2 research outputs found

    Enquête ethnopharmacologique des plantes antipaludiques dans le département d’Agboville, sudest de la Cote d’Ivoire

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    Objectif: Cette étude descriptive a été réalisée dans le but de répertorier les plantes médicinales utilisées traditionnellement contre le paludisme par les tradipraticiens dans le département d’Agboville.Méthodologie et résultats: Les investigations réalisées dans ce département, nous ont permis d’inventorier 57 espèces de plantes médicinales antipaludiques. Les organes utilisés comme drogues sont les feuilles (49,3%), les écorces de tige (40,0%), les racines (9,3%) et les rameaux feuillés (1,3%). Pour faciliter l’administration de la drogue, plusieurs techniques de préparation sont employées à savoir : la décoction (55,1%), le pétrissage (24,7%), la macération (15,7%), l’infusion (3,4%) et l’expression (1,1%). Les modes d’administrations des médicaments sont : la boisson (35,5%), le lavement (20,6%), le bain (14,9%), l’instillation oculaire (9,9%), l’instillation nasale (8,5%), le massage (5,7%) et la fumigation (5,0%).Conclusion et application des résultats: Cette étude descriptive a permis de répertorier les plantes médicinales utilisées traditionnellement contre le paludisme par les tradipraticiens le département d’Agboville. Les résultats de cette enquête offrent une contribution à la valorisation des ressources de la médecine traditionnelle de la région d’Agboville. Cette étude est réalisée dans la perspective des expériences phytochimique, pharmacologique et toxicologique et de mise en oeuvre des initiatives innovantes pouvant déboucher dans l'avenir sur la fabrication des médicaments traditionnels améliorés (MTA).Mots clés: Agboville, Antipaludique, Ethnopharmacologie, PaludismeEnglish AbstractObjective: This descriptive study was conducted in order to identify medicinal plants traditionally used against malaria by traditional practitioners in the department of Agboville.Methods and Results: The investigations carried out in Agboville department, we were able to inventory 57 species of antimalarial medicinal plants. The plant parts used as drug were leaves (49.3%), the stem bark (40.0%), roots (9.3%) and leafy branches (1.3%). To facilitate the administration of the drug, several  preparation techniques are employed including : the decoction (55.1%), kneading (24.7%), maceration (15.7%), infusion (3, 4%) and the expression (1.1%). The modes of administration of drug : drinking (35.5%), enema (20.6%), bathing (14.9%), ocular instillation (9.9%), instillation nasal (8.5%), massage (5.7%) and fumigation (5.0%).Conclusion and application of Results: This descriptive study to identify medicinal plants traditionally used against malaria by traditional practitioners the department of Agboville. The results of this survey offer a contribution to the development of resources of traditional medicine in the region of Agboville. This study was conducted in view of the experiences phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological and implementation of innovative initiatives that can lead in the future on the manufacture of improved traditional medicines (MTA).Keywords: Agboville, Antimalarial, Ethnopharmacology, Malari

    In vitro Antiplasmodial and Haemolytic Activities of Trema orientalis, Cnestis ferruginea and Dialium dinklagei Used to Treat Malaria in Côte d’Ivoire

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    International audienceMalaria constitutes one of the biggest health problems in tropical Africa due to the resistance of human malaria parasites to anti-malarial compounds. Research focused on plants used in traditional medicine to treat malaria is still a viable alternative for the creation of novel anti-malarial drugs. This study evaluated extracts from three medicinal plants, Trema orientalis, Cnestis ferruginea and Dialium dinklagei, used in traditional medicine in Côte d’Ivoire, for in vitro antiplasmodial activities. SYBR GREEN fluorescence method was used to evaluate the in vitro inhibitory activity of the extracts, chloroquine, artesunate and quinine against Plasmodium falciparum field isolates and two laboratory strains of Plasmodium falciparum: the chloroquine sensitive 3D7 and the chloroquine resistant Dd2. In comparison to plant extracts, chloroquine, quinine, and artesunate were chosen as reference antimalarials. In addition, the haemolytic activity of extracts showing good antiplasmodial activity was evaluated. The IC50 and the corresponding correlation coefficients were determined graphically, using In vitro Analysis and Reporting Tool (IVART) software of WWARN (Worldwide Antimalarial Resistance Network). Results showed that no plant was active with the hexanolic extract. Trema orientalis had moderate activity with the methanolic extract with activities ranging from 14.46µg/mL to 28.32µg/mL. Cnestis ferruginea was active with the decoction extracts with activities ranging from 11.78µg/mL to 13.94µg/mL. Dialium dinklagei was active with both methanolic and aqueous extracts ranging from 12.80µg/mL to 21.67µg/mL. There was less than 1% hemolysis at the concentration of 200 µg/mL of plant extracts. These results validate the reported traditional use of Trema orientalis, Cnestis ferruginea and Dialium dinklagei for malaria treatment in Côte d’Ivoire