196 research outputs found

    Photometric Recovery of Crowded Stellar Fields Observed with HST/WFPC2 and the Effects of Confusion Noise on the Extragalactic Distance Scale

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    We explore the limits of photometric reductions of crowded stellar fields observed with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 on board the Hubble Space Telescope. Two photometric procedures, based on the DoPHOT and DAOPHOT/ALLFRAME programs are tested, and the effects of crowding, complex sky background and cosmic-ray contamination are discussed using an extensive set of artificial star simulations. As a specific application of the results presented in this paper, we assess the magnitude of photometric biases on programs aimed at finding Cepheids and determining distances. We find that while the photometry in individual images can be biased too bright by up to 0.2 mag in the most crowded fields due to confusion noise, the effects on distance measurements based on Cepheid variables are insignificant, less than 0.02 mag (1% in distance) even in the most problematic cases. This result, which is at odds with claims recently surfaced in the literature, is due to the strict criteria applied in the selection of the variable stars, and the photometric cross checks made possible by the availability of multiple exposures in different filters which characterizes Cepheid observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP. 41 pages, 18 figures, 8 tables. The figures included with this submission are very low quality bitmap postscript, please see http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~laura/pub.htm for the full size image

    The Mid-Infrared Spectra of Normal Galaxies

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    The mid-infrared spectra (2.5 to 5 and 5.7 to 11.6 mu) obtained by ISO-PHOT reveal the interstellar medium emission from galaxies powered by star formation to be strongly dominated by the aromatic features at 6.2, 7.7, 8.6 and 11.3 mu. Additional emission appears in-between the features, and an underlying continuum is clearly evident at 3-5 mu. This continuum would contribute about a third of the luminosity in the 3 to 13 mu range. The features together carry 5 to 30% of the 40-to-120 mu `FIR' luminosity. The relative fluxes in individual features depend very weakly on galaxy parameters such as the far-infrared colors, direct evidence that the emitting particles are not in thermal equilibrium. The dip at 10 mu is unlikely to result from silicate absorption, since its shape is invariant among galaxies. The continuum component has a f_nu \~ nu^{0.65} shape between 3 and 5 mu and carries 1 to 4% of the FIR luminosity; its extrapolation to longer wavelengths falls well below the spectrum in the 6 to 12 mu range. This continuum component is almost certainly of non-stellar origin, and is probably due to fluctuating grains without aromatic features. The spectra reported here typify the integrated emission from the interstellar medium of the majority of star-forming galaxies, and could thus be used to obtain redshifts of highly extincted galaxies up to z=3 with SIRTF.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, uses AAS LaTeX; to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    A Cepheid Distance to NGC 4603 in Centaurus

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    In an attempt to use Cepheid variables to determine the distance to the Centaurus cluster, we have obtained images of NGC 4603 with the Hubble Space Telescope on 9 epochs using WFPC2 and the F555W and F814W filters. This galaxy has been suggested to lie within the ``Cen30'' portion of the cluster and is the most distant object for which this method has been attempted. Previous distance estimates for Cen30 have varied significantly and some have presented disagreements with the peculiar velocity predicted from redshift surveys, motivating this investigation. Using our observations, we have found 61 candidate Cepheid variable stars; however, a significant fraction of these candidates are likely to be nonvariable stars whose magnitude measurement errors happen to fit a Cepheid light curve of significant amplitude for some choice of period and phase. Through a maximum likelihood technique, we determine that we have observed 43 +/- 7 real Cepheids and that NGC 4603 has a distance modulus of 32.61 +0.11/-0.10 (random, 1 sigma) +0.24/-0.25 (systematic, adding in quadrature), corresponding to a distance of 33.3 Mpc. This is consistent with a number of recent estimates of the distance to NGC 4603 or Cen30 and implies a small peculiar velocity consistent with predictions from the IRAS 1.2 Jy redshift survey if the galaxy lies in the foreground of the cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 17 pages with 17 embedded figures and 3 tables using emulateapj.sty. Additional figures and images may be obtained from http://astro.berkeley.edu/~marc/n4603

    A Database of Cepheid Distance Moduli and TRGB, GCLF, PNLF and SBF Data Useful for Distance Determinations

