6 µm; dorsal lobe club-shaped with fringe, 23–31 µm long and base 15–22 µm; lateral lobe and basidorsal lobe present. Female: unknown. Pupa (n = 3, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: male abdomen 3.96–4.12 mm long. Coloration (Fig. 18A–D): exuviae yellow, wing sheath with spots. Cephalothorax (Fig. 18A, B): wing sheath 1.38–1.58 mm long and with complete veins; thoracic horn 513–600 µm long and 294–388 µm wide, lumen with hexagonal pattern, spines present only on the base, apex of aeropyle tube club-shaped; thoracic comb with 9–11 conical teeth. Abdomen (Fig. 18C, D): shagreen as small spines in arc, present in A I–VIII; scar in A I 218–238 µm long; A IV chaetotaxy follow figure 18C, dorsal pore between setae D 1, and D 3; A VII with 4 lateral setae, LS 1 169–200 µm long; A VIII with 5 lateral setae, LS 1 92–125 µm long; anal lobe 469–513 µm long, base 413–438 µm wide, with 2 anal macrosetae LS 1 225–239 µm long, LS 2 294–317 µm long, inner and outer border with spines; genital sac shorter than the anal lobe, 338–348 µm long; GS/AL 0.66–0.74. Larva (n = 3, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: head capsule 869–906 µm long and 625–688 µm wide. Coloration (Fig. 19A–D): head capsule yellow; postoccipital margin brown; ligula teeth brown; procercus brown; posterior parapod with 16 claws, 2 hooked claws brown and 14 simple claws yellow. Head Capsule (Fig. 19A–C): expanded, IC 0.70–0.76, postoccipital margin with central projections, chaetotaxy follow the figure 19A, dorsal setae S 12 present; AR 4.44–5.80, antennomeres 1,2-4: 500–513; 88–113 µm long; ring organ in A 1 256–294 µm from the base; maxillary palp with 2 segments, palpomeres 1-2: 46–55, 34–45 µm long; palpal formula 0+2, P 1 /P 2 1.14–1.64, A 1 /P 1 9.25–10.83, A 2 /P 1 1.56–2.03; mandible 146–169 µm long, with campaniform sensillum 20–32 mm from the base, A 1 /MD 3.03–3.51; dorsomental tooth 48–55 mm long and far apart 75 mm, pseudoradula slightly granulated and with homogeneous width; ligula 94–112 mm long and 63–68 mm wide, with 5 teeth in concave arch, It/O 0.78–0.83; Mt/O 0.72–0.78; It/Li 0.20–0.24; muscle attachment of ligula 23–31 µm long and 52–66 mm wide; bifid paraligula 48–49 µm long, pectin hypopharyngis with 15–17 teeth. Abdomen (Fig. 19D): procercus 112–129 µm long and 37–43 µm wide, 7 anal setae 663–750 µm long; supraanal seta simple and 406–500 µm long; supraanal seta lenght/ anal setae lenght 0.54–0.73; posterior parapods with 14 simple claws, with the serrated slightly sides and 2 hooked claws with the smooth sides, claw with truncated base present, tip of posterior parapods with spines.Published as part of Oliveira, Caroline Silva Neubern De, Silva, Mário Antonio Navarro Da & Gessner, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca, 2013, Neotropical Ablabesmyia Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae, Tanypodinae) – Part I , pp. 1-123 in Zootaxa 3733 (1) on pages 33-39, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3733.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/526865

    Ablabesmyia rafaeli Neubern 2013, sp. n.

