10 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara Jumlah Kepesertaan Tenaga Kerja, Jumlah Kecelakaan Kerja, dan Jumlah Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja Perusahaan Kelompok Jenis Usaha III Peserta Program JKK pada PT Jamsostek Cabang Medan

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    Background: The membership of employees in Accident Benefit Program and occupational health and safety implementation at workplace are business-owner responsibility. Business group type III as the member of Employment Accident Benefit Program when not performing accident prevention efforts will not be expected to decrease employment accident to zero and it implicates in the escalation of employment accident claims.Method: The research periods were 4 months (April – August 2006) and located at PT Jamsostek Medan branch. Survey research with correlation setting was used as research method. The research samples involves 105 enterprises from business group type III as the member of Employment Accident Benefit Program at PT Jamsostek Medan Branch, which their employees experiencing employment accident during one year (January 1st until December 31st 2005), and being reported to PT Jamsostek Medan Branch and receives employment accident benefit. The research data that consist of number of employment accident and employment accident benefit were collected from Employment Accident Report Phase I (Jamsostek Form 3) and Employment Accident Report Phase II (Jamsostek Form 3a), and number of employee membership data of Accident Benefit Program at PT Jamsostek Medan Branch. Spearman\u27s product moment correlation was used to analyze data.Results: There is a significant relationship (p <0.01) between number of employees membership in Employment Accident Benefit Program and number of employment accident, regression coefficient was (r) = 0.258. There is strongly significant relationship (p < 0.01) between number of employment accident and number of employment accident benefit, correlation coefficient was (r) = 0.641.Conclusion: To reduce number of employment accident and employment accident benefit, business group type III must performs the occupational health and safety in order to generate healthy and safety workplace and to comply the occupational health And safety regulation. PT Jamsostek was expected to actively participating and continued supporting the occupational health and safety implementation by enterprises as the membership of Employment Accident Benefit Program and cooperates with Local Manpower Institution which also assigned on developing and supervising the occupational health and safety implementation

    Kinerja Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Perusahaan Peserta Program Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja pada PT Jamsostek Cabang Medan

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    Background: The high number of industrial accident is causedby management dysfunction in term of occupational healthand safety. The implementation of occupational health andmanagement system (OHSMS) established by the Regulationof The Minister of Manpower No. 05/1996, is a governmentpolicy that has to be implemented by the enterprises in theattempt to decrease industrial accident rate. The performanceof OHSMS implementation is assessed by OHSMS audit togather objective evidence from strength and weakness in theimplementation of occupational health and safety in work places.Method: The type of this research is survey research.Research sample was established based on the manpowernumber criteria of at least 100 people in each enterprise. Theperformance of OHSMS implementation based on 12 OHSMSaudit elements was known to be correlated with 5 OHSMSimplementation principles. One factor repeated observationvariance analysis was used to test the performance differenceof 12 OHSMS audit items and 5 OHSMS implementation principles.Result: A number of 53 (96.36%) enterprises fulfilled 0-60%criteria and 2 enterprises (3.64%) fulfilled 60-84% criteria from166 OHSMS audit criteria. The mean criteria fulfillment number(percentage) was highest achieved (scored 4) in 5th element(purchasing) that is 4 out from 7 criteria (57.14%) in 5th element.Mean score of 5th element was reached with the highestpercentage (74.87% from 5th element maximum score). F-testresult showed a significant difference (p < 0.01) in 12 OHSMSaudit elements performance and t-test showed variety betweeneach performance in 12 OHSMS audit elements. Mean criteriafulfillment number (percentage) was highest achieved (scored4) in 3rd principle that is 20 out of 67 criteria (29.85%) of 3rdprinciple. Principle 3 means score was reached with the highestpercentage (55.40% from 3rd principle maximum score). F-testresult showed a significant difference (p < 0.01) in 5 principlesof OHSMS implementation performance and t-test resulted invariety between each principle performance in 5 principles ofOHSMS implementation.Conclusion: Management should have a commitment andinvolve all workers in enhancing OHSMS implementationperformance to reduce industrial accident rate which lead toproductivity and work quality improvement.Keywords: industrial accident, registered enterprises in theemployment accident benefit program, the implementationperformance of occupational health and management syste

