1,645 research outputs found

    A música contemporânea para trombone como estratégia de motivação no ensino secundário

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    A Música Contemporânea, pelas suas qualidades estilísticas no uso de ritmos invulgares, de timbres ricos, de efeitos e técnicas sonoras inovadoras e pela sua notação com base em símbolos, contrariando com o rigor tradicional, é considerada uma vertente cativante do ensino de música pelo grau de liberdade de execução e expressão que confere aos alunos, tendo um papel fundamental na educação musical. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo compreender a influência da abordagem de repertório contemporâneo nos níveis de motivação dos alunos de trombone do ensino secundário. Desta forma, este estudo pretende sugerir a utilização da música contemporânea como um veiculo para o progresso integral dos alunos, oferecendo a uma formação mais completa nos mesmos. Para suportar este propósito procedeu-se a uma comparação de dois tipos de repertório (tradicional e contemporâneo) a fim de avaliar o impacto da utilização de cada um deles no desenvolvimento musical, técnico cognitivo e psico-motor nos alunos, bem como nos níveis de motivação dos alunos, através da observação direta do investigador e métodos de investigação como as entrevistas e relatório de avaliação sobre a evolução dos alunos. Os resultados indicaram que o emprego de repertório contemporâneo tem um impacto positivo na aprendizagem musical dos alunos, pelo que se recomenda a sua aplicação no ensino secundário.For its stylistic qualities, the use of unusual rhythms, rich tones, sound effects and innovative techniques and the rating based on symbols , contrary to the traditional rigor, the Contemporary Music is considered a captivating strand in music education by its degree of freedom execution and expression, that confers to students having a fundamental role in their music education. This dissertation have the objective of understanding the influence of the contemporary reportoir in the levels of motivation of the trombone students in high school approach. Thus , this study aims to suggest the use of contemporary music as a vehicle for the overall development of students , offering a more complete training in them. To support this purpose I proceeded to a comparison of two types of repertoire (traditional and contemporary ) to acess the impact of using each of them in the musical , cognitive, technical and psycho-motor in students as well as levels motivation of students , through direct observation of the researcher and research methods such as interviews and evaluation report on the progress of students . The results indicated that the use of contemporary music has a positive impact on student learning music , it is recommended its implementation in secondary education

    A importância da Sequenza V (Luciano Berio) no desenvolvimento do trombone

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    Neste trabalho abordamos a evolução e desenvolvimento do Trombone, convergindo para obra de Luciano Berio Sequenza V (1965) que, quanto a nós representa um ponto fulcral na história deste instrumento pelo muito que esta obra contribuiu para o seu desenvolvimento e notoriedade.In this work we address the evolution and development of the trombone, converging to Luciano Berio piece Sequenza V (1965) which, in our opinion represents a pivotal point in the history of this instrument by the much this piece contributed to its development and reputation

    O desenvolvimento da notação musical e das técnicas da prática instrumental do trombone no séc. XX - Luciano Berio, John Cage e Iannis Xenakis

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    Considerando os efeitos da notação musical enquanto elemento decisivo no desenvolvimento das técnicas da prática instrumental do trombone no séc. XX, o objetivo principal deste projeto em estudos de Performance em Música é elaborar um catálogo de técnicas instrumentais específicas para este instrumento. Pretende-se dar um importante contributo para tornar este repertório mais acessível aos intérpretes, oferecendo diferentes abordagens técnicas e interpretativas que partem experiências práticas variadas e relevantes. Assim, optou-se por eleger as incontornáveis obras para trombone dos compositores L. Berio, J. Cage e I. Xenakis, como referência para o corpus analítico deste trabalho. A metodologia adotada baseia-se numa abordagem qualitativa de análise de conteúdo da estrutura e estudo comparativo da notação das obras dos autores citados. Será salientado o impacto das novas técnicas do trombone no século vinte, realçando os aspetos técnicos do instrumento, sonoridades e efeitos mais vanguardistas e expandidos que ela nos apresenta. Tendo como objetivo a compreensão da música moderna na sua contemporaneidade, procurou-se apontar diferentes caminhos na interpretação visando destacar o papel do compositor na relação interativa com o intérprete; Abstract: Considering that musical notation was an essential element of the trombone‟s evolution in 20th century, the main goal of this project is to catalogue specific instrumental techniques of this instrument. Based on relevant practical experiences and exhaustive studies on this matter, this thesis aims to provide ways for the 20th century trombone repertoire to be more approachable to the interpreter. John Cage, Luciano Berio and Iannis Xenakis are undoubtably three reference composers of this period. Therefore, their pieces for trombone are the core analyzed of this thesis. The method here adopted is based on qualitative and comparative analysis of the content and musical notation of the trombone masterpieces composed by the previously mentioned composers. The new interpretation techniques have a predominant role on this analysis. This thesis aims to understand the contemporaneity of the modern music, searching for common points shared by these three bright composers and demonstrating different ways to interpretate their masterpieces for trombone. Although the role of the composer is certainly emphasized here, the interpreter‟s relevance is also clearly highlighted

    Transformation of Plastic Waste into Fuel by Pyrolysis

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    Given the scenario of difficulty of equalizing treatment and disposal costs, environmental risks and reduction of mass and volume of waste, the pyrolysis process presents itself as a promising option of heat treatment for the most varied types of waste. The present work aims to enable the transformation of plastic waste into combustion engine fuels. And specifically, perform the pyrolysis process for fuel generation through plastic waste, and describe the benefits generated by the transformation process. The methodology used is the case study, with qualitative approach. To obtain the fuel, it was necessary to use equipment that can degrade the plastic waste by heating it, being possible with the use of a pyrolysis oven. Heating the plastic residue inside the oven without the presence of oxygen causes the residue to melt without burning, releasing vapors, which upon exiting the heating chamber and finding the condensation chamber turns the vapor into liquid, more precisely into fuel oil. However, it was noticed that the transformation of plastic waste into fuel through pyrolysis causes the reduction of the impacts generated by solid waste disposal in the environment, water and air. In addition, it enables a new form of fuel generation, since previously it could only generate fuel from oil

