74 research outputs found

    Leadership competencies and development for community leaders in Malaysia

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    What are the leadership competencies for community leaders in Malaysia? It attempts to identify the detailed competencies of community leaders who serve in the Neighborhood Association in Malaysia. In-depth interviews of eight participants were utilized for data collection. The interview was conducted using an interview guide for two to three hours until no more new data emerged. The data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed to identify themes and sub-themes related to competencies of community leaders in Malaysia. The research identified 10 domains of attitudes, skills, knowledge and competencies for community leaders. These were managing effective teams and work groups, building and maintaining relationship, leading diversity and difference, developing others, communicating effectively, bringing about change, solving problems, setting vision and mission, managing social and volunteer work and developing good values and leadership practices

    Leadership roles in community development in Malaysia.

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    What are the leadership roles in community development in Malaysia? Initial research findings based on a survey and focus group interviews of committee members of Neighborhood Associations in Malaysia identified various leadership roles that relate to community development. This research is an extension of those studies using the in-depth interviews of eight Chairmen of the Neighborhood Associations in the state of Penang, Malaysia. Mintzberg's and Yukl's leadership roles were used as a theoretical framework for the study. The terms leadership and community development were also reviewed. Based on the findings of the study, the leadership roles and issues related to community leaders in Malaysia are identified and discussed in relation to community development in the country. They include the leadership roles such as being a leader in a multi-racial team, change agent, problem-solver, manager, communicator, negotiator and resource-linker. Some implications and recommendations for leadership development are propose

    Global leadership for a reputable university

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    In Malaysia the concept of a reputable university is very hotly debated. It was a hot issue when an opposition Member of Parliament mentioned that Malaysian universities are not ranked among the top 100 world universities. Some of our premier universities did poorly in the ranking. One of the key factors of transforming Malaysian universities into reputable universities is leadership. In the context of globalization, Malaysian universities need leaders who can work on a global stage. This study attempts to understand the concept of global leadership, which is important for leading a university of international repute. This research employed qualitative means, utilizing the in-depth interview for data collection. Data were collected from eight past and present top leaders of a university in Malaysia. The data collected from the interviews were then transcribed verbatim, coded, analyzed, interpreted and discussed accordingly. There are various factors that will enable our universities to become internationally reputable universities. Among others are abundance of resources, quality academicians, quality students and good governance. Based on the findings of the study, one of the key factors of transforming our universities into reputable universities is leadership. In the context of the new environment, we need leaders who can become global players

    Organizational strategy, resource management, communication, collaboration, higher education advocacy, professionalism and effective academic leadership styles in Malaysian RUs.

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    The importance of systematically developing human resources today is highly complex because globalization has had far- reaching implications for human resource development (HRD) through recognizing appropriate competencies for academic leaders. Leaders can be more effective based on leadership behaviors exhibited by academic leaders in the international environment. Leadership scholars have called for additional research on leadership competencies requirements and how those requirements vary according to effective leadership styles. The research question examined in the context of middle level academic leadership. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between six leadership competencies (organizational strategy, resource management, communication, collaboration, higher education advocacy, professionalism) and four Effective Academic Leadership Styles (EALS) in the present situation of globalization and academic excellence. The total number of respondents in this study was 183 academic leaders who hold administrative positions in Malaysian RUs. Based on the results using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), contributions of leadership competencies depend on leadership styles in certain situations. Most of the competencies have a relationship to EALS, except two dimensions that include organizational strategy and communication. Finally, systematic leadership development programs should be developed to ensure that appropriate EALS utilized in RUs

    Women leadership and community development

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    Traditionally, community affairs and administration has been the domain of men. This is evident from the gender imbalance of leaders and office bearers across community, local council and associations. Women have not been active in local politics and are relatively inactive in public processes due to institutional, socio-economic and cultural constraints. However, times are changing. There is now an acceptance that women can and do play a vital role in community affairs, particularly in contributing to the achievement of community security, development and progress. This article documents the experiences of three female leaders in their quest to unite and lead their peers in the betterment of their communities. This qualitative research employed various methodologies such as in-depth interviews, observations and document analysis. Specifically, the research findings described and analyzed the leadership understanding and styles, reasons for becoming leaders, barriers of women leadership and strategies employed by these women leaders in developing the community