    The Difference of Work Posture in Musculo-skeletal Disorder Symptoms Among Sales Women in the Department Store

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    Background: Musculoskeletal complaints often occur in saleswomen who do awkward standing during work. Repair of standing position can reduce the risk of musculoskeletal pain. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of corrective work posture on alleviating musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) symptoms among saleswomen in the department store.Subjects and Method: This was a quasi experiment before and after with no control design conducted in Rantauprapat department store, North Sumatera. A sample of 30 sales women from the department store was selected for this study. The dependent variable was MSD scores as measured by Nordic Body Map (NBM). The independent variables were corrective work posture. The data before and after corrective work posture were compared and tested by t-test.Results: There was a difference between poor and good posture in MSD symptoms among saleswomen in the Department Store. Saleswomen with poor posture had higher MSD symptoms (mean 64.45) than those with good posture (53.39), and it was statistically significant (p= 0.001).Conclusions: Saleswomen with poor posture has higher MSD symptoms than those with good postureKeywords: musculoskeletal disorders, work posture correction, Nordic Body MapCorrespondence:Nailatun Nadrah. Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera, Medan, North Sumatera. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6281360661677Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2018), 3(1): 44-48https://doi.org/10.26911/theijmed.2018.03.01.0

    Effectiveness of Corrective Work Posture in Alleviating Musculoskeletal Disorder Symptoms among Saleswomen in The Department Store

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    Background: Musculoskeletal complaints often occur in saleswomen who do awkward standing during work. Repair of standing position can reduce the risk of musculoskeletal pain. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of corrective work posture on alleviating musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) symptoms among saleswomen in the department store. Subjects and Method: This was a quasi experiment before and after with no control design conducted in Rantauprapat department store, North Sumatera. A sample of 30 saleswomen from the department store was selected for this study. The dependent variable was MSD scores as measured by Nordic Body Map (NBM). The independent variables were corrective work posture. The data before and after corrective work posture were compared and tested by Wilcoxon test. Results: MSD scores 1, 2, and 3 days after corrective work posture were lower than before corrective work posture, and all of them were statistically significant. Conclusions: Corrective work posture is effective to alleviate MSD symptoms among saleswomen. Keywords: musculoskeletal disorders, work posture correction, Nordic Body Ma

    Penerapan Program Behavior Based Safety (Bbs) dan Kecelakaan Kerja di PT Inalum Kuala Tanjung Tahun 2014

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    Work accidents are mostly caused by unsafe behavior. Behavior Based Safety Program plays an important role to create zero accidents. The implementation of behavior-based safety program is focused to observe the behavior of a process to improve safe work behavior. This study used a descriptive research with cross sectional design approach which aimed to describe the application of behavior-based safety program and work accidents in PT. Inalum Kuala Tanjung year 2013-2014. The samples of this research were all employees which injured in PT.Inalum Kuala Tanjung year 2013 and 2014. The available data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the accident happened in 2013 mostly happened in the reduction factory as much as 2 times (40 %) and in 2014 mostly happened in the maintenance as much as 3 times (50%). Work accidents which occurred in 2013 and 2014 mostly caused by unsafe behavior. The application of behavior-based safety program is still new and needs to run a sustainable improvement especially inform improvements of Inalum Secure Card (ISC). The result of the evaluation Inalum Secure Card (IKA) conducted by safety promoter at each department or section each month. But not all safety promoter reported the result of the evaluation Inalum Secure Card (IKA) to section Inalum Internal Control (IIC). The application of Inalum Secure Card (IKA) have not given rewards and sanctions to the workers. Based on the results of the study, PT.Inalum Kuala Tanjung is expected to improve communication about Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), especially regarding the behavior-based safety program so that the workers could care and aware to behave a safety work to create Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) culture