10 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Dan Pemanfaatan Plasma Nutfah Padi Di Indonesia

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    Self sufficiency in rice has always been a heavy task due to limited number of sustained high yielding varieties available. Therefore, effort must be put on the breeding for high yielding varieties adapted to different agroecosystems. Development of high yielding variety should use available genetic resources at ICABIOGRAD as well as at IRRI. So far, accessions collected at ICABIOGRAD gene bank were 3563 cultivated rice and 100 wild rice. To be better able to utilize those accessions, dynamic conservation consisting of in situ and on farm conservation are needed. Wild rice should be conserved at the National Park while the traditional varieties by the farmers as well as NGO’s. Wild germplasm should be used to develope high yielding variety by using molecular marker. Development of better database will certainly facilitate the base of available genetic resources for the purpose of better high yielding variety. So far, more than 160 varieties of rice suitable for lowland, upland and tidal swamp have been released

    Pembentukan Core Collection untuk Sumber Daya Genetik Padi Toleran Kekeringan

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    Pembentukan core collection untuk sumber daya genetik padi toleran kekeringan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada musim kemarau, Juli-September 2009 di Kebun Penelitian Balai Penelitian Lingkungan Pertanian Jakenan, Jawa Tengah, dengan rancangan acak kelompok, tiga ulangan, menggunakan 150 aksesi yang ditanam pada petak berukuran 5 m x 1 m. Tanaman disiram setiap tiga hari sekali sampai tumbuh baik dan setelah berumur 25 hari tanaman mulai dikeringkan. Sebagai petak pembanding adalah tanaman padi gogo biasa yang disiram setiap dua seminggu sekali sampai panen. Pertanaman pembanding ditanam dengan jarak 25 cm x 20 cm. Dari penelitian ini terpilih 26 varietas toleran kekeringan dengan skor 1-5. Di antara aksesi ini terdapat varietas yang berumur genjah dan sedang (115-135 hari), sehingga waktu panennya agak berbeda. Varietas Jatiluhur dan galur B.9645- E-Mr-89 mempunyai potensi hasil paling tinggi, masingmasing 3,88 dan 3,77 t/ha dan toleran terhadap kekeringan. Aksesi yang toleran terhadap kekeringan terutama yang mempunyai potensi hasil tinggi, dapat langsung digunakan oleh petani atau sebagai sumber gen dalam perakitan varietas unggul toleran kekeringan dan berpotensi hasil tinggi

    Pembentukan Koleksi Inti Plasma Nutfah Padi

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    Development of Rice Core Collection. Tiur S. Silitonga and Andari Risliawati. Rice genetic resources have been collected from almost all of the district in the provinces of Indonesia. Presently, the collection of rice genetic resourses are totally 4.200 accessions. The purpose of these activities were to test, select and grouping of rice genetic resources to develop core collection. Various activities have been conducted such as characterization and selection of rice genetic resources to agronomic performance and yield, evaluation to brown plant hopper and grassy stunt virus and their resistance/tolerance to bacterial leaf blight, blast, and drought. Development core collection with various traits such as morphology and agronomy characteristics, yield component, seed quality, resistance to pest and diseases and tolerance to abiotic stresses will increase the use of rice genetic resources to create high yielding varieties with various traits. The availability of various rice varieties with traits needs could cover all the areas including lowland, upland, swampy areas, and marginal land areas with endemic attacked by pest and diseases. All rice genetic resources have been characterized to agronomic performance and yield in Sukamandi experimental farm, evaluated their resistance to brown plant hopper and bacterial leaf blight in Sukamandi and Cianjur, and drought tolerance in Jakenan, Central Java. The results of the experiment have developed core collection by grouping varieties with their traits such as 55 accession (accs.) of varieties with long panicle (>30 cm), 25 accs. short duration (<115 days), 32 accs. of dwarf plant (<115 cm), 25 accs. of short to medium duration (<130 days) with yielded 4.7-5.9 t/ha, 35 accs. have low to medium amylose content, 20 accs. resistant to brown plant hopper and grassy stunt virus, 33 accs. resistant to bacterial leaf blight, 23 accs. resistant to blast and 30 accs. tolerant to drought

    Seleksi Lapang Ketahanan Beberapa Varietas Padi terhadap Infeksi Hawar Daun Bakteri Strain IV dan VIII