    Keberkesanan penilaian prestasi kerja di kalangan kakitangan perkeranian

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    Kajian ini bertujuan uhtuk menentukan kesalahan kandungan dan kepraktisan alat pengukuran prestasi kerja Sistem Baru Penilaian Prestasi Perkhidmatan Awam (SBPPPA) serta mengenal pasti jenis-jenis kesilapan pengkadaran dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ketidaktepatan pengkadaran prestasi kerja kakitangan perkeranian. Kajian dijalankan melalui soal selidik terhadap 38 orang pegawai yang dinilai dan 19 Pegawai Penilai dalam perkhidmatan Pembantu Tadbir (perkeranian dan operasi) di Kementerian Penanian Malaysia. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa alat pengukuran prestasi mempunyai kesahan kandungan yang sederhana dan praktikal. Beberapa jenis kesilapan pengkadaran dan faktor-faktor individu, alat dan konteks telah dianggap mempunyai pengaruh terhadap ketidaktepatan pengkadaran prestasi

    Employees' job satisfaction and its influence on willingness to work in teams.

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    This study examined the influence of employees’ satisfaction through achievement, recognition and nature of work towards their willingness to work in teams in order to reinforce the employees’ will towards working in teams. In this survey the relationship between the variables was tested among five major Malaysian organizations on the pathway of the theory of planned behavior. Herein, it was shown that the employees’ satisfaction towards their achievement, recognition received, and nature of work was positively related and motivational towards their willingness to work in teams. The study thus contributed to the process of organizing and human resource development in terms of willingness to work in teams

    The Indirect Effects of Participative and Abusive Supervisions on Talent Development through Clinical Learning Environment

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    This chapter aims to examine the indirect effect of clinical learning environment in the relationship between supervisory styles (participative and abusive supervisions) and talent development in the healthcare setting. A questionnaire-based survey was implemented to collect the data. The data was collected from 355 junior doctors in six Malaysian public hospitals. The partial least squares based structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the hypotheses. The main findings are: (1) clinical learning environment has a strong positive indirect effect on the participative supervision-talent development link. This reveals that a conducive clinical learning environment that allows empowerment leads to talent development and (2) clinical learning environment has a strong negative indirect effect on the abusive supervision-talent development link. This implies that junior doctors who feel abused have reduced capacity to work and participate in the learning environment which consequently affects their talent development. The result of this study is consistent with theoretical propositions that clinical learning environment indirectly affects the relationship between participative supervision-talent development and abusive supervision-talent development. This study contributes to the clinical learning environment literature by providing empirical support towards identifying clinical learning environment as the underlying mechanism that accounts for the participative supervision-talent development and abusive supervision-talent development relationships

    The relationship between transformational leadership behaviors, leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior

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    It has been proposed that issues of transformational and transactional leadership behavior should be incorporated in the study for predicting subordinate citizenship behaviors, as both the theories are based on transformational leadership behaviors. This research had two objectives: to assess the impact of six dimensions of transformational leadership behaviors – contribution and affect – on citizenship behavior and to test the mediating impact of the LMX on the transformational leadership behaviors citizenship relationship. The subjects of this study were all full-time employees with their managers who working in the educational organization in Iran. This study surveyed 220 respondents. The sampling frame of the respondents was obtained from educational organization in Shiraz city in Iran. Data were collected on a structured questionnaire containing standard scales of transformational leadership behaviors, LMX, and organizational citizenship behaviors. After establishing the psychometric properties of the scales, hypotheses were tested through statistical analysis of the data. Results indicate that dimensions of transformational leadership behaviors are more likely to predict citizenship behavior than the affect dimension of LMX. Further, LMX is not mediating the relationship of transformational leadership behaviors with citizenship behavior

    Relationship between transactional, transformational leadership styles, emotional intelligence and job performance

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    Claims about the significant relationship or the positive influence of emotional intelligence on performance are numerous, in both the commercial and scientific literatures. However, despite the intense interest of the media and business consultants in the field of emotional intelligence or EI, and its increasingly popular use in organizations, there is little empirical evidence to support these claims. In this study, we investigated the relationships between EI, leadership styles among 192 managers. Emotional intelligence was evaluated employing the Schutte emotional intelligence scale and while the Bass and Avolve leadership styles scale was also adapted. Finally, job performance was measured by immediate managers. Results showed that emotional intelligence was positively correlated with emotion in job performance. Surprisingly, it also appears that transformational leadership style was correlated with job performance. These results suggest that emotional intelligence may provide an interesting new way of enhancing productivity through job performance