3 research outputs found

    Вплив термо-деформаційних параметрів на положення критичних точок і структури сталей типу cr13

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    A comparative analysis of existing thermokinetic diagrams for steels of Cr13 type according to chemical composition, temperature of critical points and stability of austenite to decay has been carried out. Experiments were carried out on the basis of which the thermokinetic diagrams of decomposition of supercooled austenite for a Cr13 steel with and without deformation were constructed, which allows us to get an idea of the processes of structural formation occurring in high-chrome steels during thermoformation processing.Проведен сравнительный анализ существующих термокинетических диаграмм для сталей типа Cr13 по химическому составу, температурам критических точек и устойчивости аустенита к распаду. Проведены эксперименты, по результатам которых построены термокинетические диаграммы распада переохлажденного аустенита для стали типа Cr13 с деформацией и без неё, что позволяет получить представление о процессах структурообразования, происходящих в высокохромистых сталях при термо-деформационной обработке.Проведено порівняльний аналіз існуючих термокинетичних діаграм для сталей типу Cr13 по хімічній складу, температурах критичних точок та стійкості аустеніту до розпаду. Проведені експерименти, за результатами яких побудовані термокинетичні діаграми розпаду переохлажденного аустенату для сталі типу Cr13 з деформацією і без неї, що дозволяє отримати представлення про процеси структурообразования, що виникають у високохромістих сталях при термо-деформаційній обробці

    Control of Photochemical Properties of Monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Amphiphilic Chromoionophores

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    Control of the structure of ultrathin films that determine the steric conditions of the passing of intermolecular interactions is one of the most promising methods of implementing the advantages of planar supramolecular systems as basic elements of nanosize information devices. This work studies the behavior of Langmuir monolayers of a new amphiphilic crown-substituted chromoionophore I on a water subphase. It is found that dithiaazacrown ether in molecule I selectively binds Hg2+ cations both in organic solvents and from aqueous subphase. The electronic absorption spectra of the monolayer showed that H-aggregation occurs actively in the course of two-dimensional compression on deionized water, which hinders the complexation process, while the presence of Na+ and Ba2+ cations in the subphase results in the effective inhibition of this aggregation. This conclusion is confirmed by spectral fluorimetric studies of monolayers of a dye with a similar structure that contains a chromophoric group with a much higher fluorescence quantum yield. Monolayer aggregation on deionized water at the surface pressure values of just 4-6 mN/m leads to the three to fourfold fluorescence quenching, while in the case of subphases containing inert (noncomplementary to the dye ionophoric fragment) cations, the compression of the monolayer to pressures of 25-30 mN/m reduces the fluorescence intensity by no more than 25-35%. It was thus found that variations in the subphase composition allows one to monitor the degree of aggregation of the monolayer and the efficiency of cation recognition

    Biological Effects of Acetamide, Formamide, and Their Monomethyl and Dimethyl Derivatives

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