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    Penyakit hawar daun bakteri (HDB) yang disebabkan oleh Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) pada padi (Oryza sativa) merupakan faktor pembatas upaya peningkatan produksi padi. Pencarian gen-gen tahan terhadap HDB sangat diperlukan untuk pengendalian penyakit tersebut. Seleksi ketahanan terhadap HDB dilakukan di Cianjur pada MT 2009 terhadap 150 varietas padi koleksi Bank Gen, BB-Biogen. Isolat Xoo yang diuji adalah strain IV dan VIII. Inokulasi dilakukan dua kali, yaitu pada fase vegetatif dan generatif dengan cara menggunting 3-5 cm dari ujung daun dan daun bendera dengan gunting yang telah dihubungkan dengan botol berisi suspensi Xoo strain IV dan VIII (109-1010 sel/ml). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah acak kelompok faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Sebagai varietas pembanding tahan digunakan IRBB7 dan pembanding rentan varietas Kencana Bali. Reaksi ketahanan tertinggi terhadap Xoo strain IV ditunjukkan oleh 11 varietas terpilih dengan reaksi agak tahan, lima varietas di antaranya menunjukkan reaksi yang konsisten agak tahan, yaitu varietas Pulu Bolong, Pelopor, Gombal, Barito, dan Kapuas. Reaksi ‘tahan’ terhadap Xoo strain VIII ditunjukkan oleh satu varietas introduksi IR42. Untuk varietas terpilih dengan reaksi ‘agak tahan’ terdapat 17 varietas

    Evaluasi Molekuler Dan Lapangan Terhadap Galur-galur Padi Berumur Genjah Dan Produktivitas Tinggi Turunan Ciherang

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    Improving Ciherang rice variety for earliness and higher productivity was obtained using Marker Assisted Backcrossing (MAB). Among 78 lines of BC2F4 generation of Ciherang x Nipponbare were obtained from greenhouse and molekuler analysis selection. Field evaluations were conducted at two locations, namely field station of Sukamandi (Indonesian Center for Rice Research, West Java), and field station of Maros (Indonesian Cereals Research Institute, South Sulawesi). Molecular analysis was performed using markers RM1362 and RM7601 which are flanking markers for the QTL region for Hd2 gene, located on chromosome 7. Flowering time and grain yield were evaluated among BC2 F4 lines. Five lines flowered earlier and yielded higher than Ciherang were selected for background analysis using microsatellites covering the rice chromosomes. The earliest flowering line was BC2F4 CihNip-60 (at 74 days, 4 days earlier than that of Ciherang), and the highest yield (which flowered earlier than Ciherang) was BC2 F4 CihNip-23, namely (2.20 t/ha higher than Ciherang). A total of 74 (95%) BC2 F4 lines showed QTL region of Hd2 gene in homozygous condition. This showed that molecular selection from F1 generation of BC2 F4 was able to identify homozygous gens and almost free of contaminant plant. Genetic backgrounds of the five BC2 F2 selected lines were similar to that of Ciherang. Based on the agronomic and molecular marker, twenty five lines of BC2 F4 flowered earlier than did Ciherang and yielded higher than did Ciherang. These lines should be further evaluated for their stabilit

    Development of SSR Marker Set to Identify Fourty Two Indonesian Soybean Varieties

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    Profile of molecular marker can be used for variety identification, genetic purity monitoring of germplasm and additionalrequirement in proposing intellectual property protection. DNA fingerprinting of soybean had been applied at the ICABIOGRADIAARDsince 2004 using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers which were run automatically by CEQ 8000 Genetic Analyzerplatform based on capillary electrophoresis system. This method had produced unique DNA fingerprints of the varieties tested,but the marker set to efficiently identify the varieties had not yet been developed. This study aimed to develop a set of SSRmarkers as a tool to identify the Indonesian soybean varieties. Fourty two soybean varieties were analyzed using 14 random SSRmarkersA total of 168 alleles that were obtained from the polymorphism analysis. The average of polymorphic informationcontent (PIC) value observed was 0.7337 per SSR locus. Based on marker reproducibility rate, PIC value, number of rare alleles,frequency of dominant alleles, and percentage of SSR fragment detected by genetic analyzer, we identified five SSR markers i.e.Satt414, Satt147, Satt308, Satt009, and Satt516 as a SSR marker set to be used for soybean variety identification purposes. Thismarker set was used to develop the identity (ID) of the 42 Indonesian soybean varieties