9 research outputs found
This study is aimed to determine the effect of social media marketing on brand equity. The population in this study are students of SMK Permata Harapan. this study use non probability sampling methode with purposive sampling technique to obtain a sample of 40 people. The results of this study found social media marketing affect the brand equity of SMK Permata Harapa
Student Entrepreneurial Interest Entrepreneurial Knowledge and Social Media Usage
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of entrepreneurial knowledge and the use of social media on student entrepreneurial interest, both individually and simultaneously. This research method is quantitative, uses multiple linear regression models, and applies statistical analysis using SPSS software version 26. The research population includes STIE Galileo students in the even semester of 2022/2023, and the sampling technique was carried out using the Slovin formula, which resulted in 74 students as randomly selected samples. The results of this study indicate a significant influence between entrepreneurial knowledge and the use of social media on student entrepreneurial interest, both partially and jointly. The findings of this study can strengthen entrepreneurial knowledge and social media utilization as an effort to stimulate students' entrepreneurial interest
Bibliometric Analysis: Lecturers' Research Performance
The research performance of lecturers is very important for several reasons, both in terms of the development of higher education institutions and the broader contributions to society and scientific knowledge. This study aims to identify research trends related to lecturers' research performance from 2019 to 2024. To achieve this goal, a literature review method was used, employing bibliometric analysis with VOSviewer software. In this study, the applied method is a quantitative approach using bibliometric analysis. As a data source, 644 scientific publications from the ScienceDirect database were used, selected through a search with the keyword "lecturers' research performance." The results of this study indicate that the trends in lecturers' research performance encompass topics such as higher education, artificial intelligence, education, academic performance, teacher education, Covid-19, sustainability, and motivation. Therefore, future research is suggested to investigate keywords such as gender, employability, formative assessment, self-efficacy, and collaboration
The purpose of this research is to be able to see the influence of information quality and trust towards online buying decision case studies on student’s social media Instagram STMIK GICI Batam. This study design using quantitative methods the hypothesis by using SPSS 20 with multiple linear regression analysis.The sampling technique used is purposive sampling with the total sample of 55 students in STMIK GICI Batam. The result of this research is the quality of information have significant influence to the purchasing decision (Sig 0,002 <0,05), trust significantly influence to purchasing decision (Sig 0,003 <0,05), and quality of information and trust simultaneously influence to purchase decision (Sig 0,000 <0,05) online through social media users instagram STMIK GICI Batam students
Teknologi Tepat Guna Pembuatan Recycle Planter Dan Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA)
Utilization of waste for recycling planting or known as a recycled planter, where one of the results is in the form of a plastic container that can be used as a medium for planting TOGA (in Indonesian: Tanaman Obat Keluarga) (family physic medical plants). The recycle planter and TOGA have economic value and health and support the go green program. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an activity to introduce and practice the recycle planter and TOGA. This community service activity is carried out to provide a solution to this problem, where this service activity is carried out in three stages, namely 1) pre-field, 2) socialization, practice, and mentoring, and 3) report and publication preparation. This activity was carried out at RT 02 Tanjung Kertang Village, Galang District, Riau Archipelago Province. The results of this service are in the form of pot planters and TOGA products that can be used by residents. In addition, residents can also apply and practice how to make recycled planters and TOGA plastic containersPemanfaatan sampah untuk penanaman daur ulang atau dikenal dengan istilah recycle planter, dimana salah satu hasilnya dalam bentuk wadah yang dapat digunakan sebagai media untuk menanam TOGA (Tanaman Obat Keluarga), dimana recycle planter dan TOGA memiliki nilai ekonomi, kesehatan dan mendukung program go green. Oleh karena itu maka perlu dilakukan suatu kegiatan untuk memperkenalkan dan mempraktekan recycle planter dan TOGA. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk memberikan solusi permasalahan tersebut, dimana kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu 1) pra lapangan, 2) sosialisasi, praktek, dan pendampingan, dan 3) pembuatan laporan dan publikasi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di RT 02 Kelurahan Tanjung Kertang, Kecamatan Galang, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Untuk hasil dari pengabdian ini berupa produk pot recycle planter dan TOGA yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh warga. Selain itu warga dapat juga menerapkan dan mempraktekan cara membuat wadah recycle planter dan TOG
The purpose of this study is to determine the personal and psychological influence of STMIK GICI students either partially or simultaneously on their decision in shopping online. The sampling technique using purposive sampling of 50 STMIK GICI students as samples, to be analyzed then proccess the hypothesis testing. The results of this study are 1) there is a significant personal influence sig 0.000 <0.05 on online shopping decisions, 2) there is a significant psychological influence sig 0.000 on online shopping decisions, and 3) simultaneously personal and psychological have a significant influence sig 0.000 <0 , 05 on the decision to shop online in STMIK GICI students
Upaya Pengembangan SDM Guru PAUD Berbasis Kompetensi Profesional
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dari belum optimalnya basis kompetensi profesisional guru PAUD sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini berupaya untuk menemukan kaitan pengembangan SDM guru PAUD berbasis kompetensi professional dengan upaya strategis pengembangan SDM yang bertujuan menemukan model pengembangan SDM guru PAUD. Penelitian menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Dimana hasil penelitian menunjukan kompetensi profesional seperti keyakinan, nilai moral, karakteristik kepribadian, isu emosional, sikap professional, pengetahuan dasar, dan kemampuan intelektual memiliki peranan penting sehingga perlu dilakukan pengembangan SDM, dimana membutuhkan upaya strategis dari tiga kategori yaitu guru itu sendiri, rekan kerja maupun pihak sekolah. Upaya pengembangan SDM bisa dilakukan dengan pendampingan, pelatihan, study banding, workshop, pendidikan, kredensial berbasis kompetensi, pengembangan berbasis pengalaman, lesson study, upaya dari sisi kesejahtraan professional maupun meminimalkan stres dari guru PAUD dan pada penelitian ini tergambar model pengembangan SDM guru PAUD berbasis kompetensi professional. Kaitan, upaya strategis, dan model yang ditemukan memiliki dampak dalam memaksimalkan basis kompetensi profesional guru PAU
Pengaruh Beban Kerja, Lingkungan Kerja, Pengembangan Karir dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan
The results and analysis carried out in this study indicate that there are still problems that must be resolved. This study aims to determine the effect of workload, work environment, career development, and compensation on employee performance outcomes. This research uses quantitative research with survey method using multiple regression test. The population in this study was 63 people. Sampling was done by saturated sampling method where the total population was used as the research sample. Research data obtained by using a questionnaire instrument that has passed the validity and reliability test. The results of this study are that the workload, work environment, career development, and compensation have a joint or simultaneous effect on employee performance with the results of the F test with the acquisition of a calculated F value of 8.689 and the value of Sig. 0.000 (sign 0.000 < 0.05). Then on the results of the t test, it is known that the workload has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance with a t value of -0.654 and sig. 0,516, the work environment variable is known to have a positive and significant effect on employee performance with a t value of 2.693 and sig. 0.009, the career development variable is known to have no positive and significant effect on employee performance with a t value of 1.410 and sig. 0.164, the compensation variable is known to have a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance with a t value of -1.049 and sig. 0.299