12 research outputs found

    Transformation From CIM to PIM: A Systematic Mapping

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    Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is the most prominent and accepted methodology based on the Model Driven Development (MDD) principles. MDA includes three abstraction levels: Computer Independent Models (CIM), Platform Independent models (PIM) and Platform speci c models (PSM). MDA encourages the automatic transformation of models as a means to increase the speed of the software development process and to prevent human errors. There are plenty of solutions to transform PIMs to PSMs, however the CIM to PIM transformation does not receive a similar attention. In that sense, this paper aims to describe a systematic mapping to analyze the main characteristics of the approaches that deal with the CIM to PIM transformation as well as to discuss research directions stemming out from our analysis. The results of this mapping study could be a valuable information source for the scienti c community in order to know the real advances in this topic and to avoid unnecessary effort dealing with problems that have already been addressed. For example, this study yielded the models at the CIM level that have already been transformed into models at the PIM level. Hence, with this information, the researchers could focus their attention on nding solutions to transform those models at CIM level that have not been transformed into models at PIM level. Likewise, this mapping study provides information regarding the technological support of this type of transformation. This information could be useful for those software projects interested to adopt MDA.Postdoctoral Fellowship through the Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Southern Federal University PD/20-02-K

    Exploiting an Ontological Model to Study COVID-19 Contagion Chains in Sustainable Smart Cities

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the deaths of millions of people around the world. The scientific community faces a tough struggle to reduce the effects of this pandemic. Several investigations dealing with different perspectives have been carried out. However, it is not easy to find studies focused on COVID-19 contagion chains. A deep analysis of contagion chains may contribute new findings that can be used to reduce the effects of COVID-19. For example, some interesting chains with specific behaviors could be identified and more in-depth analyses could be performed to investigate the reasons for such behaviors. To represent, validate and analyze the information of contagion chains, we adopted an ontological approach. Ontologies are artificial intelligence techniques that have become widely accepted solutions for the representation of knowledge and corresponding analyses. The semantic representation of information by means of ontologies enables the consistency of the information to be checked, as well as automatic reasoning to infer new knowledge. The ontology was implemented in Ontology Web Language (OWL), which is a formal language based on description logics. This approach could have a special impact on smart cities, which are characterized as using information to enhance the quality of basic services for citizens. In particular, health services could take advantage of this approach to reduce the effects of COVID-19

    Applying an MDA-based approach for enhancing the validation of business process models

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    Business process modeling is a key activity during the development of complex and large information systems, such as enterprise management systems. These systems deal with a wide number of business processes; thus, the modeling and validation of processes becomes a challenging task. This entails dealing with issues such as the precedence between tasks and activities within a process, as well as resources, roles and enterprise assets involved. Moreover, undetected mistakes in this phase will be propagated to the system design phase and consequently will have a negative effect in the final system quality. On the other hand, the scientific literature advocates the suitability of formal models to address some issues during the process modeling. However, the adoption of formal models leads to new problems because formal languages are difficult to understand and process stakeholders usually lack of knowledge about them. In that direction, the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) paradigm includes specifications that may alleviate some difficulties in the adoption of formal languages. Hence, in this paper we introduce an approach which combines MDA-specifications and ontologies to support process modeling. These technologies have great acceptance between both software researchers and developers. The use of ontologies permits to semantically validate the models. Furthermore, the application of MDA-guidelines could facilitate the integration of BPMN, a graphical notation for describing business process models widely accepted among business analysts, with a formal language to automate the analysis of business process models.This research has been partially funded by the Dpto. de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos from the University of Granada. Authors also acknowledge input from COST Action CA19134 - Distributed Knowledge Graphs

    Estilo arquitectónico para el sistema integrado de gestión Cedrux

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    Cedrux, es un sistema integrado de gestión que se desarrolla en la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas. Estos sistemas poseen tres características que los identifican: integrales, modulares y adaptables. Durante su desarrollo se ha determinado la necesidad de diagnosticar dichas características a partir de análisis automatizados sobre su arquitectura en diferentes fases de su construcción. Para automatizar los análisis arquitectónicos es necesario antes: definir el estilo arquitectónico, formalizarlo de manera que pueda ser interpretado por un sistema informático, definir las métricas correspondientes e implementar una herramienta que permita aplicarlas. Este trabajo muestra la definición del estilo arquitectónico de Cedrux como primer paso en el desarrollo de la herramienta para el análisis arquitectónico del mismo. Se basa en la definición del vocabulario arquitectónico y las restricciones estructurales, sintácticas y semánticas de los elementos que conforman la arquitectura. Finalmente se exponen las ideas del trabajo futuro a partir de los resultados mostrados

    Estilo arquitectónico para el sistema integrado de gestión Cedrux (Architectonical style for the management integrated system CEDRUX)