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    Ablabesmyia rafaeli Neubern sp. n. (Figs 64, 65) Type material. Holotype: ♂, Brazil, São Paulo, Iporanga, Intervales Estadual Park, 48°35`34``W – 24°35`09``S, 28.iv.2001, M.A. Morraye — LEIA. Paratype: ♂, Santa Catarina, Ipuaçu, 52°27`18``W – 26°37`51``S, 08.x.2004, L.C. Pinho — DZUP. Diagnostic characters. A. rafaeli sp. n. differs from other species by the combination of the following characters: femora with 4 bands, tergite VIII brown, tapered megaseta, grooved aedeagal blade, short dorsal lobe with fringe. Etymology. Named after Rafael Calil Bueno da Costa, in recognition for his love and continuous support. Male (n = 2, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: Total length 4.0– 4.26 mm. Wing length 1.84–2.31 mm. Total length/wing length 1.84–2.18. Wing length/length of profemur 2.45–2.72. Coloration (Figs 64A–E, 65A): wings and abdomen follow figures 64A and 64E, respectively. Legs: P I —femur with 4 bands, tibia with 5 bands, the third small and incomplete band; P II, P III —femora with 4 bands, tibiae with 4 bands. Ratio of bands, related tibiae and tarsomeres 1 follow table 48. Hypopygium: gonocoxite apex brown and gonostylus yellow. Head: antenna with 14 flagellomeres; AR 1.99–2.10; apical flagellomere 100–130 µm and subapical seta 30 µm long; temporals 47–48; postoculars 14; coronal triangle 118 µm long and base 100–105 µm; clypeus bearing 40–45 setae, 103–125 µm long and 93–105 µm wide; labrum with 3–4 setae, 103–108 µm long and 73–75 µm wide; tentorium 163–187 µm long; cibarial pump 340 µm long and orifice 57.5 µm from apex; palpomeres 1–5: 55– 70; 103–128; 135–165; 150–180; 285 µm long; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 38–43 µm from base. Wing (Fig. 64A): width/lenght 0.25–0.27; VR 0.80–0.82; C 1.68–2.14 mm long; Sc 0.96–1.25 mm long; m-cu 38 µm long and 520–630 µm from arculus; fr 630–781 µm from arculus; R 3 apex close to C; brachiolum with 4 setae; squama with 43–47 setae. Thorax: antepronotals 16–15; humerals 10–13; prealars 25; supraalar 1; scutelars 30–31. Legs (Fig. 64B–D): P I —apex of tibia 53–58 µm wide and with apical pectinated spur 59–60 µm long, spur ratio 0.60–0.67; tarsomeres 1 with 1 pseudospur 55 µm long. P II —apex of tibia 55–65 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 54–60 and 50–55 µm long, spurs ratio 0.50–0.54 and 0.47–0.52 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 1 or 2 pseudospurs 44–56 µm long. P III —coxa with 6 central microsetae; apex of tibia 58–59 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 65–70 and 33–47 µm long, spurs ratio 0.62–0.64 and 0.38–0.49 respectively; tarsomeres 1–2 with 1 or 2 pseudospurs 60–70 µm long. Lengths and proportions of leg segments table 49. Hypopygium (Figs 65A–D): tergite IX with 2 central setae; anal point covers partially the aedeagal complex; phallapodeme 48–55 µm long; arched sternapodeme 105 µm long; gonocoxite 128–150 µm long and 85–100 µm wide; gonostylus 163 µm long, with 4–5 apical teeth; tapered megaseta; HR 0.78–0.92; HV 2.48–2.63. Aedeagal complex: grooved aedeagal blade 40–57 µm long and base 10–13 µm, 9/10 7.5 µm; dorsal lobe with fringe 10–23 µm long, base 15–20 µm; lateral lobe and basidorsal lobe present. Female and immatures: unknown.Published as part of Oliveira, Caroline Silva Neubern De, Silva, Mário Antonio Navarro Da & Gessner, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca, 2013, Neotropical Ablabesmyia Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae, Tanypodinae) – Part I , pp. 1-123 in Zootaxa 3733 (1) on pages 106-109, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3733.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/526865

    Ablabesmyia communiba Neubern 2013, sp. n.