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    We present a compilation of Cepheid distance moduli and data for four secondary distance indicators that employ stars in the old stellar populations: the planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF), the globular cluster luminosity function (GCLF), the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB), and the surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) method. The database includes all data published as of July 15, 1999. The main strength of this compilation resides in all data being on a consistent and homogeneous system: all Cepheid distances are derived using the same calibration of the period-luminosity relation, the treatment of errors is consistent for all indicators, measurements which are not considered reliable are excluded. As such, the database is ideal for inter-comparing any of the distance indicators considered, or for deriving a Cepheid calibration to any secondary distance indicator. Specifically, the database includes: 1) Cepheid distances, extinctions and metallicities; 2) apparent magnitudes of the PNLF cutoff; 3) apparent magnitudes and colors of the turnover of the GCLF (both in the V- and B-bands); 4) apparent magnitudes of the TRGB (in the I-band) and V-I colors at and 0.5 magnitudes fainter than the TRGB; 5) apparent surface brightness fluctuation magnitudes I, K', K_short, and using the F814W filter with the HST/WFPC2. In addition, for every galaxy in the database we give reddening estimates from DIRBE/IRAS as well as HI maps, J2000 coordinates, Hubble and T-type morphological classification, apparent total magnitude in B, and systemic velocity. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. Because of space limitations, the figures included are low resolution bitmap images. Original figures can be found at http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~laura/pub.ht

    The Variable Stars of the Draco Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy - Revisited

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    We present a CCD survey of variable stars in the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy. This survey, which has the largest areal coverage since the original variable star survey by Baade & Swope, includes photometry for 270 RR Lyrae stars, 9 anomalous Cepheids, 2 eclipsing binaries, and 12 slow, irregular red variables, as well as 30 background QSOs. Twenty-six probable double-mode RR Lyrae stars were identified. Observed parameters, including mean V and I magnitudes, V amplitudes, and periods, have been derived. Photometric metallicities of the ab-type RR Lyrae stars were calculated according to the method of Jurcsik & Kovacs, yielding a mean metallicity of = -2.19 +/- 0.03. The well known Oosterhoff intermediate nature of the RR Lyrae stars in Draco is reconfirmed, although the double-mode RR Lyrae stars with one exception have properties similar to those found in Oosterhoff type II globular clusters. The period-luminosity relation of the anomalous Cepheids is rediscussed with the addition of the new Draco anomalous Cepheids.Comment: Accepted to AJ. 61 pages, 14 figures, 10 table

    The HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale XXVI. The Calibration of Population II Secondary Distance Indicators and the Value of the Hubble Constant

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    A Cepheid-based calibration is derived for four distance indicators that utilize stars in the old stellar populations: the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB), the planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF), the globular cluster luminosity function (GCLF) and the surface brightness fluctuation method (SBF). The calibration is largely based on the Cepheid distances to 18 spiral galaxies within cz =1500 km/s obtained as part of the HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale, but relies also on Cepheid distances from separate HST and ground-based efforts. The newly derived calibration of the SBF method is applied to obtain distances to four Abell clusters in the velocity range between 3800 and 5000 km/s, observed by Lauer et al. (1998) using the HST/WFPC2. Combined with cluster velocities corrected for a cosmological flow model, these distances imply a value of the Hubble constant of H0 = 69 +/- 4 (random) +/- 6 (systematic) km/s/Mpc. This result assumes that the Cepheid PL relation is independent of the metallicity of the variable stars; adopting a metallicity correction as in Kennicutt et al. (1998), would produce a (5 +/- 3)% decrease in H0. Finally, the newly derived calibration allows us to investigate systematics in the Cepheid, PNLF, SBF, GCLF and TRGB distance scales.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 48 pages (including 13 figures and 4 tables), plus two additional tables in landscape format. Also available at http://astro.caltech.edu/~lff/pub.htm K' SBF magnitudes have been update

    Towards an Understanding of the Mid-Infrared Surface Brightness of Normal Galaxies

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    We report a mid-infrared color and surface brightness analysis of IC 10, NGC 1313, and NGC 6946, three of the nearby galaxies studied under the Infrared Space Observatory Key Project on Normal Galaxies. Images with < 9 arcsecond (170 pc) resolution of these nearly face-on, late-type galaxies were obtained using the LW2 (6.75 mu) and LW3 (15 mu) ISOCAM filters. Though their global I_nu(6.75 mu)/I_nu(15 mu) flux ratios are similar and typical of normal galaxies, they show distinct trends of this color ratio with mid-infrared surface brightness. We find that I_nu(6.75 mu)/I_nu(15 mu) ~< 1 only occurs for regions of intense heating activity where the continuum rises at 15 micron and where PAH destruction can play an important role. The shape of the color-surface brightness trend also appears to depend, to the second-order, on the hardness of the ionizing radiation. We discuss these findings in the context of a two-component model for the phases of the interstellar medium and suggest that star formation intensity is largely responsible for the mid-infrared surface brightness and colors within normal galaxies, whereas differences in dust column density are the primary drivers of variations in the mid-infrared surface brightness between the disks of normal galaxies.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, uses AAS LaTeX; to appear in the November Astronomical Journa
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