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    Resumen Cedrux es un sistema integrado de gestión que se desarrolla en la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (La Habana). Este sistema posee tres características que los identifican: es un sistema integral, modular y adaptable. Durante su desarrollo se ha determinado la necesidad de diagnosticar dichas características a partir de análisis automatizados sobre su arquitectura en diferentes fases de su construcción. Para automatizar los análisis arquitectónicos es necesario antes: definir el estilo arquitectónico, formalizarlo de manera que pueda ser interpretado por un sistema informático, definir las métricas correspondientes e implementar una herramienta que permita aplicarlas. Este trabajo muestra la definición del estilo arquitectónico de Cedrux como primer paso en el desarrollo de la herramienta para el análisis arquitectónico del mismo. Se basa en la definición del vocabulario arquitectónico y las restricciones estructurales, sintácticas y semánticas de los elementos que conforman la arquitectura. Finalmente se exponen las ideas del trabajo futuro a partir de los resultados mostrados. Abstract Cedrux is an integrated management system that is developed at the University of Computer Sciences (La Habana). This system has three identifying characteristics: it is integral, modular and adaptable. During its development, the need to diagnose these features has arisen from the automated analysis of their architecture at different stages of its construction. In order to automate the architectural analysis it is first necessary to a) define the architectural style, b) formalize it so that it can be interpreted by a computer system, c) define relevant metrics and d) implement a tool to apply them. This paper provides a definition of Cedrux architectural style as the first step in the development of that analytical tool. This is based on the definition of architectural vocabulary, together with structural, syntactic and semantic constraints of the elements of the architecture. Finally, further ideas and developments for future research are discussed

    Método basado en ontología para representar decisiones de diseño.

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    Para lograr el desarrollo de un sistema es necesario transitar por diversas etapas según la metodología de desarrollo que se adopte. Dentro de ellas se encuentra la etapa de diseño, en la cual se toman un conjunto de decisiones encaminadas a incrementar la productividad, reducir los costos de replanificación y retrabajo y obtener sistemas con la calidad suficiente para evitar catástrofes sobre todo en aquellas aplicaciones cuyo entorno de explotación se considere crítico. El objetivo de la presente investigación es realizar un método basado en ontologías para representar las decisiones de diseño tomadas durante la etapa de diseño. Como parte de la investigación se realizó una revisión sistémica a la bibliografía con el objetivo de identificar cómo se aborda el tema en cuestión por diferentes autores y se identificaron diversas decisiones de diseño. Como resultado de la investigación se elaboró un método, basado en ontología que permite representar las decisiones durante la etapa de diseño de un sistema

    Revisión de elementos conceptuales para la representación de las arquitecturas de referencias de software

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    La representación de conocimiento de las arquitecturas de referencias de software abarca elementos que particularizan una arquitectura de software, así como la descomposición y definición estándar de sus componentes. La presente investigación identifica las formas comunes para representar las arquitecturas de referencias de software; aporta además, los elementos relevantes de las arquitecturas y sus insuficiencias. Como resultado de la revisión se obtuvo que existen diferentes formas de representación para las arquitecturas de referencias de software, descritas usualmente en lenguaje natural, limitando el uso de herramientas o notaciones utilizadas para el análisis y reutilización de la información, así como el chequeo de la correctitud de las especificaciones. Los hallazgos relacionados con las arquitecturas de referencias de software se tendrán en cuenta para el desarrollo de una propuesta que permita representar el conocimiento arquitectónico relativo a las decisiones arquitectónicas y su razonamiento

    Revisión sobre directrices prácticas para la calidad del modelado de procesos de negocio

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    Las organizaciones se enfrentan a procesos cada vez más grandes y complejos, los modelos de procesos son clave para facilitar el entendimiento de los procesos en las organizaciones y en el diseño de sistemas de información. La etapa de modelado del negocio es crucial en el proceso de desarrollo de software debido a que los errores en el modelado pueden generar nefastas consecuencias en la calidad de un sistema. Considerando estos elementos, en este trabajo se realiza una revisión en la literatura científica sobre el modelado de procesos de negocio y su calidad, siguiendo una metodología definida previamente. Se obtiene como resultado que la tendencia en la comunidad científica está en la definición de directrices prácticas para el modelado de procesos de negocio que mejoran la comprensibilidad de los modelos. Estas directrices están enfocadas en mejorar estructuralmente los modelos para que sean más comprensibles. La utilización de un lenguaje de modelado no asegura que los modelos que se obtienen cuenten con características de calidad deseables, sino que además es vital contar con herramientas que permitan verificar que los modelos satisfagan adecuadamente las construcciones del lenguaje, incluyendo la utilización de directrices para el modelado y restricciones del dominio que pueden ser representadas a través de ontologías

    Framework based on MDA and ontology for the representation and validation of components model

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    Model Driven Architecture is one of the most prominent proposals in the area of software development, accepted by both the research community and software development industry. Moreover, in recent years have shown the potential of ontologies for representing a particular domain, example of this are the results in the semantic web. In this paper we present a proposal based on Model Driven Architecture paradigm and is complemented with ontology to represent and validate component models. This component model is restricted to the development of business management systems, so it includes concepts from that domain. The use of the framework will reduce the number of errors made during the development of the system architecture, will increase standardization and productivity at this stage

    Exploiting an Ontological Model to Study COVID-19 Contagion Chains in Sustainable Smart Cities

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the deaths of millions of people around the world. The scientific community faces a tough struggle to reduce the effects of this pandemic. Several investigations dealing with different perspectives have been carried out. However, it is not easy to find studies focused on COVID-19 contagion chains. A deep analysis of contagion chains may contribute new findings that can be used to reduce the effects of COVID-19. For example, some interesting chains with specific behaviors could be identified and more in-depth analyses could be performed to investigate the reasons for such behaviors. To represent, validate and analyze the information of contagion chains, we adopted an ontological approach. Ontologies are artificial intelligence techniques that have become widely accepted solutions for the representation of knowledge and corresponding analyses. The semantic representation of information by means of ontologies enables the consistency of the information to be checked, as well as automatic reasoning to infer new knowledge. The ontology was implemented in Ontology Web Language (OWL), which is a formal language based on description logics. This approach could have a special impact on smart cities, which are characterized as using information to enhance the quality of basic services for citizens. In particular, health services could take advantage of this approach to reduce the effects of COVID-19