    Management System Design Using Smart-Grids in Manaus

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    With the large increase in population among the capitals of the Brazilian states Manaus is a city with great energy potential being in the national interconnected system (SIN), reconciling the expansion of its generation capacity fits the scope provided for in the Ten Year Plan for Expansion of Electricity that The objective is for the energy sector planning, with benefits in terms of increased reliability, reduction of production costs and reduction of environmental impacts, already in the plan through distributed generation, which aims to fit micro generation of as a way to increase supply capacity the plan that provides targets for the country to comply with the COP24 Plan of Countries with the largest amount of clean energy to reduce the environmental impacts caused by the warming of the atmosphere caused by emission of pollutant gases such as the case of CO_2, thinking about how to improve the use of energy juice generated in its capital and partially supplied by the national system, this work has the purpose of collecting data pertinent to the consumption in order to create a possible projection of the increase and influence of renewable energies in Manaus City through the Smart Grid system as an insertion model the diversification of the capital\u27s generation park

    A Sustainability Analysis of Different Types of Asphalts

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    The present work aimed to analyze ecological asphalts, aiming at their influence on the tripod of sustainability in the social, environmental and economic spheres. The option of using eco-rubber asphalt and EVA as a raw material for paving roads and highways is a bet for a more resistant material that requires less nature degradation and easier maintenance. One of the main reasons for the degradation of flexible pavement is the wear caused by the time of use, as well as the traffic of vehicles carrying excessive loads. This study reports some alternatives to multiply the improvement of reverse logistics of waste tires and EVA (ethyl vinyl acetate) plastics, facing problems related to environmental impacts, which directly affect the Brazilian population. This project is important because it is directly linked to sustainability and the development of the environment, facing renewable and suitable alternatives to be employed, such as ecological asphalts, and their benefits. Among the benefits of ecological asphalt we can mention the contribution to the environment by reducing the amount of waste tires improperly discarded in nature and the durability of ecological asphalt compared to conventional asphalt where it showed greater resistance to climate fatigue. The research used the qualitative method being a study based on bibliographies, analyze and discuss the reuse of solid waste and the mitigation of environmental impacts through asphalt. Ecological asphalt seems to be more expensive than the bituminous asphalt used today, however it is environmentally friendly and its effectiveness, durability and safety are noticeable advantages

    Energy Efficiency Analysis in a Higher Education Institution in Manaus - Amazonas

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    Thinking about solving the problem of high consumption and high cost in the electricity bill, this study proposes to present proposals to increase the energy efficiency of the site. In this sense, it is proposed an energy efficiency analysis of a Public Higher Education Institution in the Municipality of Manaus, Amazonas. A building survey was performed on the appliances and components of the building\u27s electrical system, as well as an assessment of electricity bills to measure consumption. In order to verify voltage, current and power, electric measuring instruments were used to elaborate proposals aiming at increasing the energy efficiency of the site. Through the results obtained during the building survey at the IES, it was possible to observe the anomalies of the systems and indicate proposals for repair or replacement of equipment to increase the energy efficiency of the building. From the results obtained from the invoice it was possible to propose a new value of demand contract and by comparing the collected data, we identified the appliances that make the electric system less efficient, in this case, the air conditioners. Recurring payment problems with overconsumption were encountered. Adhering to the proposal of a new contract value with possible annual savings of R 22,543.92referringtothepaymentofthedemandportionintheelectricitybill.ItisalsoproposedtoreplacecurrentlampswithLEDtubelamps,reducingenergyconsumptionby9,122kWh/monthandsavingR 22,543.92 referring to the payment of the demand portion in the electricity bill. It is also proposed to replace current lamps with LED tube lamps, reducing energy consumption by 9,122 kWh / month and saving R 3,263.57 per month. As for the proposal presented for the HVAC system, given the exchange of existing appliances for new and energy efficient, was not viable. Despite representing a reduction of 41869.91 kWh / month, the expected investment is not paid

    Analysis of pathologies caused by humidity in civil construction

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    In search of better comfort and productivity, man has sought information, since antiquity, about civil construction, because, as society has become more complex, knowledge about construction has become an essential skill for human beings. In this context, the present work aims to present a simplified theoretical review on pathologies caused by humidity, and added to these characteristics, to approach ways for possible solutions, seeking to remedy the different problems caused. The present study was written through a bibliographic review on the different problems caused by pathologies caused by humidity, with a focus on solutions. For this, research was carried out on the subject, through a survey of theoretical sources (journals, scientific articles, books, theses, among others) and a theoretical framework that underlies the history of civil construction and the different characteristics acquired over the years. time. Humidity is a pathology that causes some problems in construction and mainly impacts the financial management of the project, as the final value of the work can undergo major changes until the final solution of the problem. Humidity can cause fissures and cracks, compromising part of the construction structure, in addition to other problems that affect aesthetics, such as mold, efflorescence, mildew, blisters in the paint, loss of plaster and rust. As the main causes identified for the appearance of this pathology, we can mention the lack of prevention, since the lack of waterproofing products compromises the quality of the work, causing infiltrations. The lack of ventilation and high humidity in the environment must also be observed, as they generate moisture by condensation resulting in problems such as stains and mold on ceilings and walls. The hydraulic installation is also considered, since it is important that this system has the correct and necessary sealing to avoid contact of water with the structure
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