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    Ablabesmyia communiba Neubern sp. n. (Figs 10–13) Type material. Holotype: ♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, Brazil, Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Nova Mutum, Buriti farm, reservoir, 56°05`16``W – 13°05`04``S, 09.i.1999, H.F. Mendes — LEIA. Paratypes: 6 ♂♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, same data as holotype— LEIA; 10 ♂♂ with pupal exuviae, same data as holotype— DZUP; 7 ♂♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, USP, Monte Alegre lake, 47°81`03``W–21°17`75``S, 23.viii.1997, H.F. Mendes — LEIA; 4 ♂♂ with pupal exuviae, same previous data— DZUP; ♂, same previous data— DZUP; ♂ with pupal exuviae, São Paulo, Luís Antônio, Estação Ecológica Jataí, Beija-Flor reservoir, 47°47`00``W – 21°34`00``S, 22.xi.2001, S. T. Strixino — LEIA; 3 ♂♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, Paraná, Curitiba, Iguaçú river, 49°27`31``W –25°42`78``S, 22.iii.2007, C.S.N. Oliveira — LEIA; 3 ♂♂ with larval and pupal exuviae, same previous data— DZUP; ♂, Amazonas, Manaus, Adolpho Ducke reserve, igarapé Água Fria, 59°56`00``W –02°59`70``S, 12.v.1995, light trap, M.F.P. Callisto & J.J.L. Fonseca,— LEIA; 2 ♂♂, Amazonas, Manaus, Catalão, 60°01`10``W – 03°08`00``S, 07.vii.2008, C.S.N. Oliveira & L.M. Fusari — LEIA; 2 ♂♂, same previous data— DZUP. Diagnostic characters. A. communiba sp. n. differs from other species by combination of the following characters: Male —tapered megaseta, dorsal lobe absent, slender aedeagal blade, anal point present and gonostylus larger than the gonocoxite; Pupa —apex of aeropyle tube club-shaped, thoracic horn with spines only in the base and sides, dorsal pore in A IV between setae D 3 and D 5, genital sac 300–353 µm long, wing sheath without spots and with complete veins; Larva —head capsule expanded and with circular brown spots between the scars, cephalic chaetotaxy standard, ligula teeth in concave arch, palpal formula 0+2, ratio It/O 0.79–0.95and brown claws with serrated sides. Etymology. From Latin, communibus, meaning common. Male (n = 5, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: Total length 3.87–4.61mm. Wing length 2.06–2.34 mm. Total length/wing length 1.88–2.00. Wing length/length of profemur 2.61–2.76. Coloration (Figs 10A–G, 11A, C): wings, thorax and abdomen follow figures 10A, 10B and 10G. Legs (Fig.): P I, P II —femora with 3 bands, tibiae with 3 bands; P III —femur with 2 bands, tibia with 3 bands. Ratio of bands, related tibiae and tarsomeres 1 follow table 10. Hypopygium: gonocoxite apex and gonostylus base brown. Head: antenna with 14 flagellomeres; AR 1.77–1.85; apical flagellomere 110–135 µm and subapical seta 30– 39 µm long; temporals 50–60; postoculars 9–11; coronal triangle 115–128 µm long and base 115–128 µm; clypeus bearing 35–45 setae, 93–118 µm long and 88–113 µm wide; labrum with 3 setae, 109–120 µm long and 58–65 µm wide; tentorium 158–175 µm long; cibarial pump 300–330 µm long and orifice 58–60 µm from apex; palpomeres 1– 5: 50–63; 110–123; 131–152; 130–143; 260–295 µm long; palpomere 3 with sensilla capitata 38–45 µm from base. Wing (Fig. 10A): width/lenght 0.25–0.27; VR 0.78–0.84; C 1.90–2.18 mm long; Sc 1.12–1.34 mm long; m-cu 42 µm long and 610–680 µm from arculus; fr 750–812 µm from arculus; R 3 apex close to C; brachiolum with 4 setae; squama with 45–49 setae. Thorax (Fig.10B): antepronotals 10–19; humerals 4–8; prealars 21–29; supraalar 1; scutelars 36. Legs (Fig. 10D–F): P I —apex of tibia 53–58 µm wide and with apical pectinated spur 50–63 µm long, spur ratio 0.54–0.74; tarsomeres 1–2 with 2 pseudospurs 65–73 µm long. P II —apex of tibia 50–55 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 63–70 and 23–53 µm long, spur ratio 0.52–0.71 and 0.42–0.58 respectively; tarsomeres 1–3 with 2, 3 or 6 apical pectinated pseudospurs 65–78 µm long. P III —coxa with 3 central microsetae; apex of tibia 55–60 µm wide and with 2 apical pectinated spurs 58–66 and 50–53 µm long, spurs ratio 0.60–0.67 and 0.54–0.59 respectively. Lengths and proportions of leg segments table 11. Hypopygium (Fig. 11A–E): tergite IX with 3 central setae; anal point completely covers the aedeagal complex; phallapodeme 50 µm long; sternapodeme 115–137 µm long; gonocoxite 133–150 µm long and 88–90 µm wide; gonostylus 154–168 µm long, with 7 apical teeth; tapered megaseta; HR 0.79–0.98; HV 2.32–2.80. Aedeagal complex: grooved aedeagal blade 50–63 µm long, base 10–11 µm, 9/10 6 µm; dorsal lobe absent, lateral lobe present and basidorsal lobe absent. Female: unknown. Pupa (n = 5, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: male abdomen 3.25–3.49 mm long. Coloration (Fig. 12A–D): exuviae brown, wing sheath without spots. Cephalothorax (Fig. 12A, B): wing sheath 1.29–1.46 mm long and with complete veins; thoracic horn 419–506 µm long and 219–225 µm wide, lumen with hexagonal pattern, spines on the base and sides, apex of aeropyle tube club-shaped; thoracic comb with 10–17 conical teeth. Abdomen (Fig. 12C, D): shagreen as small spines in arc, present in A I–VIII; scar in A I 169–231 µm long; A IV chaetotaxy follow figure 12C, dorsal pore between setae D 3 and D 5, A VII with 4 lateral setae, LS 1 139–175 µm long; A VIII with 5 lateral setae, LS 1 94–125 µm long; anal lobe 350–400 µm long, base 365–400 µm wide, with 2 anal macrosetae LS 1 163–200 µm long, LS 2 200–231 µm long, outer border with spines; genital sac shorter than the anal lobe, 300–353 µm long; GS/AL 0.85–0.88. Larva (n = 5, unless otherwise stated): Dimensions: head capsule 819–969 µm long and 625–875 µm wide. Coloration (Fig. 13A–D): head capsule yellow with circular brown spot between the scars; postoccipital margin brown; ligula teeth brown; procercus yellow; posterior parapod with 16 claws, 3 hooked claws brown and 13 simple claws yellow. Head Capsule (Fig. 13A–C): expanded, IC 0.68–0.84, chaetotaxy follow the figure 13A; AR 4.50–4.79, antennomeres 1,2-4: 450–513, 94–114 µm long; ring organ in A 1 250–300 µm from the base; maxillary palp with 2 segments, palpomeres 1-2: 43–49 and 37–42 µm long; palpal formula 0+2, P 1 /P 2 1.04–1.33, A 1 /P 1 9.14–11.92, A 2 /P 1 1.75–2.29; mandible 139–156 µm long, with campaniform sensillum 39–46 mm from the base, A 1 /MD 3.08–3.30; dorsomental tooth 42–62 mm long and far apart 69–77 mm, pseudoradula slightly granulated and with homogeneous width; ligula 90–94 mm long and 60–72 mm wide, with 5 teeth in concave arch, It/O 0.79–0.95; Mt/ O 0.74–0.92; It/Li 0.19–0.32; muscle attachment of ligula 26–35 µm long and 56–72 mm wide; bifid paraligula 48–51 µm long, pectin hypopharyngis with 17–23 teeth. Abdomen (Fig. 13D): procercus 117–131 µm long and 34–39 µm wide, 7 anal setae 713–843 µm long; supraanal seta simple and 375–477 µm long; supraanal seta lenght/ anal setae lenght 0.53–0.59; posterior parapods with 13 simple claws, with the serrated sides and 3 hooked claws, with the serrated sides too, claw with truncated base absent, tip of posterior parapods with a little spines.Published as part of Oliveira, Caroline Silva Neubern De, Silva, Mário Antonio Navarro Da & Gessner, Alaíde Aparecida Fonseca, 2013, Neotropical Ablabesmyia Johannsen (Diptera: Chironomidae, Tanypodinae) – Part I , pp. 1-123 in Zootaxa 3733 (1) on pages 24-30, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3733.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/526865